25 resultados para protein inhibitor


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The purpose of this work was to examine the possible mechanisms for the regulation of cytochrome c gene expression in response to increased contractile activity in rat skeletal muscle. The working hypothesis was that increased contractile activity enhances cytochrome c gene expression through a cis-element. A 110% increase in cytochrome c mRNA concentration was observed in tibialis anterior (TA) muscle after 9 days of chronic stimulation. Similar difference (120%) exists between soleus (SO) muscle of higher contractile activity and white vastus lateralis (WV) muscle of lower contractile activity. These results suggest that the endogenous cytochrome c gene expression is regulated by contractile activity. Cytochrome c-reporter genes were injected into skeletal muscles to identify the cis-element that is responsible for the regulation. Although the data was inconclusive, part of it suggested the importance of the 3$\sp\prime$-untranslated region (3$\sp\prime$-UTR) in mediating the response to increased contractile activity.^ RNA gel mobility shift (GMSA) and ultraviolet (UV) cross-linking assays revealed specific RNA-protein interaction in a 50-nucleotide region of the 3$\sp\prime$-UTR in unstimulated TA muscle. Computer analysis predicted a stem-loop structure of 17 nucleotides, which provides a structural basis for RNA-protein interaction. These 17 nucleotides are 100% conserved among rat, mouse and human cytochrome c genes and their 13 pseudogenes, suggesting a functional role for this region. The RNA-protein interaction was significantly less in highly active SO muscle than in inactive WV muscle and was dramatically decreased in stimulated TA muscle due to a protein inhibitor(s) associated with ribosome. It is possible that cytochrome c mRNAs undergoing translation are subject to a compartmentalized regulatory influence.^ The conclusion from these results is that increases in contractile activity induce or activate a protein inhibitor(s) associated with ribosome in rat skeletal muscle. The inhibitor decreases RNA-protein interaction in the 3$\sp\prime$-UTR of cytochrome c mRNA, which may result in increased mRNA stability and/or translation. ^


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DNA ligase and DNA polymerase play important roles in DNA replication, repair, and recombination. Frequencies of spontaneous and chemical- and physical-induced mutations are correlated to the fidelity of DNA replication. This dissertation elucidates the mechanisms of the DNA ligation reaction by DNA ligases and demonstrates that human DNA ligase I and DNA polymerase $\alpha$ are the molecular targets for two metal ions, Zn$\sp{2+}$ and Cd$\sp{2+},$ and an anticancer drug, F-ara-ATP.^ Human DNA ligases were purified to homogeneity and their AMP binding domains were mapped. Although their AMP-binding domains are similar, there could be difference between the two ligases in their DNA binding domains.^ The formation of the AMP-DNA intermediate and the successive ligation reaction by human DNA ligases were analyzed. Both reactions showed their substrate specificity for ligases I and II, required Mg2+, and were inhibited by ATP.^ A protein inhibitor from HeLa cells and specific for human DNA ligase I but not ligase II and T4 ligase was discovered. It reversibly inhibited DNA ligation activity but not the AMP-binding activity due to the formation of a reversible ligase I-inhibitor complex.^ F-ara-ATP inhibited human DNA ligase I activity by competing with ATP for the AMP-binding site of DNA ligase I, forming a ligase I-F-ara-AMP complex, as well as when it was incorporated at 3$\sp\prime$-terminus of DNA nick by DNA polymerase $\alpha.$^ All steps of the DNA ligation reaction were inhibited by Zn$\sp{2+}$ and Cd$\sp{2+}$ in a concentration-dependent manner. Both ions did not show the ability to change the fidelity of DNA ligation reaction catalyzed by human DNA ligase I. However, Zn$\sp{2+}$ and Cd$\sp{2+}$ showed their contradictory effects on the fidelity of the reaction by human DNA polymerase $\alpha.$ Zn$\sp{2+}$ decreased the frequency of misinsertion but less affected that of mispair extension. On the contrary, Cd$\sp{2+}$ increased the frequencies of both misinsertion and mispair extension at very low concentration. Our data provided strong evidence in the molecular mechanisms for the mutagenicity of zinc and cadmium, and were comparable with the results previously reported. ^


