20 resultados para NADPH diaphorase
Chemical modification of cytochrome P-450 reductase was used to determine the involvement of charged amino acids in the interaction between the reductase and two forms of cytochrome P-450. Acetylation of 11 lysine residues of the reductase with acetic anhydride yielded a 20-40% decrease in the K$\sb{\rm m}$ of the reductase for cytochrome P-450b or cytochrome P-450c. Modification of carboxyl groups on the reductase with 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC) and methylamine, glycine methyl ester, or taurine as nucleophiles inhibited the interaction with the cytochromes P-450. We were able to modify 4.0, 7.9, and 5.9 carboxyl groups using methylamine, glycine methyl ester, and taurine, respectively. The apparent K$\sb{\rm m}$ for cytochrome P-450c or cytochrome P-450b was increased 1.3 to 5.2 fold. There were varied effects on the V$\sb{\rm max}$. There was no significant change in the conformation of the reductase upon chemical modification. These results strongly suggest that electrostatic interactions as well as steric constraints play a role in the binding and electron transfer step(s) between the reductase and cytochrome P-450. Cytochrome P-450 protected 0.8 moles of carboxyl residues on the reductase from being modified with EDC. These protected amino acids on the reductase are presumably involved in binding to cytochrome P-450. The specific peptide containing these amino acids has been identified. ^
The cytochrome P450 enzyme catalysis requires two electrons transferred from NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (reductase) to P450. Electrostatic charge-pairing has been proposed to be one of the major forces in the interaction between P450 and reductase. In order to obtain further insight into the molecular basis for the protein interaction, I used two methods, chemical modification and specific anti-peptide antibodies, to study the involvement and importance of charged amino acid residues. Acetylation of lysine residues of P450c and P450b by acetic anhydride dramatically inhibited the reductase-supported P450c-dependent ethoxycoumarin hydroxylation activity, but P450 activity supported by cumene hydroperoxide is relatively unchanged. The modification of lysine residues of P450c and P450b did not grossly disturb the protein conformation as revealed by several spectral studies. This differential effect of lysine modification on the P450 activity in the system reconstituted with reductase versus the system supported by cumene hydroperoxide suggested an important role for P450 lysine residues in the interaction with reductase. Using $\rm\sp{14}C$-acetic anhydride, P450 lysine residues were labelled and further identified on P450c and P450b. Those lysine residues are at position 97, 271, 279, and 407 for P450c, and 251, 384, 422, 433, and 473 for P450b. Alignment of those identified lysine residues on P450c and P450b with amino acid residues identified in other studies indicated those residues reside in three major sequence areas. Modification of arginine residues of P450b by phenylglyoxal and 2, 3-butanedione have no significant effect on P450 activity either supported by NADPH and reductase or supported by cumene hydroperoxide. Further studies using $\rm\sp{14}C$-phenylglyoxal reveals that no incorporation of phenylglyoxal into P450b was found. These results demonstrated a predominant role of lysine residues of P450 in the electrostatic interaction with reductase. To understand the protein binding sites on each of P450 and reductase, I generated three anti-peptide antibodies against regions on reductase and five anti-peptide antibodies against five putative reductase binding sites on P450c. These anti-peptide antibodies were affinity purified and characterized on ELISA and by Western blot analysis. Inhibition experiments using these antibodies demonstrated that regions 109-120 and 204-220 of reductase are probably the two major binding sites for P450. The association of reductase with cytochromes P450 and cytochrome c may rely on different mechanisms. The data from experiments using anti-peptide (P450c) antibodies supports the important role of P450c lysine residues 271/279 and 458/460 in the interaction with reductase. ^
