27 resultados para Febrile Illnesses
Emergency Departments (EDs) and Emergency Rooms (ERs) are designed to manage trauma, respond to disasters, and serve as the initial care for those with serious illnesses. However, because of many factors, the ED has become the doorway to the hospital and a “catch-all net” for patients including those with non-urgent needs. This increase in the population in the ED has lead to an increase in wait times for patients. It has been well documented that there has been a constant and consistent rise in the number of patients that frequent the ED (National Center for Health Statistics, 2002); the wait time for patients in the ED has increased (Pitts, Niska, Xu, & Burt, 2008); and the cost of the treatment in the ER has risen (Everett Clinic, 2008). Because the ED was designed to treat patients who need quick diagnoses and may be in potential life-threatening circumstances, management of time can be the ultimate enemy. If a system was implemented to decrease wait times in the ED, decrease the use of ED resources, and decrease costs endured by patients seeking care, better outcomes for patients and patient satisfaction could be achieved. The goal of this research was to explore potential changes and/or alternatives to relieve the burden endured by the ED. In order to explore these options, data was collected by conducting one-on-one interviews with seven physicians closely tied to a Level 1 ED (Emergency Room physicians, Trauma Surgeons and Primary Care physicians). A qualitative analysis was performed on the responses of one-on-one interviews with the aforementioned physicians. The interviews were standardized, open-ended questions that probe what makes an effective ED, possible solutions to improving patient care in the ED, potential remedies for the mounting problems that plague the ED, and the feasibility of bringing Primary Care Physicians to the ED to decrease the wait times experienced by the patient. From the responses, it is clear that there needs to be more research in this area, several areas need to be addressed, and a variety of solutions could be implemented. The most viable option seems to be making the ED its own entity (similar to the clinic or hospital) that includes urgent clinics as a part of the system, in which triage and better staffing would be the most integral part of its success.^
Background. Beginning September 2, 2005, San Antonio area shelters received approximately 12,700 evacuees from Hurricane Katrina. Two weeks later, another 12,000 evacuees from Hurricane Rita arrived. By mid-October, 2005, the in-shelter population was 1,000 people. There was concern regarding the potential for spread of infectious diseases in the shelter. San Antonio Metropolitan Health District (SAMHD) established a syndromic surveillance system with Comprehensive Health Services (CHS) who provided on-site health care. CHS was in daily contact with SAMHD to report symptoms of concern until the shelter closed December 23, 2005. ^ Study type. The objective of this study was to assess the methods used and describe the practical considerations involved in establishing and managing a syndromic surveillance system, as established by the SAMHD in the long-term shelter clinic maintained by CHS for the hurricane evacuees. ^ Methods. Information and descriptive data used in this study was collected from multiple sources, primarily from the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District’s 2006 Report on Syndromic Surveillance of a Long-Term Shelter by Hausler & Rohr-Allegrini. SAMHD and CHS staff ensured that each clinic visit was recorded by date, demographic information, chief complaint and medical disposition. Logs were obtained daily and subsequently entered into a Microsoft Access database and analyzed in Excel. ^ Results. During a nine week period, 4,913 clinic visits were recorded, reviewed and later analyzed. Repeat visits comprised 93.0% of encounters. Chronic illnesses contributed to 21.7% of the visits. Approximately 54.0% were acute care encounters. Of all encounters, 17.3% had infectious disease potential as primarily gastrointestinal and respiratory syndromes. Evacuees accounted for 86% and staff 14% of all visits to the shelter clinic. There were 782 unduplicated individuals who sought services at the clinic, comprised of 63% (496) evacuees and 36% (278) staff members. Staff were more likely to frequent the clinic but for fewer visits each. ^ Conclusion. The presence of health care services and syndromic surveillance provided the opportunity to recognize, document and intervene in any disease outbreak at this long-term shelter. Constant vigilance allowed SAMHD to inform and reassure concerned people living and working in the shelter and living outside the shelter.^
Asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, sinusitis and hay fever have previously been documented as risk factors for future depression in a wide variety of populations. Likewise, belonging to a higher income category has been found to place a person at risk for any type of depression. This study investigates whether an interactive effect between personal income and the presence of any of the four aforementioned respiratory illnesses contribute to an increased risk for depression. Using the National Health and Nutrition Health Examination Survey cross-sectional survey for 2005-2006, analysis of an interaction term for each illness in the presence of confounding factors such as age, smoking status, past or present diagnosis of diabetes, coronary heart disease and heart attack was made within six distinct racial/ethnic and sex subgroups. Generally, interaction terms were found to be non-significant in nature, except hay fever and COPD where in a few subgroups where the interaction term conferred a protective or risk influence depending on the subgroup analyzed. These findings are discussed in light of potential social costs of having certain respiratory illnesses by individuals in higher income categories and the effect of severity within each illness on the resulting risk or protective effect of the interaction term.^
Vitamin D is essential in maintaining the bone health and Calcium homeostasis in the body. These actions are mediated through the Vitamin D receptors (VDR) present in cells through which the activated vitamin D acts [1]. In the past, it was known that these receptors existed in the intestine and bone cell. However, recent discovery of VDR in other tissues as well, has broadened the action of Vitamin D and increased its adequate intake [1].^ In the past, Vitamin D deficiency was most common among institutionalized, elderly patients and children and thought to be extinct in the healthy population. However, recent evidence has shown that, prevalence of vitamin D deficiency is increasing into an epidemic status in the overall population of the United States, including the healthy individuals [2-3]. The increased daily-recommended requirement and other multiple factors are responsible for the re-emergence of this epidemic [4-5]. Some of these factors could be used to control the epidemic. Studies have also shown the association between vitamin D deficiency and increased risk for developing chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, and some fatal cancers like prostate, colon and breast cancers [1, 4, 6-14]. This issue results in increased disease burden, morbidity and mortality in the community [15-20].^ Methods: The literature search was conducted using the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHSC) and University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW) online library. The key search terms used are “vitamin D deficiency And prevalence Or epidemiology”, “vitamin D deficiency And implication And public health” using PubMed and Mesh database and “vitamin D deficiency” using systematic reviews. The search is limited to Humans and the English language. The articles considered for the review are limited to Healthy US population to avoid health conditions that predispose the population to vitamin D deficiency. Only US population is considered to narrow down the study.^ Results: There is an increased prevalence of low levels of Vitamin D levels below the normal range in the US population regardless of age and health status. Vitamin D deficiency is also associated with increased risk of chronic illnesses and fatal cancers.^ Conclusion: This increased prevalence and the association of the deficiency with increased all-cause mortality has increased the economic burden and compromised the quality of life among the population. This necessitates the health care providers to routinely screen their patients for the Vitamin D status and counsel them to avoid the harmful effects of the Vitamin D deficiency. ^
Background. Decision-making on reproductive issues is influenced by an interplay of individual, familial, medical, religious and socio-cultural factors. Women with chronic medical illnesses such an HIV infection and cancers are often fraught with decisional conflicts about child-bearing. With increase in the incidence of these illnesses as well as improvement in survival rates, there is a need to pay due attention to the issue of reproductive decision-making. Examining the prevalence and determinants of fertility desires in the two groups in a comparative manner would help bring to light perception of the medical community and the society in general on the two illnesses and the issue of motherhood. ^ Methods. Systematic literature search was undertaken using databases such as MEDLINE (PubMED), MEDLINE (Ovid), PsycInfo and Web of Science. Articles published in English and English language abstracts for foreign articles were included. Studies that explore ‘fertility desires’ as the outcome variable were included. Quantitative studies which have assessed the prevalence of fertility desires as well as qualitative studies which have provided a descriptive understanding of factors governing reproductive desires were included in the review. ^ Results. A total of 34 articles (29 studies examining HIV and 5 studies examining cancer in relation to fertility desires). Variables such as age, stage of illness, support of spouse and family, perception of the medical community and one’s own view of motherhood were key determinants among both groups. ^ Conclusion. There is a need for uniform, systematic research in this field. It is important that health care workers acknowledge these decisional conflicts, include them as part of the medical care of these patients and provide guidance with the right balance of information, practicality and compassion.^
