29 resultados para Component replication


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The Caenorhabditis elegans germline is an excellent model system for studying meiosis, as the gonad contains germ cells in all stages of meiosis I prophase in a linear temporal and spatial pattern. To form healthy gametes, many events must be coordinated. Failure of any step in the process can reduce fertility. Here, we describe a C. elegans Germinal Center Kinase, GCK-1, that is essential for the accurate progression of germ cells through meiosis I prophase. In the absence of GCK-1, germ cells undergo precocious maturation due to the activation of a specific MAP kinase isoform. Furthermore, GCK-1 localizes to P-bodies, RNP particles that have been implicated in RNA degradation and translational control. Like two other components of C. elegans germline P-bodies, GCK-1 functions to limit physiological germ cell apoptosis. This is the first study to identify a role for a GCK-III kinase in metazoan germ cell development and to link P-body function with MAP kinase activation and germ cell maturation. ^


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Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) plays a major role in the metabolism of high density and low density lipoproteins (HDL and LDL). Its common protein isoforms (E2, E3, E4) are risk factors for coronary artery disease (CAD) and explain between 16 to 23% of the inter-individual variation in plasma apoE levels. Linkage analysis has been completed for plasma apoE levels in the GENOA study (Genetic Epidemiology Network of Atherosclerosis). After stratification of the population by lipoprotein levels and body mass index (BMI) to create more homogeneity with regard to biological context for apoE levels, Hispanic families showed significant linkage on chromosome 17q for two strata (LOD=2.93 at 104 cM for a low cholesterol group, LOD=3.04 at 111 cM for a low cholesterol, high HDLC group). Replication of 17q linkage was observed for apoB and apoE levels in the unstratified Hispanic and African-American populations, and for apoE levels in African-American families. Replication of this 17q linkage in different populations and strata provides strong support for the presence of gene(s) in this region with significant roles in the determination of inter-individual variation in plasma apoE levels. Through a positional and functional candidate gene approach, ten genes were identified in the 17q linked region, and 62 polymorphisms in these genes were genotyped in the GENOA families. Association analysis was performed with FBAT, GEE, and variance-component based tests followed by conditional linkage analysis. Association studies with partial coverage of TagSNPs in the gene coding for apolipoprotein H (APOH) were performed, and significant results were found for 2 SNPs (APOH_20951 and APOH_05407) in the Hispanic low cholesterol strata accounting for 3.49% of the inter-individual variation in plasma apoE levels. Among the other candidate genes, we identified a haplotype block in the ACE1 gene that contains two major haplotypes associated with apoE levels as well as total cholesterol, apoB and LDLC levels in the unstratified Hispanic population. Identifying genes responsible for the remaining 60% of inter-individual variation in plasma apoE level, will yield new insights into the understanding of genetic interactions involved in the lipid metabolism, and a more precise understanding of the risk factors leading to CAD. ^


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Dental caries is a common preventable childhood disease leading to severe physical, mental and economic repercussions for children and their families if left untreated. A needs assessment in Harris County reported that 45.9% of second graders had untreated dental caries. In order to address this growing problem, the School Sealant Program (SSP), a primary preventive initiative, was launched by the Houston Department of Health and Human Services (HDHHS) to provide oral health education, and underutilized dental preventive services to second grade children from participating Local School Districts (LSDs). ^ To determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the SSP, a program evaluation was conducted by the HDHHS between September 2007 and June 2008 for the Oral Health Education (OHE) component of the SSP. The objective of the evaluation was to assess short term changes in oral health knowledge of the participants and determine if these changes, if any, were due to the OHE sessions. An 8-item multiple choice pre/post test was developed for this purpose and administered to the participants before and immediately after the OHE sessions. ^ The present project analyzed pre and post test data of 1,088 second graders from 22 participating schools. Changes in overall and topic-specific knowledge of the program participants before and after the OHE sessions were analyzed using the Wilcoxon's signed rank test. ^ Results. The overall knowledge assessment showed a statistically significant (p <0.001) increase in the dental health knowledge of the participants after the oral health education sessions. Participants in the higher scoring category (7-8 correct responses) increased from 9.5% at baseline to 60.8% after the education sessions. Overall knowledge increased in all school regions with the highest knowledge gains seen in the Central and South regions. Males and females had similar knowledge gains. Significant knowledge differences were also found for each of the topic specific categories (functions of teeth, healthy diet, healthy habits, dental sealants; p<0.001) indicating an increase in topic specific knowledge of the participants post-health education sessions. ^ Conclusions. The OHE sessions were successful in increasing the short term oral health knowledge of the participants. ^


