19 resultados para Heroin Shortage
The purpose of this analysis of the shortage of Registered Nurses (RNs) in acute care hospitals in El Paso, Texas, was to evaluate twenty-two specific organizational and/or patient care unit (nursing unit) characteristics that effect the retention and turnover of professional nurses. Vacancy Rates were used to measure the level of the shortage in each hospital and nursing unit in the study. Vacancy Rates are a function of both RN retention and RN turnover. Seventy-three patient care units in five acute care hospitals were included in the study population.^ Fredrick Herzberg's motivational - hygiene theory was used to explain the types of characteristics or factors that can effect worker dissatisfaction. Dissatisfiers (hygiene factors) are those work place characteristics that influence workers to leave the job. The twenty-two potentially dissatisfying work place characteristics were either organizational or patient care unit specific in nature. The focus of the study was to evaluate high vacancy rates caused by both low retention of RNs and high turnover rates. Retention and turnover are a function of workers (RNs) not staying in their jobs, therefore hygiene factors were appropriate characteristics to study.^ Various multivariate analysis techniques were used to assess both the individual and combined effects of the hygiene factors on Vacancy Rates, Retention and Turnover. Results suggest that certain organizational and patient care unit characteristics are associated with and have a statistically significant effect on vacancy rates, and the retention and turnover of RNs. The type of Hospital was of particular interest in this regards. For-Profit facilities were less effected by most of the study variables than the Not-for-Profits. ^
Influenza and pneumonia together comprise the seventh leading cause of death among adults in the U.S and were responsible for 65,163 deaths in 2003 and an average of 36,000 deaths per year in the United States from 1990 to 1999. Vaccination is efficacious and cost-effective in terms of preventing the infection and reducing both health care costs and productivity losses associated with influenza illness. The vaccine shortage of 2004–2005 resulted in a 39% decrease in the influenza vaccine supplies. During the fall of 2004, we conducted a nationwide, random-digit dialing, telephonic-interview survey of 1,202 adults aged 18 years and older to ascertain influenza vaccine knowledge, attitude and behavior. Of the 1,202 total interviewed subjects, 44.7% had received or intended to receive vaccine at the time of the survey (2004–05) and 39.6% had received the influenza vaccine the previous year (2003–04). Receipt of vaccine increased with previous receipt of the influenza vaccine (OR 13.17, 95% CI 8.65–20.08), increased motivation status (OR 7.58, 95% CI 4.03–14.25), subjective risk status (OR 3.33, 95% CI 2.23–4.97), age (OR 1.83, 95% CI 1.22–2.75) and previous receipt of the pneumococcal vaccine (OR 1.75, 95% CI 1.02–3.0). The influenza vaccine shortage of 2004–05 did not have a negative impact on the vaccination rates of study population. In addition to the increased rates, a large majority of respondents were also aware of the shortage of influenza vaccine during the 2004–05 season, about the indications for receiving the influenza vaccine, about alternative methods to prevent contracting the influenza and increased motivation to receive the vaccine. ^
Since heroin was introduced to East Africa during the 1980s, heroin use practices have changed rapidly in response to various internal and external pressures. The aim of this study was to identify and describe the population of heroin users and locations of heroin use in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in order to understand recent contexts of heroin use. The study took place between June 30 and August 19, 2011, in all three districts (Kinondoni, Ilala, and Temeke) of Dar es Salaam. We mapped sites using a Global Positioning System device, counted numbers of heroin users, and conducted informal interviews with heroin users. The mixed-methods analyses of the data included quantifying the basic demographic and aggregate information about the sites and heroin users, as well as qualitative analysis and coding of fieldnotes from observations and responses to interviews which was used to identify themes and characteristics of heroin users. ^ We identified a total of 150 sites and counted a total of 1046 male and 46 female non-injecting drug users and 78 male and 9 female injecting drug users (IDUs) of heroin. We found that social organization existed at some of the sites, with 31% (n=47) of sites reporting having a leader and 44% (n=66) of sites reporting mutual aid between users frequenting the site. We had difficulty locating IDUs and female drug users, and the majority of users we encountered were heroin smokers of kokteli, a mixture of heroin, cannabis, and/or tobacco which is smoked like a cigarette. ^ This research highlighted heroin smokers’ desire for access to drug treatment services. The current methadone-based medication assisted treatment (MAT) program is funded and operates as an HIV prevention program for IDUs to reduce HIV infection in this population and slow or stop the spread of a second wave of HIV infection in the general population. However, smokers perceived MAT to be primarily a drug use prevention or cessation program and felt unjustly neglected from the intervention, leading to a tense relationship with IDUs. From a public health standpoint, future interventions should include heroin smokers to prevent HIV transmission. ^
