31 resultados para Cre Recombinase


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Enforced expression of Tbx1 in fetal thymic epithelial cells antagonizes thymus organogenesis Kim T. Cardenas The thymus and parathyroid glands originate from organ-specific domains of 3rd pharyngeal pouch (PP) endoderm. At embryonic day 11.5 (E11.5), the ventral thymus and dorsal parathyroid domains can be identified by Foxn1 and Gcm2 expression respectively. Neural crest cells, (NCCs) play a role in regulating patterning of 3rd PP endoderm. In addition, pharyngeal endoderm influences fate determination via secretion of Sonic hedgehog (Shh), a morphogen required for Gcm2 expression and generation of the parathyroid domain. Gcm2 is a downstream target of the transcription factor Tbx1, which in turn is positively regulated by Shh. Although initially expressed throughout pharyngeal pouch endoderm, Tbx1 expression is excluded from the thymus-specific domain of the 3rd PP by E10.5, but persists in the parathyroid domain. Based on these observations, we hypothesized that Tbx1 expression is non-permissive for thymus fate specification and that enforced expression of Tbx1 in the fetal thymus would impair thymus development. To test this hypothesis, we generated knock-in mice containing a Cre-inducible allele that allows for tissue-specific Tbx1 expression. Expression of the R26iTbx1 allele in fetal and adult thymus using Foxn1Cre resulted in severe thymus hypoplasia throughout ontogeny that persisted in the adult. Thymic epithelial cell (TEC) development was impaired as determined by immunohistochemical and FACS analysis of various differentiation markers. The relative level of Foxn1 expression in fetal TECs was significantly reduced. TECs in R26iTbx1/+ thymi assumed an almost universal expression of Plet-1, a marker associated with a TEC stem/progenitor cell fate. In addition, embryonic R26iTbx1/+ mice develop a perithymic mesechymal capsule that appears expanded compared to control littermates. Interestingly, thymi from neonatal and adult R26iTbx1/+ but not R26+/+ mice were encased in adipose tissue. This thymic phenotype also correlated with a decrease in thymocyte cellularity and aberrant thymocyte differentiation. The results to date support the conclusion that enforced expression of Tbx1 in TECs antagonizes their differentiation and prevents normal organogenesis via both direct and indirect effects.


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Transcriptional regulation is fundamental for the precise development of all organisms. Through tight regulation, necessary genes are activated at proper spatial and temporal patterns, while unnecessary genes are repressed. A large family of regulator proteins that have been demonstrated to be involved in various developmental processes by activation and repression of target genes is the homeodomain family of proteins. To date, the function of many of these homeoproteins has been elucidated in diverse species. However, the molecular mechanism underlying the function of these proteins has not been fully understood. In this study, the molecular mechanism of the function of a LIM-homeoprotein, Lim1, was examined. In addition to the homeodomain, Lim1 contains two LIM domains that are highly conserved among species. This high conservation along with data from in vitro studies on Xenopus Lim1 suggests that the LIM domains might be important for the function of Lim1 as a transcriptional regulator. Here, the functional importance of the LIM domains of Lim1 was determined by using a novel gene-targeting strategy in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells. A cre-loxP system was used in conjunction with the unique genomic organization of Lim1 to obtain four types of mutant ES cell lines that would allow for the in vivo analysis of the function of both the LIM domains of Lim1 together and also singularly. These four mutant Lim1 alleles either contained base-pair changes at the LIM encoding exons that alters zinc-binding amino acids of the LIM domains or contained only exogenous loxP sequences in the first intron of Lim1, which serves as the control allele. These mutations in the LIM domains would presumably abolish the zinc-finger tertiary structure of the domain and thus render the domain non-functional. Mice carrying mutations at both the LIM domains of Lim1, L1L2, die around E10 without anterior head structures anterior to rhombomere 3, identical in phenotype to the Lim1 null mutants in spite of the presence of mutant Lim1 RNA. This result demonstrates that the integrity of both the LIM domains are essential for the function of Lim1. This is further supported by the phenotype of mice carrying mutation at only the second LIM domain of Lim1, L2. The L2 mice although still carrying one intact Lim1 LIM domain, also die in utero. The L2 mice die at varying times, from around E8 to E10 with anterior defects in addition to other axial defects which have yet to be fully characterized. The results of this study so far demonstrates that the integrity of both LIM domains are required for the function of Lim1. ^