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Bloom syndrome (BS) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by dwarfism, immunodeficiency, impaired fertility, and most importantly, early development of a broad range of cancers. The hallmark of BS cells is hyper-recombination, characterized by a drastically elevated frequency of sister chromatid exchange (SCE). BLM, the gene mutated in BS, encodes a DNA helicase of the RecQ protein family. BLM is thought to participate in several DNA transactions and to interact with many proteins involved in DNA replication, recombination, and repair. However, the precise function of BLM and the BLM-dependent anti-tumor mechanism remain obscure. ^ A novel protein, BLAP75 (BLM-associated polypeptide, 75KD), was identified to form an evolutionarily conserved complex with BLM and DNA topoisomerase IIIα (Topo IIIα). Our work demonstrates that loss of BLAP75 destabilized BLM and Topo IIIα proteins. BLAP75 colocalized with BLM in subnuclear foci in response to DNA damage and the recruitment of BLM to these foci was BLAP75-dependent. Moreover, depletion of BLAP75 by siRNA resulted in an elevated SCE rate similar to cells depleted of BLM by siRNA. In addition, RNAi-mediated silencing of BLAP75 greatly diminished cell viability. This cellular deficiency was rescued by expression of wild type BLAP75 but not BLAP75 with mutated conserved domain III, which abrogated the interaction between BLAP75, BLM and Topo IIIα, suggesting that the integrity of BLM-Topo IIIα-BLAP75 complex might be critical for cell survival. Finally, I found that BLAP75 was phosphorylated during mitosis and upon various DNA-damaging agents, implying that BLAP75 might also function in mitosis and DNA damage response. ^ Taken together, this study has defined BLAP75 as an integral component of the BLM complex to maintain genome stability. Our findings provide insights into the molecular mechanisms of the BLM helicase pathway and tumorigenesis process associated with these mechanisms. ^


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ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling has been shown to be critical for transcription and DNA repair. However, the involvement of ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling in DNA replication remains poorly defined. Interestingly, we found that the INO80 chromatin-remodeling complex is directly involved in the DNA damage tolerance pathways activated during DNA replication. DNA damage tolerance is important for genomic stability and is controlled by formation of either mono-ubiquitinated or multi-ubiquitinated PCNA, which respectively induce error prone or error-free replication bypass of the lesions. In addition, homologous recombination (HR) mediated by the Rad51 pathway is also involved in the DNA damage tolerance pathways. ^ We found that INO80 is specifically recruited to replication origins during S phase in a genome-wide fashion. In addition, DNA combing analysis shows INO80 is required for the resumption of replication at stalled forks induced by methyl methane-sulfonate (MMS). Mechanistically, we find that INO80 is required for PCNA ubiquitination as well as for Rad51 mediated processing of replication forks after MMS treatment. Furthermore, chromatin immunoprecipitation at specific ARSs indicates INO80 is necessary for Rad18 and Rad51 recruitment to replication forks after MMS treatment. Moreover, 2D gel analysis shows INO80 is necessary to process Rad51 mediated intermediates at impeded replication forks. ^ In conclusion, our findings establish a novel role of a chromatin-remodeling complex in DNA damage tolerance pathways and suggest that chromatin remodeling is fundamentally important to ensure faithful replication of DNA and genome stability in eukaryotes. ^


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The hypothesis tested was that rapid rejection of Trichinella spiralis infective larvae from immunized rats following a challenge infection is associated with a local anaphylactic reaction, and this response should be reflected in altered small intestinal motility. The objective was to determine if altered gut smooth muscle function accompanies worm rejection based on the assumption that anaphylaxis in vivo could be detected by changes in intestinal smooth muscle contractile activity (ie. an equivalent of the Schultz-Dale reaction or in vitro anaphylaxis). The aims were to (1) characterize motility changes by monitoring intestinal myoelectric activity in conscious rats during the enteric phase of T. spiralis infection in immunized hosts, (2) detect the onset and magnitude of myoelectric changes caused by challenge infection in immunized rats, (3) determine the parasite stimulus causing changes, and (4) determine the specificity of host response to stimulation. Electrical slow wave frequency, spiking activity, normal interdigestive migrating myoelectric complexes and abnormal migrating action potential complexes were measured. Changes in myoelectric parameters induced by larvae inoculated into the duodenum of immune hosts differed from those associated with primary infection with respect to time of onset, magnitude and duration. Myoelectric changes elicited by live larvae could not be reproduced by inoculation of hosts with dead larvae, larval excretory-secretory products, or by challenge with a heterologous parasite, Eimeria nieschulzi. These results indicate that (1) local anaphylaxis is a component of the initial response to T. spiralis in immune hosts, since the rapid onset of altered smooth muscle function parallels in time the expression of rapid rejection of infective larvae, and (2) an active mucosal penetration attempt by the worm is necessary to elicit this host response. These findings provide evidence that worm rejection is a consequence of, or sequel to, an immediate hypersensitivity reaction elicited when parasites attempt to invade the gut mucosa of immunized hosts. ^


