18 resultados para Cellular activation


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Xenopus ARVCF (xARVCF), a member of p120-catenin subfamily, binds cadherin cytoplasmic domains to enhance cadherin metabolic stability, or when dissociated, modulates Rho-family GTPases. We previously found that xARVCF binds directly to Xenopus KazrinA (xKazrinA), a widely expressed, conserved protein that bears little homology to established protein families. xKazrinA is also known to influence keratinocyte proliferation-differentiation and cytoskeletal activity. In my study, I first evaluated the expression pattern of endogenous Kazrin RNA and protein in Xenopus embryogenesis as well as in adult tissues. We then collaboratively predicted the helical structure of Kazrin’s coiled-coil domain, and I obtained evidence of Kazrin’s dimerization/oligomerization. In considering the intracellular localization of the xARVCF-catenin:xKazrin complex, I did not resolve xKazrinA in a larger ternary complex with cadherin, nor did I detect its co-precipitation with core desmosomal components. Instead, screening revealed that xKazrinA binds spectrin. This suggested a potential means by which xKazrinA localizes to cell-cell junctions, and indeed, biochemical assays confirmed a ternary xARVCF:xKazrinA:xβ2-spectrin complex. Functionally, I demonstrated that xKazrin stabilizes cadherins by negatively modulating the RhoA small-GTPase. I further revealed that xKazrinA binds to p190B RhoGAP (an inhibitor of RhoA), and enhances p190B’s association with xARVCF. Supporting their functional interaction in vivo, Xenopus embryos depleted of xKazrin exhibited ectodermal shedding, a phenotype that could be rescued with exogenous xARVCF. Cell shedding appeared to be caused by RhoA activation, which consequently altered actin organization and cadherin function. Indeed, I was capable of rescuing Kazrin depletion with ectopic expression of p190B RhoGAP. In addition, I obtained evidence that xARVCF and xKazrin participate in craniofacial development, with effects observed upon the neural crest. Finally, I found that xKazrinA associates further with delta-catenin and p0071-catenin, but not with p120-catenin, suggesting that Kazrin interacts selectively with additional members of the p120-catenin sub-family. Taken together, my study supports Kazrin’s essential role in development, and reveals KazrinA’s biochemical and functional association with ARVCF-catenin, spectrin and p190B RhoGAP.


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Catenins have diverse and powerful roles in embryogenesis, homeostasis or disease progression, as best exemplified by the well-known beta-catenin. The less studied delta-catenin likewise contains a central Armadillo-domain. In common with other p120 sub-class members, it acts in a variety of intracellular compartments and modulates cadherin stability, small GTPase activities and gene transcription. In mammals, delta-catenin exhibits neural specific expression, with its knock-out in mice correspondingly producing cognitive defects and synaptic dysfunctions. My work instead employed the amphibian, Xenopus laevis, to explore delta-catenin’s physiological functions in a distinct vertebrate system. Initial isolation and characterization indicated delta-catenin’s expression in Xenopus. Unlike the pattern observed for mammals, delta-catenin was detected in most adult Xenopus tissues, although enriched in embryonic structures of neural fate as visualized using RNA in-situ hybridization. To determine delta-catenin’s requirement in amphibian development, I employed anti-sense morpholinos to knock-down gene products, finding that delta-catenin depletion results in developmental defects in gastrulation, neural crest migration and kidney tubulogenesis, phenotypes that were specific based upon rescue experiments. In biochemical and cellular assays, delta-catenin knock-down reduced cadherin levels and cell adhesion, and impaired activation of RhoA and Rac1, small GTPases that regulate actin dynamics and morphogenetic movements. Indeed, exogenous C-cadherin, or dominant-negative RhoA or dominant-active Rac1, significantly rescued delta-catenin depletion. Thus, my results indicate delta-catenin’s essential roles in Xenopus development, with contributing functional links to cadherins and Rho family small G proteins. In examining delta-catenin’s nuclear roles, I identified delta-catenin as an interacting partner and substrate of the caspase-3 protease, which plays critical roles in apoptotic as well as non-apoptotic processes. Delta-catenin’s interaction with and sensitivity to caspase-3 was confirmed using assays involving its cleavage in vitro, as well as within Xenopus apoptotic extracts or mammalian cell lines. The cleavage site, a highly conserved caspase consensus motif (DELD) within Armadillo-repeat 6 of delta-catenin, was identified through peptide sequencing. Cleavage thus generates an amino- (1-816) and carboxyl-terminal (817-1314) fragment each containing about half of the central Armadillo-domain. I found that cleavage of delta-catenin both abolishes its association with cadherins, and impairs its ability to modulate small GTPases. Interestingly, the carboxyl-terminal fragment (817-1314) possesses a conserved putative nuclear localization signal that I found is needed to facilitate delta-catenin’s nuclear targeting. To probe for novel nuclear roles of delta-catenin, I performed yeast two-hybrid screening of a mouse brain cDNA library, resolving and then validating its interaction with an uncharacterized KRAB family zinc finger protein I named ZIFCAT. My results indicate that ZIFCAT is nuclear, and suggest that it may associate with DNA as a transcriptional repressor. I further determined that other p120 sub-class catenins are similarly cleaved by caspase-3, and likewise bind ZIFCAT. These findings potentially reveal a simple yet novel signaling pathway based upon caspase-3 cleavage of p120 sub-family members, facilitating the coordinate modulation of cadherins, small GTPases and nuclear functions. Together, my work suggested delta-catenin’s essential roles in Xenopus development, and has revealed its novel contributions to cell junctions (via cadherins), cytoskeleton (via small G proteins), and nucleus (via ZIFCAT). Future questions include the larger role and gene targets of delta-catenin in nucleus, and identification of upstream signaling events controlling delta-catenin’s activities in development or disease progression.


