31 resultados para Extracellular Matrix Proteins


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BACKGROUND: Most previous studies have found that Enterococcus faecalis isolates do not show significant adherence to fibronectin and fibrinogen. METHODS: The influence of various conditions on E. faecalis adherence to extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins was evaluated using a radiolabeled-cell adherence assay. RESULTS: Among the conditions studied, growth in 40% horse serum (a biological cue with potential clinical relevance) elicited adherence of all 46 E. faecalis strains tested to fibronectin and fibrinogen but not to elastin; adherence levels were independent of strain source, and adherence was eliminated by treating cells with trypsin. As previously reported, serum also elicited adherence to collagen. Although prolonged exposure to serum during growth was needed for enhancement of adherence to fibrinogen, brief exposure (<5 >min) to serum had an immediate, although partial, enhancing effect on adherence to fibronectin and, to a lesser extent, collagen; pretreatment of bacteria with chloramphenicol did not decrease this enhanced adherence to fibronectin and collagen, indicating that protein synthesis is not required for the latter effect. CONCLUSION: Taken together, these data suggest that serum components may serve (1) as host environmental stimuli to induce the production of ECM protein-binding adhesin(s), as previously seen with collagen adherence, and also (2) as activators of adherence, perhaps by forming bridges between ECM proteins and adhesins.


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Thrombospondin-5 (TSP5) is a large extracellular matrix glycoprotein found in musculoskeletal tissues. TSP5 mutations cause two skeletal dysplasias, pseudoachondroplasia and multiple epiphyseal dysplasia; both show a characteristic growth plate phenotype with retention of TSP5, type IX collagen (Col9), and matrillin-3 in the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Whereas most studies focus on defining the disease process, few functional studies have been performed. TSP5 knockout mice have no obvious skeletal abnormalities, suggesting that TSP5 is not essential in the growth plate and/or that other TSPs may compensate. In contrast, Col9 knockout mice have diminished matrillin-3 levels in the extracellular matrix and early-onset osteoarthritis. To define the roles of TSP1, TSP3, TSP5, and Col9 in the growth plate, all knockout and combinatorial strains were analyzed using histomorphometric techniques. While significant alterations in growth plate organization were found in certain single knockout mouse strains, skeletal growth was only mildly disturbed. In contrast, dramatic changes in growth plate organization in TSP3/5/Col9 knockout mice resulted in a 20% reduction in limb length, corresponding to similar short stature in humans. These studies show that type IX collagen may regulate growth plate width; TSP3, TSP5, and Col9 appear to contribute to growth plate organization; and TSP1 may help define the timing of growth plate closure when other extracellular proteins are absent.


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Enterococcus faecium has emerged as an important cause of nosocomial infections over the last two decades. We recently demonstrated collagen type I (CI) as a common adherence target for some E. faecium isolates and a significant correlation was found to exist between acm-mediated CI adherence and clinical origin. Here, we evaluated 60 diverse E. faecium isolates for their adherence to up to 15 immobilized host extracellular matrix and serum components. Adherence phenotypes were most commonly observed to fibronectin (Fn) (20% of the 60 isolates), fibrinogen (17%) and laminin (Ln) (13%), while only one or two of the isolates adhered to collagen type V (CV), transferrin or lactoferrin and none to the other host components tested. Adherence to Fn and Ln was almost exclusively restricted to clinical isolates, especially the endocarditis-enriched nosocomial genogroup clonal complex 17 (CC17). Thus, the ability to adhere to Fn and Ln, in addition to CI, may have contributed to the emergence and adaptation of E. faecium, in particular CC17, as a nosocomial pathogen.


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Mutations in cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP), a large extracellular glycoprotein expressed in musculoskeletal tissues, cause two skeletal dysplasias, pseudoachondroplasia and multiple epiphyseal dysplasia. These mutations lead to massive intracellular retention of COMP, chondrocyte death and loss of growth plate chondrocytes that are necessary for linear growth. In contrast, COMP null mice have only minor growth plate abnormalities, normal growth and longevity. This suggests that reducing mutant and wild-type COMP expression in chondrocytes may prevent the toxic cellular phenotype causing the skeletal dysplasias. We tested this hypothesis using RNA interference to reduce steady state levels of COMP mRNA. A panel of shRNAs directed against COMP was tested. One shRNA (3B) reduced endogenous and recombinant COMP mRNA dramatically, regardless of expression levels. The activity of the shRNA against COMP mRNA was maintained for up to 10 weeks. We also demonstrate that this treatment reduced ER stress. Moreover, we show that reducing steady state levels of COMP mRNA alleviates intracellular retention of other extracellular matrix proteins associated with the pseudoachondroplasia cellular pathology. These findings are a proof of principle and the foundation for the development of a therapeutic intervention based on reduction of COMP expression.