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Kinases are part of a complex network of signaling pathways that enable a cell to respond to changes in environmental conditions in a regulated and coordinated way. For example, Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 beta (GSK3β) modulates conformational changes, protein-protein interaction, protein degradation, and activation of unique domains in proteins that transduce signals from the extracellular milieu to the nucleus. ^ In this project, I investigated the expression and function that GSK3β exhibits in prostate cells. The capacity of GSK3β to regulate two transcription factors (JUN and CREB), which are known to be inversely utilized in prostate tumor cells, was measured. JUN/AP1 is constitutively activated in PC-3 cells; whereas, CREB/CRE activity is ∼20 fold less than the former. GSK3β overexpression obliterates JUN/AP1 activity. With respect to CREB GSK3β increases CREB/CRE activity. Cellular levels of active GSK3β can determine whether JUN or CREB is preferentially active in the PC-3s. Theoretically, in response to a particular cellular context or stimulus, a cell may coordinate JUN and CREB function by regulating GSK3β.^ A comparison of various prostate cell lines showed that active GSK3β is less expressed in normal prostate epithelial cells than in tumor cells. Differentially expressed active (GSK3β) may correlate with progression of prostate carcinoma. If a known marker associated with carcinoma of the prostate could be shown to be regulated by GSK3β then, further study of GSK3β may lead to a better understanding of both possible prevention of the disease and improved therapy for advanced stages. ^ The androgen receptor (AR) is an intriguing phosphoprotein whose regulation is potentially determined by a variety of kinases. One of these is (GSK3β) I found that (GSK3β) is a regulator of the androgen receptor in both the unliganded and liganded states. It can inhibit AR function as measured by reporter assays. Also, GSK3β associates with the AR at the DNA binding domain because deletion constructs expressing either the n-terminus or the c-terminus (both having the DBD in common) immunoprecipitated with GSK3β. Increased understanding of how GSK3β functions in prostate cancer would provide clues into how (1) certain signal pathways are coordinated and (2) the androgen receptor may be regulated. ^


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The formation of the vertebrate face is an extremely complex developmental process, which needs to coordinate the outgrowth of several facial primordia. Facial primordia are small buds made up of mesenchymal masses enclosed by an epithelial layer that surrounds the primitive mouth. The upper jaw is formed by the maxillary process, the lateral nasal process, and the frontonasal process while the mandibular process forms the lower jaw. Recent experiments using genetics in mice and bead implantation approaches have shown that the pitx2 homeobox gene and Bmp signaling play important roles in this complex developmental process. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the function of pitx2 and Bmp in these events are still unclear. Here, we show that pitx2 is required for oral epithelium maintenance, and branchial arch signaling is pitx2 dosage sensitive by using pitx2 allelic combinations that encode varying levels of pitx2. Maintenance of fgf8 signaling requires only low pitx2 dosage while repression of Bmp signaling requires high pitx2 levels. Different incisor and molar phenotypes in low level pitx2 mutant embryos suggest a distinct requirement for pitx2 in tooth-type development. The results show that pitx2 is required for craniofacial muscle formation and expanded Bmp signaling results in excess bone formation in pitx2 mutant embryos. Fate-mapping studies show that ectopic bone results from excessive bone growth, instead of muscle transformation. Moreover, by using cre/loxp system we show that partial loss of Bmpr-IA in the facial primordia results in cleft lip/palate, abnormal teeth, ectopic teeth and tooth transformation. These phenotypes suggest that Bmp signaling has multiple functions during craniofacial development. The mutant palate shelves can fuse with each other when cultured in vitro, suggesting that cleft palate is secondary to the partial loss of Bmpr-IA. Furthermore, we prove that Bmp4, one of the ligands of Bmpr-IA, plays a role during lip fusion developmental process and partial loss of Bmp4 in the facial primordia results in the lip fusion delay. These results have provided insight to understand the complex signaling cascades that regulate craniofacial development. ^


