124 resultados para RFR A11103


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Vaccination is a management strategy utilized to help reduce prevalence of bovine respiratory disease in feedlots. However, not all animals respond similarly to vaccinations. It is believed that an animal’s genetics control part of the ability to respond to a vaccination protocol. In order to evaluate the genetic control of a new trait such as response to vaccination, it is important to understand the non-genetic factors that affect an animal’s response to vaccination. The objective of this study was to characterize the non-genetic factors affecting overall response to a two-shot vaccination for bovine viral diarrhea virus type 2 (BVDV2) in Angus weanling calves.


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Apple scab, caused by Venturia inaequalis, is a major disease affecting apple production. Breeding programs have developed over 30 releases of scab-resistant cultivars since 1970 with recent ones having much improved quality. Redfree and GoldRush are from a cooperative breeding program involving Purdue, Rutgers, and Illinois universities while Liberty was introduced from the Cornell University breeding program. For these cultivars to gain better acceptance, more information is needed on their cropping capacities and the effect of crop load on fruit quality attributes. Our study was conducted to determine the relationship between increasing crop load on tree growth, fruit size, and fruit quality variables of the three cultivars under Iowa conditions.


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Soybean aphid has been a major pest for producers in Northwest Iowa since their first major outbreak in 2003. Control measures for managing this pest are warranted almost every growing season and much research is being done on managing this pest. Insecticide applications have been the sole management technique for soybean aphid and will continue to be important in the future. An economic threshold of 250 aphids/plant is the current threshold level recommended by Iowa State University. This study was conducted to determine if the current recommendations are useful in managing soybean aphid and maintaining profitability for producers.


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Soil moisture samples were taken at eleven sites in northwest Iowa during the last few days of October 2011. Moisture samples were taken at 1-ft increments down to a 5-ft depth. Samples were weighed, oven dried, and reweighed at the ISU Northwest Research Farm. The moisture percentage was calculated from these data, and then used to calculate the inches of plant available moisture in the soil. The data from these sites are listed in the following table.


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Corn is planted earlier each year, which is one important component in maximizing grain yield. Earlier planting dates can be attributed to larger farms, less spring tillage, improvements in corn hybrids, improved drainage systems, and better seed treatments. Research conducted at the ISU Northwest Research Farm from 2006 through 2009 showed that the planting window for 98 percent or greater yield potential in northwest Iowa is April 15 to May 9. A 95 percent or greater yield potential can be realized from April 15 to May 18. A study was conducted from 2009 through 2011 at the Northwest Research Farm to determine how corn planted in early April compares with corn planted in the recommended planting window for the area.


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To evaluate the adaptability and performance of new and promising apple rootstocks in the dwarfing size-control category, a NC-140 regional rootstock trial was established in 2003 at 14 sites in the United States (AR, CA, IA, GA, KY, ME, MI, NY, OH, PA, UT, WI), Canada (BC), and Mexico. The Iowa planting, located at the ISU Horticulture Research Station, includes 23 rootstocks with new selections from the Cornell-Geneva breeding program (G, CG), Russia (Bud), Czech Republic (J-TE), Japan (JM), and Germany (PiAu) with M.26, M.9 Pajam 2, and M.9 T337 serving as industry standards. These rootstocks are being evaluated with Gibson Golden Delicious serving as the test cultivar. This report summarizes the tree-growth and production characteristics through the 2011 growing season.


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Farmers in central and north central Iowa are often criticized for low adoption of no-tillage. No-tillage is often faulted with cooler, wetter soils and subsequently reduced yields. An alternative to conventional tillage and no-tillage systems is strip tillage where the benefits of both may be combined.


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Objectives of this project were to study corn nitrogen (N) fertilization requirement and corn-soybean yield response when grown in a rye cover cropping system. Multiple rates of N fertilizer were applied, with measurement of corn yield response to applied N and soybean yield with and without a fall planted winter rye cover crop. The study was conducted at multiple research farms, with the intent for comparison of with and without a cover crop system across varying soil and climatic conditions in Iowa.


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Black polyethylene plastic mulch provides many benefits to fruit and vegetable producers. It increases earliness by increasing spring soil temperatures, conserves soil moisture, and reduces pesticide usage by decreasing weed and disease pressure. Furthermore, during seasons of high precipitation, it protects fertilizer from leaching below the root zone. Unfortunately, polyethylene mulches do not degrade and must be removed from the field and discarded each season. This is a labor-intensive process whether it is done mechanically or by hand. Several degradable plastic mulches have been developed that are designed to be incorporated into the soil profile, eliminating the need for removal, with no negative impact on soil quality or health. However, these degradable plastics often do not meet degradation expectations (either degrade too quickly or degrade incompletely and require manual removal). The objective of this project was to evaluate several degradable mulches for storage life, ease of use, and influence on tomato production.


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Fungicides were rarely used on hybrid corn prior to 2007, however, in the past few years, some farmers have included fungicides in their common crop production, particularly as the value of grain has increased. Fungicides are recommended for foliar disease management to protect yield potential. There also have been reports of increased yields in the absence of disease. A number of fungicides are registered for use on corn. The objectives of this project were to evaluate the yield response of hybrid corn to foliar fungicide application at various timings.


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Susceptible cucurbit crops are difficult to grow in Iowa because of bacterial wilt, caused by Erwinia tracheiphila. Striped and spotted cucumber beetles transmit bacterial wilt. Other insect pests such as squash vine borer and squash bugs may also have an economic impact on yield, particularly in squash.


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Often there is yellowing of soybeans following glyphosate applications that has been attributed by some as manganese or zinc deficiency. There have been varied reports of impacts of this ‘yellow flash’ on soybean yields. The trial was conducted to investigate such claims.


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A long-term experiment was established in 2009 to study continuous corn responses to potassium (K), nitrogen (N), and hybrid rootworm resistance. Previous research suggested a need for this study. A long-term trial conducted until 2001 at the ISU Northern Research Farm showed that the maximum corn yield level and the N rate that maximized yield was higher when K was optimal or greater. In contrast, the relative yield response to N and the N rate that maximized yield were similar for soil-test phosphorus (P) levels ranging from very low to very high. Other studies have shown that rootworm resistance often increases yield compared with untreated susceptible hybrids. Also, that rootworm resistance does not consistently affect the K rate that maximizes yield, but increases K removal because of the higher yield levels. Therefore, this new study evaluates possible interactions between rootworm resistance and N and K fertilization in corn.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Bt corn and soil insecticides, either alone or in combination, for the control of corn rootworm. Evaluation of Bt hybrids included SmartStax, SmartStax with refuge in a bag, and Herculex XTRA. Soil insecticides evaluated were SmartChoice-SB, Counter-SB, Aztec, and Force.


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Plant-parasitic nematodes are microscopic worms that feed on plants. Almost every nematode that feeds on corn is capable of feeding on many other plants. These nematode parasites are thought to be native to most Iowa soils and to have fed upon native plants before corn was grown as a cultivated crop. Population densities (numbers) of most species of plant-parasitic nematodes that feed on corn have to increase to damaging levels (called damage thresholds) before yield loss occurs.