37 resultados para Angus cattle
Mycoplasmal pneumonia and arthritis is a problem of increasing significance in Midwestern feedlots. The disease presentation cannot be prevented by vaccination or successfully treated with antimicrobials. Due to the reported difficulty in treating these outbreaks, in-vitro antimicrobial susceptibility was tested on isolates of Mycoplasma bovis recovered from cases of pneumonia or pneumonia and arthritis where the mycoplasma was involved as a causative agent. Using a broth microdilution method, 36 M. bovis isolates from cases of pneumonia and 9 from cases of pneumonia and arthritis were tested for susceptibility to antimicrobials currently used in cattle with respiratory disease (ampicillin, tilmycosin, spectinomycin, tylosin, lincomycin, tetracycline, ceftiofur, and erythromycin). Among the isolates from cases with pneumonia, resistance to more antimicrobials was shown in recent isolates than in isolates from earlier years. Tetracycline and lincomycin were the drugs of choice for these isolates, although 3 of 36 isolates were resistant to all drugs tested. Isolates from cases of pneumonia and arthritis were from recent accessions. A majority of these isolates (5/9) were resistant to all antimicrobials tested. Lincomycin, spectinomycin, and tetracycline were antibiotics usable with 4/9 of the isolates. Overall, the results indicate that antimicrobial therapy in cases of mycoplasmal feedlot pneumonia and arthritis may be unrewarding.
Epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV), an arthropod-borne orbivirus, causes significant mortality in white-tailed deer and can also cause disease in cattle. Objectives of this preliminary investigation were 1) to survey cattle at auction markets to determine the prevalence of anti-EHDV antibodies in Iowa cattle, 2) to determine EHDV seroprevalence in herds in which clinical EHD had been diagnosed, and 3) to determine whether EHDV is associated with stillbirths and/or congenital anomalies in calves. There was a 15% seroprevalence in auction market cattle; positive cattle were from southern, central, and western Iowa. Herds in which clinical EHD had been diagnosed had >60% seroprevalence. Viremia was detected in both clinically affected and unaffected cattle during an EHD outbreak. EHDV exposure was not consistently associated with congenital anomalies. Although additional surveillance is warranted, EHDV is unlikely to have a significant effect on the reproductive health of Iowa cattle.
Futures did reduce price risk. Hedging produced a higher minimum return and higher return at the 25th percentile (75% of the returns are better than this figure) than did the cash market. The 50th percentile, or median return, was higher for yearlings in the cash market than hedged cattle, and the calves had mixed results. Although the differences are not great, there have been months when the option strategies performed better than cash or futures, (i.e., January–April and September–October), and there are months when they did not fare well (i.e., June–August).
Source verification and pooling of feeder cattle into larger lots resulted in higher selling prices compared to more typical sales at a southern Iowa auction market. After higher prices due to larger lot sizes were accounted for, cattle that received a specified management program and were source verified as to origin received additional price premiums. The data do not distinguish between the value of the specific management program and the value of the source verification process. However, cow–calf producers participating in the program took home more money.
Beef cow herd owners can benefit from incorporating price signals into their heifer retention decisions. Whereas a perfect forecast of calf prices over the productive life of the heifer added to the herd would be ideal, such information is not available. However, simple decision rules that incorporate current or recent prices and the knowledge that the cattle cycle likely will repeat itself can help producers improve their investment decisions. A dollar cost averaging strategy that retains the same dollar value of heifers each year and a rolling average value strategy that retains a 10-year average value of heifers out performed strategies that sought to maintain a constant herd size or a constant cash flow.
Source verification and pooling of feeder cattle into larger lots resulted in higher selling prices compared with more typical sales at a southern Iowa auction market. After accounting for higher prices due to larger lot sizes, cattle that received a specified management program and were source verified as to origin received additional price premiums. The data do not distinguish between the value of the specific management program and the value of the source verification process. However, cow-calf producers participating in the program took home more money.