28 resultados para Glioblastoma


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Our recent studies have shown that the FoxM1B transcription factor is overexpressed in human glioma tissues and that the level of its expression correlates directly with glioma grade. However, whether FoxM1B plays a role in the early development of glioma (i.e., in transformation) is unknown. In this study, we found that the FoxM1B molecule causes cellular transformation and tumor formation in normal human astrocytes (NHA) immortalized by p53 and pRB inhibition. Moreover, brain tumors that arose from intracranial injection of FoxM1B-expressing immortalized NHAs displayed glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) phenotypes, suggesting that FoxM1B overexpression in immortalized NHAs not only transforms the cells but also leads to GBM formation. Mechanistically, our results showed that overexpression of FoxM1B upregulated NEDD4-1, an E3 ligase that mediates the degradation and downregulation of phosphatase and tensin homologue (PTEN) in multiple cell lines. Decreased PTEN in turn resulted in the hyperactivation of Akt, which led to phosphorylation and cytoplasmic retention of FoxO3a. Blocking Akt activation with phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt inhibitors inhibited the FoxM1B-induced transformation of immortalized NHAs. Furthermore, overexpression of FoxM1B in immortalized NHAs increased the expression of survivin, cyclin D1, and cyclin E, which are important molecules for tumor growth. Collectively, these results indicate that overexpression of FoxM1B, in cooperation with p53 and pRB inhibition in NHA cells, promotes astrocyte transformation and GBM formation through multiple mechanisms.


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BACKGROUND: Excessive and abnormal accumulation of alpha-synuclein (α-synuclein) is a factor contributing to pathogenic cell death in Parkinson's disease. The purpose of this study, based on earlier observations of Parkinson's disease cerebrospinal fluid (PD-CSF) initiated cell death, was to determine the effects of CSF from PD patients on the functionally different microglia and astrocyte glial cell lines. Microglia cells from human glioblastoma and astrocytes from fetal brain tissue were cultured, grown to confluence, treated with fixed concentrations of PD-CSF, non-PD disease control CSF, or control no-CSF medium, then photographed and fluorescently probed for α-synuclein content by deconvolution fluorescence microscopy. Outcome measures included manually counted cell growth patterns from day 1-8; α-synuclein density and distribution by antibody tagged 3D model stacked deconvoluted fluorescent imaging. RESULTS: After PD-CSF treatment, microglia growth was reduced extensively, and a non-confluent pattern with morphological changes developed, that was not evident in disease control CSF and no-CSF treated cultures. Astrocyte growth rates were similarly reduced by exposure to PD-CSF, but morphological changes were not consistently noted. PD-CSF treated microglia showed a significant increase in α-synuclein content by day 4 compared to other treatments (p ≤ 0.02). In microglia only, α-synuclein aggregated and redistributed to peri-nuclear locations. CONCLUSIONS: Cultured microglia and astrocytes are differentially affected by PD-CSF exposure compared to non-PD-CSF controls. PD-CSF dramatically impacts microglia cell growth, morphology, and α-synuclein deposition compared to astrocytes, supporting the hypothesis of cell specific susceptibility to PD-CSF toxicity.