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Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (Stat3) is a signaling molecule that transduces signal from cell surface receptors, itself translocates into the nucleus, binds to consensus promoter sequences and activates gene transcription. Here, we showed that Stat3 is constitutively activated in both premalignant tumors (papillomas) and squamous cell carcinomas of mouse skin that is induced by topical treatment with an initiator 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) followed by a tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA). Additional data demonstrated that epidermal growth factor signaling contributes to the activation of Stat3 in this model. Using mice where Stat3 function is abrogated in keratinocytes via the Cre-LoxP system (K5Cre.Stat3 flox/flox), we demonstrated that Stat3 is required for de novo carcinogenesis since Stat3 deficiency leads to a complete abrogation of skin tumor development induced by DMBA and TPA. We subsequently showed that Stat3 plays a role in both the initiation and promotion stages of carcinogenesis. During initiation, Stat3 functions as an anti-apoptotic molecule for maintaining the survival of DNA-damaged keratinocyte stem cells. During promotion, Stat3 functions as a critical regulator for G1 to S phase cell cycle progression to confer selective clonal expansion of initiated cells into papillomas. On the other hand, using transgenic mice over-expressing a constitutively dimerized form of Stat3 (Stat3C) in keratinocytes (K5.Stat3C), we revealed a role for Stat3 in tumor progression. After treatment with DMBA and TPA, K5.Stat3C transgenic mice developed skin tumors with a shorter latency when 100% bypassed the premalignant stage and became carcinoma in situ. Histological and immunohistochemical analysis revealed these tumors as highly vascularized and poorly differentiated. More strikingly, these tumors exhibited invasion into surrounding mesenchymal tissue, some of which metastasized into lung. The tumor-mesenchymal front was characterized by partial loss of E-cadherin and elevation of vimentin, markers characterizing epithelial-mesenchymal transition. On the other hand, inhibition of Stat3 via a decoy oligonucleotide led to a significant reduction of tumor size in approximately 50% of all papillomas tested. In conclusion, we demonstrated that Stat3 plays a critical in all three stages (initiation, promotion and progression) of skin carcinogenesis, and it may potentially become a good target for cancer prevention and anti-cancer therapy. ^


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Histone acetylation plays an essential role in many DNA-related processes such as transcriptional regulation via modulation of chromatin structure. Many histone acetytransferases have been discovered and studied in the past few years, but the roles of different histone acetyltransferases (HAT) during mammalian development are not well defined at present. Gcn5 histone acetyltransferase is highly expressed until E16.5 during development. Previous studies in our lab using a constitutive null allele demonstrated that Gcn5 knock out mice are embryonic lethal, precluding the study of Gcn5 functions at later developmental stages. The creation of a conditional Gcn5 null allele, Gcn5flox allele, bypasses the early lethality. Mice homozygous for this allele are viable and appear healthy. In contrast, mice homozygous for a Gcn5 Δex3-18 allele created by Cre-loxP mediated deletion display a phenotype identical to our original Gcn5 null mice. Strikingly, a Gcn5flox(neo) allele, which contain a neomycin cassette in the second intron of Gcn5 is only partially functional and gives rise to a hypomorphic phenotype. Initiation of cranial neural tube closure at forebrain/midbrain boundary fails, resulting in an exencephaly in some Gcn5flox(neo)/flox(neo) embryos. These defects were found at an even greater penetrance in Gcn5flox(neo)/Δ embryos and become completely penetrant in the 129Sv genetic background, suggesting that Gcn5 controls mouse neural tube closure in a dose dependent manner. Furthermore, both Gcn5flox(neo)/flox(neo) and Gcn5 flox(neo)/Δ embryos exhibit anterior homeotic transformations in lower thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. These defects are accompanied by decreased expression levels and a shift in anterior expression boundary of Hoxc8 and Hoxc9. This study provides the first evidence that Gcn5 regulates Hox gene expression and is required for normal axial skeletal patterning in mice. ^


