18 resultados para critically ill


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Critically ill and injured patients require pain relief and sedation to reduce the body's stress response and to facilitate painful diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Presently, the level of sedation and analgesia is guided by the use of clinical scores which can be unreliable. There is therefore, a need for an objective measure of sedation and analgesia. The Bispectral Index (BIS) and Patient State Index (PSI) were recently introduced into clinical practice as objective measures of the depth of analgesia and sedation. ^ Aim. To compare the different measures of sedation and analgesia (BIS and PSI) to the standard and commonly used modified Ramsay Score (MRS) and determine if the monitors can be used interchangeably. ^ Methods. MRS, BIS and PSI values were obtained in 50 postoperative cardiac surgery patients requiring analgesia and sedation from June to December 2004. The MRS, BIS and PSI values were assessed hourly for up to 6-h by a single observer. ^ The relationship between BIS and PSI values were explored using scatter plots and correlation between MRS, BIS and PSI was determined using Spearman's correlation coefficient. Intra-class correlation (ICC) was used to determine the inter-rater reliability of MRS, BIS and PSI. Kappa statistics was used to further evaluate the agreement between BIS and PSI at light, moderate and deep levels of sedation. ^ Results. There was a positive correlation between BIS and PSI values (Rho = 0.731, p<0.001). Intra-class correlation between BIS and PSI was 0.58, MRS and BIS 0.43 and MRS and PSI 0.27. Using Kappa statistics, agreement between MRS and BIS was 0.35 (95% CI: 0.27–0.43) and for MRS and PSI was 0.21 (95% CI: 0.15–0.28). The kappa statistic for BIS and PSI was 0.45 (95% CI: 0.37–0.52). Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves constructed to detect undersedation indicated an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.91 (95% CI = 0.87 to 0.94) for the BIS and 0.84 (95% CI = 0.79 to 0.88) for the PSI. For detection of oversedation, AUC for the BIS was 0.89 (95% CI = 0.84 to 0.92) and 0.80 (95% CI = 0.75 to 0.85) for the PSI. ^ Conclusions. There is a statistically significant positive correlation between the BIS and PSI but poor correlation and poor test agreement between the MRS and BIS as well as MRS and PSI. Both the BIS and PSI demonstrated a high level of prediction for undersedation and oversedation; however, the BIS and PSI can not be considered interchangeable monitors of sedation. ^


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Objective. The objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of MRSA colonization in adult patients admitted to intensive care units at an urban tertiary care hospital in Houston, Texas and to evaluate the risk factors associated with colonization during a three month active-screening pilot project. Design. This study used secondary data from a small cross-sectional pilot project. Methods. All patients admitted to the seven specialty ICUs were screened for MRSA by nasal culture. Results were obtained utilizing the BD GeneOhm™ IDI-MRSA assay in vitro diagnostic test, for rapid MRSA detection. Statistical analysis was performed using the STATA 10, Epi Info, and JavaStat. Results . 1283/1531 (83.4%) adult ICU admissions were screened for nasal MRSA colonization. Of those screened, demographic and risk factor data was available for 1260/1283 (98.2%). Unresolved results were obtained for 73 patients. Therefore, a total of 1187/1531 (77.5%) of all ICU admissions during the three month study period are described in this analysis. Risk factors associated with colonization included the following: hospitalization within the last six months (odds ratio 2.48 [95% CI, 1.70-3.63], p=0.000), hospitalization within the last 12 months, (odds ratio 2.27 [95% CI, 1.57-3.80], p=0.000), and having diabetes mellitus (odds ratio 1.63 [95% CI, 1.14-2.32], p=0.007). Conclusion. Based on the literature, the prevalence of MRSA for this population is typical of other prevalence studies conducted in the United States and coincides with the continual increasing trend of MRSA colonization. Significant risk factors were similar to those found in previous studies. Overall, the active surveillance screening pilot project has provided valuable information on a population not widely addressed. These findings can aid in future interventions for the education, control, prevention, and treatment of MRSA. ^


