13 resultados para whole grain corn
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A 3-year study, using 84 fall-born and 28 spring-born calves of similar genotypes, was conducted to integrate pasturing systems with drylot feeding systems. Calves were started on test following weaning in May and October. Seven treatments were imposed: 1) fall-born calves directly into feedlot; 2 and 3) fall-born calves put on pasture with or without ionophore and moved to the feedlot at the end of July; 4 and 5) fall-born calves put on pasture with or without ionophore and moved to the feedlot at the end of October; 6 and 7) spring-born calves put on pasture with or without ionophore and moved to the feedlot at the end of October. A bromegrass pasture consisting of 16 paddocks, each 1.7 acre in size, was available. Each treatment group had access to 1 paddock at a time and was rotated at approximately 3-day intervals. In the feedlot, steers were provided an 82% concentrate diet containing whole-shelled corn, ground alfalfa hay, and a protein, vitamin and mineral supplement containing ionophore and molasses. As pens of cattle reached about 1150 lb. average live weight, they were processed and carcass traits were evaluated. Pasture daily gains were highest for cattle on pasture for the longest duration (P < .03), and overall daily gains were highest for drylot cattle (P < .01) and decreased with increased time spent on pasture. Although differences among treatments existed in numerical scores for yield and quality grades (P < .05 and P < .03, respectively), all treatments provided average yield grade scores of 2 and quality grades of low Choice or higher. Use of four production costs and pricing scenarios revealed that fall-born calves placed on pasture for varying lengths of time were the most profitable (P < .04) among the treatments. Furthermore, employing a 5% price sensitivity analysis, indicated that fed-cattle selling price had great impact on profit potential and was followed in importance by feeder purchase price and corn grain price. Overall, these findings should provide significant production alternatives for some segments of the cattle feeding industry and also lend substantial credence to the concept of sustainable agriculture.
A feeding trial was conducted with 790-lb yearling heifers fed an average of 121 days to evaluate replacing cracked corn and supplemental urea with wet distillers grains or condensed distillers solubles. Wet distillers grains were evaluated at 16%, 28% and 40% of diet dry matter. Condensed distillers solubles were added at 6.5% of diet dry matter. Control diets were supplemented with urea or a combination of urea and soybean meal. Feeding 16% wet distillers grains or condensed distillers solubles increased gain of heifers compared with those fed the control urea diet. Increasing the amount of wet distillers grains tended to decrease feed intake and reduce gain. The calculated apparent net energy based on gain of the heifers was greatest for the heifers fed 16% wet distillers grains. The apparent energy of the wet distillers grains declined as the quantity fed was increased. The calculated net energy values were 1.09 and 1.35 Mcal/lb of dry matter for the average of the three concentrations of wet distillers grains and condensed distillers solubles. These results confirm the high energy values of wet distillers grains relative to cracked corn as observed in a previous steer feeding trial.
Rolled high-oil corn in comparison with rolled isogenetic control corn was fed to finishing steers as 33%, 66% and 100% of the corn grain in their diet in a 134-day feeding trial. During the first 75 days of the trial, steers fed highoil corn had numerically lower rates of gain and tended to have poorer feed conversions compared with the control corn. At the end of the trial, there were not statistically significant differences in performance or carcass measurements of the steers fed the different amounts of high-oil or control corns. The results of this study indicated that the steers did not respond to the higher energy content of high-oil corn.
Two 3 x 3 latin squares were utilized in an 84-day digestion trial with ruminally- and duodenallycannulated steers. Diets consisted of 73 to 78% whole corn grain, 12.3% corn silage and 2.0% N, with treatment differences being high-oil corn- (HOC), isogenetic typical-corn- (TC), or isogenetic typical-corn + fat- (TC+F) based diets. The HOC and TC+F diets were formulated to provide the same ether extract (EE) content. All diets were fed at 90% of ad libitum intake. Chromic oxide was used as a digestibility marker. Total tract dry matter (DM) (P=.08), organic matter (OM) (P=.08) and nitrogen (N) (P=.06) digestibilities tended to be greater for TC than HOC diets, whereas starch neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), and ether extract digestibilities were similar (P>.10). There were no differences (P>.10) in total tract dry matter, organic matter, starch, NDF, ADF, ether extract, or nitrogen digestibilities between TC+F and HOC diets or TC and TC+F diets. Ruminal digestion of dry matter, organic matter, starch, NDF, ADF, and feed nitrogen was similar (P>.10) among treatments. Microbial-nitrogen flow and efficiencies were also similar (P>.10) among treatments. Results indicate finishing steer diets composed of primarily HOC are equally or less digestible than similar diets composed of TC, and adding fat to TC diets did not affect the digestibility of the diet when fed to finishing steers.
