36 resultados para Ethnic violence


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Background. Various psychosocial factors have been demonstrated to be barriers for cervical cancer screening among Latinas in the United States, but few studies have researched whether depression and interpersonal violence act as psychosocial barriers to cervical cancer screening. ^ Methods. The proposed study assessed whether depression, interpersonal violence, lack of social support and demographic characteristics such as age, income, education and years in the United States acted as barriers to cervical cancer screening among cantineras in Houston, TX. This secondary data analysis utilized data from a previous cross-sectional study called Project GIRASOL- Community Outreach to Prevent Cervical Cancer among Latinas. The data from the baseline survey (sample size 331) was analyzed using Pearson chi-square and multiple logistic regression. ^ Results. Multiple logistic regression indicates that none and low levels of social support from relatives, depression, and total IPV are significant predictors of non-compliance to cervical cancer screening. ^ Conclusions. Future health interventions or physicians that promote cervical cancer screening among cantineras or recently immigrated Latinas with similar socio-demographic characteristics should try to identify whether Latinas are suffering from depression, interpersonal violence or lack of social support and provide proper referrals to alleviate the problems and positively influence screening behavior. ^


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Domestic violence is a major public health problem, yet most physicians do not effectively identify patients at risk. Medical students and residents are not routinely educated on this topic and little is known about the factors that influence their decisions to include screening for domestic violence in their subsequent practice. In order to assess the readiness of primary care residents to screen all patients for domestic violence, this study utilized a survey incorporating constructs from the Transtheoretical Model, including Stages of Change, Decisional Balance (Pros and Cons) and Self-Efficacy. The survey was distributed to residents at the University of Texas Health Science Center Medical School in Houston in: Internal Medicine, Medicine/Pediatrics, Pediatrics, Family Medicine, and Obstetrics and Gynecology. Data from the survey was analyzed to test the hypothesis that residents in the earlier Stages of Change report more costs and fewer benefits with regards to screening for domestic violence, and that those in the later stages exhibit higher Self-Efficacy scores. The findings from this study were consistent with the model in that benefits to screening (Pros) and Self-Efficacy were correlated with later Stages of Change, however reporting fewer costs (Cons) was not. Very few residents were ready to screen all of their patients.^


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The purpose of this study is to examine the stages of program realization of the interventions that the Bronx Health REACH program initiated at various levels to improve nutrition as a means for reducing racial and ethnic disparities in diabetes. This study was based on secondary analyses of qualitative data collected through the Bronx Health REACH Nutrition Project, a project conducted under the auspices of the Institute on Urban Family Health, with support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Local human subjects' review and approval through the Institute on Urban Family Health was required and obtained in order to conduct the Bronx Health REACH Nutrition Project. ^ The study drew from two theoretical models—Glanz and colleagues' nutrition environments model and Shediac-Rizkallah and Bone's sustainability model. The specific study objectives were two-fold: (1) to categorize each nutrition activity to a specific dimension (i.e. consumer, organizational or community nutrition environment); and (2) to evaluate the stage at which the program has been realized (i.e. development, implementation or sustainability). ^ A case study approach was applied and a constant comparative method was used to analyze the data. Triangulation of data based was also conducted. Qualitative data from this study revealed the following principal findings: (1) communities of color are disproportionately experiencing numerous individual and environmental factors contributing to the disparities in diabetes; (2) multi-level strategies that targeted the individual, organizational and community nutrition environments can appropriately address these contributing factors; (3) the nutrition strategies greatly varied in their ability to appropriately meet criteria for the three program stages; and (4) those nutrition strategies most likely to succeed (a) conveyed consistent and culturally relevant messages, (b) had continued involvement from program staff and partners, (c) were able to adapt over time or setting, (d) had a program champion and a training component, (e) were integrated into partnering organizations, and (f) were perceived to be successful by program staff and partners in their efforts to create individual, organizational and community/policy change. As a result of the criteria-based assessment and qualitative findings, an ecological framework elaborating on Glanz and colleagues model was developed. The qualitative findings and the resulting ecological framework developed from this study will help public health professionals and community leaders to develop and implement sustainable multi-level nutrition strategies for addressing racial and ethnic disparities in diabetes. ^


