51 resultados para Radiation induced skin reactions


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A rapid increase of the ultraviolet radiation (UVR)-related skin cancer incidence has attracted more and more public attention during the last few decades. Prevention and treatment of UVR-related skin cancer has become an important public health issue in the United States. Recent studies indicate that mutations in ras and/or p53 genes may be involved in UVR-induced skin tumor development but the precise molecular mechanism remains unclear. In this study, alterations of H-ras and p53 genes were investigated in different stages of carcinogenesis in a chronic UVR (solar simulator) exposure-induced Sencar mouse skin carcinogenesis model in order to clarify the role of the alterations of these genes during the skin carcinogenesis process and to further understand the mechanisms by which UVR causes skin cancer.^ Positive ras-p21 staining in cell membranes and cytosol were detected in 18/33 (55%) of squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs), but were not detected in UV-exposed skin, papillomas, or spindle cell tumors (SCTs). Positive staining of the malignant progression marker K13 was found in 17/33 (52%) of SCCs only. A significant positive correlation was observed between the K13 and the ras-p21 expression. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis and gene sequencing analysis revealed three point mutations, one (codon 56) in UV-exposed non-tumor bearing skin and the other two (codons 21 and 13) in SCCs. No UV-specific mutation patterns were found.^ Positive p53 nuclear staining was found in 10/37 (27%) of SCCs and 12/24 (50%) of SCTs, but was not detected in normal skin or papillomas. PCR-based SSCP and sequencing analysis revealed eight point mutations in exons 5 and 6 (four in SCTs, two in SCCs, and two in UV-exposed skin) including six C-T or C-A transitions. Four of the mutations occurred at a dipyrimidine (CC) sequence. The pattern of the mutations indicated that the mutagenic lesions were induced by UVR.^ These results indicate that overexpression of ras-p21 in conjunction with aberrant expression of K13 occurred frequently in UVR-induced SCCs in Sencar mouse skin. The point mutation in the H-ras gene appeared to be a rare event in UVR skin carcinogenesis and may not be responsible for overexpression of ras-p21. UVR-induced P53 gene alteration is a frequent event in UVR-induced SCCs and later stage SCT tumors in Sencar mice skin, suggesting the p53 gene mutation plays an important role in skin tumor malignant progression. ^


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There is evidence that ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is increasing over certain locations on the Earth's surface. Of primary concern is the annual pattern of ozone depletion over Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. Reduction of ozone concentration selectively limits absorption of solar UV-B (290–320 nm), resulting in higher irradiance at the Earth's surface. The effects of ozone depletion on the human population and natural ecosystems, particularly the marine environment, are a matter of considerable concern. Indeed, marine plankton may serve as sensitive indicators of ozone depletion and UV-B fluctuations. Direct biological effects of UVR result from absorption of UV-B by DNA. Once absorbed, energy is dissipated by a variety of pathways, including covalent chemical reactions leading to the formation of photoproducts. The major types of photoproduct formed are cyclobutyl pyrimidine dimer (CPD) and pyrimidine(6-4)pyrimidone dimer [(6-4)PD]. Marine plankton repair these photoproducts using light-dependent photoenzymatic repair or nucleotide excision repair. The studies here show that fluctuations in CPD concentrations in the marine environment at Palmer Station, Antarctica correlate well with ozone concentration and UV-B irradiance at the Earth's surface. A comparison of photoproduct levels in marine plankton and DNA dosimeters show that bacterioplankton display higher resistance to solar UVR than phytoplankton in an ozone depleted environment. DNA damage in marine microorganisms was investigated during two separate latitudinal transects which covered a total range of 140°. We observed the same pattern of change in DNA damage levels in dosimeters and marine plankton as measured using two distinct quantitative techniques. Results from the transects show that differences in photosensitivity exist in marine plankton collected under varying UVR environments. Laboratory studies of Antarctic bacterial isolates confirm that marine bacterioplankton possess differences in survival, DNA damage induction, and repair following exposure to UVR. Results from DNA damage measurements during ozone season, along a latitudinal gradient, and in marine bacterial isolates suggest that changes in environmental UVR correlate with changes in UV-B induced DNA damage in marine microorganisms. Differences in the ability to tolerate UVR stress under different environmental conditions may determine the composition of the microbial communities inhabiting those environments. ^