Background: The use of podcasts has emerged as an important tool for use in education. This is especially relevant in nursing schools with the shortage of nursing faculty. The use of podcasts allows the instructor to provide lectures and other course content to students. [See PDF for complete abstract]
Many clients who undergo methadone maintenance (MM) treatment for heroin and other opiate dependence prefer abstinence from methadone. Attempts at methadone detoxification are often unsuccessful, however, due to distressing physical as well as psychological symptoms. Outcomes from a MM client who voluntarily participated in an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) - based methadone detoxification program are presented. The program consisted of a 1-month stabilization and 5-month gradual methadone dose reduction period, combined with weekly individual ACT sessions. Urine samples were collected twice weekly to assess for use of illicit drugs. The participant successfully completed the program and had favorable drug use outcomes during the course of treatment, and at the one-month and one-year follow-ups. Innovative behavior therapies, such as ACT, that focus on acceptance of the inevitable distress associated with opiate withdrawal may improve methadone detoxification outcomes.
This exploratory study assesses the utility of substance abuse treatment as a strategy for preventing human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission among injecting drug users (IDUs). Data analyzed in this study were collected in San Antonio, TX, 1989 through 1995 using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative data included ethnographic interviews with 234 active IDUs; quantitative data included baseline risk assessments and HIV screening plus interviews follow-up interviews administered approximately six months later to 823 IDUs participating in a Federally-funded AIDS community outreach demonstration project.^ Findings that have particularly important implications for substance abuse treatment as an HIV prevention strategy for IDUs are listed below. (1) IDUs who wanted treatment were significantly more likely to be daily heroin users. (2) IDUs who want treatment were significantly more likely to have been to treatment previously. (3) IDUs who wanted treatment at baseline reported significantly higher levels of HIV risk than IDUs who did not want treatment. (4) IDUs who went to treatment between their baseline and follow-up interviews reported significantly higher levels of HIV risk at baseline than IDUs who did not go to treatment. (5) IDUs who went to treatment between their baseline and follow-up interviews reported significantly greater decreases in injection-related HIV risk behaviors. (6) IDUs who went to treatment reported significantly greater decreases in sexual HIV risk behaviors than IDUs who did not go to treatment.^ This study also noted a number of factors that may limit the effectiveness of substance abuse treatment in reducing HIV risk among IDUs. Findings suggest that the impact of methadone maintenance on HIV risk behaviors among opioid dependent IDUs may be limited by the negative manner in which it is perceived by IDUs as well as other elements of society. One consequence of the negative perception of methadone maintenance held by many elements of society may be an unwillingness to provide public funding for an adequate number of methadone maintenance slots. Thus many IDUs who would be willing to enter methadone maintenance are unable to enter it and many IDUs who do enter it are forced to drop out prematurely. ^
The purpose of this dissertation was to survey men in the Harris County Jail (HCJ) to establish a more valid estimate of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) prevalence in a jailed-based population; to assess whether inmates with a history of CSA were at greater risk for use of drugs and alcohol and engaging in high-risk sexual behaviors than those without histories of childhood sexual abuse. ^ The first study determined the prevalence of childhood sexual abuse among incarcerated males in a county jail. In this study, sixty-three percent of the subjects reported having been sexually abused. Sixty-one percent reported abuse pre-puberty and 10% reported abuse post puberty. In pre-puberty abuse the initiation of first abuse occurred at a mean age of 5.6 years (SD 5.096, range: 2–13 years). ^ The second study explored the association between inmates with histories of CSA as a risk factor for sexual risk behaviors. A history of sexual abuse did not appear to be associated with an elevated risk of sexual risk behaviors. ^ The third study explored a history of drug use and a history of CSA among the inmates. A chi-square test showed that the inmates who reported a history of CSA, was significantly greater for the following drugs: Marijuana (02), Crack (03), Heroin/Morphine (.03), Amphetamines/Speed (01), Downers/Barbiturates (.001), Methamphetamine/Crystal Meth (.001), Valium .02), LSD/Acid (.001), and Inhalants (.001), p < .05). Significance was not found in alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, Quaaludes and methadone. ^ The research from this study provides empirical data supporting previous research. The current data shows that incarcerated inmates have a high prevalence of childhood sexual abuse and drug use. Sexual victimization as a child does not appear to be associated with an elevated risk of unsafe sexual behaviors. However, men who used drugs were twice as likely to have engaged in unprotected sex with casual and regular partners, and rarely used condoms with paid sex. Although our study methods do not permit a causal explanation for this association, we believe it is of concern. Finally, data in this study shows that sexually abused children are likely candidates for adult criminal behavior. ^
