52 resultados para Medical Literature
From 1983 through mid-1991, more than 200,000 MEDLINE entries were AIDS-related. Close to 60% of the journals indexed in MEDLINE published at least one article on AIDS during the past ten years. As reflected by a subset of 29,077 MEDLINE records, the literature of AIDS has grown to encompass 29 languages and 65 countries. A bibliometric study of the medical literature helps to demonstrate the progression of AIDS as a world health problem and the concomitant expansion of the research effort underway to control it.
We evaluated a 47-year-old woman for recurrent migraine and syncope. The patient had 7 children (not examined by the authors), all of whom also experienced migraine and syncope. The patient's father, now deceased, had reportedly experienced migraine and episodes of feeling faint. All 5 of the patient's siblings reported migraine, and 4 of the 5 reported syncope. The case of our patient, which we discuss herein, suggests a genetic link between these 2 conditions, both of which include vascular dysregulation in their pathogenesis. To our knowledge, the medical literature contains no previous description of familial associations of combined migraine and syncope.
Arthrogryposis or Arthrogrypsosis Multiplex Congenita (AMC) are terms used to describe the clinical finding of multiple congenital contractures. There are more than 300 distinct disorders associated with arthrogryposis. Amyoplasia is the most common type of arthrogryposis and is often referred to as the “classic” type. There is no known cause of amyoplasia and no risk factors have been identified. Moreover, there is no established diagnostic criteria, which has led to inconsistency and confusion in the medical literature. The purpose of this study was to describe the natural history of amyoplasia, to determine if there are any identifiable risk factors and develop a list of diagnostic criteria. A retrospective chart review of 59 children with arthrogryposis ascertained at the Shriners Hospitals for Children in Houston, Texas was performed and included the following information: prenatal, birth, and family histories, and phenotypic descriptions. Forty-four children were identified with amyoplasia and 15 children with other multiple congenital contractures and other anomalies (MCC) were used as a comparison group. With the exception of abnormal amniotic fluid levels during pregnancy, there were no significant demographic or prenatal risk factors identified. However, we found common features that discriminate amyoplasia from other types of arthrogryposis and developed a diagnostic checklist. This checklist can be used as diagnostic criteria for discriminating amyoplasia from isolated and multiple contracture conditions.
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a recently defined condition characterized by severe disabling fatigue that persists for a minimum of six months, and a host of somatic and neurocognitive symptoms. Although conditions similar to CFS have been described in the medical literature for over 100 years, little is known about the epidemiology of CFS or of chronic fatigue generally. The San Francisco Fatigue Study was undertaken to describe the prevalence and characteristics of self-reported chronic fatigue and associated conditions in a diverse urban community. The study utilized a cross-sectional telephone survey of a random sample of households in San Francisco, followed by case/control interviews of fatigued and nonfatigued subjects. Respondents were classified as chronically fatigued (CF) if they reported severe fatigue lasting six months or longer, then further classified as having CFS-like illness if, based on self-reported information, their condition appeared to meet CFS case definition criteria. Subjects who reported idiopathic chronic fatigue that did not meet CFS criteria were classified as having ICF-like illness.^ 8004 households were screened, yielding fatigue and demographic information on 16970 residents. CF was reported by 635 persons, 3.7% of the study population. CFS-like illness was identified in 34 subjects (0.2%), and ICF-like illness in 259 subjects (1.6%). Logistic regression analysis indicated that prevalence odds ratios for CFS-like illness were significantly elevated for females compared to males (OR = 2.9), and in Blacks (OR = 2.9) and Native Americans (OR = 13.2) relative to Whites, but significantly lower in Asians (OR = 0.12). Above-average household income was protective for all categories of CF. CFS-like subjects reported more symptoms and were more severely disabled than ICF-like subjects, but the pattern of symptoms experienced by both groups was similar. In conclusion, unexplained chronic fatigue, including CFS-like illness, occurs in all sociodemographic groups, but may be most prevalent among persons with lower incomes and in some racial minorities. Future studies that include clinical evaluation of incident cases of CFS and ICF are required to further clarify the epidemiology of unexplained chronic fatigue in the population. ^