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Two approaches were utilized to investigate the role of pp60c-src activation in growth control of model colon tumor cell lines. The first approach involved analysis of pp60c-src activity in response to growth factor treatment to determine if transient activation of the protein was associated with ligand induced mitogenic signal transduction as occurs in non-colonic cell types. Activation of pp60c-src was detected using colon tumor cell lysates after treatment with platelet derived growth factor (PDGF). Activation of pp60c-src was also detected in response to epidermal growth factor (EGF) treatment using cellular lysates and intact cells. In contrast, down-regulation of purified pp60c-src occurred after incubation with EGF-treated EGFr immune complexes in vitro suggesting additional cellular events were potentially required for the stimulatory response observed in intact cells. The results demonstrated activation of pp60c-src in colon tumor cells in response to PDGF and EGF which is consistent with the role of the protein in mitogenic signal transduction in non-colonic cell types.^ The second approach used to study the role of pp60c-src activation in colonic cell growth control focused on analysis of the role of constitutive activation of the protein, which occurs in approximately 80% of colon tumors and cell lines, in growth control. These studies involved analysis of the effects of the tyrosine kinase specific inhibitor Herbimycin A (HA) on monolayer growth and pp60c-src enzymatic activity using model colon tumor cell lines. HA induced dose-dependent growth inhibition of all colon tumor cell lines examined possessing elevated pp60c-src activity. In HT29 cells the dose-dependent growth inhibition induced by HA correlated with dose-dependent pp60c-src inactivation. Inactivation of pp60c-src was shown to be an early event in response to treatment with HA which preceded induction of HT29 colon tumor cell growth inhibition. The growth effects of HA towards the colon tumor cells examined did not appear to be associated with induction of differentiation or a cytotoxic mechanism of action as changes in morphology were not detected in treated cells and growth inhibition (and pp60c-src inactivation) were reversible upon release from treatment with the compound. The results suggested the constitutive activation of pp60c-src functioned as a proliferative signal in colon tumor cells. Correlation between pp60c-src inactivation and growth inhibition was also observed using HA chemical derivatives confirming the role of tyrosine kinase inactivation by these compounds in inhibition of mitogenic signalling. In contrast, in AS15 cells possessing specific antisense mRNA mediated inactivation of pp60c-src, HA-induced inactivation of the related pp62c-yes tyrosine kinase, which is also activated during colon tumor progression, was not associated with induction of monolayer growth inhibition. These results suggested a function for the constitutively activated pp62c-yes protein in colon tumor cell proliferation which was different from that of activated pp60c-src. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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DNA-directed nucleoside analogues, such as ara-C, fludarabine, and gemcitabine, are antimetabolites effective in the treatment of a variety of cancers. However, resistance to nucleoside analogue-based chemotherapy in treatments is still a major problem in therapy. Therefore, it is essential to develop rationales for optimizing the use of nucleoside analogues in combination with other anticancer drugs or modalities such as radiation. The present study focuses on establishing mechanism-based combination strategy to overcome resistance to nucleoside analogues. ^ I hypothesized that the cytostatic concentrations of nucleoside analogues may cause S-phase arrest by activating an S-phase checkpoint that consists of a series of kinases. This may allow cells to repair damaged DNA over time and spare cytotoxicity. Thus, the ability of cells to enact an S-phase arrest in response to incorporation of potentially lethal amounts of nucleoside analogue may serve as a mechanism of resistance to S-phase-specific agents. As a corollary, the addition of a kinase inhibitor, such as UCN-01, may dysregulate the checkpoint response and abrogate the survival of S-phase-arrested cells by suppression of the survival signaling pathways. Using gemcitabine as a model of S-phase-specific nucleoside analogues in human acute myelogenous leukemia ML-1 cells, I demonstrated that cells arrested in S-phase in response to cytostatic conditions. Proliferation continued after washing the cells into drug-free medium, suggesting S-phase arrest served as a resistance mechanism of cancer cells to spare cytotoxicity of nucleoside analogues. However, nontoxic concentrations of UCN-01 rapidly killed S-phase-arrested cells by apoptosis. Furthermore, the molecular mechanism for UCN-01-induced apoptosis in S-phase-arrested cells was through inhibition of survival pathways associated with these cells. In this regard, suppression of the PI 3-kinase-Akt-Bad survival pathway as well as the NF-κB signaling pathway were associated with induction of apoptosis in S-phase-arrested cells by UCN-01, whereas the Ras-Raf-MEK-ERK pathway appeared not involved. This study has provided the rationales and strategies for optimizing the design of effective combination therapies to overcome resistance to nucleoside analogues. In fact, a clinical trial of the combination of ara-C with UCN-01 to treat relapsed or refractory AML patients has been initiated at U.T.M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. ^