Objective. The goal of this study is to characterize the current workforce of CIHs, the lengths of professional practice careers of the past and current CIHs.^ Methods. This is a secondary data analysis of data compiled from all of the nearly 50 annual roster listings of the American Board of Industrial Hygiene (ABIH) for Certified Industrial Hygienists active in each year since 1960. Survival analysis was performed as a technique to measure the primary outcome of interest. The technique which was involved in this study was the Kaplan-Meier method for estimating the survival function.^ Study subjects: The population to be studied is all Certified Industrial Hygienists (CIHs). A CIH is defined by the ABIH as an individual who has achieved the minimum requirements for education, working experience and through examination, has demonstrated a minimum level of knowledge and competency in the prevention of occupational illnesses. ^ Results. A Cox-proportional hazards model analysis was performed by different start-time cohorts of CIHs. In this model we chose cohort 1 as the reference cohort. The estimated relative risk of the event (defined as retirement, or absent from 5 consecutive years of listing) occurred for CIHs for cohorts 2,3,4,5 relative to cohort 1 is 0.385, 0.214, 0.234, 0.299 relatively. The result show that cohort 2 (CIHs issued from 1970-1980) has the lowest hazard ratio which indicates the lowest retirement rate.^ Conclusion. The manpower of CIHs (still actively practicing up to the end of 2009) increased tremendously starting in 1980 and grew into a plateau in recent decades. This indicates that the supply and demand of the profession may have reached equilibrium. More demographic information and variables are needed to actually predict the future number of CIHs needed. ^
Research has indicated that day laborers engage in higher risk occupations and suffer a high number of occupationally related fatal and non-fatal injuries. Although there have been some studies focusing on immigrant workers and their occupational injuries, none to our knowledge has studied Houston’s day laborers. An exploratory study of Houston’s day laborer population was conducted in 2008 by Dr. Fernández-Esquer from the University of Texas. ^ The aims of the current study are to analyze secondary data from this parent study and describe the prevalence of the self reported occupational injuries among Houston immigrant day laborers seeking work during the months of October through December 2008. The study also aims to determine if the reported injuries varied by age group, education level, length of time living in the U.S. and length of time working as day laborers and describe if injuries were more common by the number of different job types or job conditions reported or the use of personal protective equipment used (PPE). ^ This study analyzed 325 questionnaires that included job-related information from the parent study. One hundred and nine workers (35 %) reported an occupational injury or illness in the year before the interview. The most frequent injuries or illnesses reported were falls (26.7 %), cuts and lacerations (23.3 %) and being struck by an object (18.3 %). Over half of the workers (57 %) reported working 4 to 6 different jobs in the year before the interview, followed by 22.5 % reporting 1 to 3 different jobs. A combined 79 % of day laborers in Houston reported exposure to 7 or more of the job conditions listed and 69 % of those workers also reported an injury or illness. PPE use varied from 44 % of workers reporting using 4 to 6 PPE items to 6.8 % reporting not using any type of PPE. Thirty two percent of workers reporting not using any PPE also reported an injury or illness. ^ Injuries were found not to have varied significantly by age group, time living in the US, time working as a day laborer, numbers of different job types and the number of PPE used. Injuries did vary significantly by education level of the participants and the number of different job conditions reported (education, X2 (4, N = 315) = 12.651, p =0.013; and job conditions, X2 (3, N = 319) = 14.698, p = 0.002). ^ Although this first study of Houston’s day laborers was successful at engaging the population and getting background information regarding the occupational health of these workers, more studies are needed to further characterize the day laborers occupational experiences and injuries along with determining what specific job types and job conditions were present when injuries occurred and what kind of PPE was being used at the time. It is also clear that these workers need better safety training programs regarding working in potentially dangerous jobs and job conditions. They would also benefit from programs that would help empower them to negotiate for safer conditions.^
