31 resultados para Extracellular Matrix Proteins


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Staphylococcus aureus is an opportunistic bacterial pathogen that can infect humans and other species. It utilizes an arsenal of virulence factors to cause disease, including secreted and cell wall anchored factors. Secreted toxins attack host cells, and pore-forming toxins destroy target cells by causing cell lysis. S. aureus uses cell-surface adhesins to attach to host molecules thereby facilitating host colonization. The Microbial Surface Components Recognizing Adhesive Matrix Molecules (MSCRAMMs) are a family of cell-wall anchored proteins that target molecules like fibronectin and fibrinogen. The Serine-aspartate repeat (Sdr) proteins are a subset of staphylococcal MSCRAMMs that share similar domain organization. Interestingly, the amino-terminus, is composed of three immunoglobulin-folded subdomains (N1, N2, and N3) that contain ligand-binding activity. Clumping factors A and B (ClfA and ClfB) and SdrG are Sdr proteins that bind to fibrinogen (Fg), a large, plasma glycoprotein that is activated during the clotting cascade to form fibrin. In addition to recognizing fibrinogen, ClfA and ClfB can bind to other host ligands. Analysis of S. aureus strains that cause osteomyelitis led to the discovery of the bone-sialoprotein-binding protein (Bbp), an Sdr protein. Because several MSCRAMMs target more than one molecule, I hypothesized that Bbp may recognize other host proteins. A ligand screen revealed that the recombinant construct BbpN2N3 specifically recognizes human Fg. Surface plasmon resonance was used to determine the affinity of BbpN2N3 for Fg, and a dissociation constant of 540 nM was determined. Binding experiments performed with recombinant Fg chains were used to map the binding of BbpN2N3 to the Fg Aalpha chain. Additionally, Bbp expressed on the surface of Lactococcus lactis and S. aureus Newman bald mediated attachment of these bacteria to Fg Aalpha. To further characterize the interaction between the two proteins, isothermal titration calorimetry and inhibition assays were conducted with synthetic Fg Aalpha peptides. To determine the physiological implications of Bbp binding to Fg, the effect of Bbp on fibrinogen clotting was studied. Results show that Bbp binding to Fg inhibits the formation of fibrin. The consequences of this interaction are currently under investigation. Together, these data demonstrate that human Fg is a novel ligand for Bbp. This study indicates that the MSCRAMM Bbp may aid in staphylococcal attachment by targeting both an extracellular matrix and a blood plasma protein. The implications of these novel findings are discussed.


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We report that three (EF0089, EF2505 and EF1896, renamed here Fss1, Fss2 and Fss3, respectively, for Enterococcus faecalis surface protein) of the recently predicted MSCRAMMs (microbial surface components recognizing adhesive matrix molecules) in E. faecalis strain V583 bind fibrinogen (Fg). Despite an absence of extensive primary sequence homology, the three proteins appear to be related structurally. Within the N-terminal regions of the three enterococcal proteins, we identified pairs of putative IgG-like modules with a high degree of predicted structural similarity to the Fg-binding N2 and N3 domains of the staphylococcal MSCRAMMs ClfA and SdrG. A second N2N3-like segment was predicted in Fss1. Far-UV circular dichroism spectroscopy revealed that all four predicted N2N3-like regions are composed mainly of beta-sheets with only a minor proportion of alpha-helices, which is characteristic of Ig-like folded domains. Three of the four identified enterococcal N2N3-like regions showed potent dose-dependent binding to Fg. However, the specificity of the Fg-binding MSCRAMMs differs, as indicated by far-Western blots, which showed that recombinant segments of the MSCRAMMs bound different Fg polypeptide chains. Enterococci grown in serum-supplemented broth adhere to Fg-coated surfaces, and inactivation in strain OG1RF of the gene encoding Fss2 resulted in reduced adherence, whilst complementation of the mutant restored full Fg adherence. Thus, E. faecalis contains a family of MSCRAMMs that structurally and functionally resemble the Fg-binding MSCRAMMs of staphylococci.