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It is well recognized that offspring of women with epilepsy who are taking anticonvulsant medications have an increased incidence of clefting abnormalities. This increase has been attributed to the teratogenic effects of anticonvulsant medications but an alternative explanation involving a genetic association of epilepsy and clefting has also been proposed. Five family studies attempting to resolve this controversy have been inconclusive either because of study design or analytic limitations. This family study was designed to determine whether epilepsy aggregates in families ascertained by an individual with a clefting disorder. The Mayo Clinic medical linkage registry was used to identify individuals with cleft lip with or without cleft palate and cleft palate in southeast Minnesota from 1935-1986. Only those cases who were 15 years or younger during this period were included in the study. The proband's parents and descendants of their parents, including the proband's sibs, children, grandchildren, niece/nephews, grandnieces/nephews, halfsibs and spouses were also identified and all of their medical records were reviewed for seizure disorders. The standardized morbidity ratios for epilepsy of 0.9 (95% CI 0.2-2.6) observed for first degree relatives (excluding parents) and 0.0 for second degree relatives were not increased. The SMRs ranged from 0.7-2.2 for the individual relative types (parents 1.5, sibs 0.7, children 2.2, probands 1.1, spouses 2.0) and were also not increased. These results do not support the suggestions of some that clefting and epilepsy aggregate together in families. ^


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Background and Objective. Ever since the human development index was published in 1990 by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), many researchers started searching and corporative studying for more effective methods to measure the human development. Published in 1999, Lai’s “Temporal analysis of human development indicators: principal component approach” provided a valuable statistical way on human developmental analysis. This study presented in the thesis is the extension of Lai’s 1999 research. ^ Methods. I used the weighted principal component method on the human development indicators to measure and analyze the progress of human development in about 180 countries around the world from the year 1999 to 2010. The association of the main principal component obtained from the study and the human development index reported by the UNDP was estimated by the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. The main principal component was then further applied to quantify the temporal changes of the human development of selected countries by the proposed Z-test. ^ Results. The weighted means of all three human development indicators, health, knowledge, and standard of living, were increased from 1999 to 2010. The weighted standard deviation for GDP per capita was also increased across years indicated the rising inequality of standard of living among countries. The ranking of low development countries by the main principal component (MPC) is very similar to that by the human development index (HDI). Considerable discrepancy between MPC and HDI ranking was found among high development countries with high GDP per capita shifted to higher ranks. The Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient between the main principal component and the human development index were all around 0.99. All the above results were very close to outcomes in Lai’s 1999 report. The Z test result on temporal analysis of main principal components from 1999 to 2010 on Qatar was statistically significant, but not on other selected countries, such as Brazil, Russia, India, China, and U.S.A.^ Conclusion. To synthesize the multi-dimensional measurement of human development into a single index, the weighted principal component method provides a good model by using the statistical tool on a comprehensive ranking and measurement. Since the weighted main principle component index is more objective because of using population of nations as weight, more effective when the analysis is across time and space, and more flexible when the countries reported to the system has been changed year after year. Thus, in conclusion, the index generated by using weighted main principle component has some advantage over the human development index created in UNDP reports.^