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Objective. To examine and evaluate racial and ethnic disparities in glycemic control among HRS respondents with diabetes aged 55-94 years. ^ Methods. The HRS Diabetes 2003 database provides data on blood-drawn glycemic control and self-reported demographics, socioeconomic status, clinical, health access and self-care characteristics. 1,141 non-Hispanic White, non-Hispanic Black, and Hispanic respondents were included in multiple logistic regression of glycemic control. ^ Results. The rate of poor control was significantly higher among Blacks (61.5%, 105/171) and Hispanics (65.3% 72/110) than among Whites (45.0% 387/860) (p < 0.01). After controlling for influential covariates and interactions, Blacks and Hispanics had a three-fold increased risk for poor control compared to Whites when duration was five years or less. ^ Conclusions. Clinical and self-perception variables, like duration, medication, and self-rated poor diabetes control affected glycemic control independent of race and ethnicity, but there remains unexplained racial and ethnic disparities for newly-diagnosed individuals. This is the first study to find an interaction between duration and race and ethnicity on glycemic control. Future research should incorporate cultural beliefs and attitudes about diabetes control that may explain the racial and ethnic disparity. ^


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Background. Racial/ethnic differences have been found in various aspects of cancer care. But a limited number of studies have examined the racial/ethnic differences in predictors of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening in a group of prostate cancer patients and have attempted to identify the racial/ethnic differences in treatment discussions, treatment choice and treatment received for organ-confined localized prostate cancer (PCa) among three major racial/ethnic groups of the USA. This study was conducted to redress this lack of information. ^ Methods. This study was conducted on a group of 935 prostate cancer patients representing all three major race/ethnic groups (Whites, African Americans and Hispanics) who were treated at various medical institutes of the Texas Medical Center, Houston between 1996 and 2004 to identify the racial/ethnic differences in predictors of PSA screening. A subset of 640 patients who had organ-confined localized prostate cancer was selected to examine the racial/ethnic differences in treatment discussions, treatment choice and treatment received for their localized prostate cancer. They were interviewed by trained research interviewers of MD Anderson Cancer Center using a validated structured questionnaire. ^ Results. The results showed that African American (54.4%) and Hispanic patients (42.3%) were significantly less likely (p=0.004 and p<.001, respectively) than White patients (63.2%) to report having had PSA screening before their prostate-cancer diagnosis. Among Whites, only education and annual check-ups predicted the use of PSA screening, whereas in African Americans two more additional factors, marital status and bode-mass index (BMI), significantly predicted PSA screening. Among Hispanics, like two other groups, education and annual check-ups also appeared as a significant predictor of PSA screening. ^ Results from multivariable logistic regression showed that African American patients were 15% less likely (OR=0.85, 95% CI=0.61-1.17, p=0.32) and Hispanics patients were 40% less likely (OR=0.60, 95% CI=0.41-0.87, p=0.008) to undergo PSA screening than Whites after adjusting for education and age at diagnosis for African Americans, and for education, annual check-ups and age at diagnosis for Hispanics. ^ This study revealed that health professionals were less likely to discuss surgery (79.9% vs. 93.2%) and watchful waiting (27.9% vs. 43.9%) with Hispanics compared to Whites. African Americans were more likely to choose (35.1% vs. 27.7%) and receive radiation therapy (38.3% vs.31.4%) than Whites. A comparison of concordance between treatment choice and treatment received showed that the highest concordance was found for watchful waiting and radiation therapy among African Americans (100% and 85.9%, respectively) whereas the highest concordance (96.9%) was found for surgery among Hispanics. ^ Conclusions. In this multiethnic study, the rates of PSA screening and its potential predictors varied by racial/ethnic groups. Substantial racial/ethnic variations were also found in treatment discussion, but the differences were not evident for treatment choice and treatment received. Health-education programs and culturally appropriate educational outreach efforts, especially targeted for high-risk groups, are needed to reduce these disparities. In the current climate of uncertainty about the benefits of PSA screening, or the benefit of one treatment over others, men should have access to information and services regardless of race/ethnicity so that they can make informed decisions. Further in-depth studies are needed in other settings to confirm these findings with the goal of developing an intervention to address these concerns. ^