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Regardless of genetic sex, amniotes develop two sets of genital ducts, the Wolffian and Müllerian ducts. Normal sexual development requires the differentiation of one duct and the regression of the other. I show that cells in the rostral most region of the coelomic epithelium (CE) are specified to a Müllerian duct fate beginning at Tail Somite Stage 19 (TS19). The Müllerian duct (MD) invaginates from the CE where it extends caudally to and reaches the Wolffian duct (WD) by TS22. Upon contact, the MD elongates to the urogenital sinus separating the WD from the CE and its formation is complete by TS34. During its elongation, the MD is associated with and dependent upon the WD and I have identified the mechanism for MD elongation. Using the Rosa26 reporter to fate map the WD, I show that the WD does not contribute cells to the MD. Using an in vitro recombinant explant culture assay I show that the entire length of the MD is derived from the CE. Furthermore, I analyzed cell proliferation and developed an in vitro assay to show that a small population of cells at the caudal tip proliferates, laying the foundation for the formation of the MD. I also show that during its formation, the MD has a distinctive mesoepithelial character. The MD in males regresses under the influence of Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH). Through tissue-specific gene inactivation I have identified that Acvr1 and Bmpr1a and Smad1, Smad5 and Smad8 function redundantly in transducing the AMH signal. In females the MD differentiates into an epithelial tube and eventually the female reproductive tract. However, the exact tissue into which the MD differentiates has not been determined. I therefore generated a MD specific Cre allele that will allow for the fate mapping of the MD in both females males. The MD utilizes a unique form of tubulogenesis during development and to my knowledge is the only tubule that relies upon a signal from and the presence of another distinct epithelial tube for its formation.^


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The mammalian Forkhead Box (Fox) transcription factor (FoxM1) is implicated in tumorgenesis. However, the role and regulation of FoxM1 in gastric cancer remain unknown.^ I examined FoxM1 expression in 86 cases of primary gastric cancer and 57 normal gastric tissue specimens. I found weak expression of FoxM1 protein in normal gastric mucosa, whereas I observed strong staining for FoxM1 in tumor-cell nuclei in various gastric tumors and lymph node metastases. The aberrant FoxM1 expression is associated with VEGF expression and increased angiogenesis in human gastric cancer. A Cox proportional hazards model revealed that FoxM1 expression was an independent prognostic factor in multivariate analysis. Furthermore, overexpression of FoxM1 by gene transfer significantly promoted the growth and metastasis of gastric cancer cells in orthotopic mouse models, whereas knockdown of FoxM1 expression by small interfering RNA did the opposite. Next, I observed that alteration of tumor growth and metastasis by elevated FoxM1 expression was directly correlated with alteration of VEGF expression and angiogenesis. In addition, promotion of gastric tumorigenesis by FoxM1 directly and significantly correlated with transactivation of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression and elevation of angiogenesis. ^ To further investigate the underlying mechanisms that result in FoxM1 overexpression in gastric cancer, I investigated FoxM1 and Krüppel-like factor 4 (KLF4) expressions in primary gastric cancer and normal gastric tissue specimens. Concomitance of increased expression of FoxM1 protein and decreased expression of KLF4 protein was evident in human gastric cancer. Enforced KLF4 expression suppressed FoxM1 protein expression. Moreover, a region within the proximal FoxM1 promoter was identified to have KLF4-binding sites. Finally, I found an increased FoxM1 expression in gastric mucosa of villin-Cre -directed tissue specific Klf4-null mice.^ In summary, I offered both clinical and mechanistic evidence that dysregulated expression of FoxM1 play an important role in gastric cancer development and progression, while KLF4 mediates negative regulation of FoxM1 expression and its loss significantly contributes to FoxM1 dysregulation. ^


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Cell differentiation and pattern formation are fundamental processes in animal development that are under intense investigation. The mouse retina is a good model to study these processes because it has seven distinct cell types, and three well-laminated nuclear layers that form during embryonic and postnatal life. β-catenin functions as both the nuclear effector for the canonical Wnt pathway and a cell adhesion molecule, and is required for the development of various organs. To study the function of β-catenin in retinal development, I used a Cre-loxP system to conditionally ablate β-catenin in the developing retina. Deletion of β-catenin led to disrupted laminar structure but did not affect the differentiation of any of the seven cell types. Eliminating β-catenin did not reduce progenitor cell proliferation, although enhanced apoptosis was observed. Further analysis showed that disruption of cell adhesion was the major cause of the observed patterning defects. Overexpression of β-catenin during retinal development also disrupted the normal retinal lamination and caused a transdifferentiation of neurons into pigmented cells. The results indicate that β-catenin functions as a cell adhesion molecule but not as a Wnt pathway component during retinal neurogenesis, and is essential for lamination but not cell differentiation. The results further imply that retinal lamination and cell differentiation are genetically separable processes. ^ Sonic hedgehog (shh) is expressed in retinal ganglion cells under the control of transcription factor Pou4f2 during retinal development. Previous studies identified a phylogenetically conserved region in the first intron of shh containing a Pou4f2 binding site. Transgenic reporter mice in which reporter gene expression was driven by this region showed that this element can direct gene expression specifically in the retina, but expression was not limited to the ganglion cells. From these data I hypothesized that this element is required for shh expression in the retina but is not sufficient for specific ganglion cell expression. To further test this hypothesis, I created a conditional allele by flanking this region with two loxP sites. Lines carrying this allele will be crossed with retinal-specific Cre lines to remove this element in the retina. My hypothesis predicts that alteration in shh expression and subsequent retinal defects will occur in the retinas of these mice. ^