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Dominant-negative mutations in the homopentameric extracellular matrix glycoprotein cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) result in inappropriate intracellular retention of misfolded COMP in the rough endoplasmic reticulum of chondrocytes, causing chondrocyte cell death, which leads to two skeletal dysplasias: pseudoachondroplasia (PSACH) and multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (EDM1). COMP null mice show no adverse effects on normal bone development and growth, suggesting a possible therapy involving removal of COMP mRNA. The goal of this study was to assess the ability of a hammerhead ribozyme (Ribo56, designed against the D469del mutation) to reduce COMP mRNA expression. In COS7 cells transfected with plasmids that overexpress wild-type or mutant COMP mRNA and Ribo56, the ribozyme reduced overexpressed normal COMP mRNA by 46% and mutant COMP mRNA by 56% in a dose-dependent manner. Surprisingly, the use of recombinant adenoviruses to deliver wild-type or mutant COMP mRNA and Ribo56 simultaneously into COS7 cells proved problematic for the activity of the ribozyme to reduce COMP expression. However, in normal human costochondral cells (hCCCs) infected only with adenoviruses expressing Ribo56, expression of endogenous wild-type COMP mRNA was reduced in a dose-dependent manner by 50%. In chondrocytes that contain heterozygous COMP mutations (D469del, G427E and D511Y) that cause PSACH, Ribo56 was more effective at reducing COMP mRNA (up to 70%). These results indicate that Ribo56 is effective at reducing mutant and wild-type COMP levels in cells and suggests a possible mode of therapy to reduce the mutant protein load.


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This dissertation describes the identification and characterization of human dermatan sulfate proteoglycan 3 (DSPG3) and the characterization of the transcriptional regulation of human cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) in cartilage, ligament, and tendon cells. DSPG3 and COMP are two extracellular matrix proteins. The function of these ECM proteins is unknown.^ DSPG3 was cloned, sequenced, and shown to be expressed in cartilage, ligament, and placenta. DSPG3 was mapped to human chromosome 12q21, and the genomic structure was identified. 1.6 kb of the promoter region has been sequenced, and several putative SOX9 sites were identified as well as 3 TATA sites. Furthermore, an evolutionary tree of the SLRP gene family, which includes DSPG3, is presented.^ The promoter region of COMP was cloned and sequenced. Several putative transcription factor binding sites were identified including multiple AP2 and SP1 sites. Three transcription start sites were found to be located directly downstream of one of the SP1 sites. In addition, the expression of COMP was demonstrated to be higher in tendon than in cartilage and ligament by both Northern and Western blot analysis, and several regions of the COMP promoter were shown to contain cell-specific regulatory elements. Analysis of the proximal 370bp region of the COMP promoter has also identified distinct patterns of nuclear protein binding for the three tissues, and two SP1 sites may play a role in the tissue-specific expression of COMP. ^


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The ECM of epithelial carcinomas undergoes structural remodeling during periods of uncontrolled growth, creating regional heterogeneity and torsional stress. How tumors maintain ECM integrity in the face of dynamic biophysical forces is still largely unclear. This study addresses these deficiencies using mouse models of human lung adenocarcinoma. Spontaneous lung tumors were marked by disorganized basement membranes, dense collagen networks, and increased tissue stiffness. Metastasis-prone lung adenocarcinoma cells secreted fibulin-2 (Fbln2), a matrix glycoprotein involved in ECM supra-molecular assembly. Fibulin-2 depletion in tumor cells decreased the intra-tumoral abundance of matrix metalloproteinases and reduced collagen cross-linking and tumor compressive properties resulting in inhibited tumor growth and metastasis. Fbln2 deposition within intra-tumoral fibrotic bands was a predictor of poor clinical outcome in patients. Collectively, these findings support a feed-forward model in which tumor cells secrete matrix-stabilizing factors required for the assembly of ECM that preferentially favors malignant progression. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence that tumor cells directly regulate the integrity of their surrounding matrix through the secretion of matrix-stabilizing factors such as fibulin-2. These findings open a new avenue of research into matrix assembly molecules as potential therapeutic targets in cancer patients.