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EphB4 receptors, a member of the largest family of receptor tyrosine kinases, are found over-expressed in a variety of tumors cells including glioma cells as well as angiogenic blood vessels. Noninvasive imaging of EphB4 could potentially increase early detection rates, monitor response to therapy directed against EphB4, and improve patient outcomes. Targeted delivery of EphB4 receptor specific peptide conjugated hollow gold nanoshells (HAuNS) into tumors has great potential in cancer imaging and photothermal therapy. In this study, we developed an EphB4 specific peptide named TNYL-RAW and labeled with radioisotope 64Cu and Cy5.5 dye. We also conjugate this specific peptide with hollow gold nanoshells (HAuNS) to evaluate targeted photothermal therapy of cancers. In vitro, 64Cu-DOTA-TNYL- RAW specifically bind to CT26 and PC-3M cells but not to A549 cells. In vivo, Small-animal PET/CT clearly showed the significant uptake of 64Cu-DOTA-TNYL-RAW in CT26 and PC-3M tumors but not in A549 tumors. Furthermore, µPET/CT and near-infrared optical imaging clearly showed the uptake of the dual labeled TNYL-RAW peptide in both U251 and U87 tumors in the brains of nude mice. In U251 tumors, Cy5.5-labeled peptide can bind to EphB4-expressing tumor blood vessels and tumors cells. But in U87 models, dual labeled peptide only could bind to tumor associated blood vessels. Also, Irradiation of PC-3M and CT-26 cell treated with TNYL-PEG-HAuNS nanopatilces with near-infrared (NIR) laser resulted in selective destruction of these cells in vitro. EphB4 targeted TNYL-PEG-HAuNS showed more photothermal killing effect on CT26 tumor model than PEG-HAuNS did. In summary, tumors with overexpression of EphB4 receptors can be noninvasively visualized by micro PET/CT with 64Cu labeled or dual labeled TNYL-RAW peptide. Targeted delivery of TNYL-RAW conjugated HAuNS into tumors can greatly improve the treatment effect of photothermal therapy. The information acquired with this study should be advantageous in improving diagnostics and future applications in photothermal ablation therapy in clinical.


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The invariant chain associated with the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules is a non-polymorphic glycoprotein implicated in antigen processing and class II molecule intracellular transport. Class II molecules and invariant chain (In) are expressed primarily by B lymphocytes and antigen-presenting cells such as macrophages and can be induced by interferon gamma (IFN-$\gamma$) in a variety of cell types such as endothelial cells, fibroblasts, and astrocytes. In this study the cis-acting sequences involved in the constitutive, tissue-specific, and IFN-$\gamma$ induced expression of the human In gene were investigated and nuclear proteins which specifically bound these sequences were identified.^ To define promoter sequences involved in the regulation of the human In gene, 790 bp 5$\sp\prime$ to the initiation of transcription were subcloned upstream of the gene encoding chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT). Transfection of this construct into In expressing and non-expressing cell lines demonstrated that this 790 bp In promoter sequence conferred tissue specificity to the CAT gene. Deletion mutants were created in the promoter to identify sequences important for transcription. Three regulatory regions were identified $-$396 to $-$241, $-$241 to $-$216, and $-$216 to $-$165 bp 5$\sp\prime$ to the cap site. Transfection into a human glioblastoma cell line, U-373 MG, and treatment with IFN-$\gamma$, demonstrated that this 5$\sp\prime$ region is responsive to IFN-$\gamma$. An IFN-$\gamma$ response element was sublocalized to the region $-$120 to $-$61 bp. This region contains homology to the interferon-stimulated response element (ISRE) identified in other IFN responsive genes. IFN-$\gamma$ induces a sequence-specific DNA binding factor which binds to an oligonucleotide corresponding to $-$107 to $-$79 bp of the In promoter. This factor also binds to an oligonucleotide corresponding to $-$91 to $-$62 of the interferon-$\beta$ gene promoter, suggesting this factor may be member of the IRF-1/ISGF2, IRF-2, ICSBP family of ISRE binding proteins. A transcriptional enhancer was identified in the first intron of the In gene. This element, located in a 2.6 kb BamHI/PstI fragment, enhances the IFN-$\gamma$ response of the promoter in U-373 MG. The majority of the In enhancer activity was sublocalized to a 550 bp region $\sim$1.6 kb downstream of the In transcriptional start site. ^