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Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a dominant tumor suppressor disorder caused by mutations in either TSC1 or TSC2. The proteins of these genes form a complex to inhibit the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1), which controls protein translation and cell growth. TSC causes substantial neuropathology, often leading to autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) in up to 60% of patients. The anatomic and neurophysiologic links between these two disorders are not well understood. However, both disorders share cerebellar abnormalities. Therefore, we have characterized a novel mouse model in which the Tsc2 gene was selectively deleted from cerebellar Purkinje cells (Tsc2f/-;Cre). These mice exhibit progressive Purkinje cell degeneration. Since loss of Purkinje cells is a well-reported postmortem finding in patients with ASD, we conducted a series of behavior tests to assess if Tsc2f/-;Cre mice displayed autistic-like deficits. Using the three chambered social choice assay, we found that Tsc2f/-;Cre mice showed behavioral deficits, exhibiting no preference between a stranger mouse and an inanimate object, or between a novel and a familiar mouse. Tsc2f/-;Cre mice also demonstrated increased repetitive behavior as assessed with marble burying activity. Altogether, these results demonstrate that loss of Tsc2 in Purkinje cells in a haploinsufficient background lead to behavioral deficits that are characteristic of human autism. Therefore, Purkinje cells loss and/or dysfunction may be an important link between TSC and ASD. Additionally, we have examined some of the cellular mechanisms resulting from mutations in Tsc2 leading to Purkinje cell death. Loss of Tsc2 led to upregulation of mTORC1 and increased cell size. As a consequence of increased protein synthesis, several cellular stress pathways were upregulated. Principally, these included altered calcium signaling, oxidative stress, and ER stress. Likely as a consequence of ER stress, there was also upregulation of ubiquitin and autophagy. Excitingly, treatment with an mTORC1 inhibitor, rapamycin attenuated mTORC1 activity and prevented Purkinje cell death by reducing of calcium signaling, the ER stress response, and ubiquitin. Remarkably, rapamycin treatment also reversed the social behavior deficits, thus providing a promising potential therapy for TSC-associated ASD.


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STATs play crucial roles in a wide variety of biological functions, including development, proliferation, differentiation, migration and in cancer development. In the present study, we examined the impact of Stat3 deletion or activation on behavior of keratinocytes, including keratinocyte stem cells (KSCs). Deletion of Stat3 specifically in the bulge region of the hair follicle using K15.CrePR1 X Stat3fl/fl mice led to decreased tumor development by altering survival of bulge region KSCs. To further understand the role of KSCs in skin tumorigenesis, K5.Stat3C transgenic (Tg) mice which express a constitutively active/dimerized form of Stat3 called Stat3C via the bovine keratin 5 (K5) promoter were studied. The number of CD34 and α6 integrin positive cells was significantly reduced in Tg mice as compared to non-transgenic (NTg) littermates. There was a concomitant increase in the progenitor populations (Lgr-6, Lrig-1 and Sca-1) in the Tg mice vs. the stem cell population (CD34 and Keratin15). To investigate the mechanism underlying the increase in the progenitor population at the expense of bulge region KSCs we examined if Stat3C expression was involved in inducing migration of the bulge region KSCs. There was altered β-catenin and α6-integrin expression in the hair follicles of Tg mice, which may have contributed to reduced adhesive interactions between the epithelial cells and the basement membrane facilitating migration out of the niche. To further study the effect of Stat3 on differentiation of keratinocytes we analyzed the epidermal keratinocytes in K5.Cre X Stat3fl/fl mice. There was an increase in the expression of epidermal differentiation markers in the Stat3 knockout mice. These data suggest that deletion of Stat3 in the epidermis and hair follicle induced differentiation in these cells. Preliminary studies done with the BK5.Stat3C mouse model suggests that multiple hair follicle stem/progenitor populations may be involved in skin tumor development and progression in this model of skin tumorigenesis. Overall, these data suggest that Stat3 plays an important role in differentiation as well as migration of keratinocytes and that these effects may play a role during epithelial carcinogenesis.


