19 resultados para Children and youth


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This study evaluates the effectiveness of the Children and Youth Projects' Adolescent Family Life Program, a comprehensive program serving pregnant and parenting adolescents in the economically disadvantaged area of West Dallas. The underlying question asked is what are the relative contributions of the comprehensive, school-linked Adolescent Family Life (AFL) Program compared with the Maternal Health and Family Planning Program (MHFPP), a categorical provider of family planning and reproductive services, towards meeting the immediate and intermediate term needs of adolescent mothers. Also addressed are the protective effects of participation in the Dallas Independent School District Health Special Program, a segregated school for pregnant adolescents.^ A cohort of 339 West Dallas adolescent mothers who delivered babies during a two-year period, 1986 through 1987, are monitored by linking records from Parkland Hospital, the primary provider to hospital services to indigent women in Dallas, the Dallas Independent School District, and the prenatal care providers, the AFL and MHFP Programs. Information is collected on each teen describing her demographic, fertility, service utilization and educational characteristics.^ The study tests the hypothesis that adolescents receiving services from the comprehensive AFL program will be less likely to have a repeat birth and to discontinue school during the 24 month study period, compared with categorical provider clients. Although the study finds that there are no statistically significant differences in repeat deliveries, using survival analysis, or in school continuation between programs, important findings are revealed about the ethnic differences. Black and Hispanic fertility and educational behaviors are compared, and their implications for program design and evaluation discussed. ^


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The determinants of change in blood pressure during childhood and adolescence were studied in a cohort of U.S. national probability sample of 2146 children examined on two occasions during the Health Examination Survey. Significant negative correlations between the initial level and the subsequent changes in blood pressure were observed. The multiple regression analyses showed that the major determinants of systolic blood pressure (SBP) change were change in weight, baseline SBP, and baseline upper arm girth. Race, time interval between examinations, baseline age, and height change were also significant determinants in SBP change. For the change in diastolic blood pressure (DBP), baseline DBP, baseline weight, and weight change were the major determinants. Baseline SBP, time interval and race were also significant determinants. Sexual maturation variables were also considered in the subgroup analysis for girls. Weight change was the most important predictor of the change in SBP for the group of girls who were still in the pre-menarchal or pre-breast maturation status at the time of the follow-up examination, and who had started to menstruate or to develop breast maturation at sometime between the two examinations. Baseline triceps skinfold thickness or initial SBP were more important variables than weight change for the group of girls who had already experienced menarche or breast maturation at the time of the initial survey. For the total group, pubic hair maturation was found to be a significant predictor of SBP change at the 5% significance level. The importance of weight change and baseline weight for the changes in blood pressure warrants further study. ^


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The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) has increased dramatically in the United States in the past several decades. While botanicals and dietary supplements have received the majority of attention in the popular and scholarly literature on alternative therapies, mind-body therapies, such as biofeedback, meditation, hypnosis, massage and chiropractic care presently constitute a large portion of the American public's use of CAM. The present study explores the patterns and prevalence of such therapy use among an under-studied population of CAM users: children and adolescents. Using data from the 2007 National Health Interview Survey, this paper describes the prevalence, patterns, and predictors of mind-body therapy use among a nationally representative sample of children (n=9,417) using a multidimensional model of health care behavior. The contribution of predisposing, enabling, and medical factors to mind-body therapy use among children will be also examined. Results provide additional evidence to a growing body of literature documenting that children and adolescents increasingly turn to mind-body therapies to alleviate symptoms, cope with chronic or life-threatening diseases, and to promote overall well-being. ^


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Intensive family preservation services (IFPS), designed to stabilize at-risk families and avert out-of-home care, have been the focus of many randomized, experimental studies. Employing a retrospective “clinical data-mining” (CDM) methodology (Epstein, 2001), this study makes use of available information extracted from client records in one IFPS agency over the course of two years. The primary goal of this descriptive and associational study was to gain a clearer understanding of IFPS service delivery and effectiveness. Interventions provided to families are delineated and assessed for their impact on improved family functioning, their impact on the reduction of family violence, as well as placement prevention. Findings confirm the use of a wide range of services consistent with IFPS program theory. Because the study employs a quasi-experimental, retrospective use of available information, clinical outcomes described cannot be causally attributed to interventions employed as with randomized controlled trials. With regard to service outcomes, findings suggest that family education, empowerment services and advocacy are most influential in placement prevention and in ameliorating unmanageable behaviors in children as well as the incidence of family violence.