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Bacillus anthracis, an organism ubiquitous in the soil and the causative agent of anthrax, utilizes multiple mechanisms to regulate secreted factors; one example is the activity of secreted proteases. One of the most abundant proteins in the culture supernates of B. anthracis is the Immune Inhibitor A1 (InhA1) protease. Here, I demonstrate that InhA1 modulates the abundance of approximately half of the proteins secreted into the culture supernates, including substrates that are known to contribute to the ability of the organism to cause virulence. For example, InhA1 cleaves the anthrax toxin proteins, PA, LF, and EF. InhA1 also targets a number of additional proteases, including Npr599, contributing to a complex proteolytic regulatory cascade with far-reaching affects on the secretome. Using an intra-tracheal mouse model of infection, I found that an inhA-null strain is attenuated in relation to the parent strain. The data indicate that reduced virulence of the inhA mutant strain may be the result of toxin protein deregulation, decreased association with macrophages, and/or the inability to degrade host antimicrobial peptides. Given the significant modulation of the secretome by InhA1, it is likely that expression of the protease is tightly regulated. To test this I examined inhA1 transcript and protein levels in the parent and various isogenic mutant strains and found that InhA1 expression is regulated by several mechanisms. First, the steady state levels of inhA1 transcript are controlled by the regulatory protein SinR, which inhibits inhA1 expression. Second, InhA1 abundance is inversely proportional to the SinR-regulated protease camelysin, indicating the post-transcriptional regulation of InhA1 by camelysin. Third, InhA1 activity is dependent on a conserved zinc binding motif, suggesting that zinc availability regulates InhA1 activity. The convergence of these regulatory mechanisms signifies the importance of tight regulation of InhA1 activity, activity that substantially affects how B. anthracis interacts with its environment.


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The K1 gene of Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) encodes a transmembrane glycoprotein bearing a functional immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM). Previously, we reported that the K1 protein induced plasmablastic lymphomas in K1 transgenic mice, and that these lymphomas showed enhanced Lyn kinase activity. Here, we report that systemic administration of the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappaB) inhibitor Bay 11-7085 or an anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) antibody significantly reduced K1 lymphoma growth in nude mice. Furthermore, in KVL-1 cells, a cell line derived from a K1 lymphoma, inhibition of Lyn kinase activity by the Src kinase inhibitor PP2 decreased VEGF induction, NF-kappaB activity, and the cell proliferation index by 50% to 75%. In contrast, human B-cell lymphoma BJAB cells expressing K1, but not the ITAM sequence-deleted mutant K1, showed a marked increase in Lyn kinase activity with concomitant VEGF induction and NF-kappaB activation, indicating that ITAM sequences were required for the Lyn kinase-mediated activation of these factors. Our results suggested that K1-mediated constitutive Lyn kinase activation in K1 lymphoma cells is crucial for the production of VEGF and NF-kappaB activation, both strongly implicated in the development of KSHV-induced lymphoproliferative disorders.


