43 resultados para Community Health Aides


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During this cross-sectional study, both quantitative and qualitative research methods were used to elucidate the role that household environment and sanitation play in the nutritional status of children in a rural Honduran community. Anthropometric measurements were taken as measures of nutritional status among children under five years of age, while interviews regarding the household environment were conducted with their primary caregivers. Community participatory activities were conducted with primary caregivers, and results from water quality testing were analyzed for E. coli contamination. Anthropometric results were compared using the 1977 NCHS Growth Charts and the 2006 WHO Child Growth Standard to examine the implications of using the new WHO standard. The references showed generally good or excellent agreement between z-score categories, except among height-for-age classifications for males 24-35.9 months and weight-for-age classifications for males older than 24 months. Comparing the proportion of stunted, underweight, and wasted children, using the WHO standard generally resulted in higher proportions of stunting, lower underweight proportions, and higher overweight proportions. Logistic regression was used to determine which household and sanitation factors most influenced the growth of children. Results suggest only having water from a spring, stream, or other type of surface water as the primary source of drinking water is a significant risk factor for stunting. A protective association was seen between the household wealth index and stunting. Through participatory activities, the community provided insight on health issues important for improving child health. These activities yielded findings to be harnessed as a powerful resource to unify efforts for change. The qualitative findings were triangulated with the quantitative interview and water testing results to provide intervention recommendations for the community and its primary health care clinic. Recommendations include educating the community on best water consumption practices and encouraging the completion of at least some primary education for primary caregivers to improve child health. It is recommended that a community health worker program be developed to support and implement community interventions to improve water use and household sanitation behaviors and to encourage the involvement of the community in targeting and guiding successful interventions. ^


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This project involved developing a model for planning a dental emergency treatment center that could function as an embedded component of a shelter for the homeless population. The dental services provided by such a clinic should include treatment for tooth pain, dental caries or cavities, chipped or broken teeth, broken partials, abscessed teeth, emergency cleanings, periodontal disease or gum disease and fillings. These are the dental services that are most often sought by homeless people in hospital emergency rooms.^ The underlying assumption for this project was that the oral health needs of the homeless community can most effectively be addressed by implementing small dental clinics in existing facilities that provide shelter and other services for this population. The model described in this project identifies oral health care services that would be provided by the clinic, facility (physical plant) requirements and associated infrastructure to operate an embedded dental clinic, methods for obtaining funding, strategies of recruiting dental professionals to staff the facility, and methods to assess the outcomes of the embedded clinic strategy. As an example, this project describes a strategy for developing such an embedded clinic at San Antonio Metropolitan Ministries SAMM shelter based on recommendations from community health care leaders, managers of homeless shelters, members of the homeless community and dental professionals^


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A descriptive study of the current educational programs of selected health personnel in Nigeria was made in 1986. Data on the content of educational programs was obtained from personal communication with the Heads of the various institutions and from their published materials (catalogs, course outlines and program descriptions). Adequacy of these programs was judged in the light of current health problems and needs of the population. Evaluation was based on the following criteria: (a) Selection of students to maximize their usefulness in the provision of health care. (b) Relevance of the curriculum to the tasks the trainee will be called upon to perform. (c) Types of courses that focus on community health needs. Using official reports, the health situation in the country was described to give a relative priority of health services.^ Findings indicate the following: (1) Health conditions in Nigeria are related to a high prevalence of illness and disease, unsanitary living conditions, a high ratio of infant mortality and a shortage of public health services. Priority needs for improvement call for attitudinal and environmental changes. (2) All health training programs have improved the relevance of education to community health needs by strengthening practical field experience, and teaching those courses which focus on disease prevention. (3) Prospective nurses and community health workers are selected on the basis of a number of personal and intellectual characteristics, but academic performance alone is the criterion for medical students. (4) The curriculum in the medical school needs to be restructured to cut back on time devoted to enriching the medical "background". Basic sciences need better integration with hospital work. (5) Managerial and organization courses have been well incorporated into the nursing and community health workers' curricula. (6) There is a marked overlap in the tasks the community health workers are expected to perform. This causes some redundancy in having four separate categories of these health personnel. ^


