114 resultados para Biology, Neuroscience|Psychology, Psychobiology|Psychology, Developmental


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The Work Limitations Questionnaire (WLQ) is used to determine the amount of work loss and productivity which stem from certain health conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis and cancer. The questionnaire is currently scored using methodology from Classical Test Theory. Item Response Theory, on the other hand, is a theory based on analyzing item responses. This study wanted to determine the validity of using Item Response Theory (IRT), to analyze data from the WLQ. Item responses from 572 employed adults with dysthymia, major depressive disorder (MDD), double depressive disorder (both dysthymia and MDD), rheumatoid arthritis and healthy individuals were used to determine the validity of IRT (Adler et al., 2006).^ PARSCALE, which is IRT software from Scientific Software International, Inc., was used to calculate estimates of the work limitations based on item responses from the WLQ. These estimates, also known as ability estimates, were then correlated with the raw score estimates calculated from the sum of all the items responses. Concurrent validity, which claims a measurement is valid if the correlation between the new measurement and the valid measurement is greater or equal to .90, was used to determine the validity of IRT methodology for the WLQ. Ability estimates from IRT were found to be somewhat highly correlated with the raw scores from the WLQ (above .80). However, the only subscale which had a high enough correlation for IRT to be considered valid was the time management subscale (r = .90). All other subscales, mental/interpersonal, physical, and output, did not produce valid IRT ability estimates.^ An explanation for these lower than expected correlations can be explained by the outliers found in the sample. Also, acquiescent responding (AR) bias, which is caused by the tendency for people to respond the same way to every question on a questionnaire, and the multidimensionality of the questionnaire (the WLQ is composed of four dimensions and thus four different latent variables) probably had a major impact on the IRT estimates. Furthermore, it is possible that the mental/interpersonal dimension violated the monotonocity assumption of IRT causing PARSCALE to fail to run for these estimates. The monotonicity assumption needs to be checked for the mental/interpersonal dimension. Furthermore, the use of multidimensional IRT methods would most likely remove the AR bias and increase the validity of using IRT to analyze data from the WLQ.^


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The study objectives were to (i) Describe the frequency and priority of family meals, (ii) Compare the family mealtime environment by gender and SES, (iii) Examine the association between family meals and weight status among adolescents living in New Delhi, India, (iv) Examine the association between family meals and eating patterns (healthy/unhealthy) among adolescent boys and girls living in New Delhi, India. Survey and anthropometric data were collected from 8th and 10th grade students (n=1818) from four Government (public) schools and four private schools who participated in the HRIDAY study. Chi-square tests were used to evaluate if the distributions of outcomes and exposure varied by gender and SES groups. Logistic regression models were used to obtain the association of weight status (underweight / normal weight Vs overweight / obese) with frequency of family meals as the main exposure. Overall the prevalence of obesity was more among the mid- high SES group and in boys. Over half of the participants had 7 or more family meals in the past week. There was no statistically significant association seen between family meals and weight status. Majority of the participants believed that eating healthy food and maintaining a healthy weight was important and eating at least one family meal was important. Majority of the participants who ate more than 3 or more family meals eat healthy food and also ate fast food. Intervention strategies should focus on the high risk group. Private schools are appropriate settings for interventions. Eating with families should be encouraged and future research should examine family meal patterns.^


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There are several innovative aspects to this thesis that extend our current knowledge of the relations between stress and psychiatric symptoms in adolescents. First, distal and proximal stressors are differentiated. This approach allows one to specifically examine the role of early childhood stressors as well as stressors experienced more recently as they impact the expression of depression and anxiety during adolescence. Second, a state-of-the-art assessment instrument was used to examine proximal stressors, helping to distinguish several aspects of stress, including objective stress and subjective stress. Third, the parent study from which these data were derived was designed to examine the role of familial risk for depression and related risk factors for the initial development of depression and alcohol use disorders. This allowed for a very thorough collection of demographic characteristics of the study population. Accordingly, this thesis examines the initial prodromal expression of anxiety and depressive symptoms as they are originally expressed prior to the development, if any, of a full-blown psychiatric disorder.^