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PAX6, a member of the paired-type homeobox gene family, is expressed in a partially and temporally restricted pattern in the developing central nervous system, and its mutation is responsible for human aniridia (AN) and mouse small eye (Sey). The objective of this study was to characterize the PAX6 gene regulation at the transcriptional level, and thereby gain a better understanding of the molecular basis of the dynamic expression pattern and the diversified function of the human PAX6 gene.^ Initially, we examined the transcriptional regulation of the PAX6 gene by transient transfection assays and identified multiple cis-regulatory elements that function differently in different cell lines. The transcriptional initiation site was identified by RNase protection and primer extension assays. Examination of the genomic DNA sequence indicated that the PAX6 promoter has a TATA like-box (ATATTTT) at $-$26 bp, and two CCAAT-boxes are located at positions $-$70 and $-$100 bp. A 38 bp ply (CA) sequence was located 992 bp upstream from the initiation site. Transient transfection assays in glioblastoma cells and leukemia cells indicate that a 92 bp region was required for basal level PAX6 promoter activity. Gel retardation assays showed that this 92 bp sequence can form four DNA-protein complexes which can be specifically competed by a 31-mer oligonucleotide containing a PAX6 TATA-like sequence or an adenovirus TATA box. The activation of the promoter is positively correlated with the expression of PAX6 transcripts in cells tested.^ Based on the results obtained from the in vitro transfection assays, we did further dissection assay and functional analysis in both cell-culture and transgenic mice. We found that a 5 kb upstream promoter sequence is required for the tissue specific expression in the forebrain region which is consistent with that of the endogenous PAX6 gene. A 267 bp cell-type specific repressor located within the 5 kb fragment was identified and shown to direct forebrain specific expression. The cell-type specific repressor element has been narrowed to a 30 bp region which contains a consensus E-box by in vitro transfection assays. The third regulatory element identified was contained in a 162 bp sequence (+167 to +328) which functions as a midbrain repressor, and it appeared to be required for establishing the normal expression pattern of the PAX6 gene. Finally, a highly conserved 216 bp sequence identified in intron 4 exhibited as a spinal cord specific enhancer. And this 216 bp cis-regulatory element can be used as a marker to trace the differentiation and migration of progenitor cells in the developing spinal cord. These studies show that the concerted action of multiple cis-acting regulatory elements located upstream and downstream of the transcription initiation site determines the tissue specific expression of PAX6 gene. ^


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Malignant brain tumors are one of the most challenging cancers affecting society today. In a recent survey, an estimated 17,000 annual cases were recorded with a staggering total of 13,300 deaths. A unique degree of heterogeneity typifies glial tumors and presents a challenge for solitary anti-neoplastic treatments. Tumors subsist as heterogeneous masses that progress through dysplasia to astrocytomas, mixed glioma and glioblastoma multiforme. Although traditional therapeutic approaches have provided increments of success, the median survival time remains 12 months. The urgency to improve upon current clinical protocols has encouraged alternative experimental strategies such as p53 adenoviral gene therapy (Ad-p53). This study addresses the efficacy of Ad-p53 for the treatment of glioma. Our model presents a tumor response that is unique among human cancers. Ad-p53 effectively induces apoptosis in mutant p53 expressing cells yet fails to do so in those with wildtype p53. In order to adopt Adp53 as a standard anti-cancer modality, we characterized the role of the tumor suppressor gene p53 in mediating apoptosis. We demonstrate that altering cellular p53 status through the introduction of a dominant negative mutant p53 (175H, 248W, 273H) sensitized cells to Ad-p53. We discovered that wild-type p53 expressing glioma cells retain the apoptotic machinery necessary to accomplish cell death, but have developed mechanisms that interfere with p53 signaling. Earlier studies have not addressed the mechanisms of Ad-p53 apoptosis nor the resistance exhibited by wild-type p53 glioma. To explain the divergent phenotypes, we identified apoptotic pathways activated and effectors of the response. We illustrated that modulation of the death receptor Fas/APO-1 is a principal means of Ad-p53 signaling that is impaired in wild-type p53 glioma. Moreover, the apoptotic response was found to be a multi-faceted process that engaged several caspases, most notably caspases -1, -3 and -8. Lastly, we assessed the ability of anti-apoptotic molecules Bcl-2 and CrmA to inhibit Ad-p53 apoptosis. These studies revealed that Ad-p53 is a powerful tool for inducing apoptosis that can be delayed but not inhibited by anti-apoptotic means. This work is critical for understanding the development of glioma and the phenotypic and genotypic alterations that account for tumor resistance. ^


