8 resultados para Forage crops. Feed crops, Includes sileage, grasses, hay, legumes etc

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Rising costs of petroleum fuels and increased awareness of the adverse effects of greenhouse gases have spurred interest in renewable fuels and other ‘green’ products. Recent legislation has set goals of approximately 20 billion gallons of renewable fuel produced from non-corn starch sources by the year 2022. These driving forces have increased interest in dedicated bioenergy crops. Among perennial grasses, which have received an exceptional amount of attention as dedicated energy crops, one stands out: Miscanthus (Miscanthus x giganteus).


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Rising costs of petroleum fuels and increased awareness of the adverse effects of greenhouse gases have spurred interest in renewable fuels and other ‘green’ products. Recent legislation has set goals of approximately 20 billion gallons of renewable fuel produced from non-corn starch sources by the year 2022. These driving forces have increased interest in dedicated bioenergy crops. Among perennial grasses, which have received an exceptional amount of attention as dedicated energy crops, one stands out: Miscanthus (Miscanthus x giganteus).


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A comparison was made between two different summer grazing systems. One system was the summer component of a year-round grazing system, involving the rotational stocking of smooth bromegrass--orchardgrass--birdsfoot trefoil pastures and winter stockpiles pastures with cowcalf pairs co-grazing with stocker yearlings at .75 animal units per acre. That system was compared with a minimal land system involving the rotational stocking of smooth bromegrass--orchardgrass-- birdsfoot trefoil summer pastures with cow-calf pairs grazing at .64 animal units per acre and hay removal from 25% of the pasture. Stocker yearlings or hay removal were used as management tools to remove excess forage and optimize forage quality. Hay was removed once from three fourths of the winter stockpiled pastures and one fourth of the allocated summer pastures. Cow-calf pairs grazing in the year-round system utilized on fourth of the winter stockpile pastures due to lack of forage, whereas cow-calf pairs grazing with hay removal were supplemented with harvested hay for two weeks during the summer. Grazing system did not affect cow body weight, condition score, or daily calf weight gain. Growing animal production per acre was affected by grazing system, with the minimal land system having a higher production level.


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Fifteen beef cow-calf producers in southern Iowa were selected based on locality, management level, historical date of grazing initiation and desire to participate in the project. In 1997 and 1998, all producers kept records of production and economic data using the Integrated Resource Management-Standardized Performance Analysis (IRM-SPA) records program. At the initiation of grazing on each farm in 1997 and 1998, Julian date, degree-days, cumulative precipitation, and soil moisture, phosphorus, and potassium concentrations were determined. Also determined were pH, temperature, and load-bearing capacity; and forage mass, sward height, morphology and dry matter concentration. Over the grazing season, forage production, measured both by cumulative mass and sward height, forage in vitro digestible dry matter concentration, and crude protein concentration were determined monthly. In the fall of 1996 the primary species in pastures on farms used in this project were cool-season grasses, which composed 76% of the live forage whereas legumes and weeds composed 8.3 and 15.3%, respectively. The average number of paddocks was 4.1, reflecting a low intensity rotational stocking system on most farms. The average dates of grazing initiation were May 5 and April 29 in 1997 and 1998, respectively, with standard deviations of 14.8 and 14.1 days. Because the average soil moisture of 23% was dry and did not differ between years, it seems that most producers delayed the initiation of grazing to avoid muddy conditions by initiating grazing at a nearly equal soil moisture. However, Julian date, degree-days, soil temperature and morphology index at grazing initiation were negatively related to seasonal forage production, measured as mass or sward height, in 1998. And forage mass and height at grazing initiation were negatively related to seasonal forage production, measured as sward height, in 1997. Moreover, the concentrations of digestible dry matter at the initiation of and during the grazing season and the concentrations of crude protein during the grazing season were lower than desired for optimal animal performance. Because the mean seasonal digestible dry matter concentration was negatively related to initial forage mass in 1997 and mean seasonal crude proteins concentrations were negatively related to the Julian date, degree-days, and morphology indeces in both years, it seems that delaying the initiation of grazing until pasture soils are not muddy, is limiting the quality as well as the quantity of pasture forage. In 1997, forage production and digestibility were positively related to the soil phosphorus concentration. Soil potassium concentration was positively related to forage digestibility in 1997 and forage production and crude protein concentration in 1998. Increasing the number of paddocks increased forage production, measured as sward height, in 1997, and forage digestible dry matter concentration in 1998. Increasing yields or the concentrations of digestible dry matter or crude protein of pasture forage reduced the costs of purchased feed per cow.