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This study was an exploratory investigation of variables which are associated with neonatal intensive care nurses' perceptions of and participation in life-sustaining treatment decisions for critically ill newborns. The primary purpose of the research was to examine the extent to which assessment of infants' physical and mental prognoses, parents' preferences regarding treatment, and legal consequences of non-treatment influence nurses' recommendations about life-saving treatment decisions for handicapped newborns. Secondly, the research explored the extent and nature of nurses' reported participation in the resolution of treatment dilemmas for these critically ill newborns. The framework of the study draws upon the work of Crane (1977), Blum (1980), and Pearlman (1982) who have explored the sociological context of decision-making with critical care patients.^ Participants in the study were a volunteer sample of eighty-three registered nurses who were currently working in neonatal intensive care units in five large urban hospitals in Texas. Data were collected through the use of intensive interviews and case study questionnaires. Results from the study indicate that physical and mental prognoses as well as parent preferences and concerns about legal liability are related to nurses' treatment recommendations, but their levels of significance vary according to the type of handicapping condition and whether the treatment questions are posed in terms of initiating aggressive therapy or withdrawing aggressive therapy.^ The majority of nurses reported that the extent of their participation in formal decision-making regarding handicapped newborns was fairly minimal although they provide much of the definitive data used to make decisions by physicians and parents. There was substantial evidence that nurse respondents perceive their primary role as advocates for critically ill newborns, and believe that their involvement in the resolution of treatment dilemmas should be increased. ^


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Objective: To explore the natural trajectory of core body temperature (CBT) and cortisol (CORT) circadian rhythms in mechanically ventilated intensive care unit (MV ICU) patients. ^ Design: Prospective, observational, time-series pilot study. ^ Setting: Medical-surgical and pulmonary ICUs in a tertiary care hospital. ^ Sample: Nine (F = 3, M = 6) adults who were mechanically ventilated within 12 hrs of ICU admission with mean ± SD age of 65.2 ± 14 years old. ^ Measurements: Core body temperature and environmental measures of light, sound, temperature, and relative humidity were logged in 1-min intervals. Hourly urine specimens and 2-hr interval blood specimens were collected for up to 7 consecutive days for CORT assay. Mechanical ventilation days, ICU length of stay, and ICU mortality were documented. Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II scores were computed for each study day. The data of each biologic and environmental variable were analyzed using single cosinor analysis of 24-hr serial segments. One patient did not complete the study because mortality occurred within 8 hrs of enrollment. Nine ICU patients completed the study in 1.6 to 7.0 days. ^ Results: No normal circadian rhythm pattern was found when the cosinor-derived parameters of amplitude (one-half the peak-trough variability) and acrophase (peak time) were compared with cosinor-derived parameter reference ranges of healthy, diurnally active humans, although 83% of patient-day CBT segments showed statistically significant (p ≤ .05) and biologically meaningful (R2≥ 0.30) 24-hr rhythms with abnormal cosinor parameters. Cosinor parameters of the environmental temporal profiles showed 27% of light, 76% of ambient temperature, and 78% of relative humidity serial segments had a significant and meaningful 24-hr diurnal pattern. Average daily light intensity varied from 34 to 187 lx with a maximum light exposure of 1877 lx. No sound measurement segment had a statistically significant cosine pattern, and numerous 1-minute interval peaks ≥ 60 dB occurred around the clock. Average daily ambient temperature and relative humidity varied from 19 to 24°C and from 25% to 61%, respectively. There was no statistically significant association between CBT or clinical outcomes and cosinor-derived parameters of the environmental variables. Circadian rhythms of urine and plasma CORT were deferred for later analysis. ^ Conclusions: The natural trajectory of the CBT circadian rhythm in MV ICU patients demonstrated persistent cosinor parameter alteration, even when a significant and meaningful 24-hr rhythm was present. The ICU environmental measures showed erratic light and sound exposures. Room temperature and relative humidity data produced the highest rate of significant and meaningful diurnal 24-hr patterns. Additional research is needed to clarify relations among the CBT biomarker of the circadian clock and environmental variables of MV ICU patients. ^


