145 resultados para ASL R1353

em Digital Repository at Iowa State University


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Fifty-six acres of central Iowa corn land were seeded to bromegrass and divided with high-tensile wire into eight seven-acre plots. This bromegrass was fertilized with 70 pounds of nitrogen each spring and fall, 1987-1990. In 1991 – 1995, the nitrogen was increased to 80 pounds both spring and fall. The plots were stocked with 1.3 cow/calf pairs per acre in 1987-1991 and 1993–1995, but in 1992 the plots were stocked with 1.55 cow/calf pairs per acre. The pairs were rotated using two distinct schemes among four cells for about 150 days. The plots averaged 607 pounds of net calf weight per acre per year over nine years. Rainfall was quite variable during the grazing seasons and was reflected in calf performance as well as summer feed costs. This intensive rotational grazing system has greatly reduced both weed population and the need for mechanical clipping.


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Pastures containing alfalfa-grass or smooth bromegrass were stocked with .6, .8, or 1.0 cow-calf units per acre to compare cow and calf production in rotational grazing systems managed for optimum forage quality. To remove excess forage early in the grazing season, yearling heifers or steers grazed with the cows in each pasture at a stocking rate of .6 ccu per acre for the first 28, 37, and 40 days of grazing in years one, two, and three. Live forage density and days of grazing per paddock were estimated by sward height. Cows, calves, and yearlings were weighed and cows condition scored every 28 days. All cows grazed for 140 days unless forage became limiting. The cows on the smooth bromegrass pasture stocked at 1.0 cow-calf units per acre were removed after 119 days in 1994, 129 days in 1995, and 125 days in 1996. Cows on one of the alfalfagrass pastures stocked at 1.0 ccu per acre were removed after 136 days of grazing in 1996 because of lack of forage. Alfalfa-grass pastures tended to have a more consistent supply of forage over the grazing season than the bromegrass pastures. Cows grazing the alfalfa-grass pastures had greater seasonal weight gains and body condition score increases and lower yearling weight gains than the smooth bromegrass pastures. Daily and total calf weight gains and total animal production also tended to be greater in alfalfa-cool season grass pastures. Increasing stocking rates resulted in significantly lower cow body condition increases and yearling weight gains, and also increased the amounts of calf and total growing animal produced.


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The biology of relaxin differs in many respects between ruminants and nonruminants. Immunoreactive blood concentration of circulating relaxin is much less in ruminant (cattle and sheep) than in nonruminant (pigs) farm animals. The ovaries of the pig produce abundant quantities of the hormone in late pregnancy, whereas tissue sources of relaxin are not clearly defined in sheep and cattle. Relaxin facilitates parturition by cervical dilation and pelvic canal expansion in several mammalian species. Relaxin injected intramuscularly during late pregnancy can cause earlier parturition in cattle, but in sheep limited evidence indicates it does not induce earlier delivery than seen in diluent-treated controls. Intravenous infusion of increasing dosages of relaxin in beef heifers the last days of pregnancy decreased plasma progesterone concentration compared with phosphate buffer controls, but oxytocin plasma concentrations remained similar throughout the posttreatment period. Although continuous intravenous infusion of relaxin depressed blood levels of progesterone, it did not result in earlier parturition than seen in the diluent treated controls. Thus, the timing and method of relaxin administration during late pregnancy in ruminants affect remodelling of collagen and pelvic canal relaxation and can result in earlier parturition.


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The heifer development project was a five year project conducted on the site of the former Jackson County Farm north of Andrew, Iowa, for four years and on an area producer’s farm for the fifth year. Heifers arrived around December 1 each year and the average number of heifers each year was 43 with a low of 37 and high of 47. After a 30+ day warm-up period the heifers were put on a 112-day test from early January to late April. They were fed a shelled corn and legume-grass hay ration consisting of between 13% and 14% crude protein and a range of .44 to .58 megacal/pound of NEg over the five years. During the 112-day test heifers gained 1.86, 1.78, 1.5, 1.63 and 2.2 pounds per day, respectively, for years 1992 through 1996. The actual average breeding weight was less than the target weight in three years by 5, 12 and 22 pounds and exceeded the target weight in two year by 17 and 28 pounds. Estrus synchronization used a combination of MGA feeding and Lutalyse injection. Heifers were heat detected and bred 12 hours later for a three-day period. On the fourth day, all heifers not bred were mass inseminated. Heifers then ran with the cleanup bull for 58 days. The average synchronization response rate during the project was 79%. The overall pregnancy rates based on September pregnancy averaged 92%. The five year average total cost per head for heifer development was $286.18 or about $.85 per day. Feed and pasture costs averaged 61% of the total costs.