Homogenous detergent-solubilized NADPH-Cytochrome P-450 reductase was incorporated into microsomes and liposomes. This binding occurred spontaneously at temperatures between 4(DEGREES) and 37(DEGREES) and appeared to involve hydrophobic forces as the binding was not disrupted by 0.5 M sodium chloride. This exogenously-added reductase was active catalytically towards native cytochrome P-450, suggesting an association with the microsomal membrane similar to endogenous reductase. Homogeneous detergent-solubilized reductase was disaggregated by Renex-690 micelles, confirming the presence of a hydrophobic combining region on the enzyme. In contrast to these results, steapsin protease-solubilized reductase was incapable of microsomal attachment and did not interact with Renex-690 micelles. Detergent-solubilized reductase (76,500 daltons) was converted into a form with the electrophoretic mobility of steapsin protease-solubilized reductase (68,000 daltons) and a 12,500 dalton peptide (as determined by polyacrylamide-SDS gel electrophoresis) when the liposomal-incorporated enzyme was incubated with steapsin protease. The 68,000 dalton fragment thus obtained had properties identical with steapsin protease-solubilized reductase, i.e. it was catalytically active towards cytochrome c but inactive towards cytochrome P-450 and did not bind liposomes. The 12,500 dalton fragment remained associated with the liposomes when the digest was fractionated by gel filtration, suggesting that this is the segment of the enzyme which is embedded in the phospholipid bilayer. Thus, detergent-solubilized reductase appears to contain a soluble catalytic domain and a separate and separable membrane-binding domain. This latter domain is required for attaching the enzyme to the membrane and also to facilitate the catalytic interaction between the reductase and its native electron acceptor, cytochrome P-450. The membrane-binding segment of the reductase was isolated by preparative gel electrophoresis in SDS following its generation by proteolytic treatment of liposome-incorporated reductase. The peptide has a molecular weight of 6,400 as determined by gel filtration in 8 M guanidine hydrochloride and has an amino acid composition which is not especially hydrophobic. Following removal of SDS and dialysis out of 6 M urea, the membrane-binding peptide was unable to inhibit the activity of a reconstituted system containing purified reductase and cytochrome P-450. Moreover, when reductase and cytochrome P-450 were added to liposomes which contained the membrane-binding peptide, it was determined that mixed function oxidase activity was reconstituted as effectively as when vesicles without the membrane-binding peptide were used. Thus, the membrane-binding peptide was ineffective as an inhibitor of mixed function oxidase activity, suggesting perhaps that it facilitates catalysis by anchoring the catalytic domain of the reductase proximal to cytochrome P-450 (i.e. in the same mixed micelle) rather than through a specific interaction with cytochrome P-450. ^
The hydroxylation of N- and O-methyl drugs and a polycyclic hydrocarbon has been demonstrated in microsomes prepared from two transplantable Morris hepatomas (i.e., 7288C. t.c. and 5123 t.c.(H). The hydroxylation rates of the drug benzphetamine and the polycyclic hydrocarbon benzo {(alpha)} pyrene by tumor microsomes were inducible 2 to 3-fold and 2-fold, respectively by pretreatment of rats with phenobarbital/hydrocortisone. Hepatoma 5123t.c.(h) microsomal hydroxylation activities were more inducible after these pretreatments than hepatoma 7288C.t.c. Two chemotherapeutic drugs (cyclophosphamide and isophosphamide) were shown to be mutagenic after activation by the tumor hemogenate with the TA100 strain of Salmonella typhimurium bacteria. NADPH-cytochrome P-450 was purified from phenobarbital/hydrocortisone treated rat hepatoma 5123t.c.(H) microsomes 353-fold with a specific activity 63.6 nmol of cytochrome c reduced per min per mg of protein. The purified enzyme, has an apparent molecular weight of 79,500 daltons, and contained an equal molar ratio of FMN and FAD, with a total flavin content of 16.4 nmol per mg of protein. The purified enzyme also catalyzed electron transfer to artificial electron acceptors with the K(,m) values of the hepatoma reductase similar to those of purified liver reductase. The K(,m) value of the hepatoma reductase (13 uM) for NADPH was similar to that of purified liver reductase (5.0 uM). In addition the purified hepatoma reductase was immunochemically similar to the liver reductase.^ Hepatoma cytochrome P-450, the hemeprotein component of the hepatoma microsomes of rats pretreated with phenobarbital/hydrocortisone. The resolution of the six forms was achieved by the DE-53 ion-exchange chromatography, and further purified by hydroxyapatite. The six different fractions that contained P-450 activity, had specific contents from 0.47 to 1.75 nmol of cytochrome P-450 per mg of protein, and indicated a 2 to 9-fold purification as compared to the original microsomes. In addition, difference spectra, molecular weights and immunological results suggest there are at least six different forms of cytochrome P-450 in hepatoma 5123 t.c.(H). ^
