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The 20th Annual Biochemical Engineering Symposium was held at Kansas State University on April 21,1990. The objectives of the symposium were to provide: (i) a forum for informal discussion of biochemical engineering research being conducted at the participating institutions and (ii) an opportunity for students to present and publish their work. Twenty-eight papers presented at the symposium are included in this proceedings. Some of the papers describe the progress of ongoing projects, and others contain the results of completed projects. Only brief summaries are given of the papers that will be published in full elsewhere. The program of the symposium and a list of the participants are included in the proceedings. ContentsCell Separations and Recycle Using an Inclined Settler, Ching-Yuan Lee, Robert H. Davis and Robert A. Sclafani Micromixing and Metabolism in Bioreactors: Characterization of a 14 L Fermenter, K.S. Wenger and E.H. Dunlop Production, Purification, and Hydrolysis Kinetics of Wild-Type and Mutant Glucoamylases from Aspergillus Awamori, Ufuk Bakir, Paul D. Oates, Hsiu-Mei Chen and Peter J. Reilly Dynamic Modeling of the Immune System, Barry Vant-Hull and Dhinakar S. Kompala Dynamic Modeling of Active Transport Across a Biological Cell: A Stochastic Approach, B.C. Shen, S.T. Chou, Y.Y. Chiu and L.T. Fan Electrokinetic Isolation of Bacterial Vesicles and Ribosomes, Debra T.L. Hawker, Robert H. Davis, Paul W. Todd, and Robert Lawson Application of Dynamic Programming for Fermentative Ethanol Production by Zymomonas mobilis, Sheyla L. Rivera and M. Nazmul Karim Biodegradation of PCP by Pseudomonas cepacia, R. Rayavarapu, S.K. Banerji, and R.K. Bajpai Modeling the Bioremediation of Contaminated Soil Aggregates: a Phenomenological Approach, S. Dhawan, L.E. Erickson and L.T. Fan Biospecific Adsorption of Glucoamylase-I from Aspergillus niger on Raw Starch, Bipin K. Dalmia and Zivko L. Nikolov Overexpression in Recombinant Mammalian Cells: Effect on Growth Rate and Genetic Instability, Jeffrey A. Kern and Dhinakar S. Kompala Structured Mathematical Modeling of Xylose Fermentation, A.K. Hilaly, M.N. Karim, I. C. Linden and S. Lastick A New Culture Medium for Carbon-limited Growth of Bacillus thuringiensis, W. -M. Liu and R.K. Bajpai Determination of Sugars and Sugar Alcohols by High Performance Ion Chromatography, T. J. Paskach, H.-P. Lieker, P.J. Reilly, and K. Thielecke Characterization of Poly-Asp Tailed B-Galactosidase, M.Q. Niederauer, C.E. Glatz, l.A. Suominen, C.F. Ford, and M.A. Rougvie Computation of Conformations and Energies of cr-Glucosyl Disaccharides, Jing Zepg, Michael K. Dowd, and Peter J. Reilly Pentachlorophenol Interactions with Soil, Shein-Ming Wei, Shankha K. Banerji, and Rakesh K. Bajpai Oxygen Transfer to Viscous Liquid Media in Three-Phase Fluidized Beds of Floating Bubble Freakers, Y. Kang, L.T. Fan, B.T. Min and S.D. Kim Studies on the Invitro Development of Chick Embryo, A. Venkatraman and T. Panda The Evolution of a Silicone Based Phase-Separated Gravity-Independent Bioreactor, Peter E. Villeneuve and Eric H. Dunlop Biodegradation of Diethyl Phthalate, Guorong Zhang, Kenneth F. Reardon and Vincent G. Murphy Microcosm Treatability of Soil Contaminated with Petroleum Hydrocarbons, P. Tuitemwong, S. Dhawan, B.M. Sly, L.E. Erickson and J.R. Schlup