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The purpose of this qualitative study was to gain an understanding of the experiences of Mexican American women living with intimate partner abuse relevant to the process of disclosure of abuse. Limited research exists on the experiences of women who are of Mexican descent living with intimate partner abuse and their disclosure of abuse. Factors that influence disclosure for other populations are well articulated in the literature however, these factors have not been adequately verified in persons of Mexican descent. Data are reported from in-depth interviews with 26 clients at a shelter and an outreach agency in a south Texas-Mexico border community. Semi-structured interview guide was used to elicit information over an 11 month period. A grounded theory ethnography approach was used to analyze data. Verification strategies and constant comparison techniques (e.g. investigator responsiveness, methodological coherence, sampling adequacy, an active analytic stance, and saturation) enhanced rigor of analysis. Nineteen Mexican immigrant women and seven Mexican American women participated in the study. Several themes were discerned related to women's experiences in abuse: painful living, questioning endurance, and confronting reality. In almost every participant's account there was a description of repeated victimization by her intimate partner or partners, and again, by others within and outside her network. The participants discussed several cultural factors (e.g. embarrassment, concerns for family, avoidance of causing pain to family, protection of partner, avoidance of being judged) that hindered their decisions whether or not to disclose. Participants noted that healthcare workers rarely asked probing questions regarding abuse. The timing and process of disclosure took many turns for women in this study. Some of the factors hindering women from disclosing were found to be influenced by cultural practices. The consequences of disclosure for many of the women led them to re-victimization. Implications for practice to avoid missed opportunities with women living in abuse are to: ask questions routinely to encourage disclosure of abuse and offer community resource information for women living in abuse or both.^


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Background. One in 4 adolescents reports some form of dating violence each year. Dating violence among high school adolescents has been linked with several morbidity issues. However, the association between dating violence and sexual risk and/or substance use among young adolescents has rarely been studied.^ Methods. Research hypotheses were tested using a secondary data analysis from a HIV, STI, pregnancy prevention intervention study for urban middle school students.^ Results. At baseline, 21% of youth reported experiencing physical ADV victimization, 48.2% reported non-physical victimization, and 52.6% report any victimization. After adjusting for race/ethnicity, gender, and age ever having sex, alcohol use, and illicit drug use were significantly associated with several forms of ADV.^ Conclusions. Dating violence appears to be associated with early initiation of sexual behavior, as well as alcohol and drug use. Few interventions address ADV among middle school youth. Early interventions that prevent dating violence are needed. ^


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Rates of childhood obesity have increased three-fold in the last 20 years, and experts estimate that well over half of adolescents with a Body Mass Index at or above the 95th percentile become obese adults. These trends are even more pronounced in ethnic minority and lower income populations that are disproportionately impacted by obesity and its complications. It would be appropriate, then, to focus obesity interventions on Hispanic children. Television viewing, especially, has been shown to contribute to obesity by increasing caloric intake and decreasing physical activity. Parent involvement has proven to be a critical component in changing children’s health behaviors. In order to explore parents’ motivations for limiting their children’s television viewing, I qualitatively analyzed data from twenty-five interviews with Houston area Head Start parents. Using Grounded Theory, four main categories of concern emerged from the audio-recorded conversations: developmentally inappropriate content, the influence of television, poor health behaviors/outcomes, and general disapproval with television. Developmentally inappropriate content was the most frequently mentioned category with 119 mentions. This included violence, the most common sub-theme. In all, parents were more concerned with television content that produced proximate consequences such as modeling violent behavior or inappropriate language. Content that encouraged behaviors that led to obesity or other delayed consequences were of less concern to the parents. This suggests that future interventions aimed at encouraging Hispanic parents to reduce their children’s television viewing should draw motivation from parents’ concerns about developmentally inappropriate content, rather than focusing on deleterious health outcomes such as obesity. ^


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Purpose. A descriptive analysis of glioma patients by race was carried out in order to better elucidate potential differences between races in demographics, treatment, characteristics, prognosis and survival. ^ Patients and Methods. Among 1,967 patients ≥ 18 years diagnosed with glioma seen between July 2000 and September 2006 at The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (UTMDACC). Data were collated from the UTMDACC Patient History Database (PHDB) and the UTMDACC Tumor Registry Database (TRDB). Chi-square analysis, uni- /multivariate Cox proportional hazards modeling and survival analysis were used to analyze differences by race. ^ Results. Demographic, treatment and histologic differences exist between races. Though risk differences were seen between races, race was not found to be a significant predictor in multivariate regression analysis after accounting for age, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, tumor type as stratified by WHO tumor grade. Age was the most consistent predictor in risk for death. Overall survival by race was significantly different (p=0.0049) only in low-grade gliomas after adjustment for age although survival differences were very slight. ^ Conclusion. Among this cohort of glioma patients, age was the strongest predictor for survival. It is likely that survival is more influenced by age, time to treatment, tumor grade and surgical expertise rather than racial differences. However, age at diagnosis, gender ratios, histology and history of cancer differed significantly between race and genetic differences to this effect cannot be excluded. ^