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One hundred fifty crossbred yearling steers with an average weight of 876 pounds were used in a 111-day experiment. Steers received either 1) no implant and no ionophore, 2) Synovex Plus¨ and no ionophore, 3) Cattlyst¨ and no implant, 4) Synovex Plus¨ and Cattlyst¨, or 5) Revalor S¨ and Rumensin¨. Implanting steers with ) Synovex Plus¨ increased gain and improved feed efficiency compared with control steers. Compared with steers not implanted, steers implanted with Synovex Plus¨ had heavier carcasses and larger ribeye areas, but similar fat thickness and yield grades. Feeding Cattlyst¨ alone did not increase gain or improve feed conversion, but there was some improvement in feedlot performance when Cattlyst¨ was fed to steers implanted with Synovex Plus¨. Steers implanted with Synovex Plus¨ and fed Cattlyst¨ had superior gains to steers implanted with Revalor S¨ and fed Rumensin¨.


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Fifty head of crossbred steers started grazing 51 acres of pasture on May 1 in a rotational grazing system using a variable density paddock system. Twenty-two head grazed 92 days, 27 grazed 140 days, and one steer died. A total of 11,922 pounds was produced on 5,804 animal-days of grazing. The average daily gain was 2.02 pounds for group 1 and 2.07 for group 2. The stocking rate for the first 92 days was .98 steers per acre and .53 for the final 48 days. The animal days of grazing per acre was 113 and the pounds of gain per acre was 233. Total return for land, labor and management for the demonstration was $2,829.76 or $55.49/acre.


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One hundred forty-four crossbred yearling steers with an average weight of 841 pounds were used in a 116- day experiment. Steers received either 1) no implant, 2) Synovex S¨, 3) Revalor S¨, or 4) Synovex Plus¨. All implanted groups consumed more feed and gained faster and more efficiently than non-implanted steers. There were no significant differences in gain, feed intake or feed efficiency among implanted groups, though steers with the estrogen + trenbolone acetate combination implants were numerically superior to those implanted with Synovex S¨. There were no differences in feedlot performance between the two combination implants. Implants increased carcass weight with no significant effects on fat thickness or carcass quality grades. The combination implants containing trenbolone acetate increased ribeye area and increased masculinity of the carcasses. These results indicate Synovex Plus¨ is an effective implant for finishing steers.


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A feeding trial was conducted with 790-lb yearling heifers fed an average of 121 days to evaluate replacing cracked corn and supplemental urea with wet distillers grains or condensed distillers solubles. Wet distillers grains were evaluated at 16%, 28% and 40% of diet dry matter. Condensed distillers solubles were added at 6.5% of diet dry matter. Control diets were supplemented with urea or a combination of urea and soybean meal. Feeding 16% wet distillers grains or condensed distillers solubles increased gain of heifers compared with those fed the control urea diet. Increasing the amount of wet distillers grains tended to decrease feed intake and reduce gain. The calculated apparent net energy based on gain of the heifers was greatest for the heifers fed 16% wet distillers grains. The apparent energy of the wet distillers grains declined as the quantity fed was increased. The calculated net energy values were 1.09 and 1.35 Mcal/lb of dry matter for the average of the three concentrations of wet distillers grains and condensed distillers solubles. These results confirm the high energy values of wet distillers grains relative to cracked corn as observed in a previous steer feeding trial.