A digestibility trial, utilizing eight crossbred steers weighing initially 741 lbs. was conducted in an 8 x 8 Latin square design. High-fiber corn by-products were compared with corn as energy sources when fed in mixed diets with either lowor high-quality forage. Ground, dry corn stover and ground alfalfa hay were both fed alone or with corn grain, dried corn gluten feed (CGF), and dried corn distillers grains plus solubles (DDG) in a 1:1 ratio (dry basis). Total tract dry matter digestibility (DMD) was increased for both forages when fed with concentrates. Total tract DMD was similar in stover-based and alfalfa-based diets fed with CGF and DDG. However, stover+corn was lower in DMD than either stover+CGF and stover+DDG. Conversely, alfalfa+corn was higher in DMD than alfalfa+CGF or alfalfa+DDG. Feeding stover with corn tended to decrease digestibility of neutral detergent fiber (NDF), while feeding stover with CGF or DDG increased NDFD. There was no effect upon NDF digestion of alfalfa-based diets when fed with any of the concentrates. Feeding either forage with a concentrate increased digestible energy (DE). Stover+CGF and stover+DDG were similar in DE and were both higher in DE than stover+corn. Alfalfa+DDG tended to be higher than alfalfa+CGF and was similar to alfalfa+corn in DE. Alfalfa+CGF was lower in DE compared with alfalfa+corn. Results are interpreted to indicate that stover is more susceptible to negative feed interactions caused by corn grain than is alfalfa. Additionally, highfiber corn co-products fed with stover resulted in a positive associative effect but essentially had no associative effect when fed with alfalfa.
This experiment was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of daily feeding a live microbial preparation containing two live organisms to finishing cattle. One organism was a lactobacillus, and the other was a propionibacterium, thought to work in concert to improve fermentation in the rumen and overall digestion. The study was conducted with Angus steers with an average initial weight of 550 lbs that were fed a finishing ration containing 50% wet corn gluten feed on a dry basis for 184 days. Feeding the microbial product improved daily gain and feed efficiency 1.7% and 2.4%, respectively, but the differences were not statistically significant. The microbial preparation increased carcass weights 1% but had no effects on quality or yield grades. It is concluded that potential benefits of this product are more likely to be greater when cattle are fed high grain rations rather than diets containing high concentrations of corn gluten feed.
For 126 days, 850 lb. steers were fed diets of corn, corn silage, and ground hay containing either 0%, 4%, or 8% wet distillers solubles obtained from an Iowa dry mill ethanol plant. Addition of distillers solubles resulted in a linear decrease in feed consumption. Gains were increased 3.2% and decreased 6.4% by feeding 4% and 8% distillers solubles, respectively. Compared to the control diet, feed required per pound of gain was reduced 5% by low levels of distillers solubles and 1.5% by high levels. Feeding distillers solubles had no effect on carcass measurements. It was concluded that wet distillers solubles has value as a feed for cattle and can replace a portion of corn grain and supplemental nitrogen in a corn-based finishing diet for beef cattle. The decreased performance of steers fed the 8% level suggests that there might be a maximum amount of wet distiller solubles that can be fed to finishing cattle.