Arsenic trioxide (ATO) is an inorganic arsenic derivative that is very effective against relapsed acute promyelocytic leukemia. It is being investigated as therapy for other cancers, but the risk/benefit ratio is questionable due to significant side effects. In contrast, organic arsenic derivatives (OAD) are known to be much less toxic than ATO. Based on high activity, we selected GMZ27 (dipropil-s-glycerol arsenic) for further study and have confirmed its potent activity against human acute leukemia cell lines. This anti-leukemic activity is significantly higher than that of ATO. Both in vivo and in vitro tests have shown that GMZ27 is significantly less toxic to normal bone marrow mononuclear cells and normal mice. Therefore, further study of the biological activity of GMZ27 was undertaken. ^ GMZ27, in contrast to ATO, can only marginally induce maturation of leukemic cells. GMZ27 has no effect on cell cycle. The anti-leukemic activity of GMZ27 against acute myeolocytic leukemia cells is not dependent upon degradation of PML-RARα fusion protein. GMZ27 causes dissipation of mitochondrial transmembrane potential, cleavage of caspase 9, caspase 3 activation. Further studies indicated that GMZ27 induces intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, and modification of intracellular ROS levels had profound effect on its potential to inhibit proliferation of leukemic cells. Therefore ROS production plays a major role in the anti-leukemic activity of GMZ27. ^ To identify how GMZ27 induces ROS, our studies focused on mitochondria and NADPH oxidase. The results indicated that the source of ROS generation induced by GMZ27 is dose dependent. At the low dose (0.3 uM) GMZ27 induces NADPH oxidase activity that leads to late ROS production, while at the high dose (2.0 uM) mitochondria function is disrupted and early ROS production is induced leading to dramatic cell apoptosis. Therefore, late, ROS production can be detected in mitochondria are depleted Rho-0 cells. Our work not only delineates a major biologic pathway for the anti-leukemic activity of GMZ27, but also discusses possible ways of enhancing the effect by the co-application of NADPH oxidase activator. Further study of this interaction may lead to achieving better therapeutic index.^
NADPH cytochrome P-450 reductase releases FMN and FAD upon dilution into slightly acidic potassium bromide. The flavins are released with positive cooperativity. Dithiothreitol protects the FAD dependent cytochrome c reductase activity against inactivation by free radicals. Behavior in potassium bromide is sensitive to changes in the pH. High performance hydroxylapatite resolved the FAD dependent reductase from holoreductase. For 96% FAD dependent reductase, the overall yield was 12%.^ High FAD dependence was matched by a low FAD content, with FAD/FMN as low as 0.015. There were three molecules of FMN for every four molecules of reductase. The aporeductase had negligible activity towards cytochrome c, ferricyanide, menadione, dichlorophenolindophenol, nitro blue tetrazolium, oxygen and acetyl pyridine adenine dinucleotide phosphate. A four minute incubation in FAD reconstituted one half to all of the specific activity, per milligram protein, of untreated reductase, depending upon the substrate. After a two hour reconstitution, the reductase eluted from hydroxylapatite at the location of holoreductase. It had little flavin dependence, was equimolar in FMN and FAD, and had nearly the specific activity (per mole flavin) of untreated reductase.^ The lack of activity and the ability of FMN to also reconstitute suggest that the redox center of FAD is essential for catalysis, rather than for structure. Dependence upon FAD is consistent with existing hypotheses for the catalytic cycle of the reductase. ^