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Background. The CDC estimates that 40% of adults 50 years of age or older do not receive time-appropriate colorectal cancer screening. Sixty percent of colorectal cancer deaths could be prevented by regular screening of adults 50 years of age and older. Yet, in 2000 only 42.5% of adults age 50 or older in the U.S. had received recommended screening. Disparities by health care, nativity status, socioeconomic status, and race/ethnicity are evident. Disparities in minority, underserved populations prevent us from attaining Goal 2 of Healthy People 2010 to “eliminate health disparities.” This review focuses on community-based screening research among underserved populations that includes multiple ethnic groups for appropriate disparities analysis. There is a gap in the colorectal cancer screening literature describing the effectiveness of community-based randomized controlled trials. ^ Objective. To critically review the literature describing community-based colorectal cancer screening strategies that are randomized controlled trials, and that include multiple racial/ethnic groups. ^ Methods. The review includes a preliminary disparities analysis to assess whether interventions were appropriately targeted in communities to those groups experiencing the greatest health disparities. Review articles are from an original search using Ovid Medline and a cross-matching search in Pubmed, both from January 2001 to June 2009. The Ovid Medline literature review is divided into eight exclusionary stages, seven electronic, and the last stage consisting of final manual review. ^ Results. The final studies (n=15) are categorized into four categories: Patient mailings (n=3), Telephone outreach (n=3), Electronic/multimedia (n=4), and Counseling/community education (n=5). Of 15 studies, 11 (73%) demonstrated that screening rates increased for the intervention group compared to controls, including all studies (100%) from the Patient mailings and Telephone outreach groups, 4 of 5 (80%) Counseling/community education studies, and 1 of 4 (25%) Electronic/multimedia interventions. ^ Conclusions. Patient choice and tailoring education and/or messages to individuals have proven to be two important factors in improving colorectal cancer screening adherence rates. Technological strategies have not been overly successful with underserved populations in community-based trials. Based on limited findings to date, future community-based colorectal cancer screening trials should include diverse populations who are experiencing incidence, survival, mortality and screening disparities. ^


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Violence against women has been recognized as a significant worldwide human rights issue and public health problem. Women of reproductive age may be particularly at risk, and pregnancy may trigger or escalate violence. Using data available from Demographic and Health Surveys on 271,103 women of reproductive age (15-49) from Bolivia, Cameroon, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Haiti, India, Kenya, Nicaragua, Peru, South Africa, and Zambia, this study examined the nature of domestic violence during pregnancy in developing countries, including prevalence, demographic and risk factors, maternal and child health outcomes, perpetrators of violence, help-seeking behavior, and social support. In the majority of countries analyzed, violence during pregnancy consistently occurred at approximately one-third the rate at which domestic violence occurred overall. Younger women and women with more children were particularly at risk. Abuse during pregnancy was significantly associated with history of a terminated pregnancy and under-5 child mortality in most countries, and with neonatal and post-neonatal mortality in most Latin American countries. Women who were abused during pregnancy were most often abused by their current or former husband or boyfriend and most never attempted to seek help. In most countries that examined social support, women abused during pregnancy had significantly less contact with family and friends. Implications for practice and research are discussed. ^