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Inflammation is a key process in cardiovascular diseases. The extracellular matrix (ECM) of the vasculature is a major target of inflammatory cytokines, and TNFalpha regulates ECM metabolism by affecting collagen production. In this study, we have examined the pathways mediating TNFalpha-induced suppression of prolyl-4 hydroxylase alpha1 (P4Halpha1), the rate-limiting isoform of P4H responsible for procollagen hydroxylation, maturation, and organization. Using human aortic smooth muscle cells, we found that TNFalpha activated the MKK4-JNK1 pathway, which induced histone (H) 4 lysine 12 acetylation within the TNFalpha response element in the P4Halpha1 promoter. The acetylated-H4 then recruited a transcription factor, NonO, which, in turn, recruited HDACs and induced H3 lysine 9 deacetylation, thereby inhibiting transcription of the P4Halpha1 promoter. Furthermore, we found that TNFalpha oxidized DJ-1, which may be essential for the NonO-P4Halpha1 interaction because treatment with gene specific siRNA to knockout DJ-1 eliminated the TNFalpha-induced NonO-P4Halpha1 interaction and its suppression. Our findings may be relevant to aortic aneurysm and dissection and the stability of the fibrous cap of atherosclerotic plaque in which collagen metabolism is important in arterial remodeling. Defining this cytokine-mediated regulatory pathway may provide novel molecular targets for therapeutic intervention in preventing plaque rupture and acute coronary occlusion.


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The molecular mechanisms controlling bone extracellular matrix (ECM) deposition by differentiated osteoblasts in postnatal life, called hereafter bone formation, are unknown. This contrasts with the growing knowledge about the genetic control of osteoblast differentiation during embryonic development. Cbfa1, a transcriptional activator of osteoblast differentiation during embryonic development, is also expressed in differentiated osteoblasts postnatally. The perinatal lethality occurring in Cbfa1-deficient mice has prevented so far the study of its function after birth. To determine if Cbfa1 plays a role during bone formation we generated transgenic mice overexpressing Cbfa1 DNA-binding domain (DeltaCbfa1) in differentiated osteoblasts only postnatally. DeltaCbfa1 has a higher affinity for DNA than Cbfa1 itself, has no transcriptional activity on its own, and can act in a dominant-negative manner in DNA cotransfection assays. DeltaCbfa1-expressing mice have a normal skeleton at birth but develop an osteopenic phenotype thereafter. Dynamic histomorphometric studies show that this phenotype is caused by a major decrease in the bone formation rate in the face of a normal number of osteoblasts thus indicating that once osteoblasts are differentiated Cbfa1 regulates their function. Molecular analyses reveal that the expression of the genes expressed in osteoblasts and encoding bone ECM proteins is nearly abolished in transgenic mice, and ex vivo assays demonstrated that DeltaCbfa1-expressing osteoblasts were less active than wild-type osteoblasts. We also show that Cbfa1 regulates positively the activity of its own promoter, which has the highest affinity Cbfa1-binding sites characterized. This study demonstrates that beyond its differentiation function Cbfa1 is the first transcriptional activator of bone formation identified to date and illustrates that developmentally important genes control physiological processes postnatally.