Viral invasion of the central nervous system (CNS) and development of neurological symptoms is a characteristic of many retroviruses. The mechanism by which retrovirus infection causes neurological dysfunction has yet to be fully elucidated. Given the complexity of the retrovirus-mediated neuropathogenesis, studies using small animal models are extremely valuable. Our laboratory has used a mutant moloney murine leukemia retrovirus, ts1-mediated neurodegneration. We hypothesize that astrocytes play an important role in ts1-induced neurodegeneration since they are retroviral reservoirs and supporting cells for neurons. It has been shown that ts1 is able to infect astrocytes in vivo and in vitro. Astrocytes, the dominant cell population in the CNS, extend their end feet to endothelial cells and neuronal synapse to provide neuronal support. Signs of oxidative stress in the ts1-infected CNS have been well-documented from previous studies. After viral infection, retroviral DNA is generated from its RNA genome and integrated into the host genome. In this study, we identified the life cycle of ts1 in the infected astrocytes. During the infection, we observed reactive oxygen species (ROS) upregulations: one at low levels during the early infection phase and another at high levels during the late infection phase. Initially we hypothesized that p53 might play an important role in ts1-mediated astrocytic cell death. Subsequently, we found that p53 is unlikely to be involved in the ts1-mediated astrocytic cell death. Instead, p53 phosphorylation was increased by the early ROS upregulation via ATM, the protein encoded by the ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) mutated gene. The early upregulation of p53 delayed viral gene expression by suppressing expression of the catalytic subunit of NADPH oxidase (NOX). We further demonstrated that the ROS upregulation induced by NOX activation plays an important role in establishing retroviral genome into the host. Inhibition of NOX decreased viral replication and delayed the onset of pathological symptoms in ts1-infected mice. These observations lead us to conclude that suppression of NOX not only prevents the establishment of the retrovirus but also decreases oxidative stress in the CNS. This study provides us with new perspectives on the retrovirus-host cell interaction and sheds light on retrovirus-induced neurodegeneration as a result of the astrocyte-neuron interaction.
The human colon tumor cell line, LS174T, has been shown to have four major components of the drug metabolizing system; cytochrome b$\sb5$ reductase, cytochrome b$\sb5$, cytochrome P450 reductase and cytochrome P450, by activity measurements, spectral studies and antibody cross-reactivity. Cytochrome P450IA1 is induced by benzanthracene in these cells as shown by activity with the specific substrate, ethoxyresorufin, cross-reactivity with rabbit antibodies to rat IA1, and by a hybridizing band on a Northern blot to a rat IA1 probe.^ Further, this system has proven responsive to various inducers and conditions of growth. The enzyme activities were found stable over limited cell passages with control values of 0.03 and 0.13 $\mu$mol/min/mg protein for NADPH and NADH cytochrome c (cyt c) reducing activity, 0.05 nmol cyt b$\sb5$ per milligram and 0.013 nmol cytochrome P450 per milligram of microsomal protein. Phenobarbital/hydrocortisone treatment showed a consistent, but not always significant increase in the NADPH and NADH cyt c reducing activity and benzanthracene treatment an increase in the NADH cyt c reducing activity. Delta-aminolevulinic acid (0.5mM) caused a significant decrease in the specific activity of all enzyme contents and activities tested.^ Finally, the cytochrome b$\sb5$ to cytochrome P450, by the coordinate induction of the cytochrome b$\sb5$ pathway by P450 inducers, by the high ratio of NADH to NADPH ethoxycoumarin deethylase activity in uninduced cell microsomes, and by the increase in NADH and NADPH ethoxycoumarin deethylase activity when the microsomes were treated with potassium cyanide, a desaturase inhibitor. ^
Daunorubicin (DNR) is an anthracycline antibiotic used as a cancer chemotherapeutic agent. However, it causes mammary adenocarcinomas in female Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. Vitamin E (E) has been found to reduce DNR carcinogenicity. I investigated the mechanism of DNR carcinogenicity and its interaction with E in SD rats by studying DNR-DNA adduct formation and the influence of E status on DNR clearance and free radical producing and detoxifying enzymes.^ The hypothesis was that DNR exerts its tumorigenic effect via free radicals generated during redox cycling and production of reactive intermediates capable of forming DNA adducts. E was postulated to act as a protective agent through a combination of its antioxidant property, modulation of drug clearance and levels of free radical producing and detoxifying enzymes.