Medication reconciliation, with the aim to resolve medication discrepancy, is one of the Joint Commission patient safety goals. Medication errors and adverse drug events that could result from medication discrepancy affect a large population. At least 1.5 million adverse drug events and $3.5 billion of financial burden yearly associated with medication errors could be prevented by interventions such as medication reconciliation. This research was conducted to answer the following research questions: (1a) What are the frequency range and type of measures used to report outpatient medication discrepancy? (1b) Which effective and efficient strategies for medication reconciliation in the outpatient setting have been reported? (2) What are the costs associated with medication reconciliation practice in primary care clinics? (3) What is the quality of medication reconciliation practice in primary care clinics? (4) Is medication reconciliation practice in primary care clinics cost-effective from the clinic perspective? Study designs used to answer these questions included a systematic review, cost analysis, quality assessments, and cost-effectiveness analysis. Data sources were published articles in the medical literature and data from a prospective workflow study, which included 150 patients and 1,238 medications. The systematic review confirmed that the prevalence of medication discrepancy was high in ambulatory care and higher in primary care settings. Effective strategies for medication reconciliation included the use of pharmacists, letters, a standardized practice approach, and partnership between providers and patients. Our cost analysis showed that costs associated with medication reconciliation practice were not substantially different between primary care clinics using or not using electronic medical records (EMR) ($0.95 per patient per medication in EMR clinics vs. $0.96 per patient per medication in non-EMR clinics, p=0.78). Even though medication reconciliation was frequently practiced (97-98%), the quality of such practice was poor (0-33% of process completeness measured by concordance of medication numbers and 29-33% of accuracy measured by concordance of medication names) and negatively (though not significantly) associated with medication regimen complexity. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratios for concordance of medication number per patient per medication and concordance of medication names per patient per medication were both 0.08, favoring EMR. Future studies including potential cost-savings from medication features of the EMR and potential benefits to minimize severity of harm to patients from medication discrepancy are warranted. ^
OBJECTIVE: To systematically review published literature to examine the complications associated with the use of misoprostol and compare these complications to those associated with other forms of abortion induction. ^ DATA SOURCES: Studies were identified through searches of medical literature databases including Medline (Ovid), PubMed (NLM), LILACS, sciELO, and AIM (AFRO), and review of references of relevant articles. ^ STUDY SELECTION AND METHODS: A descriptive systematic review that included studies reported in English and published before December 2012. Eligibility criteria included: misoprostol (with or without other methods) and any other method of abortion in a developing country, as well as quantitative data on the complication of each method. The following is information extracted from each study: author/year, country/city, study design/study sample, age range, setting of data collection, sample size, the method of abortion induction, the number of cases for each method, and the percentage of complications with each method. RESULTS: A total of 4 studies were identified (all in Latin America) describing post-abortion complications of misoprostol and other methods in countries where abortion is generally considered unsafe and/or illegal. The four studies reported on a range of complications including: bleeding, infection, incomplete abortion, intense pelvic pain, uterine perforation, headache, diarrhea, nausea, mechanical lesions, and systemic collapse. The most prevalent complications of misoprostol-induced abortion reported were: bleeding (7-82%), incomplete abortion (33-70%), and infection (0.8-67%). The prevalence of these complications reported from other abortion methods include: bleeding (16-25%), incomplete abortion (15-82%), and infection (13-50%). ^ CONCLUSION: The literature identified by this systematic review is inadequate for determining the complications of misoprostol used in unsafe settings. Abortion is considered an illicit behavior in these countries, therefore making it difficult to investigate the details needed to conduct a study on abortion complications. Given the differences between the reviewed studies as well as a variety of study limitations, it is not possible to draw firm conclusions about the rates of specific-abortion related complications.^
Effective strategies for patient follow-up compliance in family practice are essential for the prevention and early detection of disease with the consequences of decreasing morbidity and mortality. With effective appointment reminder systems in place, physicians can better manage the overall health of their patients by providing preventive care as well. This literature review examines intervention strategies used by the authors, the compliance rate of appointment adherence using these techniques, as well as theories relating to study outcomes. The findings of this study may be used as an educational tool by practices to suggest which intervention strategies might be the most effective for their clinic.^
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) - associated smooth muscle tumors (EBV-SMT) are a rare, recently recognized distinct group of mesenchymal tumors that develop exclusively in patients with immunosuppression. It is believed that tumorigenesis is, at least in part, through the activation of the Akt/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signal pathway. We describe the clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical features of a multifocal hepatic EBV-SMT in a 34-year-old acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) patient and investigate the activation status of the mTOR signal pathway in this tumor. In addition, we provide a review of the literature on the clinicopathologic findings of hepatic EBV-SMT in adult AIDS patients, and discuss their biologies and possible therapeutic strategies.