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Background. Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer (excluding skin cancer) in both men and women in the United States, with an estimated 148,810 new cases and 49,960 deaths in 2008 (1). Racial/ethnic disparities have been reported across the CRC care continuum. Studies have documented racial/ethnic disparities in CRC screening (2-9), but only a few studies have looked at these differences in CRC screening over time (9-11). No studies have compared these trends in a population with CRC and without cancer. Additionally, although there is evidence suggesting that hospital factors (e.g. teaching hospital status and NCI designation) are associated with CRC survival (12-16), no studies have sought to explain the racial/ethnic differences in survival by looking at differences in socio-demographics, tumor characteristics, screening, co-morbidities, treatment, as well as hospital characteristics. ^ Objectives and Methods. The overall goals of this dissertation were to describe the patterns and trends of racial/ethnic disparities in CRC screening (i.e. fecal occult blood test (FOBT), sigmoidoscopy (SIG) and colonoscopy (COL)) and to determine if racial/ethnic disparities in CRC survival are explained by differences in socio-demographic, tumor characteristics, screening, co-morbidities, treatment, and hospital factors. These goals were accomplished in a two-paper format.^ In Paper 1, "Racial/Ethnic Disparities and Trends in Colorectal Cancer Screening in Medicare Beneficiaries with Colorectal Cancer and without Cancer in SEER Areas, 1992-2002", the study population consisted of 50,186 Medicare beneficiaries diagnosed with CRC from 1992 to 2002 and 62,917 Medicare beneficiaries without cancer during the same time period. Both cohorts were aged 67 to 89 years and resided in 16 Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) regions of the United States. Screening procedures between 6 months and 3 years prior to the date of diagnosis for CRC patients and prior to the index date for persons without cancer were identified in Medicare claims. The crude and age-gender-adjusted percentages and odds ratios of receiving FOBT, SIG, or COL were calculated. Multivariable logistic regression was used to assess race/ethnicity on the odds of receiving CRC screening over time.^ Paper 2, "Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Colorectal Cancer Survival: To what extent are racial/ethnic disparities in survival explained by racial differences in socio-demographics, screening, co-morbidities, treatment, tumor or hospital characteristics", included a cohort of 50,186 Medicare beneficiaries diagnosed with CRC from 1992 to 2002 and residing in 16 SEER regions of the United States which were identified in the SEER-Medicare linked database. Survival was estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method. Cox proportional hazard modeling was used to estimate hazard ratios (HR) of mortality and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI).^ Results. The screening analysis demonstrated racial/ethnic disparities in screening over time among the cohort without cancer. From 1992 to 1995, Blacks and Hispanics were less likely than Whites to receive FOBT (OR=0.75, 95% CI: 0.65-0.87; OR=0.50, 95% CI: 0.34-0.72, respectively) but their odds of screening increased from 2000 to 2002 (OR=0.79, 95% CI: 0.72-0.85; OR=0.67, 95% CI: 0.54-0.75, respectively). Blacks and Hispanics were less likely than Whites to receive SIG from 1992 to 1995 (OR=0.75, 95% CI: 0.57-0.98; OR=0.29, 95% CI: 0.12-0.71, respectively), but their odds of screening increased from 2000 to 2002 (OR=0.79, 95% CI: 0.68-0.93; OR=0.50, 95% CI: 0.35-0.72, respectively).^ The survival analysis showed that Blacks had worse CRC-specific survival than Whites (HR: 1.33, 95% CI: 1.23-1.44), but this was reduced for stages I-III disease after full adjustment for socio-demographic, tumor characteristics, screening, co-morbidities, treatment and hospital characteristics (aHR=1.24, 95% CI: 1.14-1.35). Socioeconomic status, tumor characteristics, treatment and co-morbidities contributed to the reduction in hazard ratios between Blacks and Whites with stage I-III disease. Asians had better survival than Whites before (HR: 0.73, 95% CI: 0.64-0.82) and after (aHR: 0.80, 95% CI: 0.70-0.92) adjusting for all predictors for stage I-III disease. For stage IV, both Asians and Hispanics had better survival than Whites, and after full adjustment, survival improved (aHR=0.73, 95% CI: 0.63-0.84; aHR=0.74, 95% CI: 0.61-0.92, respectively).^ Conclusion. Screening disparities remain between Blacks and Whites, and Hispanics and Whites, but have decreased in recent years. Future studies should explore other factors that may contribute to screening disparities, such as physician recommendations and language/cultural barriers in this and younger populations.^ There were substantial racial/ethnic differences in CRC survival among older Whites, Blacks, Asians and Hispanics. Co-morbidities, SES, tumor characteristics, treatment and other predictor variables contributed to, but did not fully explain the CRC survival differences between Blacks and Whites. Future research should examine the role of quality of care, particularly the benefit of treatment and post-treatment surveillance, in racial disparities in survival.^