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A combination of psoralen and ultraviolet-A radiation, commonly referred to as "PUVA," is widely used in the treatment of psoriasis. However, PUVA treatment increases the risk of developing skin cancer in psoriasis patients and induces skin cancer in mice. It is, however unknown whether the increased incidence of skin cancer in PUVA treated psoriasis patients is due to the carcinogenic effects of PUVA therapy or due to an indirect effect such as immunosuppression, which can permit the growth of tumors induced by UVB radiation. In this study, we used the p53 tumor suppressor gene as a molecular marker to determine whether PUVA-induced mouse skin cancers contain unique mutations in p53 that are different from UV-induced mutations, and if so, determine whether skin cancers from PUVA treated patients have PUVA-type or UV-type p53 mutations. Since the DNA lesions induced by PUVA are quite different from those induced by UV, we hypothesize that p53 mutations induced by PUVA may also be different from those induced by UV.^ Analysis of PUVA-induced murine skin cancers for p53 mutations revealed that 14 of 15 (93%) missense mutations detected in these cancers were localized at 5$\sp\prime$-TA/5$\sp\prime$-TAT sites, potential sites of psoralen photoadditions. Mutations at these sequences are exceedingly rare in UV-induced murine skin cancers. In addition, PUVA-induced murine skin cancers did not contain UV signature (C $\to$ T or CC $\to$ TT transitions) mutations in p53. These results suggest that PUVA induces unique mutations in p53 that can be distinguished from those induced by UV.^ Next we determined whether SCCs arising in PUVA treated psoriasis patients have PUVA-type or UV-type p53 mutations. The results indicated that 16 of 25 (64%) missense p53 mutations detected in SCCs from PUVA treated patients were located at 5$\sp\prime$-TG, 5$\sp\prime$-TA and 5$\sp\prime$-TT sites, putative sites of psoralen photobinding. Interestingly, about 32% of p53 mutations detected in SCCs from PUVA treated patients had the UV signature. Taken together these results suggest that both PUVA and UVB play a role in the development of SCCs in psoriasis patients undergoing PUVA therapy. ^