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Background. The United Nations' Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 4 aims for a two-thirds reduction in death rates for children under the age of five by 2015. The greatest risk of death is in the first week of life, yet most of these deaths can be prevented by such simple interventions as improved hygiene, exclusive breastfeeding, and thermal care. The percentage of deaths in Nigeria that occur in the first month of life make up 28% of all deaths under five years, a statistic that has remained unchanged despite various child health policies. This paper will address the challenges of reducing the neonatal mortality rate in Nigeria by examining the literature regarding efficacy of home-based, newborn care interventions and policies that have been implemented successfully in India. ^ Methods. I compared similarities and differences between India and Nigeria using qualitative descriptions and available quantitative data of various health indicators. The analysis included identifying policy-related factors and community approaches contributing to India's newborn survival rates. Databases and reference lists of articles were searched for randomized controlled trials of community health worker interventions shown to reduce neonatal mortality rates. ^ Results. While it appears that Nigeria spends more money than India on health per capita ($136 vs. $132, respectively) and as percent GDP (5.8% vs. 4.2%, respectively), it still lags behind India in its neonatal, infant, and under five mortality rates (40 vs. 32 deaths/1000 live births, 88 vs. 48 deaths/1000 live births, 143 vs. 63 deaths/1000 live births, respectively). Both countries have comparably low numbers of healthcare providers. Unlike their counterparts in Nigeria, Indian community health workers receive training on how to deliver postnatal care in the home setting and are monetarily compensated. Gender-related power differences still play a role in the societal structure of both countries. A search of randomized controlled trials of home-based newborn care strategies yielded three relevant articles. Community health workers trained to educate mothers and provide a preventive package of interventions involving clean cord care, thermal care, breastfeeding promotion, and danger sign recognition during multiple postnatal visits in rural India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan reduced neonatal mortality rates by 54%, 34%, and 15–20%, respectively. ^ Conclusion. Access to advanced technology is not necessary to reduce neonatal mortality rates in resource-limited countries. To address the urgency of neonatal mortality, countries with weak health systems need to start at the community level and invest in cost-effective, evidence-based newborn care interventions that utilize available human resources. While more randomized controlled studies are urgently needed, the current available evidence of models of postnatal care provision demonstrates that home-based care and health education provided by community health workers can reduce neonatal mortality rates in the immediate future.^


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The Institute of Medicine (IOM) report on the future of health care states that the focus on health needs to shift to the management and prevention of chronic illnesses and that academic health centers (AHCs) should play an active role in this process through community partnerships (IOM, 2002). Grant funding from the National Institutes of Health and the creation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Prevention Research Centers (PRC) across the county represent a transition toward more proactively seeking out community partnerships to better design and disseminate health promotion programs (Green, 2001). ^ The focus of the PRCs is to conduct rigorous, community-based, prevention research, to seek outcomes applicable to public health programs and policies. The PRCs work is to create and foster partnerships among public health and community organizations, to address health promotion and disease prevention issues (CDC, 2003). ^ The W.K. Kellogg Foundation defines CBPR as "a collaborative approach to research that equitably involves all partners in the research process and recognizes the unique strengths that each brings. CBPR begins with a research topic of importance to the community with the aim of combining knowledge and action for social change to improve community health." ^ In 1995, CDC asked the IOM to review the PRC program to examine the extent to which the program is providing the public health community with strategies to address public health problems in disease prevention and health promotion (IOM, 1997). No comprehensive evaluation n of the individual PRCs had ever been done (IOM, 1997). ^ The CDC was interested in understanding how it could better support the PRC program through improved management and oversight to influence the program's success. The CDC only represents one of the entities that influence the success of a PRC. Another key entity to consider is the support of and influence of the Schools of Public Health in which the PRCs reside. Using evaluation criteria similar to those that were developed by the IOM, this study examined how aspects of structural capacity of the Schools of Public Health in which the PRCs reside are perceived to influence PRC community-based research activities. ^