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Decorin, a dermatan/chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan, is ubiquitously distributed in the extracellular matrix (ECM) of mammals. Decorin belongs to the small leucine rich proteoglycan (SLRP) family, a proteoglycan family characterized by a core protein dominated by Leucine Rich Repeat motifs. The decorin core protein appears to mediate the binding of decorin to ECM molecules, such as collagens and fibronectin. It is believed that the interactions of decorin with these ECM molecules contribute to the regulation of ECM assembly, cell adhesions, and cell proliferation. These basic biological processes play critical roles during embryonic development and wound healing and are altered in pathological conditions such as fibrosis and tumorgenesis. ^ In this dissertation, we discover that decorin core protein can bind to Zn2+ ions with high affinity. Zinc is an essential trace element in mammals. Zn2+ ions play a catalytic role in the activation of many enzymes and a structural role in the stabilization of protein conformation. By examining purified recombinant decorin and its core protein fragments for Zn2+ binding activity using Zn2+-chelating column chromatography and Zn2+-equilibrium dialysis approaches, we have located the Zn2+ binding domain to the N-terminal sequence of the decorin core protein. The decorin N-terminal domain appears to contain two Zn2+ binding sites with similar high binding affinity. The sequence of the decorin N-terminal domain does not resemble any other reported zinc-binding motifs and, therefore, represents a novel Zn 2+ binding motif. By investigating the influence of Zn2+ ions on decorin binding interactions, we found a novel Zn2+ dependent interaction with fibrinogen, the major plasma protein in blood clots. Furthermore, a recombinant peptide (MD4) consisting of a 41 amino acid sequence of mouse decorin N-terminal domain can prolong thrombin induced fibrinogen/fibrin clot formation. This suggests that in the presence of Zn2+ the decorin N-terminal domain has an anticoagulation activity. The changed Zn2+-binding activities of the truncated MD4 peptides and site-directed mutagenesis generated mutant peptides revealed that the functional MD4 peptide might contain both a structural zinc-binding site in the cysteine cluster region and a catalytic zinc site that could be created by the flanking sequences of the cysteine cluster region. A model of a loop-like structure for MD4 peptide is proposed. ^


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Attention has recently been drawn to Enterococcus faecium because of an increasing number of nosocomial infections caused by this species and its resistance to multiple antibacterial agents. However, relatively little is known about the pathogenic determinants of this organism. We have previously identified a cell-wall-anchored collagen adhesin, Acm, produced by some isolates of E. faecium, and a secreted antigen, SagA, exhibiting broad-spectrum binding to extracellular matrix proteins. Here, we analysed the draft genome of strain TX0016 for potential microbial surface components recognizing adhesive matrix molecules (MSCRAMMs). Genome-based bioinformatics identified 22 predicted cell-wall-anchored E. faecium surface proteins (Fms), of which 15 (including Acm) had characteristics typical of MSCRAMMs, including predicted folding into a modular architecture with multiple immunoglobulin-like domains. Functional characterization of one [Fms10; redesignated second collagen adhesin of E. faecium (Scm)] revealed that recombinant Scm(65) (A- and B-domains) and Scm(36) (A-domain) bound to collagen type V efficiently in a concentration-dependent manner, bound considerably less to collagen type I and fibrinogen, and differed from Acm in their binding specificities to collagen types IV and V. Results from far-UV circular dichroism measurements of recombinant Scm(36) and of Acm(37) indicated that these proteins were rich in beta-sheets, supporting our folding predictions. Whole-cell ELISA and FACS analyses unambiguously demonstrated surface expression of Scm in most E. faecium isolates. Strikingly, 11 of the 15 predicted MSCRAMMs clustered in four loci, each with a class C sortase gene; nine of these showed similarity to Enterococcus faecalis Ebp pilus subunits and also contained motifs essential for pilus assembly. Antibodies against one of the predicted major pilus proteins, Fms9 (redesignated EbpC(fm)), detected a 'ladder' pattern of high-molecular-mass protein bands in a Western blot analysis of cell surface extracts from E. faecium, suggesting that EbpC(fm) is polymerized into a pilus structure. Further analysis of the transcripts of the corresponding gene cluster indicated that fms1 (ebpA(fm)), fms5 (ebpB(fm)) and ebpC(fm) are co-transcribed, a result consistent with those for pilus-encoding gene clusters of other Gram-positive bacteria. All 15 genes occurred frequently in 30 clinically derived diverse E. faecium isolates tested. The common occurrence of MSCRAMM- and pilus-encoding genes and the presence of a second collagen-binding protein may have important implications for our understanding of this emerging pathogen.