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The 21st Annual Biochemical Engineering Symposium was held at Colorado State University on April 20, 1991. The primary goals of this symposium series are to provide an opportunity for students to present and publish their research work and to promote informal discussions on biochemical engineering research. Contents High Density Fed-Batch Cultivation and Energy Metabolism of Bacillus thuringtensis; W.-M. Liu, V. Bihari, M. Starzak, and R.K. Bajpai Influences of Medium Composition and Cultivation Conditions on Recombinant Protein Production by Bacillus subtilis; K. Park, P.M. Linzmaier, and K.F. Reardon Characterization of a Foreign Gene Expression in a Recombinant T7 Expression System Infected with λ Phages; F. Miao and D.S. Kompala Simulation of an Enzymatic Membrane System with Forced Periodic Supply of Substrate; N. Nakaiwa, M. Yashima, L.T. Fan, and T. Ohmori Batch Extraction of Dilut Acids in a Hollow Fiber Module; D.G. O'Brien and C.E. Glatz Evaluation of a New Electrophoretic Device for Protein Purification; M.-J. Juang and R.G. Harrison Crossflow Microfiltration and Membrane Fouling for Yeast Cell Suspension; S. Redkar and R. Davis Interaction of MBP-β-Galactosidase Fusion Protein with Starch; L. Taladriz and Z. Nikolov Predicting the Solubility of Recombinant Proteins in Escherichia coli; D.L. Wilkinson and R.G. Harrison Evolution of a Phase-Separated, Gravity-Independent Bioractor; P.E. Villeneuve and E.H. Dunlop A Strategy for the Decontamination of Soils Containing Elevated Levels of PCP; S. Ghoshal, S. K. Banelji, and RK. Bajpai Practical Considerations for Implementation of a Field Scale In-Situ Bioremediation Project; J.P. McDonald, CA Baldwin, and L.E. Erickson Parametric Sensitivity Studies of Rhizopus oligosporus Solid Substrate Fermentation; J. Sargantanis, M.N. Karim, and V.G. Murphy, and RP. Tengerdy Production of Acetyl-Xylan Esterase from Aspergillus niger; M.R Samara and J.C. Linden Biological and Latex Particle Partitioning in Aqueous Two-Phase Systems; D.T.L. Hawker, RH. Davis, P.W. Todd, and R Lawson Novel Bioreactor /Separator for Microbial Desulfurization of Coal; H. Gecol, RH. Davis, and J .R Mattoon Effect of Plants and Trees on the Fate, Transport and Biodegradation of Contaminants in the Soil and Ground Water; W. Huang, E. Lee, J.F. Shimp, L.C. Davis, L.E. Erickson, and J.C. Tracy Sound Production by Interfacial Effects in Airlift Reactors; J. Hua, T.-Y. Yiin, LA Glasgow, and L.E. Erickson Soy Yogurt Fermentation of Rapid Hydration Hydrothermal Cooked Soy Milk; P. Tuitemwong, L.E. Erickson, and D.Y.C. Fung Influence of Carbon Source on Pentachlorophenol Degradation by Phanerochaete chrysosportum in Soil; C.-Y.M. Hsieh, RK. Bajpai, and S.K. Banerji Cellular Responses of Insect Cells Spodopiera frugiperda -9 to Hydrodynamic Stresses; P.L.-H. Yeh and RK. Bajpa1 A Mathematical Model for Ripening of Cheddar Cheese; J. Kim, M. Starzak, G.W. Preckshoi, and R.K. Bajpai


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This is the twenty-second of a series of symposia devoted to talks and posters by students about their biochemical engineering research. The first, third, fifth, ninth, twelfth, sixteenth, and twenti~th were hosted by Kansas State University, the second and fourth by the University of Nebraska- Lincoln, the sixth, seventh, tenth, thirteenth, seventeenth, and twenty-second by Iowa State University, the eighth, fourteenth, and nineteenth by the University of Missouri-Columbia, the eleventh, fifteenth, and twenty-first by Colorado State University, and the eighteenth by the University of Colorado. Next year's symposium will be at the University of Oklahoma. Symposium proceedings are edited and issued by faculty of the host institution. Because final publication usually takes place in refereed journals, articles included here are brief and often cover work in progress. ContentsC. A. Baldwin, J.P. McDonald, and L. E. Erickson, Kansas State University. Effect of Hydrocarbon Phase on Kinetic and Transport Limitations for Bioremediation of Microporous Soil J. C. Wang, S. K. Banerji, and Rakesh Bajpai, University of Missouri-Columbia. Migration of PCP in Soil-Columns in Presence of a Second Organic Phase Cheng-Hsien Hsu and Roger G. Harrison, University