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Obesity continues to cripple the United States in terms of increasing health care expenditures and its rising rate of prevalence in epidemic proportions. The comorbidities associated with obesity have continued to represent some of the most deadly chronic health diseases. The most vulnerable subpopulation, the critically ill, suffers from not only the comorbid conditions but also the complications encountered within their specialized care. Taking into account the rising prevalence rates of obesity and critical care patients, it has come to the attention of many researchers to measure the trends associated with these two health conditions. Hospital mortality was found to be lower in higher BMI groups whereas there was no difference between BMI groups for ICU mortality. Length of stay and mechanical ventilation were both higher for obese rather than non-obese patients. The most prevalent disease states among the obese critically injured was cardiovascular and pulmonary disease. In conclusion, obesity is not independently associated with increased ICU mortality, but the comorbidities linked to obesity prove a greater threat to vitality.^


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Objective: To investigate hemodynamic responses to lateral rotation. ^ Design: Time-series within a randomized controlled trial pilot study. ^ Setting: A medical intensive care unit (ICU) and a medical-surgical ICU in two tertiary care hospitals. ^ Patients: Adult patients receiving mechanical ventilation. ^ Interventions: Two-hourly manual or continuous automated lateral rotation. ^ Measurements and Main Results: Heart rate (HR) and arterial pressure were sampled every 6 seconds for > 24 hours, and pulse pressure (PP) was computed. Turn data were obtained from a turning flow sheet (manual turn) or with an angle sensor (automated turn). Within-subject ensemble averages were computed for HR, mean arterial pressure (MAP), and PP across turns. Sixteen patients were randomized to either the manual (n = 8) or automated (n = 8) turn. Three patients did not complete the study due to hemodynamic instability, bed malfunction or extubation, leaving 13 patients (n = 6 manual turn and n = 7 automated turn) for analysis. Seven patients (54%) had an arterial line. Changes in hemodynamic variables were statistically significant increases ( p < .05), but few changes were clinically important, defined as ≥ 10 bpm (HR) or ≥ 10 mmHg (MAP and PP), and were observed only in the manual-turn group. All manual-turn patients had prolonged recovery to baseline in HR, MAP and PP of up to 45 minutes (p ≤ .05). No significant turning-related periodicities were found for HR, MAP, or PP. Cross-correlations between variables showed variable lead-lag relations in both groups. A statistically, but not clinically, significant increase in HR of 3 bpm was found for the manual-turn group in the back compared with the right lateral position ( F = 14.37, df = 1, 11, p = .003). ^ Conclusions: Mechanically ventilated critically ill patients experience modest hemodynamic changes with manual lateral rotation. A clinically inconsequential increase in HR, MAP, and PP may persist for up to 45 minutes. Automated lateral rotation has negligible hemodynamic effects. ^


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Risk factors for Multi-Drug Resistant Acinetobacter (MDRA) acquisition were studied in patients in a burn intensive care unit (ICU) where there was an outbreak of MDRA. Forty cases were matched with eighty controls based on length of stay in the Burn ICU and statistical analysis was performed on data for several different variables. Matched analysis showed that mechanical ventilation, transport ventilation, number of intubations, number of bronchoscopy procedures, total body surface area burn, and prior Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus colonization were all significant risk factors for MDRA acquisition. ^ MDRA remains a significant threat to the burn population. Treatment for burn patients with MDRA is challenging as resistance to antibiotics continues to increase. This study underlined the need to closely monitor the most critically ill ventilated patients during an outbreak of MDRA as they are the most at risk for MDRA acquisition.^