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Analysis of the human genome has revealed that more than 74% of human genes undergo alternative RNA splicing. Aberrations in alternative RNA splicing have been associated with several human disorders, including cancer. ^ We studied the aberrant expression of alternative RNA splicing isoforms of the Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1 (FGFR1) gene in a human glioblastoma cancer model. Normal glial cells express the FGFR1α, which contains three extracellular domains. In tumors the most abundant isoform is the FGFR1β, which lacks the first extracellular domain due to the skipping of a single exon, termed alpha. The skipping of the α-exon is regulated by two intronic silencing sequences within the precursor mRNA. Since we observed no mutations on these elements in tumor cells, we hypothesized that the over-expression of regulatory proteins that recognize these sequences is responsible for the aberrant expression of splicing isoforms. Hence, we blocked the formation of protein complexes on the ISS using antisense RNA oligonucleotides in vitro. We also evaluated the impact of the ISS antisense oligonucleotides on the endogenous FGFR1 splicing, in a glioblastoma cell model. By targeting intronic regulatory elements we were able to increase the level of alpha exon inclusion up to 90% in glioblastoma cells. The effect was dose dependent, sequence specific and reproducible in glioblastoma and other cancer cells, which also exhibit an alpha exon skipping phenotype. Targeting FGFR1 endogenous ISS1 and ISS2 sequences did not have an additive or synergistic effect, which suggest a regulatory splicing mechanism that requires the interaction of complexes formed on these elements. An increase in the levels of the FGFR1α isoform resulted in a reduction in cell invasiveness. Also, a significant increase in the levels of caspase 3/7 activities, which is indicative of an elevation in apoptosis levels, suggests that expression of FGFR1β might be relevant for tumor survival. These studies demonstrate that it is possible to prevent aberrant expression of exon skipping events through the targeting of intronic regulatory elements, providing an important new therapeutic tool for the correction of human disease caused by alternative RNA splicing. ^


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The dramatic poor survival of patients diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a reflection of the struggles that accompany traditional treatments. Thus, the development of molecular-based targeted therapies represents new windows for intervention. In this study, we hypothesized that we could select peptide-ligands that selectively target GBM based on the idea that the glioma microenvironment may induce or modify the expression of cell surface receptors that could be accessed by circulating peptides. To select the peptides we employed two distinct in vivo screenings. First, a random phage-displayed peptide library was injected into mice bearing intracranial tumors. Phage that bound to tumor were recovered and sequenced. We found that the tumor-derived phage CLSYKGRC, CNKVSTKC and CQSSREKC were recovered with the highest frequencies and used for subsequent targeting experiments. Second, the phage peptide library was injected into mice without tumors and phage were recovered from brain and sequenced. A phage-displayed peptide (CRTIGPSVC) with homology to transferrin (Tf) was selected and injected into brain tumor-bearing mice. Results showed that after 6 hours of circulation, the CLSYKGRC, CNKVSTKC and CQSSREKC-phage selectively targeted GBM vasculature. In contrast, Tf-like phage accumulated outside the tumor blood vessels in the cytoplasm of cells located within GBM, suggesting it was internalized in vivo. However, after short periods of circulation this phage was restricted to the tumor vasculature. Importantly, none of the selected phage targeted normal brain cells in animals bearing intracranial tumors. An affinity column coupled to the CNKVSTKC zpeptide was used to identify receptors from GBM. Using mass-spectrometry Vimentin, a marker of glial malignancy, was identified as a potential receptor. Other studies showed that the Tf-like phage bound selectively to Apo-Tf (iron free), with no binding to Holo-Tf (iron loaded) or to Tf receptor (TfR). However, the binding of Tf-like phage to glioma cells that express TfR increased in the presence of Apo-Tf. Thus, the Tf-like phage could indirectly target TfR using the endogenous Tf pathway. We propose that the novel peptides identified in this study could be conjugated to therapeutic or imaging agents for use GBM. ^


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Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 2 (IGFBP2) is a protein known to be overexpressed in a majority of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) tumors. While it is known the IGFBP2 is involved in promoting GBM tumor cell invasion, no mechanism exists for how the protein is involved in signal transduction pathways leading to enhanced cell invasion. ^ We follow up on preliminary microarray data on IGFBP2-overexpressing GBM cells and protein sequence analysis of IGFBP2 in generating the hypothesis that IGFBP2 interacts with integnn α5 in regulating cell mobility. Microarray data showing upregulation of integrin α5 by IGFBP2 is validated and evidence of protein-protein interaction between IGFBP2 and integrin α5 is found. The exact binding domain on IGFBP2 responsible for its interaction with integrin α5 is also determined, confirming our initial findings and reaffirming that the IGFBP2/integrin α5 interaction is specific. Disruption of this interaction resulted in attenuation of IGFBP2-enhanced cell mobility. Further, we found that cell mobility is only enhanced when IGFBP2 and integrin α5 are both overexpressed and able to interact with each other. ^ We also determined fibronectin to be a critical player in the activation of the IGFBP2/integrin α5 pathway. The activation of this pathway appears to be progressive and initiates once GBM cells have sufficiently established anchorage. ^