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The inability to maintain genomic stability and control proliferation are hallmarks of many cancers, which become exacerbated in the presence of unrepaired DNA damage. Such genotoxic stresses trigger the p53 tumor suppressor network to activate transient cell cycle arrest allowing for DNA repair; if the damage is excessive or irreparable, apoptosis or cellular senescence is triggered. One of the major DNA repair pathway that mends DNA double strand breaks is non-homologous end joining (NHEJ). Abrogating the NHEJ pathway leads to an accumulation of DNA damage in the lymphoid system that triggers p53-mediated apoptosis; complete deletion of p53 in this system leads to aggressive lymphomagenesis. Therefore, to study the effect of p53-dependent cell cycle arrest, we utilized a hypomorphic, separation-of-function mutant, p53p/p, which completely abrogates apoptosis yet retains partial cell cycle arrest ability. We crossed DNA ligase IV deficiency, a downstream ligase crucial in mending breaks during NHEJ, into the p53p/p background (Lig4-/-p53p/p). The accumulation of DNA damage activated the p53/p21 axis to trigger cellular senescence in developing lymphoid cells, which absolutely suppressed tumorigenesis. Interestingly, these mice progressively succumb to severe diabetes. Mechanistic analysis revealed that spontaneous DNA damage accumulated in the pancreatic b-cells, a unique subset of endocrine cells solely responsible for insulin production to regulate glucose homeostasis. The genesis of adult b-cells predominantly occurs through self-replication, therefore modulating cellular proliferation is an essential component for renewal. The progressive accumulation of DNA damage, caused by Lig4-/-, activated p53/p21-dependent cellular senescence in mutant pancreatic b-cells that lead to islet involution. Insulin levels subsequently decreased, deregulating glucose homeostasis driving overt diabetes. Our Lig4-/-p53p/p model aptly depicts the dichotomous role of cellular senescence—in the lymphoid system prevents tumorigenesis yet in the endocrine system leads to the decrease of insulin-producing cells causing diabetes. To further delineate the function of NHEJ in pancreatic b-cells, we analyzed mice deficient in another component of the NHEJ pathway, Ku70. Although most notable for its role in DNA damage recognition and repair within the NHEJ pathway, Ku70 has NHEJ-independent functions in telomere maintenance, apoptosis, and transcriptional regulation/repression. To our surprise, Ku70-/-p53p/p mutant mice displayed a stark increase in b-cell proliferation, resulting in islet expansion, heightened insulin levels and hypoglycemia. Augmented b-cell proliferation was accompanied with the stabilization of the canonical Wnt pathway, responsible for this phenotype. Interestingly, the progressive onset of cellular senescence prevented islet tumorigenesis. This study highlights Ku70 as an important modulator in not only maintaining genomic stability through NHEJ-dependent functions, but also reveals a novel NHEJ-independent function through regulation of pancreatic b-cell proliferation. Taken in aggregate, these studies underscore the importance for NHEJ to maintain genomic stability in b-cells as well as introduces a novel regulator for pancreatic b-cell proliferation.


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The ventricular system is a critical component of the central nervous system (CNS) that is formed early in the developmental stages and remains functional through the lifetime. Changes in the ventricular system can be easily discerned via neuroimaging procedures and most of the time it reflects changes in the physiology of the CNS. In this study we attempted to identify specific genes associated with variation in ventricular volume in humans. Methods. We conducted a genome wide association (GWA) analysis of the volume of the lateral ventricles among 1605 individuals of European ancestry from two community based cohorts, the Genetics of Microangiopathic Brain Injury (GMBI; N=814) and Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC; N=791). Significant findings from the analysis were tested for replication in both the cohorts and then meta-analyzed to get an estimate of overall significance. Results. In our GWA analyses, no single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) reached a genome-wide significance of p<10−8. There were 25 SNPs in GMBI and 9 SNPs in ARIC that reached a threshold of p<10 −5. However, none of the top SNPs from each cohort were replicated in the other. In the meta-analysis, no SNP reached the genome-wide threshold of 5×10−8, but we identified five novel SNPs associated with variation in ventricular volume at the p<10 −5 level. Strongest association was for rs2112536 in an intergenic region on chromosome 5q33 (Pmeta= 8.46×10−7 ). The remaining four SNPs were located on chromosome 3q23 encompassing the gene for Calsyntenin-2 (CLSTN2). The SNPs with strongest association in this region were rs17338555 (Pmeta= 5.28×10 −6), rs9812091 (Pmeta= 5.89×10−6 ), rs9812283 (Pmeta= 5.97×10−6) and rs9833213 (Pmeta= 6.96×10−6). Conclusions. This GWA study of ventricular volumes in the community-based cohorts of European descent identifies potential locus on chromosomes 3 and 5. Further characterization of these loci may provide insights into pathophysiology of ventricular involvement in various neurological diseases.^


