27 resultados para Ca(2 ) channel


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Sensitization is a simple form of learning which refers to an enhancement of a behavioral response resulting from an exposure to a novel stimulus. While sensitization is found throughout the animal world, little is known regarding the underlying neural mechanisms. By taking advantage of the simple nervous system of the marine mollusc Aplysia, I have begun to examine the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying this simple form of learning. In an attempt to determine the generality of the mechanisms of neuromodulation underlying sensitization, I have investigated and compared the modulation of neurons involved in two defensive behaviors in Aplysia, the defensive inking response and defensive tail withdrawal.^ The motor neurons that produce the defensive release of ink receive a slow decreased conductance excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) in response to sensitizing stimuli. Using electrophysiological techniques, it was found that serotonin (5-HT) mimicked the physiologically produced slow EPSP. 5-HT produced its response through a reduction in a voltage-independent conductance to K('+). The 5-HT sensitive K('+) conductance of the ink motor neurons was separate from the fast K('+), delayed K('+), and Ca('2+)-activated K('+) conductances found in these and other molluscan neurons. 5-HT was shown to produce a decrease in K('+) conductance in the ink motor neurons through an elevation of cellular cAMP.^ The mechanosensory neurons that participate in the defensive tail withdrawal response are also modulated by sensitizing stimuli through the action of 5-HT. Using electrophysiological techniques, it was found that 5-HT modulated the tail sensory neurons through a reduction in a voltage-dependent conductance to K('+). The serotonin-sensitive K('+) conductance was found to be largely a Ca('2+)-activated K('+) conductance. Much like the ink motor neurons, 5-HT produced its modulation through an elevation of cellular cAMP. While the actual K('+) conductance modulated by 5-HT in these two classes of neurons differs, the following generalizations can be made: (1) the effects of sensitizing stimuli are mimicked by 5-HT, (2) 5-HT produces its effect through an elevation of cellular cAMP, and (3) the conductance to K('+) is modulated by 5-HT. ^


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Glutathione (GSH) is involved in the detoxication of numerous chemicals exogenously exposed or endogenously generated. Exposure to these agents cause depletion of cellular GSH rendering these cells more susceptible to the toxic action of these same agents. Formaldehyde (CH(,2)O) was found to deplete cellular GSH, presumably by the formation of the GSH-CH(,2)O complex, S-hydroxymethylglutathione, and its rapid extrusion into the extracellular medium.^ The metabolism and toxicity of CH(,2)O were determined to be dependent upon cellular GSH in vitro and in vivo. The rate of CH(,2)O oxidation decreased and the extent of toxicity increased when isolated rat hepatocytes or strain A/J mice were pretreated with the GSH-depleting agent, diethyl maleate (DEM). Additional experiments were designed to further study the role GSH plays in detoxication using isolated rat hepatocytes.^ L-Methionine protected against the extent of lipid peroxidation and leakage of the cytosolic enzyme, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), caused by CH(,2)O in DEM-pretreated hepatocytes, further supporting the protective role of GSH against cellular toxicity. The antioxidants, ascorbate, butylated hydroxytoluene, and (alpha)-tocopherol, were all protective against the extent of lipid peroxidation and leakage of LDH in isolated rat hepatocytes. Whereas L-methionine may be protective by increasing the cellular concentration of GSH which is used to detoxify free radicals or by facilitating the rate of CH(,2)O oxidation, the antioxidant, ascorbate, was protective without altering the rate of CH(,2)O oxidation or increasing cellular GSH levels. These results suggest that the free radical-mediated toxicity caused by CH(,2)O in DEM-pretreated hepatocytes is due to the further depletion of GSH by CH(,2)O and not to increased CH(,2)O persistence. How this further depletion in GSH by CH(,2)O in DEM-pretreated hepatocytes results in lipid peroxidation and cell death was further investigated.^ The further decrease in GSH caused by CH(,2)O in DEM-pretreated hepatocytes, suspected of stimulating lipid peroxidation and cell death, was found not to be due to depletion of mitochondrial GSH but to depletion of protein sulfhydryl groups. In addition, cellular toxicity appears more closely correlated with depletion of protein sulfhydryl groups than with an increase in cytosolic free Ca('2+). The combination of CH(,2)O and DEM may be a useful tool in identifying these critical sulfhydryl-protein(s) and to further understand the role GSH plays in detoxication. ^