Efforts have been made to provide supplemental funding to emergency departments to offset the costs of uncompensated medical care. But a problem exists within the trauma system in Texas that has largely been overlooked by the state. This project will focus on the lack of funding available to physicians and on-call specialists who contract with hospitals to provide emergency care. ^ A lack of funding and reimbursement for emergency care is directly influencing the number of medical specialists willing to provide emergency treatment in hospitals on a contractual basis. A shortage of emergency physicians has an impact on the public health of all Texans who may need trauma care in a hospital. Specifically, a shortage of emergency physicians can lead to a complete denial of specialty emergency health care, a delay in patient treatment, and increased ambulance diversions. Quality and access barriers to emergency services undoubtedly threaten the stability of the trauma care system in Texas and the health status of its citizens. ^ In 2003, Texas took a significant step towards addressing the issue of uncompensated care provided by the trauma system and passed House Bill 3588, creating the Trauma Facilities and Emergency Medical Services Fund (“the Trauma Fund”). However, the primary shortfall to this legislation is that the Trauma Fund is only available to emergency medical service providers and hospitals. The Trauma Fund does little to help offset the cost incurred by contracting physicians and on-call specialists who provide emergency services to the uninsured. ^ This paper addresses how funding shortages for emergency department physicians negatively impact the trauma care system in Texas and the policy options available to create physician funding to offset the cost of uncompensated trauma care. Ultimately this paper concludes that although creating a new funding stream similar to the actions taken in other states would be a dramatic step towards addressing the problem, the political process in Texas may slow implementation of this option. Consequently, modifying existing legislation, although the weaker of the options, may be more attractive to those looking for immediate action. ^
The current analysis examined the association of several demographic and behavioral variables with prior HIV testing within a population of injection drug users (IDUs) living in Harris County, Texas in 2005 (n=563). After completing the initial univariate analyses of all potential predictors, a multivariable model was created. This model was designed to guide future intervention efforts. Data used in this analysis were collected by the University of Texas School of Public Health in association with the Houston Department of Health and Human Services for the first IDU cycle of the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System. About 76% of the IDUs reported previously being tested for HIV. Demographic variables that displayed a significant association with prior testing during the univariate analyses include age, race/ethnicity, birth outside the United States, education level, recent arrest, and current health insurance coverage. Several drug-related and sexual behaviors also demonstrated significant associations with prior testing, including age of first injection drug use, heroin use, methamphetamine use, source of needles or syringes, consistent use of new needles, recent visits to a shooting gallery or similar location, previous alcohol or drug treatment, condom use during their most recent sexual encounter, and having sexual partners who also used injection drugs. Additionally, the univariate analyses revealed that recent use of health or HIV prevention services was associated with previously testing for HIV. The final multivariable model included age, race/ethnicity, recent arrest, previous alcohol or drug treatment, and heroin use. ^
Prominent challenges facing nurse leaders are the growing shortage of nurses and the increasingly complex care required by acutely ill patients. In organizations that shortage is exacerbated by turnover and intent to leave. Unsatisfactory working conditions are cited by nurses when they leave their current jobs. Disengagement from the job leads to plateaued performance, decreased organizational commitment, and increased turnover. Solutions to these challenges include methods both to retain and to increase the effectiveness of each nurse. ^ The specific aim of this study was to examine the relationships among organizational structures thought to foster the clinical development of the nurse, with indicators of the development of clinical expertise, resulting in outcomes of positive job attitudes and effectiveness. Causal loop modeling is incorporated as a systems tool to examine developmental cycles both for an organization and for an individual nurse to look beyond singular events and investigate deeper patterns that emerge over time. ^ The setting is an academic specialty-care