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The 14.5 kDa (galectin-1) and 31 kDa (galectin-3) lectins are the most well characterized members of a family of vertebrate carbohydrate-binding proteins known as the galectins. Evidence has been obtained implicating these galectins in events as diverse as cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions, growth regulation, transformation, differentiation, and programmed cell death. In the present study, sodium butyrate was found to be a potent inducer of galectin-1 in the KM12 human colon carcinoma cell line. Prior to treatment with butyrate this cell line expresses only galectin-3. These cells were utilized as an in vitro model system to study galectin expression as well as that of their endogenous ligands. The initial phase of this project involved the examination of the induction of galectin-1 by butyrate at the protein level. These studies indicated that galectin-1 induction by butyrate was relatively rapid reaching nearly maximal levels after only 24 hours. Additionally, the induction was found to be reversible upon the removal of butyrate and to precede the increase in expression of the well characterized differentiation marker, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). The second phase of this project involved the characterization of potential glycoprotein ligands for galectin-1 and galectin-3. This work demonstrated that the polylactosaminoglycan-containing glycoproteins laminin, CEA, and the lysosome-associated glycoproteins-1 and -2 (LAMPs-1 and -2) are capable of serving as ligands for both galectin-1 and -3. The third phase of this project involved the analysis of the induction of the galectin-1 promoter by butyrate. Through the analysis of deletion constructs transiently transfected into KM12 cells, the region of the galectin-1 promoter mediating a high level of induction by butyrate was localized primarily within a proximal portion of the promoter containing a CCAAT element and an Sp1 binding site. The CCAAT-binding activity in the KM12 nuclear extracts was subsequently dentified as NF-Y by gel shift analysis. These studies suggest that: (1) the galectins may be involved in modulating adhesive interactions in human colon carcinoma cells through the binding of several polylactosaminoglycans shown to play a role in adhesion and (2) high level induction of the galectin-1 promoter by butyrate can proceed through a discreet, proximal element containing an NF-Y-binding CCAAT box and an Sp1 site. ^


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Type II collagen is a major chondrocyte-specific component of the cartilage extracellular matrix and it represents a typical differentiation marker of mature chondrocytes. In order to delineate cis-acting elements of the mouse pro$\alpha1$(II) collagen gene that control chondrocyte-specific expression in intact mouse embryos, we generated transgenic mice harboring chimeric constructions in which varying lengths of the promoter and intron 1 sequences were linked to a $\beta$-galactosidase reporter gene. A construction containing a 3000-bp promoter and a 3020-bp intron 1 fragment directed high levels of $\beta$-galactosidase expression specifically to chondrocytes. Successive deletions of intron 1 delineated a 48-bp fragment which targeted $\beta$-galactosidase expression to chondrocytes with the same specificity as the larger intron 1 fragment. When the Col2a1 promoter was replaced with a minimal $\beta$-globin promoter, the 48-bp intron 1 sequence was still able to target expression of the transgene to chondrocytes, specifically. Therefore a 48-bp intron 1 DNA segment of the mouse Col2a1 gene contains the necessary information to confer high-level, temporally correct, chondrocyte expression to a reporter gene in intact mouse embryos and that Col2a1 promoter sequences are dispensable for chondrocyte expression. Nuclear proteins present selectively in mouse primary chondrocytes and rat chondrosarcoma cells bind to the three putative HMG (High-Mobility-Group) domain protein binding sites in this 48-bp sequence and the chondrocyte-specific proteins likely bind the DNA through minor groove. Together, my results indicate that a 48-bp sequence in Col2a1 intron 1 controls chondrocyte-specific expression in vivo and suggest that chondrocytes contain specific nuclear proteins involved in enhancer activity. ^