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Fibrillin-1 and -2 are large secreted glycoproteins that are known to be components of extracellular matrix microfibrils located in the vasculature, basement membrane and various connective tissues. These microfibrils are often associated with a superstructure known as the elastic fiber. During the development of elastic tissues, fibrillin microfibrils precede the appearance of elastin and may provide a scaffolding for the deposition and crosslinking of elastin. Using RT/PCR, we cloned and sequenced 3.85Kbp of the FBN2 gene. Five differences were found between our contig sequence and that published by Zhang et al. (1995). Like many extracellular matrix proteins, the fibrillins are modular proteins. We compared analogous domains of the two fibrillins and also members of the latent TGF-$\beta$ binding protein (LTBP) family to determine their phylogenetic relationship. We found that the two families are homologous. LTBP-2 is the most similar to the fibrillin family while FBN-1 is the most similar to the LTBP family. The fibrillin-1 carboxy terminal domain is proteolytically processed. Two eukaryotic protein expression systems, baculoviral and CHO-K1, were developed to examine the proteolytic processing of the carboxy terminal domain of the fibrillin-1 protein. Both expression systems successfully processed the domain and both processed a mutant less efficiently. In the CHO-K1 cells, processing occurred intracellularly. ^


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The vertebrate $\beta$-galactoside-binding lectins galectin-1 and galectin-3 have been proposed to function in diverse cellular processes such as adhesion, proliferation, differentiation, and tumorigenesis. Experiments were initiated to further study the functional properties of these molecules. A prostate cancer cell line, LNCaP, was identified which expressed neither galectin. This line was stably transfected with cDNA for either galectin-1 or galectin-3. The resultant clones were used to study effects on critical cell processes. LNCaP cells expressing galectin-1 on the surface were found to bind more rapidly than control lines to the human extracellular matrix proteins laminin and fibronectin, although overall binding was not increased. To analyze effects on differentiation, LNCaP cells were studied which had either been transfected with galectin-1 or which had been induced to express endogenous galectin-1 by treatment with the differentiation agent sodium butyrate. In both cases, cells displayed a slower rate of growth and increased rate of apoptosis. A transient decrease in expression of prostate specific antigen was seen in the butyrate treated cells but not in the transfected cells. To investigate the role of galectins in the process of malignant transformation and progression, immunohistochemical analysis was performed on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections of human prostate tissue, the premalignant lesion prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, primary adenocarcinoma of the prostate, and foci of metastatic prostate cancer. Galectin-1 expression was relatively constant throughout in contrast to galectin-3 which demonstrated significantly less expression in primary and metastatic tumors. LNCaP cells transfected with galectin-3 cDNA displayed lower proliferation rates, increased spontaneous apoptosis, and G1 growth phase arrest compared to controls. Four of six galectin-3 lines tested were less tumorigenic in nude mice than controls. The following conclusions are drawn regarding the role of galectin-1 and galectin-3 expression in the context of prostate cancer: (1) galectin-1 may participate in the early stages of cancer cell adhesion to extracellular matrix proteins; (2) galectin-1 expression results in a differentiated phenotype and may contribute to differentiation induction by butyrate; (3) galectin-3 expression correlates inversely with prostate cell tumorigenesis and prostate cancer metastasis. ^


