20 resultados para Genes p53


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p53 plays a role in cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. p53 has also been shown to be involved in DNA replication. To study the effect of p53 on DNA replication, we utilized a SV40 based shuttle vector system. The pZ402 shuttle vector, was constructed with a mutated T-antigen unable to interact with p53 but able to support replication of the shuttle vector. When a transcriptional activation domain p53 mutant was tested for its ability to inhibit DNA replication no inhibition was observed. Competition assays with the DNA binding domain of p53 was also able to block the inhibition of DNA replication by p53 suggesting that p53 can inhibit DNA replication through the transcriptional activation of a target gene. One likely target gene, p21$\sp{\rm cip/waf}$ was tested to determine whether p53 inhibited DNA replication by transcriptionally activating p21$\sp{\rm cip/waf}$. Two independent approaches utilizing p21$\sp{\rm cip/waf}$ null cells or the expression of an anti-sense p21$\sp{\rm cip/waf}$ expression vector were utilized. p53 was able to inhibit pZ402 replication independently of p21$\sp{\rm cip/waf}$. p53 was also able to inhibit DNA replication independent of the p53 target genes Gadd45 and the replication processivity factor PCNA. The inhibition of DNA replication by p53 was also independent of direct DNA binding to a consensus site on the replicating plasmid. p53 mutants can be classified into two categories: conformational and DNA contact mutants. The two types of p53 mutants were tested for their effects on DNA replication. While all conformational mutants were unable to inhibit DNA replication three out of three DNA contact mutants tested were able to inhibit DNA replication. The work here studies the effect wild-type and mutant p53 has on DNA replication and demonstrated a possible mechanism by which wild-type p53 could inhibit DNA replication through the transcriptional activation of a target gene. ^


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The p53 gene is known to be one of the most commonly mutated genes in human cancers. Many squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck (SCCHNs) have been shown to contain nonfunctional p53 as well. The use of p53-mediated gene therapy to treat such cancers has become an intensive area of research. Although there have been varied treatment responses to p53 gene therapy, the role that endogenous p53 status plays in this response has not been thoroughly examined. Because of this, the hypothesis of this study examined the role that the endogenous p53 status of cells plays in their response to p53 gene therapy. To test this, an adenoviral vector containing p53 (p53FAd) was administered to three squamous cell carcinoma lines with varied endogenous p53. The SCC9 cell line demonstrates no p53 protein expression, the SCC4 cell line displays overexpression of a mutant p53 protein, and the 1986LN cell line displays low to no expression of wild-type p53 protein as a consequence of human papillomavirus infection. After treatment with p53FAd, the cells were examined for evidence of exogenous p53 expression, growth suppression, alterations in cellular proteins, G1 growth arrest, apoptosis, and differentiation state. Each cell line exhibited exogenous p53 protein. Growth suppression was seen most prominently in the SCC9 cells, to some extent in the 1986LN cells, and little was seen with the SCC4 cells. WAF1/p21 protein was induced in all three cell lines, while PCNA, bcl-2, and bax expression was not significantly affected in any of the lines. Apoptosis developed first in SCC9 cells, next in 1986LN cells, with little seen in the SCC4 cells. The SCC9 line was the only line to show significant GI growth arrest. No significant differences were observed in the overall expression of differentiation markers, aside from increased keratin 13 mRNA levels in all three lines indicating a possible tendency toward differentiation. This study indicates that the endogenous p53 status of squamous cell carcinomas appears to play a critical role in determining the response to p53 adenoviral gene therapy. ^


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p53 is required for the maintenance of the genomic stability of cells. Mutations in the p53 tumor-suppressor gene occur in more than 50% of human cancers of diverse types. In addition, 70% of families with Li-Fraumeni syndrome have a germline mutation in p53, predisposing these individuals to multiple forms of cancer. In response to DNA damage, p53 becomes stabilized and activated. However the exact mechanism by which DNA damage signals the stabilization and activation of p53 still remains elusive. The biochemical activity of p53 that is required for tumor suppression, and presumably the cellular response to DNA damage, involves the ability of the protein to bind to specific DNA sequences and to function as a transcription factor. For the downstream targets, p53 transactivates many genes involved in growth arrest, apoptosis and DNA repair such as p21, Bax and GADD45, respectively. An open question in the field is how cells can determine the downstream effects of p53. ^ We hypothesize that, through its associated proteins, p53 can differentially transactivate its target genes, which determine its downstream effect. Additionally, p53 interacting proteins may be involved in signaling for the stabilization and activation of p53. Therefore, a key aspect to understanding p53 function is the identification and analysis of proteins that interact with it. We have employed the Sos recruitment system (SRS), a cytoplasmic yeast two-hybrid screen to identify p53 interacting proteins. The SRS is based on the ability of Sos to activate Ras when it becomes localized to the plasma membrane. The system takes advantage of an S. cerevisiae strain, cdc25-2 temperature sensitive mutant, harboring a mutation in Sos. In this strain, fusion proteins containing a truncated Sos will only localize to the membrane by protein-protein interaction, which allows growth at non-permissive temperature. This system allows the use of intact transcriptional activators such as p53. ^ To date, using a modified SRS library screen to identify p53 interacting proteins, I have identified p53 (known to interact with itself) and a novel p53-interacting protein (PIP). PIP is a specific p53 interacting protein in the SRS. The interaction of p53 and PIP was further confirmed by performing in vitro and in vivo binding assays. In the in vivo binding study, the interaction can only be detected in the presence of ionizing radiation suggesting that this interaction might be involved in DNA-damage induced p53-signalling pathway. After screening cDNA and genomic libraries, a full-length PIP-cDNA clone ( ∼ 3kb) was obtained which encodes a protein of 429 amino acids with calculated molecular weight of 46 kDa. The results of genebank search indicated that the PIP is an unidentified gene and contains a conserved ring-finger domain, which is present in a diverse family of regulatory proteins involved in different aspects of cellular function. Northern blot analysis revealed that the size of its messenge is approximately 3 kb preferentially expressed in brain, heart, liver and kidney. The PIP protein is mainly located in the cytoplasm as determined by the cellular localization of a green fluorescence fusion protein. Preliminary functional analysis revealed that PIP downregulated the transactivation activity of p53 on both p21 and mdm2 promoters. Thus, PIP may be a novel negative regulator of p53 subsequent to DNA damage. ^