institution, and the sample in this cross-sectional study consists of paired data from 225 RNs and their nurse managers. Two panels of survey instruments were created based on the model's theoretical variables, one completed by RNs and the other by their Nurse Managers. The RN survey panel examined the variables of structural empowerment, magnet essentials, knowledge as identified by the Benner developmental stage, psychological empowerment, job stage, engagement, intent to leave, job satisfaction and the early recognition of patient complications. The nurse manager survey panel examined the Benner developmental stage, job stage, and overall level of nursing performance. ^ Four regression models were created based on the outcome variables. Each model identified significant organizational and individual characteristics that predicted higher job satisfaction, decreased intent to leave, more effectiveness as measured by early recognition and acting upon subtle patient complications, and better job performance. ^ Implications for improving job attitudes and effectiveness focus on ways that nursing leaders can foster a more empowering and healthy work environment. ^
Background. According to the WHO 2007 country report, Haiti lags behind the Millennium Development Goal of reducing child mortality and maintains the highest under-5 mortality rate in the Western hemisphere. 3 Overall, few studies exist that seek to better grasp barriers in caring for a seriously ill child in a resource-limited setting and only a handful propose sustainable, effective interventions. ^ Objectives. The objectives of this study are to describe the prevalence of serious illnesses among children hospitalized at 2 children's hospitals in Port au Prince, to determine the barriers faced when caring for seriously ill children, and to report hospital outcomes of children admitted with serious illnesses. ^ Methods. Data were gathered from 2 major children's hospitals in Port au Prince, Haiti (Grace Children's Hospital [GCH] and Hopital d l'Universite d'Etat d'Haiti [HUEH]) using a triangulated approach of focus group discussions, physician questionnaires, and retrospective chart review. 23 pediatric physicians participated in focus group discussions and completed a self-administered questionnaire evaluating healthcare provider knowledge, self-efficacy, and perceived barriers relating to the care of seriously ill children in a resource-limited setting. A sample of 240 patient charts meeting eligibility criteria was abstracted for pertinent elements including sociodemographics, documentation, treatment strategies, and outcomes. Factors associated with mortality were analyzed using χ2 test and Fisher exact test [Minitab v.15]. ^ Results. The most common primary diagnoses at admission were gastroenteritis with moderate dehydration (35.5%), severe malnutrition (25.8%), and pneumonia (19.3%) for GCH, and severe malnutrition (32.6%), sepsis (24.7%), and severe respiratory distress (18%) for HUEH. Overall, 12.9% and 27% of seriously ill patients presented with shock to GCH and HUEH, respectively. ^ Shortage of necessary materials and equipment represented the most commonly reported limitation (18/23 respondents). According to chart data, 9.4% of children presenting with shock did not receive a fluid bolus, and only 8% of patients presenting with altered mental status or seizures received a glucose check. 65% of patients with meningitis did not receive a lumbar puncture due to lack of materials. ^ Hospital mortality rates did not differ by gender or by institution. Children who died were more likely to have a history of prematurity (OR 4.97 [95% CI 1.32-18.80]), an incomplete vaccination record (OR 4.05 [95% CI 1.68-9.74]), or a weight for age ≤3rd percentile (OR 6.1 [95% CI 2.49-14.93]. Case-fatality rates were significantly higher among those who presented with signs of shock compared with those who did not (23.1% vs. 10.7%, RR=2.16, p=0.03). Caregivers did not achieve shock reversal in 21% of patients and did not document shock reversal in 50% of patients. ^ Conclusions. Many challenges face those who seek to optimize care for seriously ill children in resource-limited settings. Specifically, in Haiti, qualitative and quantitative data suggest major issues with lack of supplies, pre-hospital factors, including malnutrition as a comorbidity, and early recognition and management of shock. A tailored intervention designed to address these issues is needed in order to prospectively evaluate improvements in child mortality in a high-risk population.^
Implementing the Global Plan of Action on workers' health: Components to protect health care workers