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Smoking is often initiated in adolescence through trying or experimenting with cigarettes. Smoking initiation is the beginning critical stage in the smoking trajectory often resulting in addiction. This dissertation examined the effect of parenting variables on smoking initiation behavior among 11–14 year old Mexican origin adolescents, a largely understudied group. The participants in this study were part of a population-based cohort of Mexican origin adolescents residing in Houston, Texas. ^ Aim 1 of this study assessed the appropriateness of the Family Life Questionnaire (FLQ) among Mexican origin adolescents. Second order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to examine the factor structure of the FLQ and measurement invariance testing was conducted to evaluate the cross-cultural validity of this scale. Aim 2 analyzed cross-sectional associations between parenting variables and adolescent ever tried smoking behavior while aim 3 focused on prospective examination of changes in parenting variables from baseline to final follow-up on ever tried smoking behavior among never smokers. ^ Overall, the results of the CFA indicated that the original factor structure of the FLQ, with alterations, was a good fit for the Mexican origin adolescents. The measurement invariance analysis of the modified FLQ scale indicated adequate measurement invariance. The aim 2 cross-sectional analyses indicated that family cohesion was significantly associated with lower odds of ever tried smoking. Authoritarian parenting was significantly associated with smoking initiation only at the baseline while family conflict was significantly associated with smoking initiation only at the two-year final home visit. The findings from the aim 3 prospective analysis indicated that changes in levels of family cohesion and conflict are important predictors of smoking initiation among those who have never tried smoking. Specifically, perceiving low levels of family cohesion and a decrease in the family cohesion over two years, as well as perceiving high levels of family conflict and an increase in conflict over two years was associated with smoking initiation among never smokers. ^ In general, the findings of this study provide important insights on the links between parenting and adolescent smoking and assist in designing prevention and intervention programs that emphasize the role of family bonding to prevent adolescent smoking behavior. Family education programs for Mexican culture could also highlight the positive effects of authoritarian practices and good family communication to prevent family conflict and subsequent smoking behavior.^


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BACKGROUND: This observational research study investigated the association of cardiorespiratory fitness and weight status with repeated measures of 24-hr ambulatory blood pressure (24-hr ABP). Little is known about these associations and few data exist examining the interaction between cardiorespiratory fitness and weight status and the contributions of each on 24-hr ABP in youth. ^ METHODS: This research study used secondary analysis data from the "Adolescent Blood Pressure and Anger: Ethnic Differences" study. This current study sample included 374 African-American, Anglo-American, and Mexican-American adolescents 11-16 years of age. Mixed-effects models were used for testing the relationship between weight status and cardiorespiratory fitness and repeated measures of ambulatory blood pressure over 24 hours (24-hr ABP). Weight status was categorized into "normal weight" (BMI<85th percentile), "overweight" (85th≤BMI<95th), and "obese" (BMI≥95th). Cardiorespiratory fitness, determined by heart rate recovery (HRR), was defined as the difference between heart rate at peak exercise and heart rate at two minutes post-exercise, as measured by a height-adjusted step test and stratified into two groups: low and high fitness, using a median split. Ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) was monitored for a 24-hr period on a school day using the Spacelabs ambulatory monitor (Model 90207). Blood pressure and heart rate were recorded at 30 minute intervals throughout the day of recording and at 60 minute intervals during sleep. ^ RESULTS: No significant associations were found between weight status and mean 24-hr systolic blood pressure (SBP) or mean arterial pressure (MAP). A significant and inverse association between weight status and mean 24-hr diastolic blood pressure (DBP) was revealed. Cardiorespiratory fitness was significantly and inversely associated with mean 24-hr ABP. High fitness adolescents had significantly lower mean 24-hr SPB, DBP, and MAP measurements than low fitness adolescents. Compared to low fitness adolescents, high fitness adolescents had 1.90 mmHg, 1.16 mmHg, and 1.68 mmHg lower mean 24-hr SBP, DBP, and MAP, respectively. Additionally, high fitness appeared to afford protection from higher mean 24-hr SBP and MAP, irrespective of weight status. Among normal weight adolescents, low fitness resulted in higher mean 24-hr SBP and MAP, compared to their fit counterparts. Among adolescents categorized as high fitness, increasing weight status did not appear to result in higher mean 24-hr SBP or MAP. Cardiorespiratory fitness, rather than weight status, appeared to be a more dominant predictor of mean 24-hr SBP and MAP. ^ CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, this research is the first study to investigate the independent and combined contributions of cardiorespiratory fitness and weight status on 24-hr ABP, all objectively measured. The results of this study may potentially guide and inform future research. It appears that early cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention should focus on improving cardiorespiratory fitness levels among all adolescents, particularly those adolescents least fit, regardless of their weight status, while obesity prevention efforts continue.^