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Cancer antigen 125 (CA125) is a tumor antigen that is routinely used to monitor the disease progress and the outcome of treatment in ovarian cancer patients. Elevated serum levels of CA125 are detected in over 80% of epithelial ovarian cancer patients. CA125 is a high molecular weight (>1M Dalton) mucin-type glycoprotein encoded by the MUC16 gene on human chromosome 19. Although MUC16 has served as the best serum marker for monitoring growth of ovarian cancer, roles for MUC16 in normal physiology and ovarian cancer are largely unknown. To understand the biological functions of MUC16, I characterized a mouse Muc16 homolog on chromosome 9 by means of expression pattern profiling, phenotype analysis of Muc16 knockout mice, and in vitro and in vivo studies of Muc16 null transformed ovarian surface epithelial (OSE) cells. ^ The mouse Muc16 homolog shares a conserved genomic structure with human MUC16. In addition to being expressed in mouse ovarian cancer, mouse Muc16 mRNA and protein were expressed in the mesothelia covering the heart, lung, ovary, oviduct, spleen, testis, and uterus. The conserved genomic structure and expression pattern of mouse Muc16 to human MUC16 suggests that mouse Muc16 is the ortholog of human MUC16. To understand the biological functions of Muc16, I generated Muc16 knockout mice. Muc16 knockout mice were viable, fertile and normal by one year of age. However, between 18 and 24 months of age, Muc16 knockout mice developed various tissue abnormalities such as ovarian cysts and tumors of the liver and other peritoneal organs. To determine the role of MUC16 in ovarian cancer progression, I established Muc16 null transformed ovarian surface epithelial (OSE) cell lines, following the same method to develop mouse model of epithelial ovarian cancer (Orsulic et al., 2002). Loss of Muc16 did not affect cell morphology, cell proliferation rate, or tumorigenic potential. However, Muc16-null OSE cells showed decreased attachment to extracellular matrix proteins as well as to primary mouse peritoneal mesothelial cells. Peritoneal mesothelia are the most frequent implantation sites of ovarian cancer. Furthermore, a pilot transplantation assay suggests that Muc16 null transformed OSE cells formed less disseminated tumors in the peritoneal cavity compared to wild-type OSE cells. ^ In conclusion, these results demonstrate that MUC16 is not required for normal mouse development or reproduction, but plays important roles in tissue homeostasis, ovarian cancer cell adhesion and dissemination. This study provides the first in vivo evidence of the roles of MUC16 in development, as well as ovarian cancer progression and dissemination. These studies offer valuable insights into possible mechanisms of ovarian cancer development and potential molecular targets for ovarian cancer treatment. ^


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The basis for the recent transition of Enterococcus faecium from a primarily commensal organism to one of the leading causes of hospital-acquired infections in the United States is not yet understood. To address this, the first part of my project assessed isolates from early outbreaks in the USA and South America using sequence analysis, colony hybridizations, and minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) which showed clinical isolates possess virulence and antibiotic resistance determinants that are less abundant or lacking in community isolates. I also revealed that the level of ampicillin resistance increased over time in clinical strains. By sequencing the pbp5 gene, I demonstrated an ~5% difference in the pbp5 gene between strains with MICs <4ug/ml and those with MICs >4µg/ml, but no specific sequence changes correlated with increases in MICs within the latter group. A 3-10% nucleotide difference was also seen in three other genes analyzed, which suggested the existence of two distinct subpopulations of E. faecium. This led to the second part of my project analyzing concatenated core gene sequences, SNPs, the 16S rRNA, and phylogenetics of 21 E. faecium genomes confirming two distinct clades; a community-associated (CA) clade and hospital-associated (HA) clade. Molecular clock calculations indicate that these two clades likely diverged ~ 300,000 to > 1 million years ago, long before the modern antibiotic era. Genomic analysis also showed that, in addition to core genomic differences, HA E. faecium harbor specific accessory genetic elements that may confer selection advantages over CA E. faecium. The third part of my project discovered 6 E. faecium genes with the newly identified “WxL” domain. My analyses, using RT-PCR, western blots, patient sera, whole-cell ELISA, and immunogold electron microscopy, indicated that E. faecium WxL genes exist in operons, encode bacterial cell surface localized proteins, that WxL proteins are antigenic in humans, and are more exposed on the surface of clinical isolates versus community isolates (even though they are ubiquitous in both clades). ELISAs and BIAcore analyses also showed that proteins encoded by these operons bind several different host extracellular matrix proteins, as well as to each other, suggesting a novel cell-surface complex. In summary, my studies provide new insights into the evolution of E. faecium by showing that there are two distantly related clades; one being more successful in the hospital setting. My studies also identified operons encoding WxL proteins whose characteristics could also contribute to colonization and virulence within this species.