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Cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels are a family of ion channels activated by the binding of cyclic nucleotides. Endogenous channels have been used to measure cyclic nucleotide signals in photoreceptor outer segments and olfactory cilia for decades. Here we have investigated the subcellular localization of cGMP signals by monitoring CNG channel activity in response to agonists that activate either particulate or soluble guanylyl cyclase. CNG channels were heterologously expressed in either human embryonic kidney (HEK)-293 cells that stably overexpress a particulate guanylyl cyclase (HEK-NPRA cells), or cultured vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) was used to activate the particulate guanylyl cyclase and the nitric oxide donor S-nitroso-n-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP) was used to activate the soluble guanylyl cyclase. CNG channel activity was monitored by measuring Ca2+ or Mn2+ influx through the channels using the fluorescent dye, fura-2. We found that in HEK-NPRA cells, ANP-induced increases in cGMP levels activated CNG channels in a dose-dependent manner (0.05-10 nM), whereas SNAP (0.01-100 microM) induced increases in cGMP levels triggered little or no activation of CNG channels (P < 0.01). After pretreatment with 100 microM 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX), a nonspecific phosphodiesterase inhibitor, ANP-induced Mn2+ influx through CNG channels was significantly enhanced, while SNAP-induced Mn2+ influx remained small. In contrast, we found that in the presence of IBMX, both 1 nM ANP and 100 microM SNAP triggered similar increases in total cGMP levels. We next sought to determine if cGMP signals are compartmentalized in VSMCs, which endogenously express particulate and soluble guanylyl cyclase. We found that 10 nM ANP induced activation of CNG channels more readily than 100 muM SNAP; whereas 100 microM SNAP triggered higher levels of total cellular cGMP accumulation. These results suggest that cGMP signals are spatially segregated within cells, and that the functional compartmentalization of cGMP signals may underlie the unique actions of ANP and nitric oxide.


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Our recent studies have shown that the FoxM1B transcription factor is overexpressed in human glioma tissues and that the level of its expression correlates directly with glioma grade. However, whether FoxM1B plays a role in the early development of glioma (i.e., in transformation) is unknown. In this study, we found that the FoxM1B molecule causes cellular transformation and tumor formation in normal human astrocytes (NHA) immortalized by p53 and pRB inhibition. Moreover, brain tumors that arose from intracranial injection of FoxM1B-expressing immortalized NHAs displayed glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) phenotypes, suggesting that FoxM1B overexpression in immortalized NHAs not only transforms the cells but also leads to GBM formation. Mechanistically, our results showed that overexpression of FoxM1B upregulated NEDD4-1, an E3 ligase that mediates the degradation and downregulation of phosphatase and tensin homologue (PTEN) in multiple cell lines. Decreased PTEN in turn resulted in the hyperactivation of Akt, which led to phosphorylation and cytoplasmic retention of FoxO3a. Blocking Akt activation with phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt inhibitors inhibited the FoxM1B-induced transformation of immortalized NHAs. Furthermore, overexpression of FoxM1B in immortalized NHAs increased the expression of survivin, cyclin D1, and cyclin E, which are important molecules for tumor growth. Collectively, these results indicate that overexpression of FoxM1B, in cooperation with p53 and pRB inhibition in NHA cells, promotes astrocyte transformation and GBM formation through multiple mechanisms.