Health care workers are at risk for percutaneous injuries and infection with blood born pathogens due to needle stick injuries with contaminated needles. The most common pathogens transmitted are hepatitis B, and C and HIV/AIDS. According to the WHO Global Plan of Action (GPA) a large gap exist between and within countries with regards to the health status of workers and their exposure to occupational risk. Less than 15% of the world's work forces have access to occupational health services despite the availability of effective interventions that can prevent occupational hazards, or protect and promote health in the workplace. The 2006 World Health Report declared that there is a global crisis in the health care work force. 1 in 400 of the world's health care workers work in Sub-Saharan Africa. 1 in 3 work in the U.S or Canada. The shortage of health care workers is worst in Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. These countries have the highest burden of exposure to contaminated sharps. They rarely, if ever monitor the exposure or health impact of occupational ailments and injuries on workers. Many injuries are unreported. Occupational health services in the developing world are virtually non existent. Many health care workers leave their home countries and go to work in other countries where the working conditions, occupational services included, are better. The inability of countries to provide the necessary numbers of health care workers to provide a high level of health coverage is a threat to national and international public health security. Immunizing health care workers against hepatitis B and providing them PEP, PPE, education and safety training is an essential part of increasing and maintaining the numbers of health care workers in the critical shortage areas. ^
We conducted a nested case-control study to determine the significant risk factors for developing encephalitis from West Nile virus (WNV) infection. The purpose of this research project was to expand the previously published Houston study of 2002–2004 patients to include data on Houston patients from four additional years (2005–2008) to determine if there were any differences in risk factors shown to be associated with developing the more severe outcomes of WNV infection, encephalitis and death, by having this larger sample size. A re-analysis of the risk factors for encephalitis and death was conducted on all of the patients from 2002–2008 and was the focus of this proposed research. This analysis allowed for the determination to be made that there are differences in the outcome in the risk factors for encephalitis and death with an increased sample size. Retrospective medical chart reviews were completed for the 265 confirmed WNV hospitalized patients; 153 patients had encephalitis (WNE), 112 had either viral syndrome with fever (WNF) or meningitis (WNM); a total of 22 patients died. Univariate logistic regression analyses on demographic, comorbidities, and social risk factors was conducted in a similar manner as in the previously conducted study to determine the risk factors for developing encephalitis from WNV. A multivariate model was developed by using model building strategies for the multivariate logistic regression analysis. The hypothesis of this study was that there would be additional risk factors shown to be significant with the increase in sample size of the dataset. This analysis with a greater sample size and increased power supports the hypothesis in that there were additional risk factors shown to be statistically associated with the more severe outcomes of WNV infection (WNE or death). Based on univariate logistic regression results, these data showed that even though age of 20–44 years was statistically significant as a protecting effect for developing WNE in the original study, the expanded sample lacked significance. This study showed a significant WNE risk factor to be chronic alcohol abuse, when it was not significant in the original analysis. Other WNE risk factors identified in this analysis that showed to be significant but were not significant in the original analysis were cancer not in remission > 5 years, history of stroke, and chronic renal disease. When comparing the two analyses with death as an outcome, two risk factors that were shown to be significant in the original analysis but not in the expanded dataset analysis were diabetes mellitus and immunosuppression. Three risk factors shown to be significant in this expanded analysis but were not significant in the original study were illicit drug use, heroin or opiate use, and injection drug use. However, with the multiple logistic regression models, the same independent risk factors for developing encephalitis of age and history of hypertension including drug induced hypertension were consistent in both studies.^
Public health efforts were initiated in the United States with legislative actions for enhancing food safety and ensuring pure drinking water. Some additional policy initiatives during the early 20th century helped organize and coordinate relief efforts for victims of natural disasters. By 1950's the federal government expanded its role for providing better health and safety to the communities, and its disaster relief activities became more structured. A rise in terrorism related incidents during the late 1990's prompted new proactive policy directions. The traditional policy and program efforts for rescue, recovery, and relief measures changed focus to include disaster preparedness and countermeasures against terrorism.^ The study took a holistic approach by analyzing all major disaster related policies and programs, in regard to their structure, process, and outcome. Study determined that United States has a strong disaster preparedness agenda and appropriate programs are in place with adequate policy support, and the country is prepared to meet all possible security challenges that may arise in the future. The man-made disaster of September 11th gave a major thrust to improve security and enhance preparedness of the country. These new efforts required large additional funding from the federal government. Most existing preparedness programs at the local and national levels are run with federal funds which is insufficient in some cases. This discrepancy arises from the fact that federal funding for disaster preparedness programs at present are not allocated by the level of risks to individual states or according to the risks that can be assigned to critical infrastructures across the country. However, the increased role of the federal government in public health affairs of the states is unusual, and opposed to the spirit of our constitution where sovereignty is equally divided between the federal government and the states. There is also shortage of manpower in public health to engage in disaster preparedness activities, despite some remarkable progress following the September 11th disaster.