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Growth hormone (GH) is a metabolic hormone that plays an important role in long-bone growth and muscle accretion in mammals. The anterior pituitary gland at the base of the brain is the primary site of GH production and release into the general circulation. Neurons in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus in the lower part of the brain secrete GH-releasing hormone ([GHRH] or factor [GRF]) and GH-release-inhibiting hormone ([GHRIH] or somatostatin [SRIH]) that acutely modulate GH secretion by the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is connected to the median eminence of the hypothalamus by a stalk (hypophyseal stalk). Complete surgical removal of the pituitary gland (hypophysectomy) arrests growth and greatly impairs metabolism in laboratory and farm animal species. Daily subcutaneous injection of bovine GH (bGH) in immature hypophysectomized rats significantly increased body growth and epiphyseal plate width of the long-bone (tibia) compared with diluent-treated hypophysectomized controls. Growth rate was less, however, in the bGH-treated animals compared with intact controls. In beef calves, hypophysectomy completely arrested body weight gain and long-bone growth. GH is secreted in an episodic pattern in young growing intact calves. Episodic GH secretion was abolished immediately following hypophyseal stalk transection, and basal GH blood concentration was less than in shamoperated controls. Regardless, growth continued in these stalk-transected calves during a 1,008-day period, but at a lower growth rate than seen in the sham-operated controls. At autopsy, pituitary gland weight was greatly decreased in hypophyseal stalktransected compared with sham-operated calves. Thus, in spite of obliterated episodic GH release and decreased basal secretion of GH, the isolated pituitary gland of hypophyseal stalk transected calves continues to secrete sufficient amounts of GH for significant growth and development throughout a long period.


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A feeding trial was conducted with 940-lb yearling steers fed 113 days to determine the feeding value of distillers grains relative to corn grain. Replacing corn and urea with wet distillers grains for 20% of the diet dry matter tended to increase gain with no increase in feed consumption, resulting in improved feed conversion. Replacing 40% of diet dry matter with wet distillers grains decreased feed intake without affecting gains, and improved feed efficiency. The overall average estimated net energy value of wet distillers grains was 1.20 Mcal NEg per pound dry matter. This experiment confirmed the observations in previous cattle feeding experiments, that for finishing cattle wet distillers grains have a high energy value compared with cracked corn grain. Another objective of the study was to determine if cattle being fed wet distillers grains could be suddenly changed to a different diet if the supply of wet feed was suddenly disrupted. It was found that if intake is managed during the change, that distillers grains portion of the diet can be suddenly changed from wet to dry and then changed back to wet after a week, without sacrificing performance of the cattle.


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Yearling steers were sorted into four groups based on hip height and fat cover at the start of the finishing period. Each group of sorted steers was fed diets containing 0.59 or 0.64 Mcal NEg per pound of diet. The value of each carcass was determined by use of the Oklahoma State University Boxed Beef Calculator. Sorting to increase hip height decreased the percentage of Choice carcasses and fat cover, increased ribeye area, and had no effect on carcass weight or yield grades 1 and 2. Sorting to decrease initial fat cover decreased carcass weight, carcass fat cover, and percentage of choice carcasses and increased the proportion of yield grades 1 and 2 carcasses. Concentration of energy in the finishing diet had no effect on carcass measurements. Increasing the percentage of yield grades 1 and 2 carcasses did not result in increased economic value of the carcasses when quality grades were lower and when there was a wide spread between Choice and Select carcasses, as occurred in 1996. With less spread between Choice and Select, as in 1997, sorting the cattle to increase yield grades 1 and 2 resulted in increased value, especially for close-trim boxed beef. The results of this study emphasize the importance of knowing how carcasses will grade before selecting a valuebased market for selling cattle.


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Two synchronization protocols in lactating dairy and beef cows and in dairy heifers were tested for efficacy of breeding by artificial insemination (AI) with or without estrus detection. Controls received three prostaglandin F2a (PGF2a) injections 14 days apart before AI at observed estrus. Pregnancy rates were compared with animals on the Ovsynch protocol that combined gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) and PGF2a treatments with a timed AI 16 to 20 hours after the second GnRH injection. The pregnancy rates were similar at synchronized ovulation to fixed-time AI in lactating cows, but not effective in heifers because of the lack of synchronization.