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Stress response pathways allow cells to sense and respond to environmental changes and adverse pathophysiological states. Pharmacological modulation of cellular stress pathways has implications in the treatment of human diseases, including neurodegenerative disorders, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. The quinone methide triterpene celastrol, derived from a traditional Chinese medicinal herb, has numerous pharmacological properties, and it is a potent activator of the mammalian heat shock transcription factor HSF1. However, its mode of action and spectrum of cellular targets are poorly understood. We show here that celastrol activates Hsf1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae at a similar effective concentration seen in mammalian cells. Transcriptional profiling revealed that celastrol treatment induces a battery of oxidant defense genes in addition to heat shock genes. Celastrol activated the yeast Yap1 oxidant defense transcription factor via the carboxy-terminal redox center that responds to electrophilic compounds. Antioxidant response genes were likewise induced in mammalian cells, demonstrating that the activation of two major cell stress pathways by celastrol is conserved. We report that celastrol's biological effects, including inhibition of glucocorticoid receptor activity, can be blocked by the addition of excess free thiol, suggesting a chemical mechanism for biological activity based on modification of key reactive thiols by this natural product.


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Operant conditioning is a ubiquitous but mechanistically poorly understood form of associative learning in which an animal learns the consequences of its behavior. Using a single-cell analog of operant conditioning in neuron B51 of Aplysia, we examined second-messenger pathways engaged by activity and reward and how they may provide a biochemical association underlying operant learning. Conditioning was blocked by Rp-cAMP, a peptide inhibitor of PKA, a PKC inhibitor, and by expressing a dominant-negative isoform of Ca2+-dependent PKC (apl-I). Thus, both PKA and PKC were necessary for operant conditioning. Injection of cAMP into B51 mimicked the effects of operant conditioning. Activation of PKC also mimicked conditioning but was dependent on both cAMP and PKA, suggesting that PKC acted at some point upstream of PKA activation. Our results demonstrate how these molecules can interact to mediate operant conditioning in an individual neuron important for the expression of the conditioned behavior.


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Astrogliosis is induced by neuronal damage and is also a pathological feature of the major aging-related neurodegenerative disorders. The mechanisms that control the cascade of astrogliosis have not been well established. In a previous study, we identified a novel androgen receptor (AR)-interacting protein (p44/WDR77) and found that it plays a critical role in the control of proliferation and differentiation of prostate epithelial cells. In the present study, we found that deletion of the p44 gene in the mouse brain caused accelerated aging with dramatic astrogliosis. The p44/WDR77 is expressed in astrocytes and loss of p44/WDR77 expression in astrocytes leads to astrogliosis. Our results reveal a novel role of p44/WDR77 in astrocytes, which may explain the well-documented role of androgens in suppression of astrogliosis. While many of detailed mechanisms of astrocyte activation remain to be elucidated, a number pathways have been implicated in astrocyte activation including p21Cip1 and the NF-kB pathway. Astrocytic activation induced by p44/WDR77 gene deletion was associated with a significant increase of p21Cip1 expression and NF-kB activation characterized by p65 nuclear localization. We found that down-regulation of p21Cip1 expression inhibited astrocyte activation induced by the p44/WDR77 deletion and was accompanied by a decreased p65 nuclear localization. While p21Cip1 role in astrocyte activation and NF-kB activation is not well understood, studies of other cell cycle regulators have implicated cell cycle control systems as modulators of astrocyte activation, thus p21Cip1 could induce secondary effect to induce p65 nuclear localization. However, p65 knockdown completely relieved the inhibition of astrocyte growth induced by the p44/WDR77 deletion, while p21Cip1 knockdown only partially recovered this inhibition. Thus, NF-kB activity performs additional regulatory actions not mediated by p21Cip1. These analyses imply that p4/WDR77 suppresses astrocyte activation through modulating p21Cip1 expression and NF-kB activation.


