20 resultados para Adrenergic alpha-2 Receptor Antagonists


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An in vitro model using highly purified freshly isolated T cells demonstrated that immobilized ligands for the integrin $\alpha4\beta1$ could cooperate to enhance mitogen signals delivered by coimmobilized anti-CD3 specfic monoclonal antibody OKT3. Costimulation through $\alpha4\beta1$ integrin lead to enhanced proliferation which depended on expression of both IL-2 as well as IL-2 receptor. The transcription factors NF-AT, AP-1, and NF-$\kappa$B, which are involved in the regulation of IL-2 as well as other cytokine genes, were weakly induced by anti-CD3 stimulation alone in electromobility shift assays, but were augmented significantly with $\alpha4\beta1$ costimulation. These results suggested that $\alpha4\beta1$ ligands delivered a growth promoting signal which could synergize with signals induced by engagement of the TCR/CD3 complex, and also suggested a dual function for integrins in both localization and subsequent delivery of a growth promoting signal for T lymphocytes. Integrin involvement in lymphocyte trafficking has been employed as a model for understanding tumor cell metastasis. Therefore we have extended the duality of integrin function in both homing and subsequent delivery of a growth promoting signal to include a role for integrins in providing growth stimulation for tumor cells. Using a gastric derived tumor line, inhibition of adhesion to substrate leads to G0/G1 cell cycle arrest, reduced cyclin A expression, and reduced phospholipid synthesis. This effect could be reversed upon $\alpha2\beta1$ integrin mediated reattachment to collagen. These observations demonstrated a role for an integrin in the growth regulation of a tumor line. The small GTP-binding protein Rho, implicated in phospholipid synthesis, can be inactivated by the ADP-ribosylation exoenzyme C3 from C. botulinum. Addition of C3 to cell cultures inhibited the growth promoting effect due to integrin mediated adhesion. Taken together, these results are consistent with a model for cooperative interaction between integrins and Rho leading to enhanced phospholipid synthesis and mitogen signaling. This model may provide a basis for understanding the phenomena of integrin costimulation in T cell activation. ^


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Tup1 forms a complex with Ssn6 in yeast. Ssn6-Tup1 complex is recruited via direct interactions with specific DNA binding proteins to a specific promoter region and mediates repression of several sets of genes including a-cell specific genes (asg) in $\alpha$ cells. It has been shown that repression of asgs also requires histone H4 and that Tup1 can directly interact with H3 and H4 in vitro. To address whether histone H3 is required for the repression of asgs, I have examined the effect of H3 and H4 mutations on the expression of a $\alpha$2-controlled LacZ reporter. Assay of $\beta$-glactosidase shows that mutations in either H3 or H4 cause a weak derepression of the reporter gene. Some double mutations result in a stronger derepression, while others do not. The H3 N-terminal deletion also leads to a slightly decreased expression of the reporter gene in $\alpha$ cells. Our data suggest that the N-termini of both H3 and H4 are cooperatively involved in the repression of a-cell specific genes in $\alpha$ cells, possibly through their interaction with Tup1.^ GCN5 was originally identified as a transcriptional regulator required to activate a subset of genes in yeast. Recently, it has been shown that GCN5 encodes the catalytic subunit of a nuclear histone acetyltransferase, providing the first direct link between histone acetylation and gene transcription. Recombinant Gcn5p (rGcn5p) exhibits a limited substrate specificity in vitro. However, neither the specificity of this enzyme in vivo nor the importance of particular acetylated residues to transcription or cell growth are well defined. In order to define the sites of histone acetylation mediated by Gcn5p in vivo and assess the significance of histone acetylation, more than 30 yeast strains have been constructed to bear specific H3 and/or H4 mutations in the presence or absence of GCN5 function. Our genetic data suggest that Gcn5p may have additional targets in vivo that are not identified as the targets of rGcn5p by previous studies. Western analysis using antibodies specifically recognizing particular acetylated isoforms of H3 and H4 led us to conclude that Gcn5p is necessary for full acetylation of multiple sites in both H3 and H4 in vivo. Consistent with these observations, rGcn5p still acetylates histones H3 and H4 bearing mutations either in H3 K14 or H4 K8,16, sites previously identified as the targets of acetylation by rGcn5p in H3 and H4. Our data also demonstrated that Gcn5p-mediated acetylation events are important for normal progression of the cell cycle and for transcriptional activation. Furthermore, a critical overall level of acetylation is essential for cell viability. ^