^ DNA adduct formation was measured by the nuclease P1 $\sp{32}$P-post labeling assay. In vitro, DNR was activated by rat liver microsomes and either NADPH or cumene hydrogen peroxide (CuOOH). Rat liver DNA incubated with this mixture formed two adducts when the cofactor was NADPH and three adducts when CuOOH was used. In vivo, SD rats were treated with i.v. doses of DNR. No detectable DNR-DNA adducts were formed in liver or mammary DNA in vivo, although there was an intensification of endogenous DNA adducts.^ Groups, 1, 2, 3 and 4 of weanling female SD rats were fed 0, 100, 1,000 and 10,000 mg $\alpha$-tocopheryl acetate/kg diet respectively. A comparison of Groups 1 and 4 showed no effect of E status on clearance of 10 mg tritiated DNR/kg body weight over 72 hours. However, liver cleared DNR at a faster rate than mammary epithelial cells (MEC).^ Xanthine oxidase, which catalyzes DNR redox cycling, was significantly decreased in liver and MEC of rats in group 4 compared to groups 1, 2, and 3. Detoxifying enzymes were not dramatically affected by E supplementation. Quinone reductase in MEC was significantly increased in group 4 compared to other groups. Overall, the liver had higher levels of free radical detoxifying enzymes compared to MEC.^ These data support a role of free radicals in DNR carcinogenicity because (1) endogenous DNA adducts formed due to free radical insult are further intensified by DNR treatment in vivo, (2) MEC, the specific target of DNR carcinogenicity, cannot rapidly clear DNR and have a lower free radical detoxifying capability than liver, (3) E supplementation caused lowering of free radical generating potential via xanthine oxidase, and increased DNR detoxification due to elevation of quinone reductase in MEC. ^
The cytochrome P450 (P450) monooxygenase system plays a major role in metabolizing a wide variety of xenobiotic as well as endogenous compounds. In performing this function, it serves to protect the body from foreign substances. However, in a number of cases, P450 activates procarcinogens to cause harm. In most animals, the highest level of activity is found in the liver. Virtually all tissues demonstrate P450 activity, though, and the role of the P450 monooxygenase system in these other organs is not well understood. In this project I have studied the P450 system in rat brain; purifying NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (reductase) from that tissue. In addition, I have examined the distribution and regulation of expression of reductase and P450 in various anatomical regions of the rat brain.^ NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase was purified to apparent homogeneity and cytochrome P450 partially purified from whole rat brain. Purified reductase from brain was identical to liver P450 reductase by SDS-PAGE and Western blot techniques. Kinetic studies utilizing cerebral P450 reductase reveal Km values in close agreement with those determined with enzyme purified from rat liver. Moreover, the brain P450 reductase was able to function successfully in a reconstituted microsomal system with partially purified brain cytochrome P450 and with purified hepatic P4501A1 as measured by 7-ethoxycoumarin and 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylation. These results indicate that the reductase and P450 components may interact to form a competent drug metabolism system in brain tissue.^ Since the brain is not a homogeneous organ, dependent upon the well orchestrated interaction of numerous parts, pathology in one nucleus may have a large impact upon its overall function. Hence, the anatomical distribution of the P450 monooxygenase system in brain is important in elucidating its function in that organ. Related to this is the regulation of P450 expression in brain. In order to study these issues female rats--both ovariectomized and not--were treated with a number of xenobiotic compounds and sex steroids. The brains from these animals were dissected into 8 discrete regions and the presence and relative level of message for P4502D and reductase determined using polymerase chain reaction. Results of this study indicate the presence of mRNA for reductase and P4502D isoforms throughout the rat brain. In addition, quantitative PCR has allowed the determination of factors affecting the expression of message for these enzymes. ^