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Over the last 2 decades, survival rates in critically ill cancer patients have improved. Despite the increase in survival, the intensive care unit (ICU) continues to be a location where end-of-life care takes place. More than 20% of deaths in the United States occur after admission to an ICU, and as baby boomers reach the seventh and eighth decades of their lives, the volume of patients in the ICU is predicted to rise. The aim of this study was to evaluate intensive care unit utilization among patients with cancer who were at the end of life. End of life was defined using decedent and high-risk cohort study designs. The decedent study evaluated characteristics and ICU utilization during the terminal hospital stay among patients who died at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center during 2003-2007. The high-risk cohort study evaluated characteristics and ICU utilization during the index hospital stay among patients admitted to MD Anderson during 2003-2007 with a high risk of in-hospital mortality. Factors associated with higher ICU utilization in the decedent study included non-local residence, hematologic and non-metastatic solid tumor malignancies, malignancy diagnosed within 2 months, and elective admission to surgical or pediatric services. Having a palliative care consultation on admission was associated with dying in the hospital without ICU services. In the cohort of patients with high risk of in-hospital mortality, patients who went to the ICU were more likely to be younger, male, with newly diagnosed non-metastatic solid tumor or hematologic malignancy, and admitted from the emergency center to one of the surgical services. A palliative care consultation on admission was associated with a decreased likelihood of having an ICU stay. There were no differences in ethnicity, marital status, comorbidities, or insurance status between patients who did and did not utilize ICU services. Inpatient mortality probability models developed for the general population are inadequate in predicting in-hospital mortality for patients with cancer. The following characteristics that differed between the decedent study and high-risk cohort study can be considered in future research to predict risk of in-hospital mortality for patients with cancer: ethnicity, type and stage of malignancy, time since diagnosis, and having advance directives. Identifying those at risk can precipitate discussions in advance to ensure care remains appropriate and in accordance with the wishes of the patient and family.^


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A subscale was developed to assess the quality of life of cancer patients with a life expectancy of six months or less. Phase I of this study identified the major concerns of 74 terminally ill cancer patients (19 with breast cancer, 19 with lung cancer, 18 with colorectal cancer, 9 with renal cell cancer, 9 with prostate cancer), 39 family caregivers, and 20 health care professionals. Patients interviewed were being treated at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center or at the Hospice at the Texas Medical Center in Houston. In Phase II, 120 patients (30 with breast cancer, 30 with lung cancer, 30 with colorectal cancer, 15 with prostate cancer, and 15 with renal cell cancer) rated the importance of these concerns for quality of life. Items retained for the subscale were rated as "extremely important" or "very important" by at least 60% of the sample and were reported as being applicable by at least two-thirds of the sample. The 61 concerns that were identified were formatted as a questionnaire for Phase III. In Phase III, 356 patients (89 with breast cancer, 88 with lung cancer, 88 with colorectal cancer, 44 with prostate cancer, and 47 with renal cell cancer) were interviewed to determine the subscale's reliability and sensitivity to change in clinical status. Both factor analysis and item response theory supported the inclusion of the same 35 items for the subscale. Internal consistency reliability was moderate to high for the subscale's domains: spiritual (0.87), existential (0.76), medical care (0.68), symptoms (0.67), social/family (0.66), and emotional (0.61). Test-retest correlation coefficients also were high for the domains: social/family (0.86), emotional (0.83), medical care (0.83), spiritual (0.75), existential (0.75), and symptoms (0.81).^ In addition, concurrent validity was supported by the high correlation between the subscale's symptom domain and symptom items from the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) scale (r = 0.74). Patients' functional status was assessed with the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) Performance status rating. When ECOG categories were compared to subscale domains, patients who scored lower in functional status had lower scores in the spiritual, existential, social/family, and emotional domains. Patients who scored lower in physical well-being had higher scores in the symptom domain. Patient scores in the medical care domain were similar for each ECOG category. The results of this study support the subscale's use in assessing quality of life and the outcomes of palliative treatment for cancer patients in their last six months of life. ^