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The object of this work was to study the possibility that microtubule assembly might be involved in radiation sensitivity effect. The proliferating hair follicle was used to study the effects of cooling c-AMP, colcemid, and vincristine on the survival of the hair after irradiation. It was found that after 2 hours of cooling at the rewarming stage of the hair follicles, the sensitivity to irradiation increased and colcemid reversed this effect. c-AMP decreased radiosensitivity and together with colcemid, sensitivity decreased considerably. It is proposed that the assembly of microtubules is sensitive to irradiation.^ Total tubulin in L-P59 tumor measured immediately after irradiation was found to decrease in a dose specific manner after single doses ranging from 500 to 2000 rad. It is proposed that the change in Ca('2+) concentration after irradiation might cause this effect. Irradiation inhibited the increase in specific viscosity of 3x and 1x tubulin irradiated at the time of assembly. A small reduction in specific viscosity was found when polymerized microtubules were irradiated.^ From these experiments it is proposed that the assembly of microtubules is affected by irradiation. It may be the result of an increase in CA('2+) concentration in the tissue after irradiation or an inactivation of the initiation centers. The effects of irradiation on unassembled tubulin or assembled microtubules is negligible. ^


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Relaxin is able to inhibit spontaneous, oxytocin-and prostaglandin-driven uterine contractions. The intracellular mechanism of action of relaxin on uterine relaxation had previously been studied using isometrically suspended uterine strips. Since uterine strips contain stroma as well as myometrium, the changes in biochemical parameters induced by relaxin treatment may not occur in the same cell types responsible for the physical changes. In these studies, cultures of enriched populations of rat myometrial cells were used to investigate the effect of relaxin on biochemical and morphological parameters which are related to relaxation.^ Under optimal culture conditions (initial plating density 1 - 1.5 x 10('6)cells/ml, 3 ml/35 mm dish, 2 days culture), enzymatically isolated rat myometrial cells were able to respond to relaxin with cAMP elevation. Relaxin elevated cAMP levels in the presence but not the absence of 0.1 mM methylisobutylxanthine or 0.4 um forskolin in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. In contrast, isoproterenol was able to elevate cAMP levels in the presence and absence of 0.1 mM methylisobutylxanthine.^ Oxytocin treatment caused a decrease in mean cell length and area of myometrial cells in culture which could be considered analogous to contraction. Under optimal culture conditions, relaxin increased myometrial cell length and area (i.e. analogous to relaxation) of oxytocin-treated cells in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. Other relaxants such as isoproterenol and dibutyryl cAMP also increased cell length and area of oxytocin - treated myometrial cells in culture.^ Under optimal culture conditions, relaxin decreased myosin light chain kinase activity in a time-and concentration-dependent manner by increasing the K(,50) of the enzyme for calmodulin (CaM), i.e. decreasing the affinity of the enzyme for CaM. The decrease in the affinity of myosin light chain kinase for CaM may be due to the phosphorylation of the enzyme by cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Relaxin also decreased the Ca('2+)(.)CaM-independent myosin light chain kinase activity to a lesser extent than that of the Ca('2+)(.)CaM-dependent enzyme activity. This was not attributable to a decrease in the affinity of the enzyme for myosin in myometrial cells in culture, in contrast to the finding of such a change following relaxin treatment of uterine strips. Further studies are required to clarify this point.^ There was a temporal association between the effects of relaxin on elevation of cAMP levels in the presence of 0.4 uM forskolin, increase in cell length and decrease in myosin light chain kinase activity. . . . (Author's abstract exceeds stipulated maximum length. Discontinued here with permission of author.) UMI ^


