3 resultados para sort

em Digital Repository at Iowa State University


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Cattle in three experiments were scanned with ultrasound as feeders to measure ribeye area and thickness of fat cover to determine if cattle could be sorted into outcome groups with respect to carcass yield. Sorting the cattle into low fat cover or large ribeye groups resulted in improved carcass yield grades. There were no effects on carcass quality grades related to sorting of the cattle. Cattle with greater fat cover at the beginning of the feeding period were heavier, seemed to be more mature and had less muscle growth during the finishing period. There were no significant differences in gain among the groups, but cattle with more fat cover had poorer feed efficiency. Ultrasound seems to have potential to sort feeder cattle, but before it can be used in practice, growth curves need to be developed to predict final end points of individual cattle.


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Steers were sorted into four groups based on hip height and fat cover at the start of the finishing period. Each group of sorted steers was fed diets containing 0.59 or 0.64 Mcal NEg per lb. of diet dry matter. Steers with less initial fat cover (0.08 in.) compared with those with more (0.17) had less carcass fat cover 103 days later. The steers with less fat cover accumulated fat at a faster rate, but this was not apparent prior to 80 days. Accretion of fat was best predicted by an exponential growth equation, and was not affected by the two concentrations of energy fed in this study. Steers with greater initial height accumulated fat cover at a slower rate than shorter steers. This difference was interpreted to mean that large-frame steers accumulate subcutaneous fat at a slower rate than medium-frame steers. Increase in area of the ribeye was best described by a linear equation. Initial fat cover, hip height, and concentrations of energy in the diet did not affect rate of growth of this muscle. Predicting carcass fat cover from the initial ultrasound measurement of fat thickness found 46 of the 51 carcasses with less than 0.4 in. of fat cover. Twelve carcasses predicted to have less than 0.4 in. of fat cover had more than 0.4 in. Five carcasses predicted to have more than 0.4 in. actually had less than that. Accurate initial measurements of initial fat thickness with ultrasound might be a useful measurement to sort cattle for specific marketing grids.


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High tunnels have been successfully used in Iowa to modify the climate and extend the growing season for tomatoes and other crops. Without the use of supplemental heat these ventilated, single layered plastic structures have typically increased average inside air temperatures by 10°F or more over outside temperatures for the growing season. The same tunnel, however, will only increase the daily low temperature by about 1 or 2°F, thus making early season high tunnel plantings without additional heat or plant coverings risky in Iowa. Fabric row covers are commonly used in high tunnels to provide for an additional 2-4°F frost protection during cold evenings. The recommended planting date for high tunnel tomatoes in Iowa has been about April 16 (4 to 5 weeks ahead of the recommended outside planting date). Producers are also advised to have some sort of plant covering material available to protect plants during a late spring frost.