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Alfalfa, smooth bromegrass, and big bluestem hays harvested at two maturities differing by four weeks were fed at mature-to-immature hay ratios of 1:0, 2:1, 1:2, and 0:1 to yearling heifers in an experiment with a three 4 x 4 Latin square design with 14 day periods. Concentrations of in vitro digestible dry matter and crude protein were greater and concentrations of neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, and indigestible neutral detergent fiber (determined by either a manual method with a 96 hour incubation or an automated method with a 48 hour incubation) were less in alfalfa hay than in the two grass hays and in smooth bromegrass hay than in big bluestem hay. Concentrations of in vitro digestible dry matter and crude protein decreased whereas those of neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber and indigestible neutral detergent fiber increased with increasing forage maturity. Consumptions of dry matter, digestible dry matter, in vitro digestible dry matter, and crude protein were greater for heifers fed alfalfa hay diets than those fed the two grasses. Consumptions of total neutral detergent fiber and indigestible neutral detergent fiber, determined by the automated method with a 48 hour incubation, were greater by heifers fed diets containing big bluestem than those fed alfalfa or smooth bromegrass diets. Consumptions of acid detergent fiber and indigestible neutral detergent fiber, determined by a manual method with a 96 hour incubation, were greater for heifers fed alfalfa or big bluestem hay diets than those of heifers fed smooth bromegrass diets. Consumption of dry matter, in vivo or in vitro digestible dry matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber and automated indigestible neutral detergent fiber decreased as the mature-to-immature hay ratio decreased. Diet digestibility was not affected by forage species, but increased as the mature-toimmature hay ratio decreased. Fecal excretion of dry matter and neutral detergent fiber did not differ between forage species or mature-to-immature hay ratios. Forage dry matter intake expressed as a percentage of body weight was significantly related to the concentrations of in vitro digestible dry matter (r2=.14), crude protein (r2=.17), neutral detergent fiber (r2=.20), and manual indigestible neutral detergent fiber (r2=.18) of the hays and the concentration of digestible dry matter of the diets (r2=.43).


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The Neely-Kinyon Long-term Agroecological Research (LTAR) site was established in 1998 to study the long-term effects of organic production in Iowa. Treatments at the LTAR site, replicated four times in a completely randomized design, include the following rotations: conventional Corn-Soybean (C-S), organic Corn-Soybean-Oats/Alfalfa (C-SO/A), organic Corn-Soybean-Oats/AlfalfaAlfalfa (C-S-O/A-A) and Corn-SoybeanCorn-Oats/Alfalfa (C-SB-C-O/A). On April 13, 2011, Badger oats were underseeded with BR Goldfinch alfalfa at a rate of 90 lb/acre and 15 lb/acre, respectively. Following harvest of the organic corn plots in 2010, winter rye was no-till drilled at a rate of 75 lb/acre on October 20, 2010.


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The primary objective of this project was to determine the impact of appropriate rates of swine manure applications to corn and soybeans based on nitrogen and phosphorus requirements of crops, soil phosphorus accumulation, and the potential of nitrate and phosphorus leaching to groundwater. Another purpose of this long-term experimental study was to develop and recommend appropriate manure and nutrient management practices to producers to minimize the water contamination potential and enhance the use of swine manure as inorganic fertilizer. A third component of this study was to determine the potential effects of rye as a cover crop to reduce nitrate loss to shallow ground water.


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The Neely-Kinyon LTAR site was established in 1998 to study the long-term effects of organic production in Iowa. Treatments at the LTAR site, replicated four times in a completely randomized design, include the following rotations: conventional Corn-Soybean (C-S), organic Corn-Soybean-Oats/Alfalfa (C-S-O/A), organic Corn-Soybean-Oats/Alfalfa-Alfalfa (CS-O/A-A). A new rotation of Corn-SoybeanCorn-Oats/Alfalfa (C-SB-C-O/A) replaced the old S-W/RC rotation.