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Most pancreatic cancer patients present with inoperable disease or develop metastases after surgery. Conventional therapies are usually ineffective in treating metastatic disease. It is evident that novel therapies remain to be developed. Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) plays a key role in cancer metastasis, signaling through the TGF-beta type I/II receptors (TbetaRI/II). We hypothesized that targeting TbetaRI/II kinase activity with the novel inhibitor LY2109761 would suppress pancreatic cancer metastatic processes. The effect of LY2109761 has been evaluated on soft agar growth, migration, invasion using a fibroblast coculture model, and detachment-induced apoptosis (anoikis) by Annexin V flow cytometric analysis. The efficacy of LY2109761 on tumor growth, survival, and reduction of spontaneous metastasis have been evaluated in an orthotopic murine model of metastatic pancreatic cancer expressing both luciferase and green fluorescence proteins (L3.6pl/GLT). To determine whether pancreatic cancer cells or the cells in the liver microenvironment were involved in LY2109761-mediated reduction of liver metastasis, we used a model of experimental liver metastasis. LY2109761 significantly inhibited the L3.6pl/GLT soft agar growth, suppressed both basal and TGF-beta1-induced cell migration and invasion, and induced anoikis. In vivo, LY2109761, in combination with gemcitabine, significantly reduced the tumor burden, prolonged survival, and reduced spontaneous abdominal metastases. Results from the experimental liver metastasis models indicate an important role for targeting TbetaRI/II kinase activity on tumor and liver microenvironment cells in suppressing liver metastasis. Targeting TbetaRI/II kinase activity on pancreatic cancer cells or the cells of the liver microenvironment represents a novel therapeutic approach to prevent pancreatic cancer metastasis.


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Uptake through the dopamine transporter (DAT) represents the primary mechanism used to terminate dopaminergic transmission in brain. Although it is well known that dopamine (DA) taken up by the transporter is used to replenish synaptic vesicle stores for subsequent release, the molecular details of this mechanism are not completely understood. Here, we identified the synaptic vesicle protein synaptogyrin-3 as a DAT interacting protein using the split ubiquitin system. This interaction was confirmed through coimmunoprecipitation experiments using heterologous cell lines and mouse brain. DAT and synaptogyrin-3 colocalized at presynaptic terminals from mouse striatum. Using fluorescence resonance energy transfer microscopy, we show that both proteins interact in live neurons. Pull-down assays with GST (glutathione S-transferase) proteins revealed that the cytoplasmic N termini of both DAT and synaptogyrin-3 are sufficient for this interaction. Furthermore, the N terminus of DAT is capable of binding purified synaptic vesicles from brain tissue. Functional assays revealed that synaptogyrin-3 expression correlated with DAT activity in PC12 and MN9D cells, but not in the non-neuronal HEK-293 cells. These changes were not attributed to changes in transporter cell surface levels or to direct effect of the protein-protein interaction. Instead, the synaptogyrin-3 effect on DAT activity was abolished in the presence of the vesicular monoamine transporter-2 (VMAT2) inhibitor reserpine, suggesting a dependence on the vesicular DA storage system. Finally, we provide evidence for a biochemical complex involving DAT, synaptogyrin-3, and VMAT2. Collectively, our data identify a novel interaction between DAT and synaptogyrin-3 and suggest a physical and functional link between DAT and the vesicular DA system.


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The modulation of gene regulation by progesterone (P) and its classical intracellular regulation by progestin receptors in the brain, resulting in alterations in physiology and behavior has been well studied. The mechanisms mediating the short latency effects of P are less well understood. Recent studies have revealed rapid nonclassical signaling action of P involving the activation of intracellular signaling pathways. We explored the involvement of protein kinase C (PKC) in P-induced rapid signaling in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMN) and preoptic area (POA) of the rat brain. Both the Ca2+-independent (basal) PKC activity representing the activation of PKC by the in vivo treatments and the Ca+2-dependent (total) PKC activity assayed in the presence of exogenous cofactors in vitro were determined. A comparison of the two activities demonstrated the strength and temporal status of PKC regulation by steroid hormones in vivo. P treatment resulted in a rapid increase in basal PKC activity in the VMN but not the POA. Estradiol benzoate priming augmented P-initiated increase in PKC basal activity in both the VMN and POA. These increases were inhibited by intracerebroventricular administration of a PKC inhibitor administered 30 min prior to P. The total PKC activity remained unchanged demonstrating maximal PKC activation within 30 min in the VMN. In contrast, P regulation in the POA significantly attenuated total PKC activity +/- estradiol benzoate priming. These rapid changes in P-initiated PKC activity were not due to changes in PKC protein levels or phosphorylation status.