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Cutaneous exposure to ultraviolet-B radiation (UVR) results in the suppression of cell-mediated immune responses such as contact hypersensitivity (CHS) and delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH). This modulation of immune responses is mediated by local or systemic mechanisms, both of which are associated with the generation of antigen-specific suppressor T lymphocytes (Ts). UV-induced Ts have been shown to be CD3+CD4+CD8 − T cells that control multiple immunological pathways. However, the precise mechanisms involved in the generation and function of these immunoregulatory cells remain unclear. We investigated the cellular basis for the generation of UV-induced Ts lymphocytes in both local and systemic models of immune suppression, and further examined the pleiotrophic function of these immunoregulatory cells. ^ We used Thy1.1 and Thy1.2 congenic mice in a draining lymph node (DLN) cell transfer model to analyze the role played by epidermal Langerhans cells in the generation of Ts cells. We demonstrate that T cells tightly adhered to antigen-presenting cells (APC) from UV-irradiated skin are the direct progenitors of UV-induced Ts lymphocytes. Our studies also reveal that UV-induced DNA-damage in the form of cyclobutyl pyrimidine dimers (CPD) in the epidermal APC is crucial for the altered maturation of these adherent T cells into Ts. ^ We used TCR transgenic mice in an adoptive transfer model and physically tracked the antigen-specific clones during immune responses in unirradiated versus UV-irradiated mice. We demonstrate that UV-induced Ts and effector TDTH cells share the same epitope specificity, indicating that both cell populations arise from the same clonal progenitors. UVR also causes profound changes in the localization and proliferation of antigen-specific T cells during an immune response. Antigen-specific T cells are not detectable in the DLNs of UV-irradiated mice after 3 days post-immunization, but are found in abundance in the spleen. In contrast, these clones continue to be found in the DLNs and spleens of normal animals several days post-immunization. Our studies also reveal that a Th2 cytokine environment is essential for the generation of Ts in UV-irradiated mice. ^ The third part of our study examined the pleiotrophic nature of UV-induced Ts. We used a model for the induction of both cellular and humoral responses to human gamma-globulin (HGG) to demonstrate that UV-induced Ts lymphocytes can suppress DTH as well as antibody responses. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Radiotherapy involving the thoracic cavity and chemotherapy with the drug bleomycin are both dose limited by the development of pulmonary fibrosis. From evidence that there is variation in the population in susceptibility to pulmonary fibrosis, and animal data, it was hypothesized that individual variation in susceptibility to bleomycin-induced, or radiation-induced, pulmonary fibrosis is, in part, genetically controlled. In this thesis a three generation mouse genetic model of C57BL/6J (fibrosis prone) and C3Hf/Kam (fibrosis resistant) mouse strains and F1 and F2 (F1 intercross) progeny derived from the parental strains was developed to investigate the genetic basis of susceptibility to fibrosis. In the bleomycin studies the mice received 100 mg/kg (125 for females) of bleomycin, via mini osmotic pump. The animals were sacrificed at eight weeks following treatment or when their breathing rate indicated respiratory distress. In the radiation studies the mice were given a single dose of 14 or 16 Gy (Co$\sp{60})$ to the whole thorax and were sacrificed when moribund. The phenotype was defined as the percent of fibrosis area in the left lung as quantified with image analysis of histological sections. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping was used to identify the chromosomal location of genes which contribute to susceptibility to bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in C57BL/6J mice compared to C3Hf/Kam mice and to determine if the QTL's which influence susceptibility to bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis in these progenitor strains could be implicated in susceptibility to radiation-induced lung fibrosis. For bleomycin, a genome wide scan revealed QTL's on chromosome 17, at the MHC, (LOD = 11.7 for males and 7.2 for females) accounting for approximately 21% of the phenotypic variance, and on chromosome 11 (LOD = 4.9), in male mice only, adding 8% of phenotypic variance. The bleomycin QTL on chromosome 17 was also implicated for susceptibility to radiation-induced fibrosis (LOD = 5.0) and contributes 7% of the phenotypic variance in the radiation study. In conclusion, susceptibility to both bleomycin-induced and radiation-induced pulmonary fibrosis are heritable traits, and are influenced by a genetic factor which maps to a genomic region containing the MHC. ^


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Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection occurs early in life and leads to life-long viral persistence. An association between HCMV infection and malignant gliomas has been reported suggesting that HCMV may play a role in glioma pathogenesis. The reported effects of HCMV on cells suggest that it could facilitate accrual of genotoxic damage. We therefore tested the hypothesis that HCMV infection modifies the sensitivity of cells to genetic damage from environmental insults such as γ-irradiation. Peripheral blood lymphocytes from 110 glioma patients and 100 controls were used to measure the level of both chromosome damage and cell death as endpoints for genetic instability. For each study participant, the extent of baseline, HCMV-, γ-radiation- and both – induced genetic instability was evaluated. Radiation induced a significant increase in aberration frequency over baseline in both cases and controls. Similarly, HCMV induced a significant increase in aberration frequency regardless of the disease status. Interestingly, HCMV induced damage was either equal or higher than that induced by radiation. Infected with HCMV prior to challenge with γ-radiation demonstrated a significant increase in the aberration frequency as compared to baseline, radiation- or HCMV-treated cells. With regards to apoptosis, cases showed a lower percentage of induction following in vitro exposure to γ-radiation and/or HCMV infection. The level of apoptosis was inversely related to the amount of chromosome damage in the cases, but not in the controls. These data indicate that, HCMV infection enhances the sensitivity of PBLs to γ-radiation-induced genetic damage.^