Background: Despite almost 40 years of research into the etiology of Kawasaki Syndrome (KS), there is little research published on spatial and temporal clustering of KS cases. Previous analysis has found significant spatial and temporal clustering of cases, therefore cluster analyses were performed to substantiate these findings and provide insight into incident KS cases discharged from a pediatric tertiary care hospital. Identifying clusters from a single institution would allow for prospective analysis of risk factors and potential exposures for further insight into KS etiology. ^ Methods: A retrospective study was carried out to examine the epidemiology and distribution of patients presenting to Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, Texas, with a diagnosis of Acute Febrile Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome (MCLS) upon discharge from January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2009. Spatial, temporal, and space-time cluster analyses were performed using the Bernoulli model with case and control event data. ^ Results: 397 of 102,761 total patients admitted to Texas Children’s Hospital had a principal or secondary diagnosis of Acute Febrile MCLS upon over the 5 year period. Demographic data for KS cases remained consistent with known disease epidemiology. Spatial, temporal, and space-time analyses of clustering using the Bernoulli model demonstrated no statistically significant clusters. ^ Discussion: Despite previous findings of spatial-temporal clustering of KS cases, there were no significant clusters of KS cases discharged from a single institution. This implicates the need for an expanded approach to conducting spatial-temporal cluster analysis and KS surveillance given the limitations of evaluating data from a single institution.^
The study aim was to determine whether using automated side loader (ASL) trucks in higher proportions compared to other types of trucks for residential waste collection results in lower injury rates (from all causes). The primary hypothesis was that the risk of injury to workers was lower for those who work with ASL trucks than for workers who work with other types of trucks used in residential waste collection. To test this hypothesis, data were collected from one of the nation’s largest companies in the solid waste management industry. Different local operating units (i.e. facilities) in the company used different types of trucks to varying degrees, which created a special opportunity to examine refuse collection injuries and illnesses and the risk reduction potential of ASL trucks.^ The study design was ecological and analyzed end-of-year data provided by the company for calendar year 2007. During 2007, there were a total of 345 facilities which provided residential services. Each facility represented one observation.^ The dependent variable – injury and illness rate, was defined as a facility’s total case incidence rate (TCIR) recorded in accordance with federal OSHA requirements for the year 2007. The TCIR is the rate of total recordable injury and illness cases per 100 full-time workers. The independent variable, percent of ASL trucks, was calculated by dividing the number of ASL trucks by the total number of residential trucks at each facility.^ Multiple linear regression models were estimated for the impact of the percent of ASL trucks on TCIR per facility. Adjusted analyses included three covariates: median number of hours worked per week for residential workers; median number of months of work experience for residential workers; and median age of residential workers. All analyses were performed with the statistical software, Stata IC (version 11.0).^ The analyses included three approaches to classifying exposure, percent of ASL trucks. The first approach included two levels of exposure: (1) 0% and (2) >0 - <100%. The second approach included three levels of exposure: (1) 0%, (2) ≥ 1 - < 100%, and (3) 100%. The third approach included six levels of exposure to improve detection of a dose-response relationship: (1) 0%, (2) 1 to <25%, (3) 25 to <50%, (4) 50 to <75%, (5) 75 to <100%, and (6) 100%. None of the relationships between injury and illness rate and percent ASL trucks exposure levels was statistically significant (i.e., p<0.05), even after adjustment for all three covariates.^ In summary, the present study shows that there is some risk reduction impact of ASL trucks but not statistically significant. The covariates demonstrated a varied yet more modest impact on the injury and illness rate but again, none of the relationships between injury and illness rate and the covariates were statistically significant (i.e., p<0.05). However, as an ecological study, the present study also has the limitations inherent in such designs and warrants replication in an individual level cohort design. Any stronger conclusions are not suggested.^