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Geographic health planning analyses, such as service area calculations, are hampered by a lack of patient-specific geographic data. Using the limited patient address information in patient management systems, planners analyze patient origin based on home address. But activity space research done sparingly in public health and extensively in non-health related arenas uses multiple addresses per person when analyzing accessibility. Also, health care access research has shown that there are many non-geographic factors that influence choice of provider. Most planning methods, however, overlook non-geographic factors influencing choice of provider, and the limited data mean the analyses can only be related to home address. This research attempted to determine to what extent geography plays a part in patient choice of provider and to determine if activity space data can be used to calculate service areas for primary care providers. During Spring 2008, a convenience sample of 384 patients of a locally-funded Community Health Center in Houston, Texas, completed a survey that asked about what factors are important when he or she selects a health care provider. A subset of this group (336) also completed an activity space log that captured location and time data on the places where the patient regularly goes. Survey results indicate that for this patient population, geography plays a role in their choice of health care provider, but it is not the most important reason for choosing a provider. Other factors for choosing a health care provider such as the provider offering “free or low cost visits”, meeting “all of the patient’s health care needs”, and seeing “the patient quickly” were all ranked higher than geographic reasons. Analysis of the patient activity locations shows that activity spaces can be used to create service areas for a single primary care provider. Weighted activity-space-based service areas have the potential to include more patients in the service area since more than one location per patient is used. Further analysis of the logs shows that a reduced set of locations by time and type could be used for this methodology, facilitating ongoing data collection for activity-space-based planning efforts.


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To improve health and reduce costs, we need to encourage patients to make better healthcare decisions. Many informatics interventions are aimed at improving health outcomes by influencing patient behavior. However, we know little about how the content of a message in these interventions can influence a health-related decision. In this research we formulate a conceptual model to help explain and guide the design of “persuasive messages”, those which can change and influence patient behavior. We apply the conceptual model to design persuasive appointment reminder messages using humancentered design principles. Finally, we empirically test our hypotheses in a randomized controlled trial in order to determine the effectiveness of persuasive appointment reminders to reduce the number of missed appointments in a sample of 1016 subjects in a community health center. The results of the study confirm that reminder messages are effective in reducing missed appointment compared with no reminders (p=0.028). Further, reminder messages that incorporate heuristic cues such as authority, commitment, liking, and scarcity are more effective than reminder messages without such cues (p=0.006). However, the addition of systematic arguments or reasons for attending appointments have no effect on appointment adherence (p=0.646). The results of this research suggest that the content of reminder messages may be an important factor in helping to reduce missed appointments.


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Recently it has been proposed that the evaluation of effects of pollutants on aquatic organisms can provide an early warning system of potential environmental and human health risks (NRC 1991). Unfortunately there are few methods available to aquatic biologists to conduct assessments of the effects of pollutants on aquatic animal community health. The primary goal of this research was to develop and evaluate the feasibility of such a method. Specifically, the primary objective of this study was to develop a prototype rapid bioassessment technique similar to the Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) for the upper Texas and Northwestern Gulf of Mexico coastal tributaries. The IBI consists of a series of "metrics" which describes specific attributes of the aquatic community. Each of these metrics are given a score which is then subtotaled to derive a total assessment of the "health" of the aquatic community. This IBI procedure may provide an additional assessment tool for professionals in water quality management.^ The experimental design consisted primarily of compiling previously collected data from monitoring conducted by the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) at five bayous classified according to potential for anthropogenic impact and salinity regime. Standardized hydrological, chemical, and biological monitoring had been conducted in each of these watersheds. The identification and evaluation of candidate metrics for inclusion in the estuarine IBI was conducted through the use of correlation analysis, cluster analysis, stepwise and normal discriminant analysis, and evaluation of cumulative distribution frequencies. Scores of each included metric were determined based on exceedances of specific percentiles. Individual scores were summed and a total IBI score and rank for the community computed.^ Results of these analyses yielded the proposed metrics and rankings listed in this report. Based on the results of this study, incorporation of an estuarine IBI method as a water quality assessment tool is warranted. Adopted metrics were correlated to seasonal trends and less so to salinity gradients observed during the study (0-25 ppt). Further refinement of this method is needed using a larger more inclusive data set which includes additional habitat types, salinity ranges, and temporal variation. ^


