4 resultados para cash rental

em Digital Repository at Iowa State University


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Seasonal lamb supply has been established as one of the major hindrances to the American sheep industry. The ability to consistently lamb ewes on an accelerated production system offers additional benefits of reduced maintenance costs, more uniform cash flow along with reduced labor and facility demands. Previous work at McNay with spring breeding indicated that light priming rams regardless of genetic base improved conception rates, however, MGA feeding postweaning gave inconsistent and sometimes depressed reproductive activity in ewes. This study was conducted to evaluate the use of MGA in late lactation and a single PG600 injection at weaning, either individually or in combination.


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Futures did reduce price risk. Hedging produced a higher minimum return and higher return at the 25th percentile (75% of the returns are better than this figure) than did the cash market. The 50th percentile, or median return, was higher for yearlings in the cash market than hedged cattle, and the calves had mixed results. Although the differences are not great, there have been months when the option strategies performed better than cash or futures, (i.e., January–April and September–October), and there are months when they did not fare well (i.e., June–August).


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Beef cow herd owners can benefit from incorporating price signals into their heifer retention decisions. Whereas a perfect forecast of calf prices over the productive life of the heifer added to the herd would be ideal, such information is not available. However, simple decision rules that incorporate current or recent prices and the knowledge that the cattle cycle likely will repeat itself can help producers improve their investment decisions. A dollar cost averaging strategy that retains the same dollar value of heifers each year and a rolling average value strategy that retains a 10-year average value of heifers out performed strategies that sought to maintain a constant herd size or a constant cash flow.


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Perimeter trap cropping (PTC) involves planting one or more rows of a cucurbit crop that is highly attractive to cucumber beetles around the border of a main cucurbit cash crop that is less attractive to the beetles. Cucumber beetles attempting to migrate into the field are concentrated in the relatively more attractive border crop, where they can be controlled by insecticides. In New England, perimeter trap cropping using Blue Hubbard squash as the border crop around pumpkin, cucumber, or butternut squash controlled cucumber beetle/bacterial wilt with as few as one border spray of insecticide. This strategy reduced insecticide use on the main crop by up to 94 percent, nearly eliminating sprays on the main cash crop. In on-farm trials, 8 of 10 Massachusetts growers found that using perimeter trap cropping saved them money. The same tactic also effectively managed cucumber beetles on muskmelon and squash in Oklahoma.