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The tumor suppressor p53 is mutated in over 50% of human sporadic tumors originating from diverse tissues. p53 responds to DNA damage and cell stress by activating the transcription of a variety of target genes, the protein products of which then initiate either growth arrest or apoptosis. ^ A p53 target with a particularly intriguing function is the oncogene MDM2. MDM2 functions, in part, by binding to and inhibiting p53's activity. Overexpression of MDM2, by gene amplification, has been found in 30% of human sarcomas harboring a wild type p53, indicating that an increase in MDM2 levels is sufficient for p53 inactivation. Mice carrying a homozygous null allele for mdm2 exhibit an early embryonic lethality that is completely rescued in a p53-null background. These data indicate that MDM2's only critical function in early mouse embryogenesis is the negative regulation of p53. ^ The mdmx gene is the first additional member of the mdm2 gene family to be isolated. MDMX, like MDM2, contains a RING-finger domain, ATP binding domain and a p53 binding domain, which retains the ability to bind and inhibit p53 transactivation in vitro. However, mdmx does not appear to be transcriptionally regulated by p53. We have cloned and characterized the murine mdmx genomic locus from a mouse 129 genomic library. The mdmx gene contains 11 exons, spans approximately 37 Kb of DNA, and is located on mouse chromosome 1. The genomic organization of the mdmx gene is identical to that of mdm2 except at the 5′ end of the gene near the p53 responsive element. Northern expression analysis of mdmx transcripts during mouse embryogenesis and in adult tissues revealed constitutive and ubiquitous expression throughout adult tissues and embryonic development. To determine the in vivo function of MDMX, mice carrying a null allele of mdmx have been generated. Mdmx homozygous null mice are early embryonic lethal. Mdmx null mice do not develop beyond 9.5 dpc and can be discerned by gross dissection as early as 7.5 dpc. Utilizing TUNEL and BrdU assays on 7.5 dpc histological sections we have determined that the mutant embryos are dying due to increased levels of growth arrest, but not apoptosis. Surprisingly, Mdmx homozygous null mice are viable in a p53 null background, indicating that MDMX is also very important in the negative regulation of p53. ^


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The p53 tumor suppressor protein plays a major role in cellular responses to anticancer agents that target DNA. DNA damage triggers the accumulation of p53, resulting in the transactivation of genes, which induce cell cycle arrest to allow for repair of the damaged DNA, or signal apoptosis. The exact role that p53 plays in sensing DNA damage and the functional consequences remain to be investigated. The main goal of this project was to determine if p53 is directly involved in sensing DNA damage induced by anticancer agents and in mediating down-stream cellular responses. This was tested in two experimental models of DNA damage: (1) DNA strand termination caused by anticancer nucleoside analogs and (2) oxidative DNA damage induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS). Mobility shift assays demonstrated that p53 and DNA-PK/Ku form a complex that binds DNA containing the anticancer nucleoside analog gemcitabine monophosphate in vitro. Binding of the p53-DNA-PK/Ku complex to the analog-containing DNA inhibited DNA strand elongation. Furthermore, treatment of cells with gemcitabine resulted in the induction of apoptosis, which was associated with the accumulation of p53 protein, its phosphorylation, and nuclear localization, suggesting the activation of p53 to trigger apoptosis following gemcitabine induced DNA strand termination. The role of p53 as a DNA damage sensor was further demonstrated in response to oxidative DNA damage. Protein pull-down assays demonstrated that p53 complexes with OGG1 and APE, and binds DNA containing the oxidized DNA base 8-oxoG. Importantly, p53 enhances the activities of APE and OGG1 in excising the 8-oxoG residue as shown by functional assays in vitro. This correlated with the more rapid removal of 8-oxoG from DNA in intact cells with wild-type p53 exposed to exogenous ROS stress. Interestingly, persistent exposure to ROS resulted in the accelerated onset of apoptosis in cells with wild-type p53 when compared to isogenic cells lacking p53. Apoptosis in p53+/+ cells was associated with accumulation and phosphorylation of p53 and its nuclear localization. Taken together, these results indicate that p53 plays a key role in sensing DNA damage induced by anticancer nucleoside analogs and ROS, and in triggering down-stream apoptotic responses. This study provides new mechanistic insights into the functions of p53 in cellular responses to anticancer agents. ^