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Cancer therapy and tumor treatment remain unsolved puzzles. Genetic screening for tumor suppressor genes in Drosophila revealed the Hippo-signaling pathway as a kinase cascade consisting of five core components. Disrupting the pathway by deleting the main component genes breaks the balance of cell proliferation and apoptosis and results in epithelial tissue tumorigenesis. The pathway is therefore believed to be a tumor suppressor pathway. However, a corresponding role in mammals is yet to be determined. Our lab began to investigate the tumor suppression function of the potent mammalian Hippo pathway by putting floxed alleles into the mouse genome flanking the functional-domain-expressing exons in each component (Mst1, Mst2, Sav1, Lats1 and Lats2). These mice were then crossed with different cre-mouse lines to generate conditional knockout mice. Results indicate a ubiquitous tumor suppression function of these components, predominantly in the liver. A further liver specific analysis of the deletion mutation of these components, as well as the Yap/Taz double deletion mutation, reveals essential roles of the Hippo pathway in regulating hepatic quiescence and embryonic liver development. One of the key cellular mechanisms for the Hippo pathway’s involvement in these liver biological events is likely its cell cycle regulation function. Our work will help to develop potential therapeutic approaches for liver cancer.


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Obesity is postulated to be one of the major risk factors for pancreatic cancer, and recently it was indicated that an elevated body mass index (BMI correlates strongly with a decrease in patient survival. Despite the evident relationship, the molecular mechanisms involved are unclear. Oncogenic mutation of K-Ras is found early and is universal in pancreatic cancer. Extensive evidence indicates oncogenic K-Ras is not entirely active and it requires a triggering event to surpass the activity of Ras beyond the threshold necessary for a Ras-inflammation feed-forward loop. We hypothesize that high fat intake induces a persistent low level inflammatory response triggering increased K-Ras activity and that Cox-2 is essential for this inflammatory reaction. To determine this, LSL-K-Ras mice were crossed with Ela-CreER (Acinar-specific) or Pdx-1-Cre (Pancreas-specific) to “knock-in” oncogenic K-Ras. Additionally, these animals were crossed with Cox-2 conditional knockout mice to access the importance of Cox-2 in the inflammatory loop present. The mice were fed isocaloric diets containing 60% energy or 10% energy from fat. We found that a high fat diet increased K-Ras activity, PanIN formation, and fibrotic stroma significantly compared to a control diet. Genetic deletion of Cox-2 prevented high fat diet induced fibrosis and PanIN formation in oncogenic K-Ras expressing mice. Additionally, long term consumption of high fat diet, increased the progression of PanIN lesions leading to invasive cancer and decreased overall survival rate. These findings indicate that a high fat diet can stimulate the activation of oncogenic K-Ras and initiate an inflammatory feed forward loop requiring Cox-2 leading to inflammation, fibrosis, and PanINs. This mechanism could explain the relationship between a high fat diet and elevated risk for pancreatic cancer.