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The ventricular system is a critical component of the central nervous system (CNS) that is formed early in the developmental stages and remains functional through the lifetime. Changes in the ventricular system can be easily discerned via neuroimaging procedures and most of the time it reflects changes in the physiology of the CNS. In this study we attempted to identify specific genes associated with variation in ventricular volume in humans. Methods. We conducted a genome wide association (GWA) analysis of the volume of the lateral ventricles among 1605 individuals of European ancestry from two community based cohorts, the Genetics of Microangiopathic Brain Injury (GMBI; N=814) and Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC; N=791). Significant findings from the analysis were tested for replication in both the cohorts and then meta-analyzed to get an estimate of overall significance. Results. In our GWA analyses, no single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) reached a genome-wide significance of p<10−8. There were 25 SNPs in GMBI and 9 SNPs in ARIC that reached a threshold of p<10 −5. However, none of the top SNPs from each cohort were replicated in the other. In the meta-analysis, no SNP reached the genome-wide threshold of 5×10−8, but we identified five novel SNPs associated with variation in ventricular volume at the p<10 −5 level. Strongest association was for rs2112536 in an intergenic region on chromosome 5q33 (Pmeta= 8.46×10−7 ). The remaining four SNPs were located on chromosome 3q23 encompassing the gene for Calsyntenin-2 (CLSTN2). The SNPs with strongest association in this region were rs17338555 (Pmeta= 5.28×10 −6), rs9812091 (Pmeta= 5.89×10−6 ), rs9812283 (Pmeta= 5.97×10−6) and rs9833213 (Pmeta= 6.96×10−6). Conclusions. This GWA study of ventricular volumes in the community-based cohorts of European descent identifies potential locus on chromosomes 3 and 5. Further characterization of these loci may provide insights into pathophysiology of ventricular involvement in various neurological diseases.^


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Adolescent substance use is a serious public health concern with long-lasting consequences. Although specific coping behaviors have been associated with adolescent substance use, less is known about the role of multidimensional coping styles that account for both positive and negative coping behaviors. This study examined the association of coping styles and substance use (alcohol, marijuana, and other illicit drugs) of 1,019 ethnically diverse high school students. Coping styles were categorized by high or low negative coping behaviors (e.g. distraction, social withdrawal, self-criticism, blame others, wishful thinking, resignation, and negative emotional regulation) and high or low positive coping behaviors (e.g. cognitive restructuring, problem-solving, social support, and positive emotional regulation). My hypothesis that high positive coping, regardless of the use of negative coping behaviors, would be protective against substance use was rejected. Logistic regression analyses controlling for age, gender, race, and parent education indicated that adolescents who relied primarily on adaptive coping were 45-67% less likely to report lifetime or past year substance use than any other coping style. However, mixed copers (i.e. high in both positive and negative coping behaviors) were 2 to 3 times as likely to report substance use than their adaptive coping counterparts.^