^ Study found that there was a significant improvement in knowledge and limited number of studies showed improvement of skills, increase in confidence and improvement in message-mapping. Among healthcare and allied healthcare professionals, short-term training on disaster preparedness increased knowledge and improved personal protective equipment use with some limited improvement in confidence and skills. However, due to the heterogeneity of these studies, the results and interpretation of this systematic review may be interpreted with caution.^
Background. Retail clinics, also called convenience care clinics, have become a rapidly growing trend since their initial development in 2000. These clinics are coupled within a larger retail operation and are generally located in "big-box" discount stores such as Wal-mart or Target, grocery stores such as Publix or H-E-B, or in retail pharmacies such as CVS or Walgreen's (Deloitte Center for Health Solutions, 2008). Care is typically provided by nurse practitioners. Research indicates that this new health care delivery system reduces cost, raises quality, and provides a means of access to the uninsured population (e.g., Deloitte Center for Health Solutions, 2008; Convenient Care Association, 2008a, 2008b, 2008c; Hansen-Turton, Miller, Nash, Ryan, Counts, 2007; Salinsky, 2009; Scott, 2006; Ahmed & Fincham, 2010). Some healthcare analysts even suggest that retail clinics offer a feasible solution to the shortage of primary care physicians facing the nation (AHRQ Health Care Innovations Exchange, 2010). ^ The development and performance of retail clinics is heavily dependent upon individual state policies regulating NPs. Texas currently has one of the most highly regulated practice environments for NPs (Stout & Elton, 2007; Hammonds, 2008). In September 2009, Texas passed Senate Bill 532 addressing the scope of practice of nurse practitioners in the convenience care model. In comparison to other states, this law still heavily regulates nurse practitioners. However, little research has been conducted to evaluate the impact of state laws regulating nurse practitioners on the development and performance of retail clinics. ^ Objectives. (1). To describe the potential impact that SB 532 has on retail clinic performance. (2). To discuss the effectiveness, efficiency, and equity of the convenience care model. (3). To describe possible alternatives to Texas' nurse practitioner scope of practice guidelines as delineated in Texas Senate Bill 532. (4). To describe the type of nurse practitioner state regulation (i.e. independent, light, moderate, or heavy) that best promotes the convenience care model. ^ Methods. State regulations governing nurse practitioners can be characterized as independent, light, moderate, and heavy. Four state NP regulatory types and retail clinic performance were compared and contrasted to that of Texas regulations using Dunn and Aday's theoretical models for conducting policy analysis and evaluating healthcare systems. Criteria for measurement included effectiveness, efficiency, and equity. Comparison states were Arizona (Independent), Minnesota (Light), Massachusetts (Moderate), and Florida (Heavy). ^ Results. A comparative states analysis of Texas SB 532 and alternative NP scope of practice guidelines among the four states: Arizona, Florida, Massachusetts, and Minnesota, indicated that SB 532 has minimal potential to affect the shortage of primary care providers in the state. Although SB 532 may increase the number of NPs a physician may supervise, NPs are still heavily restricted in their scope of practice and limited in their ability to act as primary care providers. Arizona's example of independent NP practice provided the best alternative to affect the shortage of PCPs in Texas as evidenced by a lower uninsured rate and less ED visits per 1,000 population. A survey of comparison states suggests that retail clinics thrive in states that more heavily restrict NP scope of practice as opposed to those that are more permissive, with the exception of Arizona. An analysis of effectiveness, efficiency, and equity of the convenience care model indicates that retail clinics perform well in the areas of effectiveness and efficiency; but, fall short in the area of equity. ^ Conclusion. Texas Senate 532 represents an incremental step towards addressing the problem of a shortage of PCPs in the state. A comparative policy analysis of the other four states with varying degrees of NP scope of practice indicate that a more aggressive policy allowing for independent NP practice will be needed to achieve positive changes in health outcomes. Retail clinics pose a temporary solution to the shortage of PCPs and will need to expand their locations to poorer regions and incorporate some chronic care to obtain measurable health outcomes. ^