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Sexual assault, depression, and suicide are all very serious issues among youth today. This study sought to quantify the association between sexual violence, symptoms of depression, and suicide attempts through the use of 2007 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) data. The YRBS is a nationally representative dataset of United States high school students, grades 9-12. It was hypothesized that sexual violence is significantly associated with symptoms of depression and suicide attempts. Through multivariate logistic regression, it was determined that students who had ever experienced forced sex were 3.10 (2.7-3.6) times as likely to be depressed, in the past 12 months, and 4.22 (3.5-5.1) times as likely to have attempted suicide. Female victims were 3.43 (2.9-4.0) times as likely to be depressed; male victims were 5.40 (3.7-7.9) times as likely to have attempted suicide. Sexual violence is significantly associated with both symptoms of depression and suicide attempt when stratified by gender, grade, and race/ethnicity. These results indicate that further study of the association between sexual violence and symptoms of depression and suicide attempts need to be conducted in order to establish temporality.^


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In prospective studies it is essential that the study sample accurately represents the target population for meaningful inferences to be drawn. Understanding why some individuals do not participate, or fail to continue to participate, in longitudinal studies can provide an empirical basis for the development of effective recruitment and retention strategies to improve response rates. This study examined the influence of social connectedness and self-esteem on long-term retention of participants, using secondary data from the “San Antonio Longitudinal Study of Aging” (SALSA), a population-based study of Mexican Americans (MAs) and European Americans (EAs) aged over 65 years residing in San Antonio, Texas. We tested the effect of social connectedness, self-esteem and socioeconomic status on participant retention in both ethnic groups. In MAs only, we analyzed whether acculturation and assimilation moderated these associations and/or had a direct effect on participant retention. ^ Low income, low frequency of social contacts and length of recruitment interval were significant predictors of non-completer status. Participants with low levels of social contacts were almost twice as likely as those with high levels of social contacts to be non-completers, even after adjustment for age, sex, ethnic group, education, household income, and recruitment interval (OR = 1.95, 95% CI: 1.26–3.01, p = 0.003). Recruitment interval consistently and strongly predicted non-completer status in all the models tested. Depending on the model, for each year beyond baseline there was a 25–33% greater likelihood of non-completion. The only significant interaction, or moderating, effect observed was between social contacts and cultural values among MAs. Specifically, MAs with both low social contacts and low acculturation on cultural values (i.e., placed high value on preserving Mexican cultural origins) were three and half times more likely to be non-completers compared with MAs in other subgroups comprised of the combination of these variables, even after adjustment for covariates. ^ Long term studies with older and minority participants are challenging for participant retention. Strategies can be designed to enhance retention by paying special attention to participants with low social contacts and, in MAs, participants with both low social contacts and low acculturation on cultural values. Minimizing the time interval between baseline and follow-up recruitment, and maintaining frequent contact with participants during this interval should also be is integral to the study design.^


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Previous research has suggested an association between intimate partner violence and pregnancy intention status, and pregnancy intention status and the use of prenatal care services, however much of these studies have been conducted in high income countries (HIC) rather than low and middle income countries (LMIC). The objectives of this study were to examine the relationship between pregnancy intention status and intimate partner violence, and pregnancy intention status and the use of prenatal care among ever-married women in Jordan.^ Data were collected from a nationally representative sample of women interviewed in the 2007 Jordan Demographic and Health Survey. The sample was restricted to ever-married women, 15–49 years of age, who had a live birth within the five years preceding the survey. Multivariate logistic regression analyses was used to determine the relationship between intimate partner violence and pregnancy intention status, and pregnancy intention status and the use of prenatal care services.^ Women who reported a mistimed pregnancy (PORadj 1.96, 95% CI: 1.31–2.95), as well as an unwanted pregnancy (PORadj 1.32, 95% CI: 0.80–2.18) had a higher odds of experiencing lifetime physical and/or sexual abuse compared with women reporting a wanted pregnancy. Women not initiating prenatal care by the end of the first trimester had statistically significant higher odds of reporting both a mistimed (PORadj 2.07, 95% CI: 1.55–2.77) and unwanted pregnancy (PORadj 2.36, 95% CI: 1.68–3.31), compared with women initiating care in the first trimester. Additionally, women not receiving the adequate number of prenatal care visits for their last pregnancy had a higher odds of reporting an unwanted pregnancy (PORadj 2.11, 95% CI: 1.35–3.29) and mistimed pregnancy (POR adj 1.41, 95% CI: 0.96–2.07).^ Reducing intimate partner violence may decrease the prevalence of mistimed or unwanted pregnancies, and reducing both unwanted and mistimed pregnancies may decrease the prevalence of women not receiving timely and adequate prenatal care among women in this population. Further research, particularly in LMIC, is needed regarding the determinants of unintended pregnancy and its association with intimate partner violence as well as with the use of prenatal care services. ^