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The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of the histone deacetylase inhibitor, MS-275, on the Fas signaling pathway and susceptibility of osteosarcoma (OS) to Fas ligand (FasL)-induced cell death. OS metastasizes almost exclusively to the lungs. We have shown that Fas expression in OS cells is inversely correlated with their metastatic potential. Fas+ cells are rapidly eliminated when they enter the lungs via interaction with FasL, which is constitutively expressed in the lungs. Fas- OS cells escape this FasL-induced apoptosis and survive in the lung microenvironment. Moreover, upregulation of Fas in established OS lung metastases results in tumor regression. Therefore, agents that upregulate Fas expression or activate the Fas signaling pathway may have therapeutic potential. Treatment of Fas- metastatic OS cell lines with 2 μM MS-275 sensitized cells to FasL-induced cell death in vitro. We found that MS-275 did not alter the expression of Fas on the cell surface; rather it resulted in increased levels of Fas within the membrane lipid rafts, as demonstrated by an increase in Fas expression in detergent insoluble lipid raft fractions. We further demonstrated that following MS-275 treatment, Fas colocalized with GM1+ lipid rafts and that there was a decrease in c-FLIP (cellular FLICE-inhibitory protein) mRNA and protein. Downregulation of c-FLIP correlated with caspase activation and apoptosis induction. Transfection of cells with shRNA to c-FLIP also resulted in the localization of Fas to lipid rafts. These studies indicate that MS-275 sensitizes OS cells to FasL by upregulating the expression of Fas in membrane lipid rafts, which correlated with the downregulation of c-FLIP. Treatment of nu/nu-mice with established OS lung metastases with oral MS-275 resulted in increased apoptosis, a significant inhibition of c-FLIP expression in tumors and tumor regression. Histopathological examination of mice showed no significant organ toxicity. Overall, these results suggest that the mechanism by which MS-275 sensitizes OS cells and lung metastases to FasL-induced cell death may be by a reduction in the expression of c-FLIP.


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Plasticity at the connections between sensory neurons and their follower cells in Aplysia has been used extensively as a model system to examine mechanisms of simple forms of learning, such as sensitization. Sensitization is induced, at least in part, by the transmitter serotonin (5-HT) and expressed in several forms, including facilitation of sensorimotor connections. Spike broadening has been believed to be a key mechanism underlying facilitation of nondepressed synapses. Previously, this broadening was believed to be dependent primarily on cAMP/protein kinase A (PKA)-mediated reduction of a noninactivating, relatively voltage-independent K$\sp{+}$ current termed the S-K$\sp+$ current (I$\sb{\rm K{,}S}$). Recent evidence, however, suggests that 5-HT-induced somatic spike broadening is composed of at least two components: a cAMP-dependent, rapidly developing component and a cAMP-independent, slowly developing component.^ Phorbol esters, activators of protein kinase C (PKC), mimicked the cAMP-independent component of 5-HT-induced broadening. Staurosporine, which inhibits PKC, had little effect on the rapidly developing component of 5-HT-induced broadening, but inhibited significantly the slowly developing component. These results suggest that PKC is involved in the cAMP-independent component of 5-HT-induced broadening. The membrane currents responsible for the slowly developing component of broadening were examined. Activation of PKC mimicked, and partially occluded, 5-HT-induced modulation of membrane currents above 0 mV, where a voltage-dependent K$\sp+$ current (I$\sb{\rm K{,}V}$) is significantly activated. This modulation was complex because it was associated with a reduction in the magnitude of I$\sb{\rm K{,}V}$, as well as a slowing of both activation and inactivation kinetics of I$\sb{\rm K{,}V}$. These results support the hypothesis that PKC modulates I$\sb{\rm K{,}V}$ and that this modulation contributes to the slowly developing component of 5-HT-induced broadening. Based on these results and others, a new scheme for 5-HT-induced spike broadening is proposed in which the modulatory effects are mediated via two second messenger/protein kinase systems converging and diverging on multiple ionic conductances.^ The relationship between spike broadening and synaptic facilitation was also examined. Pharmacological reduction of I$\sb{\rm K{,}V}$ by low concentrations of 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) led to spike broadening and facilitation of the nondepressed sensorimotor connections, indicating that spike broadening via the reduction of I$\sc{K,V}$ can facilitate the synaptic connection. Further analyses, however, revealed that 4-AP-induced facilitation has qualitative differences from 5-HT- and PKC-induced facilitation. These results suggest that 5-HT- and PKC-induced facilitation of nondepressed synapses is mediated, at least in part, by spike-duration independent (SDI) processes. Under certain conditions, the PKC inhibitor, staurosporine, significantly inhibited the 5-HT-induced facilitation of sensorimotor connections.^ Finally, it was found that activation of PKC increased a basal level of cAMP and that PKC caused desensitization of the 5-HT receptor, which may be a possible negative feedback mechanism through which an extracellular ligand, 5-HT, is regulated. These results suggest that these two second messenger/protein kinase pathways can interact in the sensory neuron. Thus, neuronal plasticity that may contribute to learning and memory appears to involve several complex and interactive processes. ^