As the definition of what is considered a family changes in our society, the family unit itself continues to undergo changes. These changes can sometimes lead to decreased stability within the family unit. One of the greatest challenges facing those researching this phenomenon is the lack of consistency within the existing body of research surrounding what familial instability actually is (the definition). This critical review of the literature examines the current body of literature in order to identify what is known about family stability and its impact on adolescent behavior, as well as what gaps currently exist. This review focuses on definitions of family stability, current factors surrounding the stability of the family unit, and addresses the implications that the current body of literature presents.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for risk assessment and risk management in the post-market surveillance of the U.S. medical device industry. One of the FDA regulatory mechanisms, the Medical Device Reporting System (MDR) is an adverse event reporting system intended to provide the FDA with advance warning of device problems. It includes voluntary reporting for individuals, and mandatory reporting for device manufacturers. ^ In a study of alleged breast implant safety problems, this research examines the organizational processes by which the FDA gathers data on adverse events and uses adverse event reporting systems to assess and manage risk. The research reviews the literature on problem recognition, risk perception, and organizational learning to understand the influence highly publicized events may have on adverse event reporting. Understanding the influence of an environmental factor, such as publicity, on adverse event reporting can provide insight into the question of whether the FDA's adverse event reporting system operates as an early warning system for medical device problems. ^ The research focuses on two main questions. The first question addresses the relationship between publicity and the voluntary and mandatory reporting of adverse events. The second question examines whether government agencies make use of these adverse event reports. ^ Using quantitative and qualitative methods, a longitudinal study was conducted of the number and content of adverse event reports regarding breast implants filed with the FDA's medical device reporting system during 1985–1991. To assess variation in publicity over time, the print media were analyzed to identify articles related to breast implant failures. ^ The exploratory findings suggest that an increase in media activity is related to an increase in voluntary reporting, especially following periods of intense media coverage of the FDA. However, a similar relationship was not found between media activity and manufacturers' mandatory adverse event reporting. A review of government committee and agency reports on the FDA published during 1976–1996 produced little evidence to suggest that publicity or MDR information contributed to problem recognition, agenda setting, or the formulation of policy recommendations. ^ The research findings suggest that the reporting of breast implant problems to FDA may reflect the perceptions and concerns of the reporting groups, a barometer of the volume and content of media attention. ^
The purpose of this research was to determine if principles from organizational theory could be used as a framework to compare and contrast safety interventions developed by for-profit industry for the time period 1986–1996. A literature search of electronic databases and manual search of journals and local university libraries' book stacks was conducted for safety interventions developed by for-profit businesses. To maintain a constant regulatory environment, the business sectors of nuclear power, aviation and non-profits were excluded. Safety intervention evaluations were screened for scientific merit. Leavitt's model from organization theory was updated to include safety climate and renamed the Updated Leavitt's Model. In all, 8000 safety citations were retrieved, 525 met the inclusion criteria, 255 met the organizational safety intervention criteria, and 50 met the scientific merit criteria. Most came from non-public health journals. These 50 were categorized by the Updated Leavitt's Model according to where within the organizational structure the intervention took place. Evidence tables were constructed for descriptive comparison. The interventions clustered in the areas of social structure, safety climate, the interaction between social structure and participants, and the interaction between technology and participants. No interventions were found in the interactions between social structure and technology, goals and technology, or participants and goals. Despite the scientific merit criteria, many still had significant study design weaknesses. Five interventions tested for statistical significance but none of the interventions commented on the power of their study. Empiric studies based on safety climate theorems had the most rigorous designs. There was an attempt in these studies to address randomization amongst subjects to avoid bias. This work highlights the utility of using the Updated Leavitt's Model, a model from organizational theory, as a framework when comparing safety interventions. This work also highlights the need for better study design of future trials of safety interventions. ^