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Additive and multiplicative models of relative risk were used to measure the effect of cancer misclassification and DS86 random errors on lifetime risk projections in the Life Span Study (LSS) of Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bomb survivors. The true number of cancer deaths in each stratum of the cancer mortality cross-classification was estimated using sufficient statistics from the EM algorithm. Average survivor doses in the strata were corrected for DS86 random error ($\sigma$ = 0.45) by use of reduction factors. Poisson regression was used to model the corrected and uncorrected mortality rates with covariates for age at-time-of-bombing, age at-time-of-death and gender. Excess risks were in good agreement with risks in RERF Report 11 (Part 2) and the BEIR-V report. Bias due to DS86 random error typically ranged from $-$15% to $-$30% for both sexes, and all sites and models. The total bias, including diagnostic misclassification, of excess risk of nonleukemia for exposure to 1 Sv from age 18 to 65 under the non-constant relative projection model was $-$37.1% for males and $-$23.3% for females. Total excess risks of leukemia under the relative projection model were biased $-$27.1% for males and $-$43.4% for females. Thus, nonleukemia risks for 1 Sv from ages 18 to 85 (DRREF = 2) increased from 1.91%/Sv to 2.68%/Sv among males and from 3.23%/Sv to 4.02%/Sv among females. Leukemia excess risks increased from 0.87%/Sv to 1.10%/Sv among males and from 0.73%/Sv to 1.04%/Sv among females. Bias was dependent on the gender, site, correction method, exposure profile and projection model considered. Future studies that use LSS data for U.S. nuclear workers may be downwardly biased if lifetime risk projections are not adjusted for random and systematic errors. (Supported by U.S. NRC Grant NRC-04-091-02.) ^


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The purpose of these studies was to determine the role of suppressor factors (TsF) in the regulation of immune responses by ultraviolet radiation-induced suppressor T lymphocytes (Ts). The Ts were induced following epicutaneous sensitization with contact allergens to an unirradiated site on mice irradiated five days earlier with 40 kJ/m$\sp2$ UVB (280-320 nm) radiation. The spleens of such mice contain afferent, hapten-specific, Thy-1$\sp+$, Lyt-1$\sp+$,2$\sp-$ Ts that suppress in vivo contact hypersensitivity (CHS) and antibody responses and the in vitro generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). Four approaches were used to determine the role of TsF. First, lysates produced from sonically-disrupted Ts were injected i.v. into normal animals; they inhibited CHS in vivo in a nonspecific manner. The lysates suppressed the induction and elicitation of CHS, and they inhibited the in vitro generation of CTL. Lysates prepared from splenocytes obtained from unirradiated mice or UV-irradiated, unsensitized mice failed to inhibit either response. Second, supernatants from cultures containing Ts, normal syngeneic responder lymphocytes, and hapten-modified stimulator cells were injected i.v. into normal recipients. They inhibited the induction of CHS and did so in a hapten-specific manner. Cellular and kinetic requirements were observed for the generation of suppressive activity. Splenocytes from mice treated with Ts supernatants suppressed CHS when transferred into normal animals. The supernatants also suppressed the in vitro generation of specific CTL. Third, the TsF-specific B16G monoclonal antibody was tested for its ability to modulate the effects of UV radiation in vivo. The i.v. injection of B16G into UV-irradiated mice reduced the suppression of CHS. Splenocytes of B16G-treated mice transferred into normal recipients, and they suppressed CHS, indicating that the Ts were not depleted. Fourth, B16G was used to isolate a putative TsF by antibody immunoadsorbance. When the B16G-bound fraction was eluted and injected i.v. into normal animals, it suppressed CHS and represented a 900-fold enrichment of activity over the starting material, based on specific activity. By SDS-PAGE, the B16G-bound material contained nondisulfide-linked 45- and 50-kDa components. These results suggest that TsF may play an immunoregulatory role in CHS. The isolation of a UV radiation-induced TsF lends credence to the involvement of such molecules. ^