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Geographic health planning analyses, such as service area calculations, are hampered by a lack of patient-specific geographic data. Using the limited patient address information in patient management systems, planners analyze patient origin based on home address. But activity space research done sparingly in public health and extensively in non-health related arenas uses multiple addresses per person when analyzing accessibility. Also, health care access research has shown that there are many non-geographic factors that influence choice of provider. Most planning methods, however, overlook non-geographic factors influencing choice of provider, and the limited data mean the analyses can only be related to home address. This research attempted to determine to what extent geography plays a part in patient choice of provider and to determine if activity space data can be used to calculate service areas for primary care providers. ^ During Spring 2008, a convenience sample of 384 patients of a locally-funded Community Health Center in Houston, Texas, completed a survey that asked about what factors are important when he or she selects a health care provider. A subset of this group (336) also completed an activity space log that captured location and time data on the places where the patient regularly goes. ^ Survey results indicate that for this patient population, geography plays a role in their choice of health care provider, but it is not the most important reason for choosing a provider. Other factors for choosing a health care provider such as the provider offering "free or low cost visits", meeting "all of the patient's health care needs", and seeing "the patient quickly" were all ranked higher than geographic reasons. ^ Analysis of the patient activity locations shows that activity spaces can be used to create service areas for a single primary care provider. Weighted activity-space-based service areas have the potential to include more patients in the service area since more than one location per patient is used. Further analysis of the logs shows that a reduced set of locations by time and type could be used for this methodology, facilitating ongoing data collection for activity-space-based planning efforts. ^


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This study examined barriers that cancer patients experience in obtaining treatment. The principal aim of the study was to conduct a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative assessment of barriers to cancer treatment for Texas cancer patients. The three specific aims of the study were to: (1) conduct a review and critique of published and unpublished research on barriers to cancer treatment; (2) conduct focus groups for the qualitative assessment of cancer patients' perceived barriers to cancer treatment; and (3) survey a representative sample of cancer patients regarding perceived barriers to treatment. The study was guided by the Aday and Andersen access framework of predisposing, enabling, and need determinants of care-seeking.^ To address the first specific aim, a total of 732 abstracts were examined, from which 154 articles were selected for review. Of these 154 articles, 57 that related directly to research on barriers to cancer treatment were chosen for subsequent analysis. Criteria were applied to each article to evaluate the strength of the study design, sampling and measurement procedures. The major barriers that were consistently documented to influence whether or not cancer patients sought or continued required treatment included problems with communication between the patient and provider, lack of information on side effects, the cost of treatment and associated difficulties in obtaining and maintaining insurance coverage, and the absence of formal and informal networks of social support. Access barriers were generally greater for older, minority women, and patients of lower socioeconomic status.^ To address the second specific aim, a total of eight focus groups (n = 44) were conducted across the State of Texas with cancer patients identified by the Texas Community Oncology Network, American Cancer Society, and community health centers. One important finding was that cost is the greatest hurdle that patients face. Another finding was that with the health care/insurance crisis, an increasing number of physicians are working with their patients to develop individually-tailored payment plans. For people in rural areas, travel to treatment sites is a major barrier due to the travel costs as well as work time forfeited by patients and their family members. A third major finding was the patients' family and church play important roles in providing social and emotional support for cancer patients.^ To address the third aim, a total of 910 cancer patients were surveyed during October and November, 1993. Approximately 65% of the cancer patients responded to the survey. The findings showed that the major barriers to treatment included costs of medications and diagnostic tests, transportation, lack of social support, problems understanding the written information regarding their disease as well as losing coverage or having higher premiums or copayments once they were diagnosed (particularly among blacks).^ Significant differences in reported barriers were found between racial groups. The minority respondents (i.e., blacks and Hispanics) tended to experience more barriers to treatment compared to the white respondents. More specifically, Hispanics were more likely to report transportation as a barrier to treatment than both white and blacks. Future research is needed to better understand the problems that minority cancer patients experience in receiving treatment. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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As the requirements for health care hospitalization have become more demanding, so has the discharge planning process become a more important part of the health services system. A thorough understanding of hospital discharge planning can, then, contribute to our understanding of the health services system. This study involved the development of a process model of discharge planning from hospitals. Model building involved the identification of factors used by discharge planners to develop aftercare plans, and the specification of the roles of these factors in the development of the discharge plan. The factors in the model were concatenated in 16 discrete decision sequences, each of which produced an aftercare plan.^ The sample for this study comprised 407 inpatients admitted to the M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institution at Houston, Texas, who were discharged to any site within Texas during a 15 day period. Allogeneic bone marrow donors were excluded from the sample. The factors considered in the development of discharge plans were recorded by discharge planners and were used to develop the model. Data analysis consisted of sorting the discharge plans using the plan development factors until for some combination and sequence of factors all patients were discharged to a single site. The arrangement of factors that led to that aftercare plan became a decision sequence in the model.^ The model constructs the same discharge plans as those developed by hospital staff for every patient in the study. Tests of the validity of the model should be extended to other patients at the MDAH, to other cancer hospitals, and to other inpatient services. Revisions of the model based on these tests should be of value in the management of discharge planning services and in the design and development of comprehensive community health services.^