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TBI produces a consistent and extensive loss of neurofilament 68 (NF68) and neurofilament 200 (NF200), key intermediate cytoskeletal proteins found in neurons including axons and dendrites, in cortical samples from injured brain. The presence of low molecular weight NF68 breakdown products (BDPs) strongly suggest that calpain proteolysis at least in part contributes to neurofilament (NF) protein loss following injury. Furthermore, one and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis analyses of NF BDPs obtained from in situ and in vitro tissue also implicated the involvement of calpain 2 mediated proteolysis of neurofilaments following TBI. Immunohistochemical examination of derangements in cytoskeletal proteins following traumatic brain injury in rats indicated that preferential dendritic rather than axonal damage occurs within three hours post-TBI. Although proteolysis of cytoskeletal proteins occurred concurrently with early morphological alterations, evidence of proteolysis preceded the full expression of evolutionary histopathological changes. Furthermore, cytoskeletal immunofluorescence alterations were not restricted to the site of impact. Confocal microscopic investigations of NF68 and NF200 immunofluorescence within injured cortical neurons revealed alterations in neurofilament assembly in the absence of NF derangements detectable at the light microscopic level ($<$15 minutes post-TBI). Collectively immunohistochemistry studies suggest that derangements to neuronal processes are biochemical and evolutionary in nature, and not due solely to mechanical shearing. Importantly, a systemically administered calpain inhibitor (calpain inhibitor 2) significantly reduced NF200, NF68, and spectrin protein loss as well as providing marked preservation of NF proteins in neuronal somata, dendrites, and axons at 24 hours post-TBI. ^


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This thesis project focused on understanding the basic process controlling cell proliferation in sex-steroid hormone dependent cancers. The availability of inculture models using cloned cell lines offers the greatest advantage for studying the control of this event. Incubation of cloned sex-hormone sensitive cells in medium containing increasing concentrations of sex-hormone stripped serum, results in a dose dependent growth inhibition; this inhibition is reversed by the addition of physiological concentrations of steroid hormones. The mechanisms explaining this phenomenon are not yet fully understood, but different theories propose the existence in serum of a sex hormone binding protein with growth inhibitory properties. We were able to identify a protein that specifically binds sex hormones in rat and horse serum with affinities 10-fold lower to the ones observed with the classic sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG) in humans. Purification of this protein on a large scale Lowed a more detailed analysis. The putative sex-hormone binding protein has an apparent molecular weight of 386 KDa. SDS-PAGE with commassie staining of the purified product, displayed a pattern non-characteristic of SMG, but all bands cross-reacted with a commercial anti-SMG antibody in western analysis. Titrations of the purified product on cell proliferation assays using sex-hormone dependent lines, resulted in a dose dependent growth inhibition. This inhibition was reversed by the addition of sex hormones. Our results indicate that we have identified and purified a sex-hormone binding protein in serum with characteristics similar to SHBG and with cell growth inhibitory properties. ^