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The present study was designed to determine the potential anticarcinogenic activity of naturally occurring coumarins and their mechanism of action. The results indicated that several naturally occurring coumarins including bergamottin, coriandrin, imperatorin, isopimpinellin, and ostruthin, to which humans are routinely exposed in the diet, were effective inhibitors and/or inactivators of CYP1A1-mediated ethoxyresorufin-O-dealkylase (EROD) or CYP2B1-mediated pentoxyresorufin-O-dealkylase (PROD) in mouse liver microsomes. In addition, bergamottin and corandrin were also found to be inhibitors of purified human P450 1A1 in vitro. Further studies with coriandrin revealed that this compound was a mechanism-based inactivator of P450 1A1 and covalently bound to the P450 1A1 apoprotein. In cultured mouse keratinocytes, bergamottin and coriandrin effectively inhibited the B(a) P metabolism and significantly decreased covalent binding of B(a) P and DMBA to keratinocyte DNA and anti-diol-epoxide-DNA adducts derived from both B(a) P and DMBA in keratinocytes. The data from in vivo experiments showed that bergamottin and coriandrin were potent inhibitors of covalent binding of B (a) P to epidermal DNA and the formation of (+) anti BPDE-DNA adduct, whereas imperatorin and isopimpinellin were more potent inhibitors of covalent binding of DMBA to epidermal DNA. The ability of coumarins to inhibit covalent binding of B (a) P to DNA in mouse epidermis was positively correlated with their inhibitory effect P450 1A1 in vitro, while the inhibitory effect of coumarins on covalent binding of DMBA to epidermal DNA was positively correlated with their inhibitory effects on P450 2B1 and negatively to their inhibitory activity toward P450 1A1. The data from tumor experiments indicated that bergamottin, ostruthin, and coriandrin inhibited tumor initiation by B (a) P in a two-stage carcinogenesis protocol. Bergamottin was most effective in this regard and produced a dose dependent inhibition of papilloma formation in these experiments. In addition, imperatorin was an effective inhibitor of skin tumorigenesis induced by DMBA in SENCAR mouse skin using both a two-stage and a complete carcinogenesis protocol. At dose levels higher than those effective against DMBA, imperatorin also inhibited tumor initiation by B (a) P. The results to date demonstrate that several naturally occurring coumarins possess the ability to block tumor initiation and tumorigenesis by PAHs such as B (a) P and DMBA through inhibition of the P450s involved in the metabolic activation of these hydrocarbons. A working model for the involvement of specific P450s in the metabolic activation of these two PAHs was proposed. ^


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Carcinoma of the skin is the most common type of human cancer in the United States. Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) present in the sunlight is thought to be the major carcinogen responsible for induction of skin cancer. In UV-associated skin carcinogenesis, mutations in p53 are not only present with very high frequency, but occur early in the course of tumor development. In addition, UV-induced skin tumors in mice exhibit unique immunological characteristics. They are highly antigenic and express both individually-specific tumor transplantation antigens recognized by effector T cells and the UV-associated common antigen recognized by UV-induced suppressor T cells. ^ To examine the hypothesis that p53 plays a critical role in preventing skin cancer induction by UVR, mice constitutively lacking one or two functional p53 alleles were compared to wild-type mice for their susceptibility to UV carcinogenesis. Both p53 +/– and –/– mice showed greater susceptibility to skin cancer induction than wild-type mice, and –/– mice were the most susceptible, Accelerated tumor development in the p53 +/– mice was not associated with loss of the remaining wild-type allele of p53 , but in many cases was associated with UV-induced mutations in p53. Our studies clearly demonstrate the essential role of p53 in protection against UV carcinogenesis, particularly in the eye and epidermis. ^ The role of p53 in the antigenicity of UV-induced murine skin tumors was also addressed. Primary UV-induced tumors from p53 –/–, +/– and +/+ mice were transplanted into both normal and immunosuppressed mice, and rates of tumor rejection were compared. Tumors from mice with only one or no functional p53 alleles were less antigenic than those from mice with two functional p53 alleles. Moreover, tumors with no functional p53 also failed to grow well in chronically UV-irradiated mice. These results indicate that p53 contributes to the strong antigenicity of UV-induced murine skin tumors, and suggest that it may play a critical role in expression of the UV-associated common antigen recognized by suppressor T cells. ^ In this study we also monitored the effect of UVR on the development of lymphoid malignancies in p53 deficient mice. The incidence of lymphoid malignancies in UV-irradiated p53 +/– mice was drastically enhanced compared to that in unirradiated counterparts. The immune responses of the mice were identical and were suppressed to the same extent by UV irradiation regardless of the p53 genotype. These data provide the first experimental evidence that exposure to UVR can contribute to the development of lymphoid neoplasms in genetically susceptible hosts. ^