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Glioblastoma multiforme is the most common form of brain cancer that presents patients with a poor prognosis that has remained unchanged over the past few decades. The tumor suppressor phosphatase PTEN antagonizes one of the major oncogenic pathways involved in the progression of glioblastoma, and is frequently deleted in this cancer type. Contrary to our expectations, we found that most glioblastoma cells expressing endogenous PTEN also harbor basal PI-3K/AKT activation mainly attributable to impaired PTEN membrane localization. This alteration correlated with a shift of the adaptor protein NHERF1, which contributes to PTEN membrane recruitment in normal cells, from the membrane to the cytoplasm. In cells expressing membrane-localized NHERF1, only simultaneous PTEN and NHERF1 depletion achieved AKT activation, suggesting the involvement of additional PI-3K/AKT suppressor regulated by NHERF1. We identified these novel interactors of NHERF1 as the PHLPP1 and PHLPP2 phosphatases. ^ NHERF1 directly interacted and recruited both PHLPP proteins to the membrane and, through both NHERF1 PDZ domains, assembled ternary complexes consisting of PTEN-NHERF1-PHLPP. Only simultaneous depletion of PTEN and PHLPP1 significantly activated AKT and increased proliferation in cells with membrane-localized NHERF1. Analysis of glioblastoma human tumors revealed frequent loss of membrane-localized NHERF1. On the other hand, targeting of NHERF1 to the membrane achieved suppression of AKT and cell proliferation. Our findings reveal a novel mechanism for PI-3K/AKT regulation by the synergistic cooperation between two important tumor suppressors, PTEN and PHLPP, via the scaffold protein NHERF1. ^


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Diffuse gliomas are highly lethal central nervous system malignancies which, unfortunately, are the most common primary brain tumor and also the least responsive to the very few therapeutic modalities currently available to treat them. IGFBP2 is a newly recognized oncogene that is operative in multiple cancer types, including glioma, and shows promise for a targeted therapeutic approach. Elevated IGFBP2 expression is present in high-grade glioma and correlates with poor survival. We have previously demonstrated that IGFBP2 induces glioma development and progression in a spontaneous glioma mouse model, which highlighted its significance and potential for future therapy. However, we did not yet know the key physiological pathways associated with this newly characterized oncogene. We first evaluated human glioma genomics data harnessed from the publicly available Rembrandt source to identify major pathways associated with IGFBP2 expression. Integrin and ILK, among other cell migration and invasion-related pathways, were the most prominently associated. We confirmed that these pathways are regulated by IGFBP2 in glioma cells lines, and demonstrated that 1) IGFBP2 activates integrin α5β1, leading to the activation of key pathways important in glioma; 2) IGFBP2 mediates cell migration pathways through ILK; and 3) IGFBP2 activates NF-kB via an integrin α5 interaction. We then sought to determine whether this was a physiologically active signaling pathway in vivo by assessing its ability to induce glioma progression in the RCAS/tv-a spontaneous glioma mouse model. We found that ILK is a key downstream mediator of IGFBP2 that is required for the induction of glioma progression. Most significantly, a genetic therapeutic approach revealed that perturbation of any point in the pathway thwarted tumor progression, providing strong evidence that targeting the key players could potentially produce a significant benefit for human glioma patients. The elucidation of this signaling pathway is a critical step, since efforts to create a small molecule drug targeting IGFBP2 have so far not been successful, but a number of inhibitors of the other pathway constituents, including ILK, integrin and NF-kB, have been developed.