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Extracellular matrix (ECM) is a component of a variety of organisms that provides both structural support and influence upon the cells it surrounds. The importance of the ECM is becoming more apparent as matrix defects are linked to human disease. In this study, the large, extracellular matrix heparan sulfate proteoglycan, perlecan (Pln) is examined in two systems. First, the role of Pln in the interaction between a blastocyst and uterine epithelial cells is investigated. In mice, blastocyst attachment and implantation occurs at approximately d 4.5 post coitus. In addition, a delayed implantation model has been used to distinguish between the response of the blastocyst to that of hatching and of becoming attachment competent. ^ The second series of experiments described in this study focuses on the process of chondrogenesis in mice. Pln, commonly expressed with other basement membrane (BM) proteins, was found to be expressed in cartilaginous tissue without other BM proteins. This unusual expression pattern led to further study and the development of an in vitro chondrogenesis assay using the mouse embryonic fibroblast cell line, C3H/10T1/2. When cultured on Pln in vitro, these cells form aggregates and express the cartilage proteins, collagen type II and aggrecan. In examining the participation of the heparan sulfate (HS) chains in this process, the proteoglycan was enzymatically digested to remove the HS chains before the initiation of 10T1/2 cell culture. After digestion, the ability of Pln to stimulate aggregate formation was greatly diminished. Thus, the HS chains participate in the cell induction process. To determine which domain of Pln might be responsible for this activity, recombinant fragments of Pin were used in the cell culture assay. Of all recombinant protein fragments tested, only the domain including the HS chains, domain 1, was able to initiate the morphological change exhibited by the 10T1/2 cells. Similar to native Pln, when HS chains were removed from domain I, chondrogenic activity was abolished. A variant of domain I carrying both HS and chondroitin sulfate (CS) chains retained activity when only HS chains were removed. When both HS and CS chains were removed, then activity was lost. ^ The ability to rapidly stimulate differentiation of 10T1/2 cells in vitro may lead to better control of chondrogenesis in vitro and in vivo, providing better understanding and manipulation of the chondrogenic process. This greater understanding may have benefits for study of cartilage and bone diseases and subsequent treatment options. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^


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Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of male cancer-related deaths in the United States. Interestingly, prostate cancer preferentially metastasizes to skeletal tissue. Once in the bone microenvironment, advanced prostate cancer becomes highly resistant to therapeutic modalities. Several factors, such as extracellular matrix (ECM) components, have been implicated in the spread and propagation of prostatic carcinoma. In these studies, we have utilized the PC3 cell line, derived from a human bone metastasis, to investigate the influence of the predominant bone ECM protein, type I collagen, on prostate cancer cell proliferation and gene expression. We have also initiated the design and production of ribozymes to specific gene targets that may influence prostate cancer bone metastasis. ^ Our results demonstrate that PC3 cells rapidly adhere and spread on collagen I to a greater degree than on fibronectin (FN) or poly-L-lysine (PLL). Flow cytometry analysis reveals the presence of the α1, α2 and α3 collagen binding integrin subunits. The use of antibody function blocking studies reveals that PC3 cells can utilize α2β 1 and α3β1 integrins to adhere to collagen I. Once plated on collagen I, the cells exhibit increased rates of proliferation compared with cells plated on FN or tissue culture plastic. Additionally, cells plated on collagen I show increased expression of proteins associated with progression through G1 phase of the cell cycle. Inhibitor studies point to a role for phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), MAP kinase (MAPK), and p70 S6 kinase in collagen I-mediated PC3 cell proliferation and cyclin D1 expression. To further characterize the effect of type I collagen on prostate cancer bone metastasis, we utilized a cDNA microarray strategy to monitor type I collagen-mediated changes in gene expression. Results of this analysis revealed a gene expression profile reflecting the increased proliferation occurring on type I collagen. Microarray analysis also revealed differences in the expression of specific gene targets that may impact on prostate cancer metastasis to bone. ^ As a result of our studies on the interaction of prostate cancer cells and the skeletal ECM, we sought to develop novel molecular tools for future gene therapy of functional knockdown experiments. To this end, we developed a series of ribozymes directed against the α2 integrin and at osteopontin, a protein implicated in the metastasis of various cancers, including prostate. These ribozymes should facilitate the future study of the mechanism of prostate cancer cell proliferation, and disease progression occurring at sites of skeletal metastasis where a type I collagen-based environment predominates. ^ Together these studies demonstrate the involvement of bone ECM proteins on prostate cancer cell proliferation and suggest that they may play a significant role on the growth of prostate metastases once in the bone microenvironment. ^