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Interferons (IFNs) have been shown to exert antiviral, cell growth regulatory, and immunomodulatory effects on target cells. Both type I (α and β) and type II (γ) IFNs regulate cellular activities by specifically inducing the expression or activation of endogenous proteins that perform distinct biological functions. p202 is a 52 kDa nuclear phosphoprotein known to be induced by IFNs. p202 interacts with a variety of cellular transcription and growth regulatory factors and affects their functions. ^ In this report, we showed that the expression of p202 was associated with an anti-proliferative effect on human prostate cancer cells. Cells that expressed p202 showed reduced ability to grow in soft-agar, indicating a loss of transformation phenotype. More importantly, p202 expression reduced the tumorigenicity of human prostate cancer cells. p202-expressing cells exhibit an elevated level of hypophosphorylated form of pRb, and reduced level of cyclin B1 and p55CDC. ^ Our data suggest that p202 is a growth inhibitor gene in prostate cancer cells and its expression may also suppress transformation phenotype and tumorigenicity of prostate cancer cells. ^ In addition to inhibiting in vitro cell growth, suppressing the tumorigenicity of breast cancer cells in vivo, p202 expression could sensitize breast cancer cells to apoptosis induced by TNF-α treatment. One possible mechanism contributing to this sensitization is the inactivation of NF-κB by its interaction with p202. These results provide a scientific basis for a novel therapeutic strategy that combines p202 and TNF-α treatment against breast cancer. ^ It has been reported that NF-κB is constitutively active in human pancreatic cancer cells. Since p202 interacts with NF-κB and inhibits its activity, we examined a potential p202-mediated anti-tumor activity in pancreatic cancer. We used both ectopic and orthotopic xenograft models and demonstrated that p202 expression is associated with multiple anti-tumor activities that include inhibition of tumor growth, reduced tumorigenicity, prolonged survival, and remarkably, suppression of metastasis and angiogenesis. In vitro invasion assay also showed that p202-expressing pancreatic cancer cells are less invasive than those without p202 expression. That observation was supported by the findings that p202-expressing tumors showed reduced expression of angiogenic factors such as IL-8, and VEGF by inhibiting their transcription, and p202-expressing pancreatic cancer cells have reduced level of MAP-2 activity, a secreted protease activity important for metastasis. Together, our results strongly suggest that p202 expression mediates multiple anti-tumor activities against pancreatic cancer, and that may provide a scientific basis for developing a p202-based gene therapy in pancreatic cancer treatment. ^ Importantly, we demonstrated a treatment efficacy by using p202/SN2 liposome complex in a nude mice orthotopic breast cancer, and an ectopic pancreatic cancer xenograft model, through systemic and intra-tumor injection respectively. These results suggest a feasibility of using p202/SN2 liposome in future pre-clinical gene therapy experiments. ^


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Many human diseases, including cancers, result from aberrations of signal transduction pathways. The recent understanding of the molecular biochemistry of signal transduction in normal and transformed cells enable us to have a better insight about cancer and design new drugs to target this abnormal signaling in the cancer cells. Tyrosine kinase pathway plays a very important role in normal and cancer cells. Enhanced activity of tyrosine kinases has been associated with many human cancer types. Therefore, identifying the type of tyrosine kinases involved in a particular cancer type and blocking these tyrosine kinase pathways may provide a way to treat cancer. Receptor tyrosine kinase expression, namely epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) family, was examined in the oral squamous cell carcinoma patients. The expression levels of different members of the EGFR family were found to be significantly associated with shorter patients' survival. Combining EGFR, HER-2/neu, and HER-3 expression can significantly improve the predicting power. The effect of emodin, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, on these receptors in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cell lines was examined. Emodin was found to suppress the tyrosine phosphorylation of HER-2/neu and EGF-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of EGFR. Emodin also induced apoptosis and downregulated the expression of anti-apoptotic protein bcl-2 in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells. It is known that tyrosine kinase pathways are involved in estrogen receptor signaling pathway. Therefore, the effects of inhibiting the tyrosine kinase pathway in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancers was studied. Emodin was found to act similarly to antiestrogens, capable of inhibiting estrogen-stimulated growth and DNA synthesis, and the phosphorylation of Rb protein. Interestingly, emodin, and other tyrosine kinase inhibitors, such as RG 13022 and genistein, depleted cellular levels of estrogen receptor protein. Emodin-induced depletion of estrogen receptor was mediated by the proteasome degradation pathway. In summary, we have demonstrated that tyrosine kinase pathways play an important role in oral squamous cell carcinoma and estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer. Targeting the tyrosine kinases by inhibitors, such as emodin, may provide a potential way to treat the cancer patients. ^