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Data from the 2009–2011 School Physical Activity and Nutrition (SPAN) project were analyzed to examine the association between bullied status at school during the past six months and engaging in five or more days of physical activity during the past seven days in a population of 8th and 11th grade Texas youths after stratifying by gender. As a secondary aim, this study also examined the association between weight status and the prevalence of bullied status at school. The final sample size for this study, after excluding missing data, consisted of 6,246 8th and 11th grade youths (girls, n= 3,237; boys, n=3,009) representing a total of 518,838 youths from 8th and 11th grade. Results from the multiple logistic regression adjusting for weight status, grade, and ethnicity, indicate that girls with a bullied status of at least two or three times per month had significantly lower odds of engaging in five or more days of physical activity during the past seven days than girls who were never bullied at school (ORadj=0.62; 95% CI, 0.40, 0.96). Conversely, girls who reported a bullied status of at least once per week were significantly more likely to engage in five or more days of physical activity during the past seven days compared to girls who were never bullied at school (ORadj=3.44; 95% CI, 1.56, 7.63). No significant associations between bullied status and engaging in five or more days of physical activity during the past seven days were found for boys. Bullied status differed significantly across weight status for 8th grade girls (χ2(6)=63.7, p<.05) and 11th grade boys (χ2(6) =94.93, p<.05), with overweight and obese youths reporting a higher prevalence of being bullied once or twice, at least two or three times per month, and at least once per week than their normal weight peers. Our finding that girls with bullied status of at least once per week were more likely to engage in five or more days of physical activity than girls who were never bullied warrants future qualitative research to identify potential explanations for such results. Future research on relational and weight-based bullying is also needed and may help explain the inconsistent findings between bullied status and engaging in physical activity in girls.^


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A fundamental task in developmental biology is to understand the molecular mechanisms governing early embryogenesis. The aim of this study was to understand the developmental role of a putative basic helix-loop-helix (b-HLH) transcription factor, twist, during mouse embryogenesis.^ twist was originally identified in Drosophila as one of the zygotic genes, including snail, that were required for dorsal-ventral patterning. In Drosophila embryogenesis, twist is expressed in the cells of the ventral midline destined to form mesoderm. In embryos lacking twist expression, their ventral cells fail to form a ventral furrow and subsequently no mesoderm is formed.^ During mouse embryogenesis, twist is expressed after initial mesoderm formation in both mesoderm and cranial neural crest cell derivatives. To study the role of twist in vivo, twist-null embryos were generated by gene targeting. Embryos homozygous for the twist mutation die at midgestation. The most prominent phenotype in the present study was a failure of the cranial neural tube to close (exencephaly). twist-null embryos also showed defects in head mesenchyme, branchial arches, somites, and limb buds.^ To understand whether twist functions cell-autonomously and to investigate how twist-null cells interact with wild-type cells in vivo, twist chimeras composed of both twist-null and wild-type cells marked by the expression of the lacZgene were generated. Chimeric analysis revealed a correlation between the incidence of exencephaly and the contribution of the underlying twist-null head mesenchyme, thus strongly suggesting that twist-expressing head mesenchyme is required for the closure of the cranial neural tube. These studies have identified twist as a critical regulator for the mesenchymal fate determination within the cranial neural crest lineage. Most strikingly, twist-null head mesenchyme cells were always segregated from wild-type cells, indicating that the twist mutation altered the adhesive specificity of these cells. Furthermore, these results also indicated that twist functions cell-autonomously in the head, arch, and limb mesenchyme but non-cell-autonomously in the somites. Taken together, these studies have established the essential role of twist during mouse embryogenesis. ^