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RC3, also known as neurogranin, is a small neuronal IQ domain protein whose only known function is to bind calmodulin (CaM). The hypothesis tested in this work was that RC3 alters the dynamics of the interaction of Ca 2+-CaM with CaM-kinase II, so that there is less CaM-kinase II activation for a given Ca2+ stimulus. To evaluate this hypothesis, we investigated the affinity and kinetics of the interactions of CaM with Ca 2+, RC3 and CaM-kinase II. We quantitated the interaction of the four CaM-kinase II isoforms with CaM and found that the KD for binding of CaM to CaM-kinase II ranged from 7 nM to 60 nM. Using stopped-flow fluorimetry, we determined the kinetics of the interaction of Ca2+-CaM with αCaM-kinase II, and found that the association rate constant is 2.1 × 10 M −1s−1 and the dissociation rate constant is 1.6 s−1. We investigated the effects of RC3 and αCaM-kinase II on the affinity of CaM for Ca2+ and found that both proteins alter the rate of dissociation of Ca2+ from CaM. RC3 increases the rate of dissociation of Ca2+ from the C-terminal binding sites of CaM from 9 s−1 to ∼500 s−1 , while αCaM-kinase II causes a decrease in the rate of dissociation from all four Ca2+ binding sites. Measurement of the rate of dissociation of Ca2+ from CaM in the presence of both RC3 and αCaM-kinase II revealed a role for RC3 in accelerating the dissociation of the Ca 2+-CaM-αCaM-kinase II complex at the end of a Ca2+ signal. We characterized the interaction of RC3 with apo-CaM and Ca 2+-CaM and found that the KD for both of these interactions is about 1 μM. We also directly tested whether RC3 slowed the dynamics of the binding of CaM to αCaM-kinase II and found that RC3 had no effect for large changes in Ca2+, and a modest effect for small changes in Ca2+ levels. Our overall conclusion is that the ability of RC3 to alter the interaction of Ca2+ with CaM allows RC3 to alter the dynamics of interaction of CaM with Ca2+-dependent targets such as CaM-kinase II. ^


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The Ca2+-binding protein calmodulin (CaM) is a key transducer of Ca2+ oscillations by virtue of its ability to bind Ca 2+ selectively and then interact specifically with a large number of downstream enzymes and proteins. It remains unclear whether Ca2+ -dependent signaling alone can activate the full range of Ca 2+/CaM regulated processes or whether other regulatory schemes in the cell exist that allow specific targeting of CaM to subsets of Ca 2+/CaM binding sites or regions of the cell. Here we investigate the possibility that alterations of the availability of CaM may serve as a potential cellular mechanism for regulating the activation of CaM-dependent targets. By utilizing sensitive optical techniques with high spatial and temporal resolution, we examine the intracellular dynamics of CaM signaling at a resolution previously unattainable. After optimizing and characterizing both the optical methods and fluorescently labeled probes for intracellular measurements, the diffusion of CaM in the cytoplasm of HEK293 cells was analyzed. It was discovered that the diffusion characteristics of CaM are similar to that of a comparably sized inert molecule. Independent manipulation of experimental parameters, including increases in total concentrations of CaM and intracellular Ca2+ levels, did not change the diffusion of CaM in the cytoplasm. However, changes in diffusion were seen when the concentration of Ca2+/CaM-binding targets was increased in conjunction with elevated Ca2+. This indicates that CaM is not normally limiting for the activation of Ca 2+/CaM-dependent enzymes in HEK293 cells but reveals that the ratio of CaM to CaM-dependent targets is a potential mechanism for changing CaM availability. Next we considered whether cellular compartmentalization may act to regulate concentrations of available Ca2+/CaM in hippocampal neurons. We discovered changes in diffusion parameters of CaM under elevated Ca2+ conditions in the soma, neurite and nucleus which suggest that either the composition of cytoplasm is different in these compartments and/or they are composed of unique families of CaM-binding proteins. Finally, we return to the HEK293 cell and for the first time directly show the intracellular binding of CaM and CaMKII, an important target for CaM critical for neuronal function and plasticity. Furthermore, we analyzed the complex binding stoichiometry of this molecular interaction in the basal, activated and autophosphorylated states of CaMKII and determined the impact of this binding on CaM availability in the cell. Overall these results demonstrate that regulation of CaM availability is a viable cellular mechanism for regulating the output of CaM-dependent processes and that this process is tuned to the specific functional needs of a particular cell type and subcellular compartment. ^