Statement of the problem and public health significance. Hospitals were designed to be a safe haven and respite from disease and illness. However, a large body of evidence points to preventable errors in hospitals as the eighth leading cause of death among Americans. Twelve percent of Americans, or over 33.8 million people, are hospitalized each year. This population represents a significant portion of at risk citizens exposed to hospital medical errors. Since the number of annual deaths due to hospital medical errors is estimated to exceed 44,000, the magnitude of this tragedy makes it a significant public health problem. ^ Specific aims. The specific aims of this study were threefold. First, this study aimed to analyze the state of the states' mandatory hospital medical error reporting six years after the release of the influential IOM report, "To Err is Human." The second aim was to identify barriers to reporting of medical errors by hospital personnel. The third aim was to identify hospital safety measures implemented to reduce medical errors and enhance patient safety. ^ Methods. A descriptive, longitudinal, retrospective design was used to address the first stated objective. The study data came from the twenty-one states with mandatory hospital reporting programs which report aggregate hospital error data that is accessible to the public by way of states' websites. The data analysis included calculations of expected number of medical errors for each state according to IOM rates. Where possible, a comparison was made between state reported data and the calculated IOM expected number of errors. A literature review was performed to achieve the second study aim, identifying barriers to reporting medical errors. The final aim was accomplished by telephone interviews of principal patient safety/quality officers from five Texas hospitals with more than 700 beds. ^ Results. The state medical error data suggests vast underreporting of hospital medical errors to the states. The telephone interviews suggest that hospitals are working at reducing medical errors and creating safer environments for patients. The literature review suggests the underreporting of medical errors at the state level stems from underreporting of errors at the delivery level. ^
Case control and retrospective studies have identified parental substance abuse as a risk factor for physical child abuse and neglect (Dore, Doris, & Wright, 1995, May; S. R. Dube et al., 2001; Guterman & Lee, 2005, May; Walsh, MacMillan, & Jamieson, 2003). The purpose of this paper is to present the findings of a systematic review of prospective studies from 1975 through 2005 that include parental substance abuse as a risk factor for physical child abuse or neglect. Characteristics of each study such as the research question, sample information, data collection methods and results, including the parent assessed and definitions of substance abuse and physical child abuse and neglect, are discussed. Five studies were identified that met the search criteria. Four of five studies found that parental substance abuse was a significant variable in predicting physical child abuse and neglect.^
Objective. To explore issues in current literature concerning possible social and economic ramifications of pharmacogenomic research. Design. Review of the literature. Data sources: Academic Search Premier, Blackwell Synergy, PUBMED and Social Sciences Citation Index. Review methods. Articles dealing with the social and economic ramifications of pharmacogenomic research were selected. The articles discussed at least one of 5 areas (race, privacy/confidentiality, ethics, insurance, and research and development). Some restrictions were placed on the articles chosen to narrow down the number of articles to a relevant, manageable amount. Results. Approximately 219 articles were selected for review; 159 were fully reviewed and found to be relevant to the issues; and 33 were cited. Conclusion. Insurance and research and development decisions are led by the free-market system with limited intervention from government. Race/ethnicity, privacy/confidentiality, and ethics continue to be debated with no clear answer. However, some compromise is regulated by government based upon current laws involving these issues. ^
Background. Risk factors underlying the development of Barrett's esophagus (BE) are poorly understood. Recent studies have examined the association between elevated body mass index (BMI) and BE with conflicting results. A systematic review of literature was performed to study this association.^ Methods. Cross-sectional, case control and cohort studies published through April 2007 meeting strict inclusion and exclusion criteria were included. A thorough data abstraction, including that of reported crude or adjusted odds ratios or mean BMI, was performed. Crude odds ratios were estimated from available information in 3 studies.^ Results. Of 630 publications identified by our search items, 59 were reviewed in detail and 12 included in the final analyses. 3 studies showed a statistically significant association between obesity and BE (30-32) while 2 studies found a statistically significant association between overweight and BE (31, 32). Two studies that reported BMI as a continuous variable found BMI in cases to be significantly higher than that in the comparison group (30, 32). Other studies failed to show an significant association between elevated BMI and BE.^ Conclusions. There is conflicting data regarding the association between elevated BMI and BE. It is important to identify other risk factors that in combination with elevated BMI may lead to BE. Further studies are needed to evaluate if the presence of reflux symptoms or any particular pattern of obesity, are independently associated with BE.^ Key words. Barrett's esophagus, obesity, Body Mass Index, gastroesophageal reflux disease, meta-analysis^