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Immune dysfunction is encountered during spaceflight. Various aspects of spaceflight, including microgravity, cosmic radiation, and both physiological and psychological stress, may perturb immune function. We sought to understand the impact of microgravity alone on the cellular mechanisms critical to immunity. Clinostatic RWV bioreactors that simulate aspects of microgravity were used to analyze the response of human PBMC to polyclonal and oligoclonal activation. PHA responsiveness in the RWV bioreactor was almost completely diminished. IL-2 and IFN-$\gamma$ secretion was reduced whereas IL-1$\beta$ and IL-6 secretion was increased, suggesting that monocytes may not be as adversely affected by simulated microgravity as T cells. Activation marker expression (CD25, CD69, CD71) was significantly reduced in RWV cultures. Furthermore, addition of exogenous IL-2 to these cultures did not restore proliferation. Antigen specific T cell activation, including the mixed-lymphocyte reaction, tetanus toxoid responsiveness, and Borrelia activation of a specific T cell line, was also suppressed in the RWV bioreactor.^ The role of altered culture conditions in the suppression of T cell activation were considered. Potential reduced cell-cell and cell-substratum interactions in the RWV bioreactor may play a role in the loss of PHA responsiveness. However, PHA activation in Teflon culture bags that limit cell-substratum interactions was not affected. Furthermore, increasing cell-population density, and therefore cell-cell interactions, in the RWV cultures did not help restore PHA activation. However, placing PBMC within small collagen beads did partially restore PHA responsiveness. Finally, activation of purified T cells with crosslinked CD2/CD28 or CD3/CD28 antibody pairs, which does not require costimulation through cell-cell contact, was completely suppressed in the RWV bioreactor suggesting a defect internal to the T cell.^ Activation of both PBMC and purified T cells with PMA and ionomycin was unaffected by RWV culture, indicating that signaling mechanisms downstream of PKC activation and calcium flux are not sensitive to simulated microgravity. Furthermore, sub-mitogenic doses of PMA alone but not ionomycin alone restored PHA responsiveness of PBMC in RWV culture. Thus, our data indicate that during polyclonal activation in simulated microgravity, there is a specific dysfunction within the T cell involving the signaling pathways upstream of PKC activation. ^


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Kinases are part of a complex network of signaling pathways that enable a cell to respond to changes in environmental conditions in a regulated and coordinated way. For example, Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 beta (GSK3β) modulates conformational changes, protein-protein interaction, protein degradation, and activation of unique domains in proteins that transduce signals from the extracellular milieu to the nucleus. ^ In this project, I investigated the expression and function that GSK3β exhibits in prostate cells. The capacity of GSK3β to regulate two transcription factors (JUN and CREB), which are known to be inversely utilized in prostate tumor cells, was measured. JUN/AP1 is constitutively activated in PC-3 cells; whereas, CREB/CRE activity is ∼20 fold less than the former. GSK3β overexpression obliterates JUN/AP1 activity. With respect to CREB GSK3β increases CREB/CRE activity. Cellular levels of active GSK3β can determine whether JUN or CREB is preferentially active in the PC-3s. Theoretically, in response to a particular cellular context or stimulus, a cell may coordinate JUN and CREB function by regulating GSK3β.^ A comparison of various prostate cell lines showed that active GSK3β is less expressed in normal prostate epithelial cells than in tumor cells. Differentially expressed active (GSK3β) may correlate with progression of prostate carcinoma. If a known marker associated with carcinoma of the prostate could be shown to be regulated by GSK3β then, further study of GSK3β may lead to a better understanding of both possible prevention of the disease and improved therapy for advanced stages. ^ The androgen receptor (AR) is an intriguing phosphoprotein whose regulation is potentially determined by a variety of kinases. One of these is (GSK3β) I found that (GSK3β) is a regulator of the androgen receptor in both the unliganded and liganded states. It can inhibit AR function as measured by reporter assays. Also, GSK3β associates with the AR at the DNA binding domain because deletion constructs expressing either the n-terminus or the c-terminus (both having the DBD in common) immunoprecipitated with GSK3β. Increased understanding of how GSK3β functions in prostate cancer would provide clues into how (1) certain signal pathways are coordinated and (2) the androgen receptor may be regulated. ^