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Previous studies have implicated Ca2+ fluxes in the control of apoptosis but their exact roles in regulating the process remain obscure. Because Ca2+ can serve as a signal for cytochrome c release from isolated mitochondria, we hypothesized that alterations in intracellular Ca2+ compartmentalization might serve as a release signal in whole cells undergoing apoptosis. Exposure of human PC-3 prostate adenocarcinoma cells to staurosporine or DNA damaging agent (doxorubicin) but not to anti-Fas antibody led to early release of Ca2+ from the endoplasmic reticulum and subsequent accumulation of Ca2+ within mitochondria. Both events were blocked in cells stably transfected with Bcl-2 but were not affected by treatment with the pancaspase inhibitor, zVADfmk. The effects of staurosporine were associated with re-localization of Bax from the cytosol to both endoplasmic reticular and mitochondrial membranes. Neither ER Ca 2+ pool depletion nor mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake were observed in DU-145 cells that possess a frameshift mutation in the Bax gene unless wild-type Bax was restored via adenoviral gene transfer. Cytochrome c release and downstream features of apoptosis were attenuated by treatment with an inhibitor of mitochondria) Ca2+ uptake (RU-360). Although, direct pharmacological ER Ca2+ pool emptying in cells treated with thapsigargin did not lead to early cytochrome c release, pretreatment of cells with staurosporine dramatically sensitized mitochondria to thapsigargin-induced cytochrome c release. Together, our data demonstrate that ER-to-mitochondrial Ca2+ fluxes promote cytochrome c release and apoptosis in cells exposed to some (but not all) pro-apoptosic stimuli. ^


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OSW-1 is a natural compound found in the bulbs of Orninithogalum saudersiae, a member of the lily family. This compound exhibits potent antitumor activity in vitro with the IC50 values in the low nanomolar concentration range and demonstrating its ability to kill drug resistant cancer cells. In an effort to discover the unknown mechanism of action of this novel compound as a potential anticancer agent, the main objective of this research project was to test the cytotoxicity of OSW-1 against various cancer lines, and to elucidate the biochemical and molecular mechanism(s) responsible for the anticancer activity of OSW-1. My initial investigation revealed that OSW-1 is effective in killing various cancer cells including pancreatic cancer cells and primary leukemia cells resistant to standard chemotherapeutic agents, and that non-malignant cells were less sensitive to this compound. Further studies revealed that in leukemia cells, OSW-1 causes a significant increase in cytosolic calcium and activates rapid calcium-dependent apoptosis by the intrinsic pathway. Additionally, OSW-1 treatment leads to the degradation of the ER chaperone GRP78/BiP implicated in the survival of cancer cells. Meanwhile, it shows a reduced sensitivity in respiration-deficient sub-clones of leukemia cells which had higher basal levels of Ca2+. Mechanistically, it was further demonstrated that cytosolic Ca2+ elevations were observed together with Na+ decreases in the cytosol, suggesting OSW-1 caused the calcium overload through inhibition of the Na+/Ca 2+exchanger (NCX). Although similar calcium disturbances were observed in pancreatic cancer cells, mechanistic studies revealed that autophagy served as an initial pro-survival mechanism subsequent to OSW-1 treatment but extended autophagy caused inevitable cell death. Furthermore, combination of OSW-1 with autophagy inhibitors significantly enhances the cytotoxicity against pancreatic cancer cells. Taken together, this study revealed the novel mechanism of OSW-1 which is through inhibition of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger and provides a basis for using this compound in combination with other agents for the treatment of pancreatic cancer which is resistant to available anticancer drugs. ^