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The purpose of these studies was to investigate the role of interferon-beta (IFN-$\beta$) in angiogenesis. IFN-$\alpha/\beta$ have been implicated in inhibiting a number of steps in the angiogenic pathway. We examined the balance of angiogenesis-regulating molecules in several systems including human infantile hemangiomas, UV-B irradiated mice, and dorsal incisional wound healing in mice. In each system, epidermal hyperplasia and cutaneous angiogenesis were directly related to the expression of positive angiogenic factors (bFGF and VEGF) and inversely related to the expression of endogenous IFN-$\beta.$ The re-expression of IFN-$\beta$ correlated with tumor regression and/or resolution of wound healing. In contrast to control mice, UV-B-induced cutaneous angiogenesis and hyperplasia persisted in IFN-$\alpha/\beta$ receptor knock-out mice. In normal mice, endogenous IFN-$\beta$ was expressed by all differentiated epithelial cells exposed to environmental stimuli. The expression of endogenous IFN-$\beta$ was necessary but insufficient for complete differentiation of epidermal keratinocytes.^ The tumor organ microenvironment can regulate angiogenesis. Human bladder carcinoma cells growing in the bladder wall of nude mice express high levels of bFGF, VEGF, and MMP-9, have higher vascular densities, and produce metastases to lymph nodes and lungs, whereas the same cells growing subcutaneously express less bFGF, VEGF, and MMP-9, have lower vascular densities, and do not metastasize. IFN-$\alpha/\beta$ was found to inhibit bFGF and MMP-9 expression both in vitro and in vivo in human bladder carcinoma cells. Systemic therapy with human IFN-$\alpha$ of human bladder cancer cells growing orthotopically in nude mice, resulted in decreased vascularity, tumorigenicity, and metastasis as compared to saline treated mice. Human bladder cancer cells resistant to the antiproliferative effects of IFN were transfected with the human IFN-$\beta$ gene. Hu-IFN-$\beta$ transfected cells expressed significantly less bFGF protein and gelatinase activity than parental or control-transfected cells and did not grow at ectopic or orthotopic sites. Collectively the data provide direct evidence that IFN-$\alpha/\beta$ can inhibit angiogenesis via down-regulation of angiogenesis-stimulating cytokines. ^


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Considerable evidence suggests that central cholinergic neurons participate in either acquisition, storage or retrieval of information. Experiments were designed to evaluate information processing in mice following either reversible or irreversible impairment in central cholinergic activity. The cholinergic receptor antagonists, atropine and methylatropine were used to reversibly inhibit cholinergic transmission. Irreversible impairment in central cholinergic function was achieved by central administration of the cholinergic-specific neurotoxins, N-ethyl-choline aziridinium (ECA) and N-ethyl-acetylcholine aziridinium (EACA).^ ECA and EACA appear to act by irreversible inhibition of high affinity choline uptake (proposed rate-limiting step in acetylcholine synthesis). Intraventricular administration of ECA or EACA produced persistent reduction in hippocampal choline acetyltransferase activity. Other neuronal systems and brain regions showed no evidence of toxicity.^ Mice treated with either ECA or EACA showed behavioral deficits associated with cholinergic dysfunction. Passive avoidance behavior was significantly impaired by cholinotoxin treatment. Radial arm maze performance was also significantly impaired in cholinotoxin-treated animals. Deficits in radial arm maze performance were transient, however, such that rapid and apparent complete behavioral recovery was seen during retention testing. The centrally active cholinergic receptor antagonist atropine also caused significant impairment in radial arm maze behavior, while equivalent doses of methylatropine were without effect.^ The relative effects of cholinotoxin and receptor antagonist treatment on short-term (working) memory and long-term (reference) memory in radial arm maze behavior were examined. Maze rotation studies indicated that there were at least two different response strategies which could result in accurate maze performance. One strategy involved the use of response algorithms and was considered to be a function of reference memory. Another strategy appeared to be primarily dependent on spatial working memory. However, all behavioral paradigms with multiple trails have reference memory requirements (i.e. information useful over all trials). Performance was similarly affected following either cholinotoxin or anticholinergic treatment, regardless of the response strategy utilized. In addition, rates of behavioral recovery following cholinotoxin treatment were similar between response groups. It was concluded that both cholinotoxin and anticholinergic treatment primarily resulted in impaired reference memory processes. ^


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T cell activation and expansion is essential for immune response against foreign antigens. However, uncontrolled T cell activity can be manifested as a number of lymphoid derived diseases such as autoimmunity, graft versus host disease, and lymphoma. The purpose of this research was to test the central hypothesis that the Jak3/Stat5 pathway is critical for T cell function. To accomplish this objective, two novel Jak3 inhibitors, AG490 and PNU156804, were identified and their effects characterized on Jak3/Stat5 activation and T cell growth. Inhibition of Jak3 selectively disrupted primary human T lymphocyte growth in response to Interleukin-2 (IL-2), as well as other γ c cytokine family members including IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, and IL-15. Inhibition of Jak3 ablated IL-2 induced Stat5 but not TNF-α mediated NF-κβ DNA binding. Loss of Jak3 activity did not affect T cell receptor mediated signals including activation of p56Lck and Zap70, or IL-2 receptor a chain expression. To examine the effects of Jak3/Stat5 inhibition within a mature immune system, we employed a rat heart allograft model of Lewis (RT1 1) to ACI (RT1a). Heart allograft survival was significantly prolonged following Jak3/Stat5 inhibition when rats were treated with AG490 (20mg/kg) or PNU156804 (80mg/kg) compared to non-treated control animals. This effect was synergistically potentiated when Jak3 inhibitors were used in combination with a signal 1/2 disrupter, cyclosporine, but only additively potentiated with another signal 3 inhibitor, rapamycin. This suggested that sequential inhibition of T cell function is more effective. To specifically address the role of Stat5 in maintaining T cell activity, novel Stat5 antisense oligonucleotides were synthesized and characterized in vitro. Primary human T cells and T-cell tumor lines treated with Stat5 antisense oligonucleotide (7.5 μM) rapidly underwent apoptosis, while no changes in cell cycle were observed as measured by FACS analysis utilizing Annexin-V-Fluorescein and Propidium iodide staining. Evidence is provided to suggest that caspase 8 and 9 pathways mediate this event. Thus, Stat5 may act rather as a negative regulator of apoptotic signals and not as a positive regulator of cell cycle as previously proposed. We conclude that the Jak3/Stat5 pathway is critical for γc cytokine mediated gene expression necessary for T cell expansion and normal immune function and represents an therapeutically relevant effector pathway to combat T cell derived disease. ^