19 resultados para Functional Ability


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Ras proteins serve as crucial signaling modulators in cell proliferation through their ability to hydrolyze GTP and exist in a GTP “on” state and GTP “off” state. There are three different human Ras isoforms: H-ras, N-ras and K-ras (4A and 4B). Although their sequence identity is very high at the catalytic domain, these isoforms differ in their ability to activate different effectors and hence different signaling pathways. Much of the previous work on this topic has attributed this difference to the hyper variable region of Ras proteins, which contains most of the sequence variance among the isoforms and encodes specificity for differential distribution in the membrane. However, we hypothesize that sequence variation on lobe II of Ras catalytic domain alters dynamics and leads to differential preference for different effectors or modulators. In this work, we used all atom molecular dynamics to analyze the dynamics in the catalytic domain of H-ras and K-ras. We have also analyzed the dynamics of a transforming mutant of H-ras and K-ras and further studied the dynamics of an effectorselective mutant of H-ras. Collectively we have determined that wild type K-ras is more dynamic than H-ras and that the structure of the effector binding loop more closely resembles that of the T35S Raf-selective mutant, possibly giving us a new view and insight into the v mode of effector specificity. Furthermore we have determined that specific mutations at the same location perturb the conformational equilibrium differently in H-ras and K-ras and that an enhanced oncogenic potential may arise from different structural perturbations for each point mutation of a specific isoform.


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The tumor-suppressing function of p53 can be affected in a variety of manners. Here, we describe a novel mechanism of transformation by mutant p53. Previously, it had been believed that mutant p53 molecules transform cells by oligomerizing with wild-type p53 and inactivating it. However, we demonstrated that there exists an additional mechanism of inactivation of p53 available to p53 mutants. It involves sequestration of cofactors necessary to p53, and subsequent interruption of its transactivation and tumor suppression functions. The p53 amino or carboxyl termini, known to interact with a large number of cellular factors, can affect wild-type p53 in this manner. Although they are unable to oligomerize with wild-type p53, they transform cells containing p53, and inhibit its transactivation ability. In addition, they interrupt growth suppression by p53, but not RB, confirming that they specifically affect p53 function, rather than having a general growth-stimulatory phenomenon. Also, we have cloned a p53 tumor mutation which results in expression of the amino terminus of p53. This provides a means to study the factor-sequestration transforming mechanism in vivo. Additionally, we found that the published sequence of the mdm2 gene is in error. mdm2 is a gene intimately involved with p53, blocking its ability to transform cells. Finally, previous data had established the influence of cell-cycle status on p53 function. In growth-arrested cells, wild-type p53 expressed by a transgene cannot activate transcription, but if these cells are forced to cycle by addition of cyclin E, p53 once again becomes functional. In this study, we extend these findings by examining only those cells successfully transfected, using fluorescence-activated cell sorting. Our results support the previous data, that cyclin E pushes growth-arrested cells back into the cell cycle. In summary, we have demonstrated the potential importance of cofactor association and protein modification to the abilities of p53 to cause transcription activation and repression, inhibition of DNA replication and induction of DNA repair, and initiation of cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis. Further elucidation of these processes and their roles in tumor suppression will prove fascinating indeed. ^