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Psoralen plus UVA (PUVA) is used as a very effective treatment modality for various diseases, including psoriasis and cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. PUVA-induced immune suppression and/or apoptosis are thought to be responsible for the therapeutic action. However, the molecular mechanisms by which PUVA acts are not well understood. We have previously identified platelet-activating factor (PAF), a potent phospholipid mediator, as a crucial substance triggering ultraviolet B radiation-induced immune suppression. In this study, we used PAF receptor knockout mice, a selective PAF receptor antagonist, a COX-2 inhibitor (presumably blocking downstream effects of PAF), and PAF-like molecules to test the role of PAF receptor binding in PUVA treatment. We found that activation of the PAF pathway is crucial for PUVA-induced immune suppression (as measured by suppression of delayed type hypersensitivity to Candida albicans) and that it plays a role in skin inflammation and apoptosis. Downstream of PAF, interleukin-10 was involved in PUVA-induced immune suppression but not inflammation. Better understanding of PUVA's mechanisms may offer the opportunity to dissect the therapeutic from the detrimental (ie, carcinogenic) effects and/or to develop new drugs (eg, using the PAF pathway) that act like PUVA but have fewer side effects.


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Radiation-induced injury to skin is an infrequent but potentially serious complication to complex fluoroscopically-guided interventional procedures. Due to a lack of experience with such injuries, the medical community has found fluoroscopically-induced injuries difficult to diagnose. Injuries have occurred globally in many countries. Serious injuries most frequently occur on the back but have also occurred on the neck, buttocks and anterior of the chest. Severities of injuries range from skin rashes and epilation to necrosis of the skin and its underlying structures. This article reviews the characteristics of these injuries and some actions that can be taken to reduce their likelihood or seriousness.


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Excessive exposure to the UV radiation present in sunlight can lead to the development of skin cancer in humans. Majority of the UV-induced skin tumors in immune-competent mice are highly antigenic in nature. Additionally, they exhibit a high frequency of mutations in the p53 gene, which arise very early in the course of UV radiation and most of them disappear before the development of skin tumors. ^ Initially, this study was to determine whether UV radiation induces skin tumors much earlier in immune deficient Rag2 knockout mice than in immune-competent mice, and if so, compare their antigenic properties and p53 mutation spectra. However, chronic UV irradiation (10 kJ/m2) induced myeloproliferative disease (MPD) as early as 4 weeks in Rag2 knockout mice instead of skin tumors. Conversely, unirradiated Rag2 knockout mice developed MPD at a low frequency, but the frequency increased with the animal's age. Although the UV-irradiated wild type mice (B6129) developed MPD, its frequency was lower and the occurrence much later than the Rag2 knockout mice. ^ This observation led to our new hypothesis that UV irradiation plays a role in the development of MPD in Rag2 knockout mice. After 4 weeks of UV radiation, both histopathology (myeloid:erythroid ratio, number of blast cells) and flow cytometry (mature myeloid, granulocytes and immature cells) demonstrated an increased number of mice affected with the disease in the UV-irradiated Rag2 knockout group than the other groups. ^ We also investigated the role of cytokines and absence of T and B cells in the development of MPD in the Rag2 knockout mice. Results indicated that IL-3 and IL-3Rα chain expression was upregulated in the spleens of the UV-irradiated Rag2 knockout mice (4 weeks). Reconstitution of the Rag2 knockout mice with T and B cells abrogated the UV-accelerated development of MPD. Both histopathology and flow cytometric analysis (mature myeloid cells, granulocytes) showed a decrease in the number of mice affected with the disease in the UV-irradiated, reconstituted group rather than any other group. In summary, this study provides the first experimental evidence that exposure to UV irradiation can lead to the development of MPD in immune deficient mice. ^