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Cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) is a large, homopentameric, extracellular matrix glycoprotein. Mutations in COMP cause two skeletal dysplasias: pseudoachondroplasia (PSACH) and multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (EMD1). These dwarfing conditions are caused by retention of misfolded mutant COMP with type IX collagen and matrilin-3 (MATN3) in the rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) of the chondrocyte. These proteins form a matrix in the rER that continues to expand until it fills the entire cell, eventually causing cell death. Interestingly, loss of COMP in COMP null mice does not affect normal bone development or growth, suggesting that elimination of COMP (wildtype and mutant) expression may prevent PSACH. The hypothesis of these studies was that a hammerhead ribozyme could eliminate or knockdown COMP mRNA expression in PSACH chondrocytes . To test this hypothesis, a human chondrocyte model system that recapitulates the PSACH chondrocyte phenotype was developed by over-expressing mutant (mt-) COMP in normal chondrocytes using a recombinant adenovirus. Chondrocytes over-expressing mt-COMP developed giant rER cisternae containing COMP, type IX collagen and MATN3. Deconvolution microscopy and computer modeling showed that these proteins formed an ordered matrix surrounding a type II pro-collagen core. Additionally, the results show that a hammerhead ribozyme, ribozyme 56 (Ribo56) reduced over-expressed mt-COMP in COS cells and endogenous COMP in normal chondrocytes and mt-COMP in three PSACH chondrocytes cell line (with different mutations) by 40-70%. Altogether, these studies show that the PSACH cellular phenotype can be created in vitro and that the mt-COMP protein burden can be reduced by the presence of a COMP-specific ribozyme. Future studies will focus on designing ribozymes or short interfering RNA (siRNA) technologies that will result in better knockdown of COMP expression as well as the temporal constraints imposed by the PSACH phenotype. ^


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Chronic lung diseases (CLDs) are a considerable source of morbidity and mortality and are thought to arise from dysregulation of normal wound healing processes. An aggressive, feature of many CLDs is pulmonary fibrosis (PF) and is characterized by excess deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins from myofibroblasts in airways. However, factors regulating myofibroblast biology are incompletely understood. Proteins in the cadherin family contribute epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT), a suggested source of myofibroblasts. Cadherin 11 (CDH11) contributes to developmental and pathologic processes that parallel those seen in PF and EMT. Utilizing Cdh11 knockout (Cdh11 -/-) mice, the goal of this study was to characterize the contribution of CDH11 in the bleomycin model of PF and assess the feasibility of treating established PF. We demonstrate CDH11 in macrophages and airway epithelial cells undergoing EMT in lungs of mice given bleomycin and patients with PF. Endpoints consistent with PF including ECM production and myofibroblast formation are reduced in CDH11-targeted mice given bleomycin. Findings suggesting mechanisms of CDH11-dependent fibrosis include the regulation of the profibrotic mediator TGF-â in alveolar macrophages and CDH11-mediated EMT. The results of this study propose CDH11 as a novel drug target for PF. In addition, another CLD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), is characterized by airway inflammation and destruction. Adenosine, a nucleoside signaling molecule generated in response to cell stress is upregulated in patients with COPD and is suggested to contribute to its pathogenesis. An established model of adenosine-mediated lung injury exhibiting features of COPD is the Ada -/- mouse. Previous studies in our lab suggest features of the Ada -/- phenotype may be secondary to adenosine-dependent expression of osteopontin (OPN). OPN is a protein implicated in a variety of human pathology, but its role in COPD has not been examined. To address this, Ada/Opn -/- mice were generated and endpoints consistent with COPD were examined in parallel with Ada -/- mice. Results demonstrate OPN-mediated pulmonary neutrophilia and airway destruction in Ada -/- mice. Furthermore, patients with COPD exhibit increased OPN in airways which correlate with clinical airway obstruction. These results suggest OPN represents a novel biomarker or therapeutic target for the management of patients with COPD. The importance of findings in this thesis is highlighted by the fact that no pharmacologic interventions have been shown to interfere with disease progression or improve survival rates in patients with COPD or PF.