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MEKK2 is an evolutionarily conserved mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) kinase kinase (MAP3K) that controls the MAPK and IKK-NF-κB pathways. The MAPK and IKK pathways are intracellular signaling networks that are crucial for the Toll-like receptor (TLR) mediated innate immunity, cellular stress and many other physiological responses. Members of the MAP3K family are central to the activation of these processes. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying stimuli-mediated MAP3K activation remain largely unknown. In this study, we identified a key phosphoserine residue, Ser-519 in MEKK2, and its equivalent site Ser-526 in MEKK3 within their activation loop whose phosphorylation are essential for their optimal activation. Mutation of this regulatory serine to an alanine severely impaired MEKK2 activation and MEKK2 signaling to its downstream targets. To demonstrate that physiological stimuli induce this serine phosphorylation, we generated an antibody that specifically recognizes the phosphorylated serine residue. We found that many, but not all, of the MAPK agonists, including the TLR ligands, growth factors, cytokines and cellular stresses, induced this regulatory serine phosphorylation in MEKK2, suggesting an involvement of MEKK2 in the activation of the MAPK cascade leading to different cellular responses. We further investigated the specific role of MEKK2 in LPS/TLR4 signaling by using MEKK2−/− mice. We found that MEKK2 was selectively required for LPS-induced ERK1/2 activation, but not JNK, p38 or NF-κB activation. We also found that MEKK2 was involved in TLR4 dependent induction of proinflammatory cytokines and LPS-induced septic shock. In conclusion, we identified a key regulatory serine residue in the activation loop of MEKK2 whose phosphorylation is a key sensor of receptor- and cellular stress-mediated signals. We also demonstrated that MEKK2 is crucial for TLR4-mediated innate immunity. ^


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The ability to associate a predictive stimulus with a subsequent salient event (i.e., classical conditioning) and the ability to associate an expressed behavior with the consequences (i.e., operant conditioning) allow for a predictive understanding of a changing environment. Although they are operationally distinct, there has been considerable debate whether at some fundamental level classical and operant conditioning are mechanistically distinct or similar. Feeding behavior of Aplysia (i.e., biting) was chosen as the model system and was successfully conditioned with appetitive forms of both operant and classical conditioning. The neuronal circuitry responsible for feeding is well understood and is suitable for cellular analyses, thus providing for a mechanistic comparison between these two forms of associative learning. ^ Neuron B51 is part of the feeding circuitry of Aplysia and is critical for the expression of ingestive behaviors. B51 also is a locus of plasticity following both operant and classical conditioning. Both in vivo and in vitro operant conditioning increased the input resistance and the excitability of B51. No pairing-specific changes in the input resistance were observed following both in vivo and in vitro classical conditioning. However, classical conditioning decreased the excitability of B51. Thus, both operant and classical conditioning modified the threshold level for activation of neuron B51, but in opposite directions, revealing key differences in the cellular mechanisms underlying these two forms of associative learning. ^ Next, the cellular mechanisms underlying operant conditioning were investigated in more detail using a single-cell analogue. The single-cell analogue successfully recapitulated the previous in vivo and in vitro operant conditioning results by increasing the input resistance and the excitability of B51. Both PKA and PKC were necessary for operant conditioning. Dopamine appears to be the transmitter mediating the reinforcement signal in this form of conditioning. A D1 dopamine receptor antibody revealed that the D1receptor localizes to the axon hillock, which is also the region that gives the strongest response when iontophoresing dopamine. ^ The studies presented herein, thus, provide for a greater understanding of the mechanisms underlying both of these forms of associative learning and demonstrate that they likely operate through distinct cellular mechanisms. ^