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Human heparin/heparan sulfate interacting protein/L29 (HIP/L29) is a heparin/heparan sulfate (Hp/HS) binding protein found in many adult human tissues. Potential functions of this protein are promotion of embryo adhesion, modulation of blood coagulation, and control of cell growth. While these activities are diverse, the ability of human HIP/L29 to interact with Hp/HS at the cell surface may be a unifying mechanism of action since Hp/HS influences all of these processes. A murine ortholog has been identified that has 78.8% homology over the entire sequence and identity over the N-terminal 64 amino acids when compared to human HIP/L29. Northern, Western, and immunohistochemical analysis shows that murine HIP/L29 mRNA and protein are expressed in a tissue specific manner. Murine HIP/L29 is enriched in the membrane fraction of NmuMG cells where it is eluted with high salt, suggesting that it is a peripheral membrane protein. The ability of murine HIP/L29 to bind Hp is verified by studies using native and recombinant forms of murine HIP/L29. A synthetic peptide (HIP peptide-2) derived from the identical N-terminal region of HIP/L29 proteins was tested for the ability to bind Hp and support cell adhesion. This peptide was chosen because it conforms to a proposed consensus sequence for Hp/HS binding peptides. HIP peptide-2 binds Hp in a dose-dependent, saturable, and selective manner and supports Hp-dependent cell adhesion. However, a scrambled form of this peptide displayed similar activities indicating a lack of peptide sequence specificity required for activity. Lastly, an unbiased approach was used to identify sequences within human and mouse HIP/L29 proteins necessary for Hp/HS binding. A panel of recombinant proteins was made that collectively are deficient in every human HIP/L29 domain. The activities of these deletion mutants and recombinant murine HIP/L29 were compared to the activity of recombinant human HIP/L29 in a number of assays designed to look at differences in the ability to bind Hp/HS. These studies suggest that each domain within human HIP/L29 is important for binding to Hp/HS and divergences in the C-terminus of human and mouse HIP/L29 account for a decrease in murine HIP/L29 affinity for Hp/HS. It is apparent that multiple domains within human and mouse HIP/L29 contribute to the function of Hp/HS binding. The interaction of multiple HIP/L29 domains with Hp/HS will influence the biological activity of HIP/L29 proteins. ^


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The p53 tumor suppressor gene product is negatively regulated by the product of its downstream target, mdm2. The mdm2 oncogene abrogates p53 transactivation function. Amplification of mdm2 occurs in 36% of human sarcomas, which often retain p53 in wild type form, suggesting that overexpression of mdm2 in tumors results in p53 inactivation. Thus, the relationship of p53 to mdm2 is important in tumorigenesis. The deletion of mdm2 in the mouse results in embryonic lethality by 5.5 days post coitum. Embryonic lethality of the mdm2 null embryos was overcome by simultaneous loss of the p53 tumor suppressor, which substantiates the importance of the negative regulatory function of MDM2 on p53 function in vivo. These data suggest that the loss of MDM2 function allowed the constitutively active p53 protein to induce either a complete G1 arrest or the p53-dependent apoptotic pathway, resulting in the death of the mdm2−/− embryos.^ The present study examines the hypothesis that the absence of mdm2 induces apoptosis due to p53 activation. Viability of the p53−/−mdm2−/− mice has allowed establishment of mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs) and a detailed examination of the properties of these cells. To introduce p53 into this system, and essentially recreate a mdm2 null cell, a temperature sensitive p53 (tsp53) point mutant (A135V) was used, which exhibits a nonfunctional, mutant conformation at 39°C and wild type, functional conformation at 32°C. Infected pools of p53−/− and p53−/−mdm2−/− MEFs with the tsp53 gene were established and single-cell clonal populations expressing tsp53 were selected. Shifting the cells from 39°C to 32°C caused p53−/−mdm2 −/− lines expressing tsp53 to undergo up to 80% apoptosis, which did not occur in the p53−/− lines expressing tsp53 nor the parental lines lacking p53 expression. Furthermore, the amount of p53 present in the clonal population determined the extent of apoptosis. Tsp53 is transcriptionally active in this system, however, it discriminates among different target promoters and does not induce the apoptosis effector targets bax or Fas/Apo1. ^ In summary, this study indicates that the presence or absence of mdm2 is the determining factor for the ability of p53 to trigger apoptosis in this system. The loss of mdm2 promotes p53-dependent apoptosis in MEFs in a cell cycle and dose-dependent manner. p53 is differentially phosphorylated in the presence and absence of mdm2, but does not induce the apoptosis effectors, bax or Fas/ Apo1. ^