The Mixed Function Oxidase System metabolizes a wide range of biochemicals including drugs, pesticides and steroids. Cytochrome P450 reductase is a key enzymatic component of this system, supplying reducing equivalents from NADPH to cytochrome P450. The electrons are shuttled through reductase via two flavin moieties: FAD and FMN. Although the exact mechanism of flavins action is not known, the enzymatic features of reductase greatly depleted of either FMN of FAD have been characterized. Additionally, flavin location within reductase has been proposed by homology and chemical modification studies. This study seeks to extend the flavin depletion analysis in a more controlled system by eliminating the proposed FMN binding domain with recombinant DNA techniques and biochemical analysis. Two P450 reductase cDNA clones containing only the FMN and NADPH binding domain were isolated, expressed and the protein products purified and analysed. This study confirms the proposed FAD binding site, role of FAD in electron shuttling pathway and provides new methods to study the FAD binding domain. ^
The cytochrome P450 monooxygenase system consists of NADPH- cytochrome P450 reductase (P450 reductase) and cytochromes P450, which can catalyze the oxidation of a wide variety of endogenous and exogenous compounds, including steroid hormones, fatty acids, drugs, and pollutants. The functions of this system are as diverse as the substrates. P450 reductase transfers reducing equivalents from NADPH to P450, which in turn catalyzes metabolic reactions. This enzyme system has the highest level of activity in the liver. It is also present in other tissues, including brain. The functions of this enzyme system in brain seem to include: neurotransmission, neuroendocrinology, developmental and behavioral modulation, regulation of intracellular levels of cholesterol, and potential neurotoxicity.^ In this study, we have set up the rat glioma C6 cell line as an in vitro model system to examine the expression, induction, and tissue-specific regulation of P450s and P450 reductase. Rat glioma C6 cells were treated with P450 inducers phenobarbital (PB) or benzo(a)anthracene (BA). The presence of P450 reductase and of cytochrome P450 1A1, 1A2, 2A1, 2B1/2, 2C7, 2D1-5 and 2E1 was detected by reverse transcription followed by polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and confirmed by restriction digestion. The induction of P450 1A1 and 2B1/2 and P450 reductase was quantified using competitive PCR. Ten- and five-fold inductions of P450 1A and 2B mRNA after BA or PB treatments, respectively, were detected. Western blot analysis of microsomal preparations of glioma C6 cells demonstrated the presence of P450 1A, 2B and P450 reductase at the protein level. ELISAs showed that BA and PB induce P450 1A and 2B proteins 7.3- and 13.5-fold, respectively. Microsomes prepared from rat glioma C6 cells showed cytochrome P450 CO difference spectra with absorption at or near 450 nm. Microsomes prepared from rat glioma C6 cells demonstrated much higher levels of ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) and pentoxyresorufin O-dealkylase (PROD) activity, when treated with BA or PB, respectively. These experiments provide further evidence that the rat glioma C6 cell line contains an active cytochrome P450 monooxygenase system which can be induced by P450 inducers. The mRNAs of P450 1A1 and 2B1/2 can not bind to the oligo(dT) column efficiently, indicating they have very short poly(A) tails. This finding leads us to study the tissue specific regulation of P450s at post-transcriptional level. The half lives of P450 1A1 and 2B1/2 mRNA in glioma C6 cells are only 1/10 and 1/3 of that in liver. This may partly contribute to the low expression level of P450s in glial cells. The induction of P450s by BA or PB did not change their mRNA half lives, indicating the induction may be due to transcriptional regulation. In summary of this study, we believe the presence of the cytochrome P450 monooxygenase system in glial cells of the brain may be important in chemotherapy and carcinogenesis of brain tumors. ^
Cytochromes P450 are a superfamily of heme-thiolate proteins that function in a concert with another protein, cytochrome P450 reductase, as terminal oxidases of an enzymatic system catalyzing the metabolism of a variety of foreign compounds and endogenous substrates. In order to better understand P450s catalytic mechanism and substrate specificity, information about the structure of the active site is necessary. Given the lack of a crystal structure of mammalian P450, other methods have been used to elucidate the substrate recognition and binding site structure in the active center. In this project I utilized the photoaffinity labeling technique and site-directed mutagenesis approach to gain further structural insight into the active site of mammalian cytochrome P4501AI and examine the role of surface residues in the interaction of P4501A1 with the reductase. ^ Four crosslinked peptides were identified by photoaffinity labeling using diazido benzphetamine as a substrate analog. Alignment of the primary