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In recent decades, work has become an increasingly common feature of adolescent life in the United States. Once assumed to be an inherently positive experience for youth, school year work has recently been associated with several adverse effects, especially as the number of hours of weekly work increases. The purpose of this dissertation was to describe the impact of school year work on adolescent development in a sample of high school students from rural South Texas, an area where economically-disadvantaged and Hispanic students are heavily represented.^ The first study described the prevalence and work circumstances of 3,565 10$\rm\sp{th}$ and 12$\rm\sp{th}$ grade students who responded to anonymous surveys conducted in regular classrooms. The overall prevalence of current work was 53%. Prevalence differed by grade, college-noncollege-bound status, and parent education. Fifty percent of employed students worked to support consumer spending.^ The second study examined the effects of four levels of work intensity on the academic, behavioral, social, mental and physical health of students. The following negative effects of intense work were reported: (1) decreased engagement in school, satisfaction with leisure time, and hours of weeknight and weekend sleep, and (2) increased health risk behaviors and psychological stress. The negative effects of intense work differed by gender, grade, ethnicity, but not by parent education.^ The third study described the prevalence of injury in the study population. A dose response effect was observed where increasing hours of weekly work were significantly related to work-related injury. The likelihood of being injured while employed in restaurant, farm/ranch, and construction work was greater than the probability of being injured while working in factory/office/skilled, yard, or retail work when compared to babysitting. Cuts, shocks/burns and sprains were the most common injuries in working teens.^ Students, parents, educators, health professionals and policymakers should continue to monitor the number of weekly hours that students work during the school year. ^


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The family of membrane protein called glutamate receptors play an important role in the central nervous system in mediating signaling between neurons. Glutamate receptors are involved in the elaborate game that nerve cells play with each other in order to control movement, memory, and learning. Neurons achieve this communication by rapidly converting electrical signals into chemical signals and then converting them back into electrical signals. To propagate an electrical impulse, neurons in the brain launch bursts of neurotransmitter molecules like glutamate at the junction between neurons, called the synapse. Glutamate receptors are found lodged in the membranes of the post-synaptic neuron. They receive the burst of neurotransmitters and respond by fielding the neurotransmitters and opening ion channels. Glutamate receptors have been implicated in a number of neuropathologies like ischemia, stroke and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Specifically, the NMDA subtype of glutamate receptors has been linked to the onset of Alzheimer’s disease and the subsequent degeneration of neuronal cells. While crystal structures of AMPA and kainate subtypes of glutamate receptors have provided valuable information regarding the assembly and mechanism of activation; little is known about the NMDA receptors. Even the basic question of receptor assembly still remains unanswered. Therefore, to gain a clear understanding of how the receptors are assembled and how agonist binding gets translated to channel opening, I have used a technique called Luminescence Resonance Energy Transfer (LRET). LRET offers the unique advantage of tracking large scale conformational changes associated with receptor activation and desensitization. In this dissertation, LRET, in combination with biochemical and electrophysiological studies, were performed on the NMDA receptors to draw a correlation between structure and function. NMDA receptor subtypes GluN1 and GluN2A were modified such that fluorophores could be introduced at specific sites to determine their pattern of assembly. The results indicated that the GluN1 subunits assembled across each other in a diagonal manner to form a functional receptor. Once the subunit arrangement was established, this was used as a model to further examine the mechanism of activation in this subtype of glutamate receptor. Using LRET, the correlation between cleft closure and activation was tested for both the GluN1 and GluN2A subunit of the NMDA receptor in response to agonists of varying efficacies. These investigations revealed that cleft closure plays a major role in the mechanism of activation in the NMDA receptor, similar to the AMPA and kainate subtypes. Therefore, suggesting that the mechanism of activation is conserved across the different subtypes of glutamate receptors.