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These studies were designed to determine whether continuous intravenous infusion of increasing dosages of porcine relaxin during late pregnancy in beef heifers would influence circulating blood concentrations of relaxin, progesterone, and oxytocin, and time of onset of parturition. Beef heifers were bred by artificial insemination and, on Day 277, fitted with indwelling jugular cannulas for hormone infusion and blood sampling from Day 277 to 286. Intravenous infusion of purified porcine relaxin (pRLX, 3000 U mg-1) was started in heifers (n = 8) at increasing dosages (200 U h-1 on Days 277 and 278, 300 U h-1 on Days 279 and 280, 500 U h-1 on Day 281, 600 U h-1 on Day 282, and 700 U h-1 on Days 283 to 286). Phosphate buffer saline (PBS, 10 ml h-1) was infused during these same times to control (n = 6) animals. Relaxin treatment steadily increased the circulating plasma concentration of immunoreactive relaxin to more than 120 ng ml-1 compared with less than 0.5 ng ml-1 in PBStreated controls. Relaxin infusion in increasing dosages over the treatment time was associated with a significant decrease (P < 0.01) in plasma progesterone concentration compared with the PBS controls. Plasma levels of oxytocin at 4- hour intervals remained similar (P > 0.05) during the pretreatment period and throughout continuous infusion of pRLX and PBS. Although continuous intravenous infusion of relaxin resulted in a decrease in circulating blood levels of progesterone, it did not significantly reduce the interval between the beginning of pRLX treatment and parturition compared with the PBS-infused control heifers. These results indicate that continuous intravenous infusion of high levels of porcine relaxin resulted in a decrease in progesterone secretion in late pregnant beef heifers.


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A digestibility trial, utilizing eight crossbred steers weighing initially 741 lbs. was conducted in an 8 x 8 Latin square design. High-fiber corn by-products were compared with corn as energy sources when fed in mixed diets with either lowor high-quality forage. Ground, dry corn stover and ground alfalfa hay were both fed alone or with corn grain, dried corn gluten feed (CGF), and dried corn distillers grains plus solubles (DDG) in a 1:1 ratio (dry basis). Total tract dry matter digestibility (DMD) was increased for both forages when fed with concentrates. Total tract DMD was similar in stover-based and alfalfa-based diets fed with CGF and DDG. However, stover+corn was lower in DMD than either stover+CGF and stover+DDG. Conversely, alfalfa+corn was higher in DMD than alfalfa+CGF or alfalfa+DDG. Feeding stover with corn tended to decrease digestibility of neutral detergent fiber (NDF), while feeding stover with CGF or DDG increased NDFD. There was no effect upon NDF digestion of alfalfa-based diets when fed with any of the concentrates. Feeding either forage with a concentrate increased digestible energy (DE). Stover+CGF and stover+DDG were similar in DE and were both higher in DE than stover+corn. Alfalfa+DDG tended to be higher than alfalfa+CGF and was similar to alfalfa+corn in DE. Alfalfa+CGF was lower in DE compared with alfalfa+corn. Results are interpreted to indicate that stover is more susceptible to negative feed interactions caused by corn grain than is alfalfa. Additionally, highfiber corn co-products fed with stover resulted in a positive associative effect but essentially had no associative effect when fed with alfalfa.


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A feeding trial was conducted with 860-lb yearling steers fed 121 days to evaluate Condensed Porcine Solubles (Porcine Solubles) as a source of supplemental nitrogen for finishing cattle. Diets containing 5% soybean meal, 1.46% urea, and 2% or 4% Porcine Solubles were compared. When first offered, cattle did not want to consume feed containing the Porcine Solubles. Following adaptation, feed containing up to 4% Porcine Solubles was readily consumed. During the first 56 days, steers fed soybean meal gained faster and were more efficient than steers fed urea or Porcine Solubles. At the end of the trial there were no differences among the nitrogen supplements in feed intake, gain, or feed conversion. There were no significant differences in carcass weight or measures of carcass quality.