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The purpose of this study was to develop a better understanding of police officer attitudes towards the mentally ill and what impact that might have on their behavior. Focused on the effects of Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training on Houston police officers, this research wanted to determine if CIT training decreases attitudes of authoritarianism and increases attitudes of self-efficacy in dealing with the mentally ill—other factors assessed were age, years of service, ethnicity, and gender. Results confirmed that CIT training had an effect on an officer's attitudes with CIT officers being less authoritarian and having more self-efficacy with respect to dealing with the mentally ill as compared to non-CIT officers. Because of these results, this study could offer support in tailoring training programs to have successful officer-mentally ill person interactions. ^


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Background. According to the WHO 2007 country report, Haiti lags behind the Millennium Development Goal of reducing child mortality and maintains the highest under-5 mortality rate in the Western hemisphere. 3 Overall, few studies exist that seek to better grasp barriers in caring for a seriously ill child in a resource-limited setting and only a handful propose sustainable, effective interventions. ^ Objectives. The objectives of this study are to describe the prevalence of serious illnesses among children hospitalized at 2 children's hospitals in Port au Prince, to determine the barriers faced when caring for seriously ill children, and to report hospital outcomes of children admitted with serious illnesses. ^ Methods. Data were gathered from 2 major children's hospitals in Port au Prince, Haiti (Grace Children's Hospital [GCH] and Hopital d l'Universite d'Etat d'Haiti [HUEH]) using a triangulated approach of focus group discussions, physician questionnaires, and retrospective chart review. 23 pediatric physicians participated in focus group discussions and completed a self-administered questionnaire evaluating healthcare provider knowledge, self-efficacy, and perceived barriers relating to the care of seriously ill children in a resource-limited setting. A sample of 240 patient charts meeting eligibility criteria was abstracted for pertinent elements including sociodemographics, documentation, treatment strategies, and outcomes. Factors associated with mortality were analyzed using χ2 test and Fisher exact test [Minitab v.15]. ^ Results. The most common primary diagnoses at admission were gastroenteritis with moderate dehydration (35.5%), severe malnutrition (25.8%), and pneumonia (19.3%) for GCH, and severe malnutrition (32.6%), sepsis (24.7%), and severe respiratory distress (18%) for HUEH. Overall, 12.9% and 27% of seriously ill patients presented with shock to GCH and HUEH, respectively. ^ Shortage of necessary materials and equipment represented the most commonly reported limitation (18/23 respondents). According to chart data, 9.4% of children presenting with shock did not receive a fluid bolus, and only 8% of patients presenting with altered mental status or seizures received a glucose check. 65% of patients with meningitis did not receive a lumbar puncture due to lack of materials. ^ Hospital mortality rates did not differ by gender or by institution. Children who died were more likely to have a history of prematurity (OR 4.97 [95% CI 1.32-18.80]), an incomplete vaccination record (OR 4.05 [95% CI 1.68-9.74]), or a weight for age ≤3rd percentile (OR 6.1 [95% CI 2.49-14.93]. Case-fatality rates were significantly higher among those who presented with signs of shock compared with those who did not (23.1% vs. 10.7%, RR=2.16, p=0.03). Caregivers did not achieve shock reversal in 21% of patients and did not document shock reversal in 50% of patients. ^ Conclusions. Many challenges face those who seek to optimize care for seriously ill children in resource-limited settings. Specifically, in Haiti, qualitative and quantitative data suggest major issues with lack of supplies, pre-hospital factors, including malnutrition as a comorbidity, and early recognition and management of shock. A tailored intervention designed to address these issues is needed in order to prospectively evaluate improvements in child mortality in a high-risk population.^