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Two distinct classes of neurons have been examined in the nervous system of Aplysia. The membrane properties of these neurons are regulated by intracellular signalling molecules in both a short-term and a long-term fashion.^ The role of the phosphatidylinositol cycle in the control of neuronal properties was studied in a class of bursting pacemaker cells, the left upper-quadrant bursting neurons (cells L2, L3, L4, and L6) of the abdominal ganglion of Aplysia. These cells display a regular burst-firing pattern that is controlled by cyclic changes of intracellular Ca$\sp{2+}$ that occur during the bursting rhythm. The characteristic bursting pattern of these neurons occurs within a range of membrane potentials ($-35$ to $-50$ mV) called the pacemaker range. Intracellular pressure injection of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP$\sb3$) altered the bursting rhythm of the bursting cells. Injection of IP$\sb3$ induced a brief depolarization that was followed by a long-lasting (2-15 min) hyperpolarization. When cells were voltage-clamped at potentials within the pacemaker range, injection of IP$\sb3$ generally induced a biphasic response that had a total duration of 2-15 min. An initial inward shift in holding current (I$\sb{\rm in}$), which lasted 5-120 sec, was followed by a slow outward shift in holding current (I$\sb{\rm out}$). At membrane potentials more negative than $-40$ mV, I$\sb{\rm in}$ was associated with a small and relatively voltage-independent increase in membrane conductance. I$\sb{\rm in}$ was not blocked by bath application of TTX or Co$\sp{2+}$. Although I$\sb{\rm in}$ was activated by injection of IP$\sb3$, it was not blocked by iontophoretic injection of ethyleneglycol-bis-(beta-aminoethyl ether), N, N$\sp\prime$-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) sufficient to block the Ca$\sp{2+}$-activated inward tail current (I$\sb{\rm B}$).^ Long-term (lasting at least 24 hours) effects of adenylate cyclase activation were examined in a well characterized class of mechanosensory neurons in Aplysia. The injected cells were analyzed 24 hours later by two-electrode voltage-clamp techniques. We found that K$\sp+$ currents of these cells were reduced 24 hours after injection of cAMP. The currents that were reduced by cAMP were very similar to those found to be reduced 24 hours after behavioral sensitization. These results suggest that cAMP is part of the intracellular signal that induces long-term sensitization in Aplysia. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.) ^


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This dissertation presents structural, immunochemical and neurochemical evidence for glutamatergic retinotectal synaptic transmission, augmenting and extending previous physiological and anatomical studies. The evidence is especially striking when the laminar patterns of ($\sp3$H) L-glutamate receptor binding, ($\sp3$H) L-glutamate high affinity uptake (HAU) and glutamate immunoreactivity (GLIR) of the dorsal tectum are compared. All show high activity in the tectal SGFS, with a peak in the most superficial laminae of SGFS followed by dip in the b-c region, and a second broad peak in deeper SGFS. Uptake and immunoreactivity bear a stronger resemblance to one another than either does to receptor binding, consistent with the fact that HAU and GLIR are localized in the same structures: glutamatergic terminals, intrinsic cell bodies and their processes. Receptor binding, as attested by the lack of enucleation effects, is a marker of postsynaptic receptors. In summary, these results are consistent with the hypothesis that most of the retinal projection to the optic tectum is glutamatergic: (1) A glutamate/aspartate HAU system exists in the superficial laminae, and it is dependent upon an intact retinal input, as shown developmentally and by retinal ablation; (2) Glutamate-like immunoreactivity appears in retinorecipient tectal regions (partially responsive to enucleation), in cell bodies of retinal ganglion cells and displaced ganglion cells, and in a non-tectal ganglion cell projection, the ectomammilary nucleus; (3) Sodium-independent glutamate receptor binding (which remains unchanged by enucleation) is most intense in the retinorecipient regions of the tectum and the ectomammilary nucleus. This binding is pharmacologically typical of a CNS sensory structure, being dominated by the quisqualate/kainate receptor subclass. Thus, as with other sensory systems, a portion of the retinotectal projection has been shown to include glutamatergic afferents with the distribution and properties expected of the primary projection ^