In 1941 the Texas Legislature appropriated $500,000 to the Board of Regents of the University of Texas to establish a cancer research hospital. The M. D. Anderson Foundation offered to match the appropriation with a grant of an equal sum and to provide a permanent site in Houston. In August, 1942 the Board of Regent of the University and the Trustees of the Foundation signed an agreement to embark on this project. This institution was to be the first one in the medical center, which was incorporated in October, 1945. The Board of Trustees of the Texas Medical Center commissioned a hospital survey to: - Define the needed hospital facilities in the area - Outline an integrated program to meet these needs - Define the facilities to be constructed - Prepare general recommendations for efficient progress The Hospital Study included information about population, hospitals, and other health care and education facilities in Houston and Harris County at that time. It included projected health care needs for future populations, education needs, and facility needs. It also included detailed information on needs for chronic illnesses, a school of public health, and nursing education. This study provides valuable information about the general population and the state of medicine in Houston and Harris County in the 1940s. It gives a unique perspective on the anticipated future as civic leaders looked forward in building the city and region. This document is critical to an understanding of the Texas Medical Center, Houston and medicine as they are today. SECTIONS INCLUDE: Abstract The Abstract was a summary of the 400 page document including general information about the survey area, community medical assets, and current and projected medical needs which the Texas Medical Center should meet. The 123 recommendations were both general (e.g., 12. “That in future planning, the present auxiliary department of the larger hospitals be considered inadequate to carry an added teaching research program of any sizable scope.”) and specific (e.g., 22. That 14.3% of the total acute bed requirement be allotted for obstetric care, reflecting a bed requirement of 522 by 1950, increasing to 1,173 by 1970.”) Section I: Survey Area This section basically addressed the first objective of the survey: “define the needed hospital facilities in the area.” Based on the admission statistics of hospitals, Harris County was included in the survey, with the recognition that growth from out-lying regional areas could occur. Population characteristics and vital statistics were included, with future trends discussed. Each of the hospitals in the area and government and private health organizations, such as the City-County Welfare Board, were documented. Statistics on the facilities use and capacity were given. Eighteen recommendations and observations on the survey area were given. Section II: Community Program This section basically addressed the second objective of the survey: “outline an integrated program to meet these needs.” The information from the Survey Area section formed the basis of the plans for development of the Texas Medical Center. In this section, specific needs, such as what medical specialties were needed, the location and general organization of a medical center, and the academic aspects were outlined. Seventy-four recommendations for these plans were provided. Section III: The Texas Medical Center The third and fourth objectives are addressed. The specific facilities were listed and recommendations were made. Section IV: Special Studies: Chronic Illness The five leading causes of death (heart disease, cancer, “apoplexy”, nephritis, and tuberculosis) were identified and statistics for morbidity and mortality provided. Diagnostic, prevention and care needs were discussed. Recommendations on facilities and other solutions were made. Section IV: Special Studies: School of Public Health An overview of the state of schools of public health in the US was provided. Information on the direction and need of this special school was also provided. Recommendations on development and organization of the proposed school were made. Section IV: Special Studies: Needs and Education Facilities for Nurses Nursing education was connected with hospitals, but the changes to academic nursing programs were discussed. The needs for well-trained nurses in an expanded medical environment were anticipated to result in significant increased demands of these professionals. An overview of the current situation in the survey area and recommendations were provided. Appendix A Maps, tables and charts provide background and statistical information for the previous sections. Appendix B Detailed census data for specific areas of the survey area in the report were included. Sketches of each of the fifteen hospitals and five other health institutions showed historical information, accreditations, staff, available facilities (beds, x-ray, etc.), academic capabilities and financial information.