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Background/significance. Mental illness stigma is a matter of great concern to family caregivers. Few research studies have been conducted in the Arab World on family caregivers' perception of stigma associated with caring for a mentally ill relative. Review of the literature on measurement of the concept of stigma related to caring for a mentally ill relative yielded no instrument appropriate for use in a Jordanian sample. Reliable and valid instruments to measure stigma perception among family caregivers are needed for research and practice, particularly in Arabic speaking populations. ^ Purpose. The purposes of this study were: (1) translate the Stigma-Devaluation scale (SDS) into Arabic, modifying it to accurately reflect the cultural parameters specific to Jordan, and (2) test the reliability, the content and construct validity of the Arabic version of the SDS for use among a sample of family members of mentally ill relatives in Jordan. ^ Design. Methodologic, cross-sectional. ^ Methods. The SDS was translated into Arabic language, modified and culturally adapted to the Jordanian culture by a translation model which incorporates a cultural adaptation process. The Arabic SDS was evaluated in a sample of 164 family caregivers in the outpatient mental health clinic in Irbid-Jordan. Cronbach's alpha estimation of internal consistency was used to assess the reliability of the SDS. Construct validity was determined by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Measurements of content validity and reading level of the Arabic SDS were included. ^ Findings. Content Validity Index was determined to be 1.0. Reading level of the Arabic SDS was considered at a 6th grade or lower Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the modified Arabic SDS total scale was .87. Initial results of CFA did not fully support the proposed factor structures of the SDS or its subscales. After modifications, the indices indicated that the modified model of each subscale had satisfactory fit. ^ Conclusion. This study provided psychometric evidence that the modified Arabic SDS translated and culturally adapted instrument, is valid and conceptually consistent with the content of the original English SDS in measuring stigma perception among families of mentally ill relatives in Jordan. ^


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Objective. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that nearly 450 million people suffer from a mental disorder in the world. Developing countries do not have the health system structure in place to support the demand of mental health services. This study will conduct a review of mental health integration in primary care research that is carried out in low-income countries identified as such from the World Bank economic analysis. The research follows the standard of care that WHO has labeled appropriate in treatment of mental health populations. Methods. This study will use the WHO 10 principles of mental health integration into primary care as the global health standard of care for mental health. Low-income countries that used these principles in their national programs will be analyzed for effectiveness of mental health integration in primary care. Results. This study showed that mental health service integration in primary care did have an effect on health outcomes of low-income countries. However, information did not lead to significant quantitative results that determined how positive the effect was. Conclusion. More ethnographic research is needed in low-income countries to truly assess how effective the program is in integrating with the health system currently in place.^ ^


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Healthcare for the Homeless—Houston (HHH) received a research grant from The Medallion Foundation, Inc. in March 2006 to pilot The Jail Inreach Project, an intensive “inreach” initiative to assess the impact of providing continuity of mental and primary health care services for homeless individuals who suffer from mental illness and/or substance abuse being released from jail. This pilot project was initiated by HHH, in collaboration with the Harris County Sheriff’s Office and the Mental Health Mental Retardation Authority of Harris County (MHMRA). Those who are flagged as “frequent flyers” and who are diagnosed with a mental illness are referred to the Jail Inreach Project. In order to maximize the effectiveness of the discharge plan, case managers offer the option of meeting the client at the time of release and bring them to the HHH clinic located four blocks from the jail. Participation in both the program and the option for direct release to the care of a case manager are voluntary.^ The purpose of this study is to determine the outcomes of the Jail Inreach Project and addresses the following objectives: (1) to evaluate the characteristics of inmates that chose to be released from jail to the direct care of an HHH case manager versus those who opt for self release and (2) to determine the number and percent of inmates that are linked to services and relationship with type of release (direct versus indirect), (3) to determine if there is a relationship between outcomes and characteristics and (4) to determine what outcomes are a function of release, controlling for characteristics. Statistical analysis, including frequencies, cross tabulations, chi-square and logistical regression, found that those who opt for self release are six times less likely to be successfully linked to services and that gender is the most significant predictor of choosing self release. Men are far more likely to opt for self release than women engaged in this program. These findings help inform policy and program design and development that addresses the difference in service utilization and successful linkage to services post-incarceration. Successful linkage to services, thus continuity of and access to care, further impact the effects of the revolving door phenomenon of mentally ill homeless individuals cycling between the streets, jails and hospital emergency centers.^