of Oklahoma. Bacterial Leaching of Zinc and Copper from Mining Wastes James A. Searles, Paul Todd, and Dhinakar S. Kompala, University of Colorado. Suspension Culture of Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells Utilizing Inclined Sedimentation Ron Beyerinck and Eric H. Dunlop, Colorado State University. The Effect of Feed Zone Turbulence as Measured by Laser Doppler Velocimetry on Baker's Yeast Metabolism in a Chemostat Paul Li-Hong Yeh, GraceY. Sun, Gary A. Weisman, and Rakesh Bajpai, University of Missouri-Columbia. Effect of Medium Constituents upon Membrane Composition of Insect Cells R. Shane Gold, M. M. Meagher, R. Hutkins, and T. Conway, University of Nebraska-Lincoin. Ethanol Tolerance and Carbohydrate Metabolism in Lactobacilli John Sargantanis and M. N. Karim, Colorado State University. Application of Kalman Filter and Adaptive Control in Solid Substrate Fermentation D. Vrana, M. Meagher, and R. Hutkins, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Product Recovery Optimization in the ABE Fermentation Kalyan R. Tadikonda and Robert H. Davis, University of Colorado. Cell Separations Using Targeted Monoclonal Antibodies Against Surface Proteins Meng H. Heng and Charles E. Glatz, Iowa State University. Charged Fusion for Selective Recovery of B-Galactosidase from Cell Extract Using Hollow Fiber Ion-Exchange Membrane Adsorption Hsiu-Mei Chen, Peter J. Reilly, and Clark Ford, Iowa State University. Site-Directed Mutagenesis to Enhance Thermostability of Glucoamylase from Aspergillus: A Rational Approach P. Tuitemwong, L. E. Erickson, and D. Y. C. Fung, Kansas State University. Applications of Enzymatic Hydrolysis and Fermentation on the Reduction of Flatulent Sugars in the Rapid Hydration Hydrothermal Cooked Soy Milk Sanjeev Redkar and Robert H. Davis, University of Colorado. Crossflow Microfiltration of Yeast Suspensions Linda Henk and James C. Linden, Colorado State University, and Irving C. Anderson, Iowa State University. Evaluation of Sorghum Ensilage as an Ethanol Feedstock Marc Lipovitch and James C. Linden, Colorado State University. Stability and Biomass Feedstock Pretreatability for Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation Ali Demirci, Anthony L. Pometto Ill, and Kenneth E. Johnson, Iowa State University. Application of Biofilm Reactors in Lactic Acid Fermentation Michael K. Dowd, Peter I. Reilly, and WalterS. Trahanovsky, Iowa State University. Low Molecular-Weight Organic Composition of Ethanol Stillage from Corn Craig E. Forney, Meng H. Heng, John R. Luther, Mark Q. Niederauer, and Charles E. Glatz, Iowa State University. Enhancement of Protein Separation Using Genetic Engineering J. F. Shimp, J. C. Tracy, E. Lee, L. C. Davis, and L. E. Erickson, Kansas State University. Modeling Contaminant Transport, Biodegradation and Uptake by Plants in the Rhizosphere Xiaoqing Yang, L. E. Erickson, and L. T. Fan, Kansas State University. Modeling of Dispersive-Convective Characteristics in Bioremediation of Contaminated Soil Jan Johansson and Rakesh Bajpai, University of Missouri-Columbia. Fouling of Membranes J. M. Wang, S. K. Banerji, and R. K. Bajpai, University of Missouri-Columbia. Migration of Sodium-Pentachorophenol (Na-PCP) in Unsaturated and Saturated Soil-Columns J. Sweeney and M. Meagher, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The Purification of Alpha-D-Glucuronidase from Trichoderma reesei