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Adhesion involves interactions between cells or cells with extracellular matrix components and is a fundamental process for all multicellular organisms as well as many pathogenic microbes. Integrins are heterodimeric transmembrane proteins that function as adhesion molecules and transduce signals between the extracellular environment and the intracellular cytoskeletal machinery. β1 integrin subfamily is highly expressed on T lymphocytes and mediates cell spreading, adhesion and coactivation. T lymphocytes have an important role in the regulation and homeostasis of the immune system therefore, the goals of this study were to first to investigate β1 integrin interaction with fibronectin binding protein A (FnbpA), a surface protein expressed on gram-negative bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. Second, characterize the association and function of a non-integrin surface protein, CD98, with β1 integrins on T lymphocytes. ^ FnbpA binds to fibronectin (FN), also a ligand for α5β1 and α4β1 integrins on T lymphocytes. Since both bacterial proteins FnbpA and T cell integrins utilize FN, it was of interest to determine the effects FnbpA on T cell activation. Results demonstrated that recombinant FnbpA (rFnbpA) coimmobilized with OKT3 mediated T cell coactivation in a soluble FN-dependent manner. Integrin α5β1 was identified as the main integrin utilized by Staphylococcus aureus FnbpA from studies using soluble antibodies to inhibit T cell proliferation and parallel plate flow chamber assays. The mechanism of rFnbpA-mediated coactivation was one that used soluble FN as a bridge between rFnbpA and integrin α5β1 on the T lymphocyte. ^ Since integrins are utilized by T lymphocytes and bacterial proteins, it was of interest to identify proteins involved in integrin regulation. Anti-CD98 mAb 80A10 was identified and characterized from a screen to identify surface proteins involved in integrin signaling and functions. CD98 is a non-integrin protein that was sensitive to integrin inhibition in human T lymphocyte aggregation and activation, thus suggested that CD98 shared a common signaling pathway with integrins. These results led to the question of whether CD98 physically associates with β1 integrins. Fluorescence microscopy and biochemical analysis determined that CD98 is specifically associated with β1 integrin on human T lymphocytes and may be part of a larger multimolecular signaling complex. ^


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The histology of healing in a tooth extraction socket has been described in many studies. The focus of research in bone biology and healing is now centered on molecular events that regulate repair of injured tissue. Rapid progress in cellular and molecular biology has resulted in identification of many signaling molecules (growth factors and cytokines) associated with formation and repair of skeletal tissues. Some of these include members of the transforming growth factor-β superfamily (including the bone morphogenetic proteins), fibroblast growth factors, platelet derived growth factors and insulin like growth factors. ^ Healing of a tooth extraction socket is a complex process involving tissue repair and regeneration. It involves chemotaxis of appropriate cells into the wound, transformation of undifferentiated mesenchymal cells to osteoprogenitor cells, proliferation and differentiation of committed bone forming cells, extracellular matrix synthesis, mineralization of osteoid, maturation and remodeling of bone. Current data suggests that these cellular events are precisely controlled and regulated by specific signaling molecules. A plethora of cytokines; have been identified and studied in the past two decades. Some of these like transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) and fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are well conserved proteins involved in the initial response to injury and repair in soft and hard tissue. ^ The purpose of this study was to characterize the spatial and temporal localization of TGF-βl, VEGF, PDGF-A, FGF-2 and BMP-2, and secretory IgA in a tooth extraction socket model, and evaluate correlation of spatial and temporal changes of these growth factors to histological events. The results of this study showed positive correlation of histological events to spatial and temporal localization of TGF-β1, BMP-2, FGF-2, PDGF-A, and VEGF in a rabbit tooth extraction model. ^