One non bt-corn hybrid (Pioneer 3489) and three btcorn hyrids (Pioneer 34RO7, Novartis NX6236, and Novartis N64-Z4) were planted in replicated 7.1-acre fields. After grain harvest, fields were stocked with 3 mature cows in midgestation to be strip-grazed as four paddocks over 126 days. Six similar cows were allotted to replicated drylots. All cows were fed hay as necessary to maintain a condition score of 5 on a 9-point scale. Cows were condition-scored biweekly and weighed monthly. Forage yield and weathering losses were determined by sampling one 4-m2 location per grazed or ungrazed paddock in each field with a minimum total of 2 locations of grazed or ungrazed forage per field. To measure forage selection during grazing, samples of grazed forage were collected from the rumen of one fistulated steer that grazed for 2 hours after ruminal evacuation. Non-bt-corn hybrids had greater (P<.05) infestation of corn borers in the upper stalk, lower stalk and ear shank than bt-corn hybrids. However, there were no differences in grain yields or dropped grain between hybrids. Crop residue dry matter, organic matter and in vitro digestible dry matter yields at the initiation of grazing did not differ between corn hybrids. Dry matter, organic matter and in vitro digestible dry matter losses tended (P<.10) to be greater from the NX6236 and N64-Z4 hybrids than from the 3489 and 34RO7 hybrids and were greater (P<.05) from grazed than non-grazed areas of the fields. At the initiation of grazing, dry matter concentrations of the crop residues from the NX6236 and N64-Z4 hybrids tended to be lower than those from the 3489 and 34RO7 hybrids. Crop residues from the NX6236 and N64-74 hybrids had lower concentrations of acid detergent fiber (P<.05) and acid detergent lignin (P=.07) and higher concentrations of in vitro digestible organic matter than the 3489 and 34RO7 hybrids. Over the grazing season, corn hybrid did not affect mean rates of change in forage composition. The concentration of in vitro digestible organic matter in forage selected by steers after two weeks of grazing did not differ. However, steers grazing corn crop residues consumed forage with higher (P<.05) concentrations of neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, and acid detergent insoluble nitrogen than steers fed hay. The acid detergent fiber concentration of forage selected by steers grazing the 3489 and N64-Z4 hybrids was lower (P < .05) than concentrations from the 34RO7 and NX6236 hybrids. In order to maintain similar body condition score changes, cows grazing crop residues from the 3489, 34RO7, NX6236, and N64-Z4 hybrids required 650, 628, 625, and 541 kg hay DM/cow compared with a hay requirement of 1447 kg hay DM/cow for cows maintained in a drylot.
No-till minimizes the incorporation of crop residue and fertilizer with soil; resulting in wetter, colder soils and the accumulation of organic matter, phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) near the soil surface. Banding of P and Kcould be more effective than broadcast fertilization by counteracting stratification, applying nutrients in the root zone (starter effect), and minimizing reactions with the soil that may reduce their availability to plants. Therefore, a long-term study was established in 1994 to evaluate P and K fertilizer rates and placement methods for grain yield of corn and soybean managed with no-till and chiselplow/disk tillage.
Corn is planted earlier each year, which is one important component in maximizing grain yield. Earlier planting dates can be attributed to larger farms, less spring tillage, improvements in corn hybrids, improved drainage systems, and better seed treatments. Research conducted at the ISU Northwest Research Farm from 2006 through 2009 showed that the planting window for 98 percent or greater yield potential in northwest Iowa is April 15 to May 9. A 95 percent or greater yield potential can be realized from April 15 to May 18. A study was conducted from 2009 through 2011 at the Northwest Research Farm to determine how corn planted in early April compares with corn planted in the recommended planting window for the area.
Fungicides were rarely used on hybrid corn prior to 2007, however, in the past few years, some farmers have included fungicides in their common crop production, particularly as the value of grain has increased. Fungicides are recommended for foliar disease management to protect yield potential. There also have been reports of increased yields in the absence of disease. A number of fungicides are registered for use on corn. The objectives of this project were to evaluate the yield response of hybrid corn to foliar fungicide application at various timings.
No-till management limits the incorporation of crop residue and fertilizer with soil resulting in wetter, colder soils and the accumulation of organic matter, phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) near the soil surface. Banding of P and K could be more effective than broadcast fertilization by counteracting stratification, applying nutrients in the root zone (starter effect), and minimizing reactions with the soil that may reduce their availability to plants. Therefore, this long-term study was established in 1994 to evaluate P and K fertilizer placement methods and grain yield of corn-soybean rotations managed with notill and chisel-plow/disk tillage.
Fungicides were rarely used on hybrid corn prior to 2007, however, in the past few years some farmers have made fungicides a regular input in their crop production, particularly as the value of grain has increased. Fungicides are recommended for foliar disease management to protect yield potential. There have also been reports of increased yields in the absence of disease. A number of fungicides are registered for use on corn. The objectives of this project were to evaluate the yield response of hybrid corn to foliar fungicide application at various timings.