This investigation compares two different methodologies for calculating the national cost of epilepsy: provider-based survey method (PBSM) and the patient-based medical charts and billing method (PBMC&BM). The PBSM uses the National Hospital Discharge Survey (NHDS), the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS) and the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) as the sources of utilization. The PBMC&BM uses patient data, charts and billings, to determine utilization rates for specific components of hospital, physician and drug prescriptions. ^ The 1995 hospital and physician cost of epilepsy is estimated to be $722 million using the PBSM and $1,058 million using the PBMC&BM. The difference of $336 million results from $136 million difference in utilization and $200 million difference in unit cost. ^ Utilization. The utilization difference of $136 million is composed of an inpatient variation of $129 million, $100 million hospital and $29 million physician, and an ambulatory variation of $7 million. The $100 million hospital variance is attributed to inclusion of febrile seizures in the PBSM, $−79 million, and the exclusion of admissions attributed to epilepsy, $179 million. The former suggests that the diagnostic codes used in the NHDS may not properly match the current definition of epilepsy as used in the PBMC&BM. The latter suggests NHDS errors in the attribution of an admission to the principal diagnosis. ^ The $29 million variance in inpatient physician utilization is the result of different per-day-of-care physician visit rates, 1.3 for the PBMC&BM versus 1.0 for the PBSM. The absence of visit frequency measures in the NHDS affects the internal validity of the PBSM estimate and requires the investigator to make conservative assumptions. ^ The remaining ambulatory resource utilization variance is $7 million. Of this amount, $22 million is the result of an underestimate of ancillaries in the NHAMCS and NAMCS extrapolations using the patient visit weight. ^ Unit cost. The resource cost variation is $200 million, inpatient is $22 million and ambulatory is $178 million. The inpatient variation of $22 million is composed of $19 million in hospital per day rates, due to a higher cost per day in the PBMC&BM, and $3 million in physician visit rates, due to a higher cost per visit in the PBMC&BM. ^ The ambulatory cost variance is $178 million, composed of higher per-physician-visit costs of $97 million and higher per-ancillary costs of $81 million. Both are attributed to the PBMC&BM's precise identification of resource utilization that permits accurate valuation. ^ Conclusion. Both methods have specific limitations. The PBSM strengths are its sample designs that lead to nationally representative estimates and permit statistical point and confidence interval estimation for the nation for certain variables under investigation. However, the findings of this investigation suggest the internal validity of the estimates derived is questionable and important additional information required to precisely estimate the cost of an illness is absent. ^ The PBMC&BM is a superior method in identifying resources utilized in the physician encounter with the patient permitting more accurate valuation. However, the PBMC&BM does not have the statistical reliability of the PBSM; it relies on synthesized national prevalence estimates to extrapolate a national cost estimate. While precision is important, the ability to generalize to the nation may be limited due to the small number of patients that are followed. ^
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) report on the future of health care states that the focus on health needs to shift to the management and prevention of chronic illnesses and that academic health centers (AHCs) should play an active role in this process through community partnerships (IOM, 2002). Grant funding from the National Institutes of Health and the creation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Prevention Research Centers (PRC) across the county represent a transition toward more proactively seeking out community partnerships to better design and disseminate health promotion programs (Green, 2001). ^ The focus of the PRCs is to conduct rigorous, community-based, prevention research, to seek outcomes applicable to public health programs and policies. The PRCs work is to create and foster partnerships among public health and community organizations, to address health promotion and disease prevention issues (CDC, 2003). ^ The W.K. Kellogg Foundation defines CBPR as "a collaborative approach to research that equitably involves all partners in the research process and recognizes the unique strengths that each brings. CBPR begins with a research topic of importance to the community with the aim of combining knowledge and action for social change to improve community health." ^ In 1995, CDC asked the IOM to review the PRC program to examine the extent to which the program is providing the public health community with strategies to address public health problems in disease prevention and health promotion (IOM, 1997). No comprehensive evaluation n of the individual PRCs had ever been done (IOM, 1997). ^ The CDC was interested in understanding how it could better support the PRC program through improved management and oversight to influence the program's success. The CDC only represents one of the entities that influence the success of a PRC. Another key entity to consider is the support of and influence of the Schools of Public Health in which the PRCs reside. Using evaluation criteria similar to those that were developed by the IOM, this study examined how aspects of structural capacity of the Schools of Public Health in which the PRCs reside are perceived to influence PRC community-based research activities. ^