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Radiation-induced injuries from fluoroscopic procedures in pediatric patients have occurred, and young patients are at greatest risk of many radiation-induced neoplasms. Some fluoroscopists have been injured from their use of fluoroscopy, and they are known to be at risk of radiation-induced neoplasm when radiation is not well-controlled. This article reviews the circumstances that lead to radiation injury and delineates some procedural methods to avoid injury and limit radiation exposure to both the patient and the fluoroscopist.


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Advances in radiotherapy have generated increased interest in comparative studies of treatment techniques and their effectiveness. In this respect, pediatric patients are of specific interest because of their sensitivity to radiation induced second cancers. However, due to the rarity of childhood cancers and the long latency of second cancers, large sample sizes are unavailable for the epidemiological study of contemporary radiotherapy treatments. Additionally, when specific treatments are considered, such as proton therapy, sample sizes are further reduced due to the rareness of such treatments. We propose a method to improve statistical power in micro clinical trials. Specifically, we use a more biologically relevant quantity, cancer equivalent dose (DCE), to estimate risk instead of mean absorbed dose (DMA). Our objective was to demonstrate that when DCE is used fewer subjects are needed for clinical trials. Thus, we compared the impact of DCE vs. DMA on sample size in a virtual clinical trial that estimated risk for second cancer (SC) in the thyroid following craniospinal irradiation (CSI) of pediatric patients using protons vs. photons. Dose reconstruction, risk models, and statistical analysis were used to evaluate SC risk from therapeutic and stray radiation from CSI for 18 patients. Absorbed dose was calculated in two ways: with (1) traditional DMA and (2) with DCE. DCE and DMA values were used to estimate relative risk of SC incidence (RRCE and RRMA, respectively) after proton vs. photon CSI. Ratios of RR for proton vs. photon CSI (RRRCE and RRRMA) were then used in comparative estimations of sample size to determine the minimal number of patients needed to maintain 80% statistical power when using DCE vs. DMA. For all patients, we found that protons substantially reduced the risk of developing a second thyroid cancer when compared to photon therapy. Mean RRR values were 0.052±0.014 and 0.087±0.021 for RRRMA and RRRCE, respectively. However, we did not find that use of DCE reduced the number of patents needed for acceptable statistical power (i.e, 80%). In fact, when considerations were made for RRR values that met equipoise requirements and the need for descriptive statistics, the minimum number of patients needed for a micro-clinical trial increased from 17 using DMA to 37 using DCE. Subsequent analyses revealed that for our sample, the most influential factor in determining variations in sample size was the experimental standard deviation of estimates for RRR across the patient sample. Additionally, because the relative uncertainty in dose from proton CSI was so much larger (on the order of 2000 times larger) than the other uncertainty terms, it dominated the uncertainty in RRR. Thus, we found that use of corrections for cell sterilization, in the form of DCE, may be an important and underappreciated consideration in the design of clinical trials and radio-epidemiological studies. In addition, the accurate application of cell sterilization to thyroid dose was sensitive to variations in absorbed dose, especially for proton CSI, which may stem from errors in patient positioning, range calculation, and other aspects of treatment planning and delivery.