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Objective: To assess the indoor environment of two different types of dental practices regarding VOCs, PM2.5, and ultrafine particulate concentrations and examine the relationship between specific dental activities and contaminant levels. Method: The indoor environments of two selected dental settings (private practice and community health center) will were assessed in regards to VOCs, PM 2.5, and ultrafine particulate concentrations, as well as other indoor air quality parameters (CO2, CO, temperature, and relative humidity). The sampling duration was four working days for each dental practice. Continuous monitoring and integrated sampling methods were used and number of occupants, frequency, type, and duration of dental procedures or activities recorded. Measurements were compared to indoor air quality standards and guidelines. Results: The private practice had higher CO2, CO, and most VOC concentrations than the community health center, but the community health center had higher PM2.5 and ultrafine PM concentrations. Concentrations of p-dichlorobenzene and PM2.5 exceeded some guidelines. Outdoor concentrations greatly influenced the indoor concentration. There were no significant differences in contaminant levels between the operatory and general area. Indoor concentrations during the working period were not always consistently higher than during the nonworking period. Peaks in particulate matter concentration occurred during root canal and composite procedures.^


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Objective: My study aimed at determining the association between obesity and diabetes prevalence in South Asian Indian immigrants in Houston, Texas. To also compare the prevalence odds of diabetes given obesity, using WHO-BMI criteria and recommended Asian ethnic-specific BMI criteria for obesity, as well as using WHO-standard waist circumference criteria and ethnic-specific criteria for abdominal obesity, across gender and age, in this population. ^ Methods: My study was a secondary data analysis based on a cross-sectional study carried out on adult South Asian Indians who attended a local community health fair in Houston, in 2007. They recruited 213 voluntary, eligible, South Asian Indian participants aged between 18 to 79 years. Self reported history of Diabetes was obtained and height, weight, waist and hip circumference were measured. I classified BMI based on WHO-standard and ethnic-specific criteria, according to gender and age groups of 18–35 years, 36–64 years and 65 years and over. Waist circumference was also classified based on WHO-standard NCEP criteria and currently recommended ethnic-specific IDF criteria and analysis was done stratifying by gender and age groups. ^ Results: The prevalence of diabetes in this population was 14.6%, significantly higher in older age groups (25.8%) and males (19.2%). The prevalence of DM was statistically similar in individuals who were overweight/obese compared to those not overweight/obese, however in overweight/obese individuals, there was a statistically significant difference in the prevalence of DM between WHO and ethnic-specific criteria for both BMI and waist circumference. In older adults and in males, ethnic-specific criteria identified significantly more as overweight/obese compared to WHO-standard criteria. ^ Conclusions: Ethnic-specific criteria for both BMI and waist circumference give a better estimate for obesity in this South Asian Indian population. Diabetes is highly prevalent in migrant South Asian Indians even at low BMI or waist circumference levels and significantly more in males and older age groups, hence adequate awareness should be created for early prevention and intervention.^


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This study compared initial year trends in prenatal care and birth outcomes of women enrolled in the Texas Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Perinatal program to trends in Medicaid program women. The study utilized claims data from Community Health Choice (CHC), a health plan in Harris County, Texas that provides coverage to both populations. Quarterly data was analyzed and compared for the first two years of the CHIP Perinatal program (2007-2008) to determine if outcome trends for the CHIP program improved over the outcome trends seen with those enrolled in Medicaid. Study findings indicate an increase in the quarterly prenatal care utilization for the CHIP Perinatal population from 2007 to 2008 and the associated birth weights of babies delivered also had marginal improvements during the same timeframe. Enrollees in Medicaid continued to have overall better outcomes than those enrolled within the CHIP Perinatal program. However, the study showed that the rate of improvement in both prenatal care utilization and birth outcomes were greater for the CHIP Perinatal enrollees than those enrolled in Medicaid. ^ The majority of these improvements were significant when comparing each coverage program and from year to year. Lastly, the study showed that there was a correlation between prenatal care utilization and birth outcomes. However, further analysis of the data could not conclusively indicate that access to prenatal care services provided by the CHIP Perinatal program contributed to the increases observed in utilization and birth outcomes for the study's sample population.^