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Membrane proteins are critical to every aspect of cell physiology, with their association mediating important biological functions. The transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains are known to be important for their association. In order to characterize their role in detail, we have applied different biophysical techniques in detergent micelles to two model systems. The first study involves FcRγ, a single transmembrane domain protein existing as a disulfide linked homodimer. We investigated the role of a conserved transmembrane polar residue and the cytoplasmic tail in FcRγ homo-interactions. Our results by various biophysical techniques including SDS-PAGE, circular dichroism and sedimentation equilibrium in detergent micelles indicate importance of both the transmembrane polar residue and cytoplasmic tail in maintaining proper conformation for FcRγ homo-interactions. A contrasting second study was on L-selectin, another single transmembrane domain protein with a large extracellular domain and a short cytoplasmic tail. Previous cross-linking experiments indicate its possible dimerization. However, the purified fragment of L-selectin and corresponding mutants did not dimerize when analyzed by TOXCAT assay, sedimentation equilibrium and fluorescence resonance energy transfer. It was likely that the presence of juxtamembrane positively charged residues led to decreased migrational rates in SDS PAGE. In conclusion, complementary biophysical techniques should be used with care when studying membrane protein association in detergent micelles. As an extension to our study on L-selectin, we also investigated its interaction with Calmodulin (CaM) in detergent micelles. CaM was found to interact with different detergents. We applied fluorescence and NMR spectroscopy to characterize the interaction of both the apo and Ca 2+ bound form of CaM, with commonly used detergents, below and above their respective critical micelle concentrations. The interaction of apo-CaM with detergents was found to vary with the nature of the detergent head group, whereas Ca2+-CaM interacted with individual detergent molecules irrespective of the nature of their head group. NMR titration experiments of CaM with detergents indicated involvement of specific residues from the N-lobe, linker and C-lobe of CaM. ^


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Despite vast research efforts since Cajal's seminal thoughts on the adaptation of the nervous system, researchers have only recently begun to understand the diversity of forms of neuronal plasticity and its mechanisms. All known forms of activity-dependent neuronal plasticity utilize alterations in [Ca 2+]i as a signal of changes in the membrane voltage. Ca 2+ sensors trigger modifications in excitability or synaptic strength that last from seconds to weeks and presumably years. Intriguingly, Kunjilwar et al., (unpublished observations) discovered in peripheral sensory axons of Aplysia that the induction of depolarization-dependent long-term axonal hyperexcitability does not require Ca2+ transients. Here we show that induction of depolarization-dependent intermediate-term and long-term synaptic potentiation in Aplysia occurs in conditions that prevent Ca2+ entry through voltage-gated channels and elevation of [Ca2+]i. We found that the intermediate-term synaptic potentiation induced under conditions expected to prevent Ca 2+ transients is associated with increased excitability of sensory neuron axons near presynaptic terminals, suggesting that the synaptic potentiation involves a presynaptic locus. The Ca2+-independent intermediate- and long-term synaptic potentiation appeared similar to previously reported Ca2+-dependent modifications in Aplysia. ^