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This volume contains the Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Biochemical Engineering Symposium held at Kansas State University on September 21, 1996. The program included 10 oral presentations and 14 posters. Some of the papers describe the progress of ongoing projects, and others contain the results of completed projects. Only brief summaries are given of some of the papers; many of the papers will be published in full elsewhere. A listing of those who attended is given below. ContentsForeign Protein Production from SV40 Early Promoter in Continuous Cultures of Recombinant CHO Cells - Gautam Banik, Paul Todd, and Dhinakar Kampala Enhanced Cell Recruitment Due to Cell-Cell Interactions - Brad Farlow and Matthias Nollert The Recirculation of Hybridoma Suspension Cultures: Effects on Cell Death, Metabolism and Mab Productivity - Peng Jin and Carole A. Heath The Importance of Enzyme Inactivation and Self-Recovery in Cometabolic Biodegradation of Chlorinated Solvents - Xi-Hui Zhang, Shanka Banerji, and Rakesh Bajpai Phytoremediation of VOC contaminated Groundwater using Poplar Trees - Melissa Miller, Jason Dana, L.C. Davis, Murlidharan Narayanan, and L.E. Erickson Biological Treatment of Off-Gases from Aluminum Can Production: Experimental Results and Mathematical Modeling - Adeyma Y. Arroyo, Julio Zimbron, and Kenneth F. Reardon Inertial Migration Based Separation of Chlorella Microalgae in Branched Tubes - N.M. Poflee, A.L. Rakow, D.S. Dandy, M.L. Chappell, and M.N. Pons Contribution of Electrochemical Charge to Protein Partitioning in Aqueous Two-Phase Systems - Weiyu Fan and Charles C. Glatz Biodegradation of Some Commercial Surfactants Used in Bioremediation - Jun Gu, G.W. Preckshot, S.K. Banerji, and Rakesh Bajpai Modeling the Role of Biomass in Heavy Metal Transport Ln Vadose Zone - K.V. Nedunuri, L.E. Erickson, and R.S. Govindaraju Multivariable Statistical Methods for Monitoring Process Quality: Application to Bioinsecticide Production by 73 89 Bacillus Thuringiensis - c. Puente and M.N. Karim The Use of Polymeric Flocculants in Bacterial Lysate Streams - H. Graham, A.S. Cibulskas and E.H. Dunlop Effect of Water Content on transport of Trichloroethylene in a Chamber with Alfalfa Plants - Muralidharan Narayanan, Jiang Hu, Lawrence C. Davis, and Larry E. Erickson Detection of Specific Microorganisms using the Arbitrary Primed PCR in the Bacterial Community of Vegetated Soil - X. Wu and L.C. Davis Flux Enhancement Using Backpulsing - V.T. Kuberkar and R.H. Davis Chromatographic Purification of Oligonucleotides: Comparison with Electrophoresis - Stephen P. Cape, Ching-Yuan Lee, Kevin Petrini, Sean Foree, Micheal G. Sportiello and Paul Todd Determining Singular Arc Control Policies for Bioreactor Systems Using a Modified Iterative Dynamic Programming Algorithm - Arun Tholudur and W. Fred Ramirez Pressure Effect on Subtilisins Measured via FTIR, EPR and Activity Assays, and Its Impact on Crystallizations - J.N. Webb, R.Y. Waghmare, M.G. Bindewald, T.W. Randolph, J.F. Carpenter, C.E. Glatz Intercellular Calcium Changes in Endothelial Cells Exposed to Flow - Laura Worthen and Matthias Nollert Application of Liquid-Liquid Extraction in Propionic Acid Fermentation - Zhong Gu, Bonita A. Glatz, and Charles E. Glatz Purification of Recombinant T4 Lysozyme from E. Coli: Ion-Exchange Chromatography - Weiyu Fan, Matt L. Thatcher, and Charles E. Glatz Recovery and Purification of Recombinant Beta-Glucuronidase from Transgenic Corn - Ann R. Kusnadi, Roque Evangelista, Zivko L. Nikolov, and John Howard Effects of Auxins and cytokinins on Formation of Catharanthus Roseus G. Don Multiple Shoots - Ying-Jin Yuan, Yu-Min Yang, Tsung-Ting Hu, and Jiang Hu Fate and Effect of Trichloroethylene as Nonaqueous Phase Liquid in Chambers with Alfalfa - Qizhi Zhang, Brent Goplen, Sara Vanderhoof, Lawrence c. Davis, and Larry E. Erickson Oxygen Transport and Mixing Considerations for Microcarrier Culture of Mammalian Cells in an Airlift Reactor - Sridhar Sunderam, Frederick R. Souder, and Marylee Southard Effects of Cyclic Shear Stress on Mammalian Cells under Laminar Flow Conditions: Apparatus and Methods - M.L. Rigney, M.H. Liew, and M.Z. Southard