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Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is an aggressive, high grade brain tumor. Microarray studies have shown a subset of GBMs with a mesenchymal gene signature. This subset is associated with poor clinical outcome and resistance to treatment. To establish the molecular drivers of this mesenchymal transition, we correlated transcription factor expression to the mesenchymal signature and identified transcriptional co-activator with PDZ-binding motif (TAZ) to be highly associated with the mesenchymal shift. High TAZ expression correlated with worse clinical outcome and higher grade. These data led to the hypothesis that TAZ is critical to the mesenchymal transition and aggressive clinical behavior seen in GBM. We investigated the expression of TAZ, its binding partner TEAD, and the mesenchymal marker FN1 in human gliomas. Western analyses demonstrated increased expression of TAZ, TEAD4, and FN1 in GBM relative to lower grade gliomas. We also identified CpG islands in the TAZ promoter that are methylated in most lower grade gliomas, but not in GBMs. TAZ-methylated glioma stem cell (GSC) lines treated with a demethylation agent showed an increase in mRNA and protein TAZ expression; therefore, methylation may be another novel way TAZ is regulated since TAZ is epigenetically silenced in tumors with a better clinical outcome. To further characterize the role of TAZ in gliomagenesis, we stably silenced or over-expressed TAZ in GSCs. Silencing of TAZ decreased invasion, self-renewal, mesenchymal protein expression, and tumor-initiating capacity. Over-expression of TAZ led to an increase in invasion, mesenchymal protein expression, mesenchymal differentiation, and tumor-initiating ability. These actions are dependent on TAZ interacting with TEAD since all these effects were abrogated with TAZ could not bind to TEAD. We also show that TAZ and TEAD directly bind to mesenchymal gene promoters. Thus, TAZ-TEAD interaction is critically important in the mesenchymal shift and in the aggressive clinical behavior of GBM. We identified TAZ as a regulator of the mesenchymal transition in gliomas. TAZ could be used as a biomarker to both estimate prognosis and stratify patients into clinically relevant subgroups. Since mesenchymal transition is correlated to tumor aggressiveness, strategies to target and inhibit TAZ-TEAD and the downstream gene targets may be warranted in alternative treatment.


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Gliomas are primary central nervous system (CNS) neoplasms that are believed to arise from astrocytes, oligodendrocytes or their precursors. Gliomas can be classified into two major histopathological groups: oligodendroglial and astroglial tumors. The most malignant of the astroglial tumors is glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). A great deal of genetic and epigenetic alterations have been implicated in gliomagenesis. In particular, PDGF signaling is frequently over-activated in a large number of human gliomas. In order to gain insights into the biology of gliomas, we manage to model human gliomas in mice using a somatic gene transfer approach—RCAS/TVA system. In our previous study, combined activation of AKT and RAS pathways gave rise to glioblastomas from CNS progenitors. In the present study, we demonstrate that in vivo autocrine PDGF stimulation induces oligodendrogliomas and mixed oligoastrocytomas from CNS progenitors and differentiated astrocytes respectively. In culture autocrine PDGF stimulation dedifferentiates astrocytes into progenitor-like cells and blockade of PDGF signaling reverses these phenotypic changes. Experimental disruption of cell cycle arrest pathway, such as Ink4a-Arf loss, is not required for the initiation of PDGF-induced gliomagenesis; instead, this mutation contributes to the tumor progression by enhancing tumor malignancy and shortening tumor latency. P53 deficiency does not promote the PDGF-induced gliomagenesis. In addition, 1p and 19q, often deleted in human oligodendrogliomas, remain intact in these PDGF-induced gliomas. Therefore, our studies suggest that autocrine PDGF stimulation alone may be sufficient to induce gliomagenesis. In contrast to transient stimulation in vitro, constitutive PDGF stimulation activates neither AKT nor RAS/MAPK pathways during gliomagenesis. This results in the formation of oligodendrogliomas, instead of glioblastomas. Sustained activation of the AKT pathway converts PDGF-induced oligodendrogliomas into astrocytomas. Our studies suggest that constitutive PDGF stimulation is not equivalent to transient PDGF stimulation, and that a transition between oligodendroglial and astroglial tumors in humans may be possible, depending on additional alterations. In summary, PDGF signaling plays a pivotal role in gliomagenesis in the mouse, and its hyperactivity is capable of contributing to both oligodendroglial and astroglial tumorigenesis. ^