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Thoracic aortic aneurysms leading to aortic dissections (TAAD) are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States. TAAD is a complication of some known genetic disorders, such as Marfan syndrome and Turner syndrome, but the majority of familial cases are not due to a known genetic syndrome. Previous studies by our group have established that nonsyndromic, familial TAAD is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner with decreased penetrance and variable expression. Using one large family with multiple members with TAAD for the genome wide scan, a major locus for familial TAAD was mapped to 5q13–14 (TAAD1). Nine out of 15 families studied were linked to this locus, establishing that TAAD1 was a major locus, and that there was genetic heterogeneity for the condition. Mapping of TAAD2 locus was accomplished using a single large family with multiple members with TAAD not linked to known loci of aneurysm formation. This established a second novel locus for familial TAAD on 3p24–25 (LOD score of 4.3), termed the TAAD2 locus. Two putative loci with suggestive LOD scores were mapped on 4q and 12q through a genome scan carried out using three families. TAAD phenotype in 12 families did not segregate with known loci, indicating further genetic heterogeneity. An STS-tagged BAC based contig was constructed for 7.8Mb and 25Mb critical interval of TAAD1 and TAAD2 respectively and characterized to identify the defective gene. The hypothesis that the defective genes responsible for the TAAD1 and TAAD2 encoded extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, the major components of the elastic fiber system in the aortic media was tested. Four genes encoding ECM proteins, versican, thrombospondin-3, CRTL1, on TAAD1 and FBLN2 at TAAD2 were sequenced, but no disease-causing mutations were identified. Studies to identify the defective gene are initiated through the positional candidate gene approach using combination of bioinformatics and expression studies. The identification of the TAAD susceptibility genes will allow for presymptomatic diagnosis of individuals at risk for this life threatening disease. The identification of the molecular defects that contribute to TAAD will also further our understanding of the proteins that provide structural integrity to the aortic wall. ^


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Staphylcoccus aureus is a prokaryotic organism capable of causing numerous superficial and severe human infections. Adhesion of S. aureus to host tissues or cells is believed to be a crucial event in S. aureus infections. Subsequently, S. aureus can seed into the bloodstream resulting in metastasis of the infection. Several reports show that S. aureus can be internalized by non-professional phagocytes, a process which has been proposed to be important in S. aureus dissemination. An intracellular residence has also been proposed to provide safe harbor to reservoirs of dormant bacteria contributing to the persistence of infection. This dissertation describes an investigation into the molecular mechanisms of S. aureus internalization into both fibroblast and epithelial cells. Bacterial requirements for internalization were found to be limited to expression of proteins that bind the extracellular matrix protein fibronectin. A previously unknown fibronectin-binding region in the S. aureus fibronectin-binding protein A was discovered after showing competitive inhibition of S. aureus internalization. This novel fibronectin-binding activity is characterized. Internalization also required cell-based factors. The presence of fibronectin and cell surface receptors of the β1 integrin class, which are known to bind and internalize fibronectin, were found to be necessary for optimal internalization of S. aureus. These results led to the conclusion that fibronectin acts as a bridge between the bacterium and integrins on the host cells. The internalization process exhibits features characteristic of integrin-mediated cell migration on fibronectin-coated surfaces. Both processes involved an active form of the β1 integrin subunit and the protein tyrosine kinase Src. Finally, a Src inhibitor previously shown to be effective in reducing osteoporosis in an in vivo rat model is capable of greatly reducing S. aureus internalization. ^


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Lipid rafts are small laterally mobile cell membrane structures that are highly enriched in lymphocyte signaling molecules. Lipid rafts can form from the assembly of specialized lipids and proteins through hydrophobic associations from saturated acyl chains. GM1 gangliosides are a common lipid raft component and have been shown to be essential in many T cell functions. Current lipid raft theory hypothesizes that certain aspects of T cell signaling can be initiated from the coalescence of these signaling-enriched lipid rafts to sites of receptor engagement. We have described how the specific aggregation of GM1 lipid rafts can cause a reorganization of cell surface molecular associations which include dynamic associations of β1 integrins with GM1 lipid rafts. These associations had pronounced effects on T cell adhesive and migratory states. We show that GM1 lipid raft aggregation can dramatically inhibit T cell migration and chemotaxis on the extracellular matrix constituent fibronectin. This inhibition of migration function was shown to be dependent on the src kinase Lck and PKC-regulated F-actin polymerization to extending pseudopods. Furthermore, GM1 lipid raft clustering could activate T cell adhesion-strengthening mechanisms. These include an increase in cellular rigidity, the creation of polymerized cortical F-actin structures, the induction of high affinity integrin states, an increase in surface area and symmetry of the contact plane, and resistance to shear flow detachment while adherent to fibronectin. This indicates that GM1 lipid raft aggregation defines a novel stimulus to regulate lymphocyte motility and cellular adhesion which could have important implications in T cell homing mechanisms. ^