structure of cytochrome P4501A1 with that of bacterial cytochrome P450102 (the crystal structure of which is known) revealed that two of the isolated crosslinked peptides can be placed in the vicinity of heme (in the L helix region and β10-β11 sheet region of cytochrome P450102) and could be involved in substrate binding. The other two peptides were located on the surface of the protein with the label bound specifically to Lys residues that were proposed to be involved in reductase-P450 interaction. ^ Alternatively, it has been shown that some of the organic hydroperoxides can support P450 catalyzed reactions in the absence of NADPH, O2 and reductase. By means of photoaffinity labeling the cumene hydroperoxide binding region was identified. Using azidocumene as the photoaffinity label, the tripeptide T501-L502-K503 was shown to be the site where azidocumene covalently binds to P4501A1. The sequence alignment of cytochrome P4501A1 with cytochrome P450102 predicts that this region might correspond to β-sheet structure localized on the distal side of the heme ring near the I helix and the oxygen binding pocket. The role of Thr501 in the cumene hydroperoxide binding was confirmed by mutations of this residue and kinetic analysis of the effects of the mutations. ^ In addition, the role of two lysine residues, Lys271 and Lys279, in the interaction with reductase was examined by means of site-directed mutagenesis. The lysine residues were substituted with isoleucine and enzymatic activity of the wild type and the mutants were compared in reductase- and cumene hydroperoxide-supported systems. The lysine 279 residue has been shown to play a critical role in the P4501A1-reductase interaction. ^
One full length cDNA clone, designated 3aH15, was isolated from a rat brain cDNA library using a fragment of CYP3A2 cDNA as a probe. 3aH15 encoded a protein composed of 503 amino acid residues. The deduced amino acid sequence of 3aH15 was 92% identical to mouse Cyp3a-13 and had a 68.4% to 76.5% homology with the other reported rat CYP3A sequences. Clone 3aH15 was thus named CYP3A9 by Cytochrome P450 Nomenclature Committee. CYP3A9 seems to the major CYP3A isozyme expressed in rat brain. Sexual dimorphism of the expression of CYP3A9 was shown for the first time in rat brain as well as in rat liver. CYP3A9 appears to be female specific in rat liver based on the standards proposed by Kato and Yamazoe who defined sex specific expression of P450s as being a 10-fold or higher expression level in one sex compared with the other. CYP3A9 gene expression was inducible by estrogen treatment both in male and in female rats. Male rats treated with estrogen had a similar expression level of CYP3A9 mRNA both in the liver and brain. Ovariectomy of adult female rats drastically reduced the mRNA level of CYP3A9 which could be fully restored by estrogen replacement. On the other hand, only a two-fold induction of CYP3A9 expression by dexamethasone was observed in male liver and no significant induction of CYP3A9 mRNA was observed in female liver or in the brains. These results suggest that estrogen may play an important role in the female specific expression of the CYP3A9 gene and that CYP3A9 gene expression is regulated differently from other CYP3A isozymes. ^ P450 3A9 recombinant protein was expressed in E. coli using the pCWOri+ expression vector and the MALLLAVF amino terminal sequence modification. This construct gave a high level of expression (130 nmol P450 3A9/liter culture) and the recombinant protein of the modified P450 3A9 was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity (10.1 nmol P450/mg protein) from solubilized fractions using two chromatographic steps. The purified P450 3A9 protein was active towards the metabolism of many clinically important drugs such as imipramine, erythromycin, benzphetamine, ethylmorphine, chlorzoxazone, cyclosporine, rapamycin, etc. in a reconstituted system containing lipid and rat NADPH-P450 reductase. Although P450 3A9 was active towards the catabolism of testosterone, androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and 17β-estradiol, P450 3A9 preferentially catalyzes the metabolism of progesterone to form four different hydroxylated products. Optimal reconstitution conditions for P450 3A9 activities required a lipid mixture and GSH. The possible mechanisms of the stimulatory effects of GSH on P450 3A9 activities are discussed. Sexually dimorphic expression of P450 3A9 in the brain and its involvement in many neuroactive drugs as well as neurosteroids suggest the possible role of P450 3A9 in some mental disorders and brain functions. ^