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Increased glycolysis and oxidative stress are common features of cancer cells. These metabolic alterations are associated with mitochondrial dysfunction and can be caused by mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations, oncogenic signals, loss of tumor suppressor, and tumor tissue hypoxia. It is well established that mitochondria play central roles in energy metabolism, maintenance of redox balance, and regulation of apoptosis. However, the biochemical and molecular mechanisms that maintain high glycolysis in cancer cells (the Warburg effect) with mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress remain to be determined. The major goals of this study were to establish a unique experimental system in which the mitochondrial respiratory function can be regulated as desired, and to use this system to investigate the mechanistic link between mitochondrial dysfunction and the Warburg effect along with oxidative stress in cancer cells. To achieve these goals, I have established a tetracycline-inducible system in which a dominant negative form of mitochondrial DNA polymerase y (POLGdn) expression could be regulated by tetracycline; thus controlling mitochondrial respiratory function. Using this cell system, I demonstrated that POLGdn expression resulted in mitochondrial dysfunction through decreasing mtDNA content, depletion of mtDNA encoded mRNA and protein expression. This process was mediated by TFAM proteasome degradation. Mitochondrial dysfunction mediated by POLGdn expression led to a significant increase in cellular glycolysis and oxidative stress. Surprisingly, mitochondrial dysfunction also resulted in increased NAD(P)H oxidase (NOX) enzyme activity, which was shown to be essential for maintaining high glycolysis. Chemical Inhibition of NOX activity by diphenyliodonium (DPI) preferentially impacted the survival of mitochondrial defective cells. The colon cancer HCT116-/- cells that have lost transcriptional regulation of the mitochondrial assembling enzyme SCO2, leading to compromised mitochondrial respiratory function, were found to have increased NOX activity and were highly sensitive to DPI treatment. Ovarian epithelial cells with Ras transformation also exhibited an increase in NOX gene expression and NOX enzyme activity, rendering the cells sensitive to DPI inhibition especially under hypoxic condition. These data together suggest that NOX plays a novel role in maintaining high glycolysis in cancer cells with mitochondrial defects, and that NOX may be a potential target for cancer therapy. ^


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NK314 is a novel synthetic benzo[c]phenanthridine alkaloid that is currently in clinical trials as an antitumor compound, based on impressive activities in preclinical models. However, its mechanism of action is unknown. The present investigations were directed at determining the mechanism of action of this agent and cellular responses to NK314. My studies demonstrated that NK314 intercalated into DNA, trapped topoisomerase IIα in its cleavage complex intermediate, and inhibited the ability of topoisomerase IIα to relax super-coiled DNA. CEM/VM1 cells, which are resistant to etoposide due to mutations in topoisomerase IIα, were cross-resistant to NK314. However, CEM/C2 cells, which are resistant to camptothecin due to mutations in topoisomerase I, retained sensitivity. This indicates topoisomerase IIα is the target of NK314 in the cells. NK314 caused phosphorylation of the histone variant, H2AX, which is considered a marker of DNA double-strand breaks. DNA double-strand breaks were also evidenced by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and visualized as chromosomal aberrations after cells were treated with NK314 and arrested in mitosis. Cell cycle checkpoints are activated following DNA damage. NK314 induced significant G2 cell cycle arrest in several cell lines, independent of p53 status, suggesting the existence of a common mechanism of checkpoint activation. The Chk1-Cdc25C-Cdk1 G2 checkpoint pathway was activated in response to NK314, which can be abrogated by the Chk1 inhibitor UCN-01. Cell cycle checkpoint activation may be a defensive mechanism that provides time for DNA repair. DNA double-strand breaks are repaired either through ATM-mediated homologous recombination or DNA-PK-mediated non-homologous end-joining repair pathways. Clonogenic assays demonstrated a significant decrease of colony formation in both ATM deficient and DNA-PK deficient cells compared to ATM repleted and DNA-PK wild type cells respectively, indicating that both ATM and DNA-PK play important roles in the survival of the cells in response to NK314. The DNA-PK specific inhibitor NU7441 also significantly sensitized cells to NK314. In conclusion, the major mechanism of NK314 is to intercalate into DNA, trap and inhibit topoisomerase IIα, an action that leads to the generation of double-strand DNA breaks, which activate ATM and DNA-PK mediated DNA repair pathways and Chk1 mediated G2 checkpoint pathway. ^