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In 1941 the Texas Legislature appropriated $500,000 to the Board of Regents of the University of Texas to establish a cancer research hospital. The M. D. Anderson Foundation offered to match the appropriation with a grant of an equal sum and to provide a permanent site in Houston. In August, 1942 the Board of Regent of the University and the Trustees of the Foundation signed an agreement to embark on this project. This institution was to be the first one in the medical center, which was incorporated in October, 1945. The Board of Trustees of the Texas Medical Center commissioned a hospital survey to: - Define the needed hospital facilities in the area - Outline an integrated program to meet these needs - Define the facilities to be constructed - Prepare general recommendations for efficient progress The Hospital Study included information about population, hospitals, and other health care and education facilities in Houston and Harris County at that time. It included projected health care needs for future populations, education needs, and facility needs. It also included detailed information on needs for chronic illnesses, a school of public health, and nursing education. This study provides valuable information about the general population and the state of medicine in Houston and Harris County in the 1940s. It gives a unique perspective on the anticipated future as civic leaders looked forward in building the city and region. This document is critical to an understanding of the Texas Medical Center, Houston and medicine as they are today. SECTIONS INCLUDE: Abstract The Abstract was a summary of the 400 page document including general information about the survey area, community medical assets, and current and projected medical needs which the Texas Medical Center should meet. The 123 recommendations were both general (e.g., 12. “That in future planning, the present auxiliary department of the larger hospitals be considered inadequate to carry an added teaching research program of any sizable scope.”) and specific (e.g., 22. That 14.3% of the total acute bed requirement be allotted for obstetric care, reflecting a bed requirement of 522 by 1950, increasing to 1,173 by 1970.”) Section I: Survey Area This section basically addressed the first objective of the survey: “define the needed hospital facilities in the area.” Based on the admission statistics of hospitals, Harris County was included in the survey, with the recognition that growth from out-lying regional areas could occur. Population characteristics and vital statistics were included, with future trends discussed. Each of the hospitals in the area and government and private health organizations, such as the City-County Welfare Board, were documented. Statistics on the facilities use and capacity were given. Eighteen recommendations and observations on the survey area were given. Section II: Community Program This section basically addressed the second objective of the survey: “outline an integrated program to meet these needs.” The information from the Survey Area section formed the basis of the plans for development of the Texas Medical Center. In this section, specific needs, such as what medical specialties were needed, the location and general organization of a medical center, and the academic aspects were outlined. Seventy-four recommendations for these plans were provided. Section III: The Texas Medical Center The third and fourth objectives are addressed. The specific facilities were listed and recommendations were made. Section IV: Special Studies: Chronic Illness The five leading causes of death (heart disease, cancer, “apoplexy”, nephritis, and tuberculosis) were identified and statistics for morbidity and mortality provided. Diagnostic, prevention and care needs were discussed. Recommendations on facilities and other solutions were made. Section IV: Special Studies: School of Public Health An overview of the state of schools of public health in the US was provided. Information on the direction and need of this special school was also provided. Recommendations on development and organization of the proposed school were made. Section IV: Special Studies: Needs and Education Facilities for Nurses Nursing education was connected with hospitals, but the changes to academic nursing programs were discussed. The needs for well-trained nurses in an expanded medical environment were anticipated to result in significant increased demands of these professionals. An overview of the current situation in the survey area and recommendations were provided. Appendix A Maps, tables and charts provide background and statistical information for the previous sections. Appendix B Detailed census data for specific areas of the survey area in the report were included. Sketches of each of the fifteen hospitals and five other health institutions showed historical information, accreditations, staff, available facilities (beds, x-ray, etc.), academic capabilities and financial information.