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The dorsal noradrenergic bundle (DB) is a major ascending pathway which originates in the locus coeruleus of the brainstem and projects to the forebrain. The behavioral role of the DB remains unclear, despite a great deal of effort. Selective attention and anxiety are two areas which have been the focus of recent research. Some studies of the DB utilize the neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA), since 6-OHDA injection into this pathway results in greater than 90 percent depletion of cortical and hippocampal norepinephrine (NE). Neophobia, the fear of novelty, has been reported to be either increased or decreased by 6-OHDA lesions of the DB, depending on conditions. The selective attention hypothesis would be supported by increased neophobia after 6-OHDA lesions, while the anxiety hypothesis would be supported by decreased neophobia. We have examined the effects of 6-OHDA DB lesions on neophobia under conditions in which the test environment and/or the test food were novel. We found that the lesion attenuates neophobia, defined as an increased preference for novel food, when both the environment and food were novel. The lesion had no effect on neophobia when only the environment or food was novel.^ We examined the effects of chronic intraventricular NE infusions on behavior in our neophobia test, in sham and 6-OHDA DB lesioned animals. We found that chronic NE infusions into lesioned animals significantly reversed the lesion-induced attenuation of neophobia. Sham/NE infused animals demonstrated a 40 percent greater preference for familiar food compared to sham/saline infused animals. These data suggest that infusions of NE have an effect opposite to lesion-induced attenuation of neophobia. Chronic infusions of the alpha adrenoceptor agonists had no consistent effects on neophobia. The beta adrenoceptor agonist, isoproterenol reversed the lesion-induced attenuation of neophobia but not to a statistically significant degree. Isoproterenol increased neophobia in sham animals. Forskolin, an adenylate cyclase activator, mimicked the effects of NE infusion by significantly reversing the lesion-induced attenuation of neophobia, while increasing neophobia in sham animals. These results suggest that increased release of NE during stress increases neophobia in part by stimulating beta adrenoceptors which activate adenylate cyclase. ^


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Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the initial and rate limiting enzyme in the catecholaminergic biosynthetic pathway, is phosphorylated on multiple serine residues by multiple protein kinases. Although it has been demonstrated that many protein kinases are capable of phosphorylating and activating TH in vitro, it is less clear which protein kinases participate in the physiological regulation of catecholamine synthesis in situ. These studies were designed to determine if protein kinase C (PK-C) plays such a regulatory role.^ Stimulation of intact bovine adrenal chromaffin cells with phorbol esters results in stimulation of catecholamine synthesis, tyrosine hydroxylase phosphorylation and activation. These responses are both time and concentration dependent, and are specific for those phorbol ester analogues which activate PK-C. RP-HPLC analysis of TH tryptic phosphopeptides indicate that PK-C phosphorylates TH on three putative sites. One of these (pepetide 6) is the same as that phosphorylated by both cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PK-A) and calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CaM-K). However, two of these sites (peptides 4 and 7) are unique, and, to date, have not been shown to be phosphorylated by any other protein kinase. These peptides correspond to those which are phosphorylated with a slow time course in response to stimulation of chromaffin cells with the natural agonist acetylcholine. The activation of TH produced by PK-C is most closely correlated with the phosphorylation of peptide 6. But, as evident from pH profiles of tyrosine hydroxylase activity, phosphorylation of peptides 4 and 7 affect the expression of the activation produced by phosphorylation of peptide 6.^ These data support a role for PK-C in the control of TH activity, and suggest a two stage model for the physiological regulation of catecholamine synthesis by phosphorylation in response to cholinergic stimulation. An initial fast response, which appears to be mediated by CaM-K, and a slower, sustained response which appears to be mediated by PK-C. In addition, the multiple site phosphorylation of TH provides a mechanism whereby the regulation of catecholamine synthesis appears to be under the control of multiple protein kinases, and allows for the convergence of multiple, diverse physiological and biochemical signals. ^