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In the endometrium, hormonal effects on epithelial cells are often elicited through stromal hormone receptors via unknown paracrine mechanisms. Several lines of evidence support the hypothesis that Wnts participate in stromal-epithelial cell communication and thus mediate hormone action. Characterization of specific Wnt signaling components in the endometrium was performed using cellular localization studies and evaluating hormone effects in a rat model. Wnt7a was expressed in the luminal epithelium, whereas the extracellular Wnt modulator, SFRP4, was localized to the endometrial stroma. SFRP4 expression is significantly decreased in endometrial carcinoma and aberrant Wnt7a signaling has been shown to cause uterine defects and contribute to the onset of disease. The specific Fzds and SFRPs that bind Wnt7a and the particular signal transduction pathway each Wnt7a-Fzd pair activates have not been identified. Additionally, the function of Wnt7a and SFRP4 in the endometrium has not been addressed. A survey of all Wnt signaling proteins expressed in the endometrium was conducted and Fzd5 and Fzd10 were identified as two receptors capable of transducing the Wnt7a signal. Biologically active recombinant Wnt7a and SFRP4 proteins were purified for quantitative biochemical studies. In Ishikawa cells, Wnt7a binding to Fzd5 activated β-catenin/canonical Wnt signaling and increased cellular proliferation. Wnt7a signaling mediated by Fzd10 induced a non-canonical/JNK-responsive pathway. SFRP4 suppressed Wnt7a action in both an autocrine and paracrine manner. Treatment with SFRP4 protein and overexpression of SFRP4 inhibited endometrial cancer cell growth and induced apoptosis in vitro. A split-eGFP complementation assay was developed to visually detect Wnt7a-Fzd interactions and subsequent pathway activation in cells. By employing a unique ELISA-based protein-protein binding technique, it was demonstrated that Wnt7a binds to SFRP4 and Fzd5 with equal nanomolar affinity. The development of these novel biological tools could lead to a better understanding of Wnt-protein interactions and the identification of new modulators of Wnt signaling. This study supports a mechanism by which the nature of the Wnt7a signal in the endometrium is dependent upon the Fzd repertoire of the cell and can be regulated by SFRP4. The potential tumor suppressor function of SFRP4 suggests it may serve as a therapeutic target for endometrial carcinoma. ^


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Aberrant expression and/or activation of Src Family of non-receptor protein tyrosine kinases (SFKs) occur frequently during progressive stages of multiple types of human malignancies, including prostate cancer. Two SFKs, Src and Lyn, are expressed and implicated in prostate cancer progression. Work in this dissertation investigated the specific roles of Src and Lyn in the prostate tumor progression, and the effects of SFK inhibition on prostate tumor growth and lymph node metastasis in pre-clinical mouse models. ^ Firstly, using a pharmacological inhibitor of SFKs in clinical trials, dasatinib, I demonstrated that SFK inhibition affects both cellular migration and proliferation in vitro. Systemic administration of dasatinib reduced primary tumor growth, as well as development of lymph node metastases, in both androgen-sensitive and -resistant orthotopic prostate cancer mouse models. Immunohistochemical analysis of the primary tumors revealed that dasatinib treatment decreased SFK phosphorylation but not expression, resulting in decreased cellular proliferation and increased apoptosis. For this analysis of immunohistochemical stained tissues, I developed a novel method of quantifying immunohistochemical stain intensity that greatly reduced the inherent bias in analyzing staining intensity. ^ To determine if Src and Lyn played overlapping or distinct roles in prostate cancer tumor growth and progression, Src expression alone was inhibited by small-interfering RNA. The resulting stable cell lines were decreased in migration, but not substantially affected in proliferation rates. In contrast, an analogous strategy targeting Lyn led to stable cell lines in which proliferation rates were significantly reduced. ^ Lastly, I tested the efficacy of a novel SFK inhibitor (KX2-391) targeting peptide substrate-binding domain, on prostate cancer growth and lymph node metastasis in vivo. I demonstrated that KX2-391 has similar effects as dasatinib, an ATP-competitive small molecular inhibitor, on both the primary tumor growth and development of lymph node metastasis in vivo, work that contributed to the first-in-man Phase I clinical trial of KX2-391. ^ In summary, studies in this dissertation provide the first demonstration that Src and Lyn activities affect different cellular functions required for prostate tumor growth and metastasis, and SFK inhibitors effectively reduce primary tumor growth and lymph node metastasis. Therefore, I conclude that SFKs are promising therapeutic targets for treatment of human prostate cancer. ^