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Many tumors arise from sites of inflammation providing evidence that innate immunity is a critical component in the development and progression of cancer. Neutrophils are primary mediators of the innate immune response. Upon activation, an important function of neutrophils is release of an assortment of proteins from their granules including the serine protease neutrophil elastase (NE). The effect of NE on cancer has been attributed primarily to its ability to degrade the extracellular matrix thereby promoting invasion and metastasis. Recently, it was shown that NE could be taken up by lung cancer cells leading to degradation of insulin receptor substrate-1 thereby promoting hyperactivity of the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K) pathway and tumor cell proliferation. To our knowledge, nobody has investigated uptake of NE by other tumor types. In addition, NE has broad substrate specificity suggesting that uptake of NE by tumor cells could impact processes regulating tumorigenensis other than activation of the PI3K pathway. Neutrophil elastase has been identified in breast cancer specimens where high levels of NE have prognostic significance. These studies have assessed NE levels in whole tumor lysates. Because the major source of NE is from activated neutrophils, we hypothesized that breast cancer cells do not have endogenous NE but may take up NE released by tumor associated neutrophils in the tumor microenvironment and that this could provide a link between the innate immune response to tumors and specific adaptive immune responses. In this thesis, we show that breast cancer cells lack endogenous NE expression and that they are able to take up NE resulting in increased generation of low molecular weight cyclin E (CCNE) and enhanced susceptibility to lysis by CCNE-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes. We also show that after taking up NE and proteinase 3 (PR3), a second primary granule protease with significant homology to NE, breast cancer cells cross-present the NE- and PR3-derived peptide PR1 rendering them susceptible to PR1-targeted therapies. Taken together, our data support a role for NE uptake in modulating adaptive immune responses against breast cancer.


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A cloned nontumorigenic prostatic epithelial cell line, NbE-1.4, isolated from Noble (nbl/crx) rat ventral prostate, was used to examine the potential role of activated myc and neu oncogenes in prostate carcinogenesis. Transfection of SV40 promoter/enhancer driven constructs containing either v-myc, truncated c-myc, or neu-T (activated neu) oncogenes was accomplished using calcium phosphate-mediated DNA transfer. Cells were cotransfected, as necessary, with pSV2neo, allowing for selection of positive clones using the antibiotic geneticin (G418). G418 resistant colonies were pooled in some cases or limiting dilution exclusion cloned in others as described. Transfection of NbE-1.4 cells with activated myc oncogenes resulted only in the partial transformation. These cells display an altered morphology and decreased dependence on serum factors in vitro; however, saturation density, soft agar colony formation and growth assay in male athymic nude mice were all negative. Transfection and overexpression of NbE-1.4 cells with an activated neu oncogene alone resulted in tumorigenic conversion. Cell transformation was evident following an examination of the altered cellular morphology, an increased soft agar colony formation, and an acquisition of a tumorigenic potential when injected s.c. into male athymic nude mice. neu-transformed NbE-1.4 cells displayed elevated activity of the neu receptor tyrosine kinase. Furthermore, qualitative changes in tyrosine phosphorylated proteins were found in neu transformed cell clones. These changes were associated with elevated expression of mRNAs for laminin $\beta$1, $\beta$2, and procollagen type IV. The expression of fibronectin and E-cadherin, which are often lost during tumorigenesis, did not correlate with the tumorigenic phenotype. Therefore, it appears that neu oncogene overexpression has been found to be associated with the transformation of rat prostatic epithelial cells, presumably through alterations in gene expression that regulate extracellular matrix. The possible interrelationship and functional significance between neu oncogene expression and the elevated extracellular matrix gene expression is discussed. ^