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To answer the question whether increased energy demand resulting from myocyte hypertrophy and enhanced $\beta$-myosin heavy chain mRNA, contractile protein synthesis and assembly leads to mitochondrial proliferation and differentiation, we set up an electrical stimulation model of cultured neonatal rat cardiac myocytes. We describe, as a result of increased contractile activity, increased mitochondrial profiles, cytochrome oxidase mRNA, and activity, as well as a switch in mitochondrial carnitine palmitoyltransferase-I (CPT-I) from the liver to muscle isoform. We investigate physiological pathways that lead to accumulation of gene transcripts for nuclear encoded mitochondrial proteins in the heart. Cardiomyocytes were stimulated for varying times up to 72 hr in serum-free culture. The mRNA contents for genes associated with transcriptional activation (c-fos, c-jun, junB, nuclear respiratory factor 1 (Nrf-1)), mitochondrial proliferation (cytochrome c (Cyt c), cytochrome oxidase), and mitochondrial differentiation (carnitine palmitonyltransferase I (CPT-I) isoforms) were measured. The results establish a temporal pattern of mRNA induction beginning with c-fos (0.25-3 hr) and followed by c-jun (0.5-3 hr), junB (0.5-6 hr), NRF-1 (1-12 hr), Cyt c (12-72 hr), cytochrome c oxidase (12-72 hr). Induction of the latter was accompanied by a marked decrease in the liver-specific CPT-I mRNA. Electrical stimulation increased c-fos, $\beta$-myosin heavy chain, and Cyt c promoter activities. These increases coincided with a rise in their respective endogenous gene transcripts. NRF-1, cAMP response element (CRE), and Sp-1 site mutations within the Cyt c promoter reduced luciferase expression in both stimulated and nonstimulated myocytes. Mutations in the Nrf-1 and CRE sites inhibited the induction by electrical stimulation or by transfection of c-jun into non-paced cardiac myocytes whereas mutation of the Sp-1 site maintained or increased the fold induction. This is consistent with the appearance of NRF-1 and fos/jun mRNAs prior to that of Cyt c. Overexpression of c-jun by transfection also activates the Nrf-1 and Cyt c mRNA sequentially. Electrical stimulation of cardiac myocytes activates the c-Jun-N-terminal kinase so that the fold-activation of the cyt c promoter is increased by pacing when either c-jun or c-fos/c-jun are cotransfected. We have identified physical association of Nrf-1 protein with the Nrf-1 enhancer element and of c-Jun with the CRE binding sites on the Cyt c promoter. This is the first demonstration that induction of Nrf-1 and c-Jun by pacing of cardiac myocytes directly mediates Cyt c gene expression and mitochondrial proliferation in response to hypertrophic stimuli in the heart.^ Subsequent to gene activation pathways that lead to mitochondrial proliferation, we observed an isoform switch in CPT-I from the liver to muscle mRNA. We have found that the half-life for the muscle CPT-I is not affected by electrical stimulation, but electrical decrease the T1/2 in the liver CPT-I by greater than 50%. This suggests that the liver CPT-I switch to muscle isoform is due to (1) a decrease in T1/2 of liver CPT-I and (2) activation of muscle CPT-Itranscripts by electrical stimulation. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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In various species, peripheral injury produces long-lasting sensitization of central and peripheral neurons representing the affected area. In Aplysia, memory-like traces (lasting days or weeks) of noxious peripheral stimulation include enhancement of central synaptic transmission and enhanced excitability of the central soma and peripheral branches of nociceptive sensory neurons. An important role for the cAMP-PKA-CREB pathway in consolidating long-term memory and inducing transcription-dependent synaptic potentiation has also been indicated by studies in rodents and Drosophila. ^ Much less attention has been paid to the cGMP-PKG pathway for transcription-dependent plasticity. Nevertheless, the cGMP-PKG pathway has been implicated in activity-dependent neural alterations lasting hours, and may trigger some forms of persistent pain. Recent evidence indicates PKG can regulate gene expression in the brain and several properties make it an attractive candidate for inducing long-term memories. ^ This dissertation reports that brief, noxious stimulation of a behaving, semi-intact preparation from mollusc, Aplysia californica, produces transcription-dependent, long-term hyperexcitability (LTH) of nociceptive sensory neurons that requires a nitric oxide (NO)-cGMP-protein kinase G (PKG) pathway and which lasts for at least 24 hours. Intracellular injection of cGMP is sufficient to induce LTH. Similarly, body wall injury induces LTH which can be blocked with specific inhibitors of the NO-cGMP-PKG pathway such as L-NMMA, ODQ, Rp-8-cGMPS, PKI-G and KT5823 by isolated perfusion of pleural ganglion sensory cells in or directly by intracellular injection. In contrast, specific inhibitors of the cAMP-PKA pathway (Rp-8-cAMPS, PKI-A and H-89) failed to block injury-induced LTH. Interestingly, co-injection of the cAMP-responsive element (CRE) blocked the induction of both cAMP and injury-induced LTH, but not cGMP-induced LTH. Furthermore, co-injection of cAMP and cGMP with the Ca2+ buffer BAPTA in reduced Ca2+ seawater blocked cAMP-, but not cGMP-induced LTH. These findings demonstrate that the NO-cGMP-PKG pathway and at least one other pathway (perhaps mediated by Ca2+), but not the cAMP-PKA pathway, are critical for inducing LTH during transient, noxious stimulation.^