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Pathway based genome wide association study evolves from pathway analysis for microarray gene expression and is under rapid development as a complementary for single-SNP based genome wide association study. However, it faces new challenges, such as the summarization of SNP statistics to pathway statistics. The current study applies the ridge regularized Kernel Sliced Inverse Regression (KSIR) to achieve dimension reduction and compared this method to the other two widely used methods, the minimal-p-value (minP) approach of assigning the best test statistics of all SNPs in each pathway as the statistics of the pathway and the principal component analysis (PCA) method of utilizing PCA to calculate the principal components of each pathway. Comparison of the three methods using simulated datasets consisting of 500 cases, 500 controls and100 SNPs demonstrated that KSIR method outperformed the other two methods in terms of causal pathway ranking and the statistical power. PCA method showed similar performance as the minP method. KSIR method also showed a better performance over the other two methods in analyzing a real dataset, the WTCCC Ulcerative Colitis dataset consisting of 1762 cases, 3773 controls as the discovery cohort and 591 cases, 1639 controls as the replication cohort. Several immune and non-immune pathways relevant to ulcerative colitis were identified by these methods. Results from the current study provided a reference for further methodology development and identified novel pathways that may be of importance to the development of ulcerative colitis.^


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p53 plays a role in cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. p53 has also been shown to be involved in DNA replication. To study the effect of p53 on DNA replication, we utilized a SV40 based shuttle vector system. The pZ402 shuttle vector, was constructed with a mutated T-antigen unable to interact with p53 but able to support replication of the shuttle vector. When a transcriptional activation domain p53 mutant was tested for its ability to inhibit DNA replication no inhibition was observed. Competition assays with the DNA binding domain of p53 was also able to block the inhibition of DNA replication by p53 suggesting that p53 can inhibit DNA replication through the transcriptional activation of a target gene. One likely target gene, p21$\sp{\rm cip/waf}$ was tested to determine whether p53 inhibited DNA replication by transcriptionally activating p21$\sp{\rm cip/waf}$. Two independent approaches utilizing p21$\sp{\rm cip/waf}$ null cells or the expression of an anti-sense p21$\sp{\rm cip/waf}$ expression vector were utilized. p53 was able to inhibit pZ402 replication independently of p21$\sp{\rm cip/waf}$. p53 was also able to inhibit DNA replication independent of the p53 target genes Gadd45 and the replication processivity factor PCNA. The inhibition of DNA replication by p53 was also independent of direct DNA binding to a consensus site on the replicating plasmid. p53 mutants can be classified into two categories: conformational and DNA contact mutants. The two types of p53 mutants were tested for their effects on DNA replication. While all conformational mutants were unable to inhibit DNA replication three out of three DNA contact mutants tested were able to inhibit DNA replication. The work here studies the effect wild-type and mutant p53 has on DNA replication and demonstrated a possible mechanism by which wild-type p53 could inhibit DNA replication through the transcriptional activation of a target gene. ^


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Initiation of Myxococcus xanthus multicellular development requires both nutrient limitation and high cell density. The extracellular signal, A signal, which consists of a set of amino acids at specific concentrations, serves as a cell density signal in M. xanthus early development. A reporter gene, designated 4521, that requires both starvation and A signal for developmental expression was used to identify mutations in the signal transduction pathways. A group of point mutations located in the chromosomal sasB locus that bypasses both requirements was previously isolated. One of these point mutations, sasB7, was mapped to the sasS gene, which is predicted to encode a transmembrane histidine protein kinase required for normal development. SasS is a positive regulator of 4521 and a candidate A signal sensor. This dissertation continues the characterization of the sasB locus, focusing on the sasR gene and the functional relationship of SasS and SasR. ^ The sasR gene is located 2.2-kb downstream of sasS. It is predicted to encode an NtrC-like response regulator, which belongs to the family of sigma54 transcriptional activators. SasR is a positive regulator of 4521 gene and is required for normal development. The sasR mutant displays phenotypes similar to that of sasS mutant. Both SasS and SasR are required for the A-signal-dependent 4521 expression. Genetic epistasis analysis indicates that SasR functions downstream of SasS. Biochemical studies show that SasS has autokinase activity, and phosphorylated SasS is able to transfer its phosphate to SasR. We propose that SasS and SasR form a two-component signal transduction system in the A signal transduction pathway. ^ To search for the genes regulated by SasS and SasR, expression patterns of a group of developmental genes were compared in wild-type and sasS null mutant backgrounds. SasS and SasR were found to positively regulate sasN and 4521. The sasN gene was previously identified as a negative regulator of 4521, located at about 170-bp downstream of sasR. It is required for normal fruiting body development. Based on the above data, a regulatory network consisting of sasS, sasR, sasN, and 4521 is hypothesized, and the interactions of the components in this network can now be further studied. ^