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Programmed cell death is characterized by tightly controlled temporal and spatial intracellular Ca2+ responses that regulate the release of key proapoptotic proteins from mitochondria to the cytosol. Since apoptotic cells retain their ability to exclude membrane impermeable dyes, it is possible that the cells evoke repair mechanisms that, similar to those in normal cells, patch any damaged areas of the plasma membrane that preclude dye permeation. One critical distinction between plasma membrane repair in normal and apoptotic cells is the preservation of membrane lipid asymmetry. In normal cells, phosphatidylserine (PS) retains its normal asymmetric distribution in the inner membrane leaflet. In apoptotic cells, PS redistributes to the outer membrane leaflet by a Ca2+ dependent mechanism where it serves as a recognition ligand for phagocytes(1). In this study Ca 2+-specific fluorescent probes were employed to investigate the source of Ca2+ required for PS externalization. Experiments employing Rhod2-AM, calcium green 1, fura2-AM and the aqueous space marker FITC-dextran, demonstrated that exogenous Ca2+ imported with endocytotic vesicles into the cell was released into the cytosol in an apoptosis dependent manner. Labeling of the luminal side of the endocytotic vesicles with FITC-annexin 5, revealed that membrane lipid asymmetry was disrupted upon endosome formation. Specific labeling of the lysosomal luminal surface with the non-exchangeable membrane lipid probe, N-rhodamine-labeled-phosphatidylethanolamine (N-Rho-PE) and the lysosomal specific probe, lysotracker green, facilitated real-time monitoring of plasma membrane-to-endosome-to-lysosome transitions. Enforced elevation of cytosolic [Ca2+] with ionophore resulted in the redistribution of N-Rho-PE and PS from the inner membrane leaflet to the PM outer membrane leaflet. Identical results were obtained during apoptosis, however, the redistribution of both N-RhoPE and PS was dependent on the release of intra-lysosomal Ca2+ to the cytosol. Additional experiments suggested that lipid redistribution was dependent on the activity of lysosomal phospholipase A2 activity since lipid trafficking was abolished in the presence of chloroquine and lipase inhibitors. These data indicate that endosomal/lysosomal Ca2+ and the fusion of hybrid organelles to the plasma membrane regulates the externalization of PS during apoptosis. ^


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$\rm Ca\sp{2+}$-dependent exposure of an N-terminal hydrophobic region in troponin C (TnC) is thought to be important for the regulation of contraction in striated muscle. To study these conformational changes in cardiac troponin (cTnC), the $\varepsilon$C and $\varepsilon$H chemical shifts for all 10 Met residues in cTnC were sequence-specific assigned on NMR spectra using a combination of two dimensional NMR techniques and site-directed mutagenesis. The assigned methyl-Met chemical shifts were used as structural markers to monitor conformational changes induced by $\rm Ca\sp{2+}.$ The results showed that binding of $\rm Ca\sp{2+}$ to the regulatory site in the N-domain induced large changes in the $\varepsilon$H and $\varepsilon$C chemical shifts of Met 45, Met 80, Met 81 in the predicted N-terminal hydrophobic region, but had no effect on the chemical shifts of Met residues located in the C-domain. These results suggest that the $\rm Ca\sp{2+}$-dependent functions of cTnC are mainly through N-terminal domain of cTnC.^ To further define the molecular mechanism by which TnC regulates muscle contraction, single Cys residues were engineered at positions 45, 81, 84 or 85 in the N-terminal hydrophobic region of cTnC to provide sites for attachment of specific blocking groups. Blocking groups were coupled to these Cys residues in cTnC mutants and the covalent adducts were tested for activity in TnC-extracted myofibrils. Covalent modification of cTnC(C45) had no effect on maximal myofibril ATPase activity. Greatly decreased myofibril ATPase activity resulted when the peptide or biotin was conjugated to residue 81 in cTnC(C81), while less inhibition resulted from covalent modification of cTnC(C84) or cTnC(C85). The results suggest that limited sites of the N-terminal hydrophobic region in cTnC are important for transducing the $\rm Ca\sp{2+}$ signal to troponin I (TnI) and are sensitive to modification, while other regions are less important or can adapt to steric hindrances introduced by bulky blocking groups.^ Although the exposed TnI interaction site in the N-terminal hydrophobic region of TnC is crucial for function of TnC, other regions in the N-domain of TnC may also participate in transducing the $\rm Ca\sp{2+}$ signal and conferring the maximal activation of actomyosin ATPase. The interactions between the B-/C-helices of cTnC and cTnI were characterized using a combination of site-directed mutagenesis, fluorescence and covalent modification. The results suggest that the $\rm Ca\sp{2+}$-dependent interactions of the B-/C-helices of cTnC with TnI may be required for the maximal activation of muscle contraction. ^