20 resultados para Nellore steer


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Grazing yearling steers is one way to utilize the forages required for participation in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) after CRP contracts expire. In 1995, a stocker-steer intensive-rotational grazing study was conducted at the CRP Research and Demonstration Project near Corning, Iowa. A similar study was carried out in 1994. Seventy-five yearling crossbred steers grazed a 65- acre pasture that had been divided into 27 paddocks using electric fencing from May 4, 1995 to September 14, 1995. During this period, the 65-acre pasture system produced 9,975 animal-days of grazing and 11,403 pounds of gain. On a per-acre basis, this translates to 153.5 animal-days of grazing and 175.4 pounds of gain. The stocking rate was constant for the entire 133- day grazing season at 1.15 steers per acre. On May 4, 1995, the beginning of the grazing season, the average weight of the steers was 495.7 pounds. By the end of the grazing trial on September 14, 1995, the average weight of the steers had increased to 647.7 pounds. The average gain per steer during the 133-day grazing period was 152 pounds, and the average daily gain per steer was 1.14 pounds. The average bodyweight of the steers during the entire grazing season was 571.7 pounds.


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A steer grazing demonstration was conducted in 2001 at the CRP Research and Demonstration Project farm near Corning, Iowa. Ninety-five steers were delivered to the Adams County CRP farm on April 27, 2001. The steer pasture at the CRP farm was 76 acres, divided into 33 paddocks with electric fence. Cattle were moved 101 times to a fresh paddock during the grazing season. Most of the moves (79.2%) followed 1 day of grazing in a paddock. No paddock was grazed for more than 3 days in succession. Rate of gain on pasture (2.12 lbs./animal/day) was higher in 2001 than in any previous year in the 8-year steer grazing project at the CRP farm. The 95 steers gained a total of 21,056 pounds on pasture, and the cost of the gain on pasture was $51.30/cwt. The 2001 steer grazing project showed a small profit above all costs. The net profit was $4.12/steer or $5.15/acre. Large profits and large losses are possible, primarily depending on the difference between the buying and selling prices.


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One non bt-corn hybrid (Pioneer 3489) and three btcorn hyrids (Pioneer 34RO7, Novartis NX6236, and Novartis N64-Z4) were planted in replicated 7.1-acre fields. After grain harvest, fields were stocked with 3 mature cows in midgestation to be strip-grazed as four paddocks over 126 days. Six similar cows were allotted to replicated drylots. All cows were fed hay as necessary to maintain a condition score of 5 on a 9-point scale. Cows were condition-scored biweekly and weighed monthly. Forage yield and weathering losses were determined by sampling one 4-m2 location per grazed or ungrazed paddock in each field with a minimum total of 2 locations of grazed or ungrazed forage per field. To measure forage selection during grazing, samples of grazed forage were collected from the rumen of one fistulated steer that grazed for 2 hours after ruminal evacuation. Non-bt-corn hybrids had greater (P<.05) infestation of corn borers in the upper stalk, lower stalk and ear shank than bt-corn hybrids. However, there were no differences in grain yields or dropped grain between hybrids. Crop residue dry matter, organic matter and in vitro digestible dry matter yields at the initiation of grazing did not differ between corn hybrids. Dry matter, organic matter and in vitro digestible dry matter losses tended (P<.10) to be greater from the NX6236 and N64-Z4 hybrids than from the 3489 and 34RO7 hybrids and were greater (P<.05) from grazed than non-grazed areas of the fields. At the initiation of grazing, dry matter concentrations of the crop residues from the NX6236 and N64-Z4 hybrids tended to be lower than those from the 3489 and 34RO7 hybrids. Crop residues from the NX6236 and N64-74 hybrids had lower concentrations of acid detergent fiber (P<.05) and acid detergent lignin (P=.07) and higher concentrations of in vitro digestible organic matter than the 3489 and 34RO7 hybrids. Over the grazing season, corn hybrid did not affect mean rates of change in forage composition. The concentration of in vitro digestible organic matter in forage selected by steers after two weeks of grazing did not differ. However, steers grazing corn crop residues consumed forage with higher (P<.05) concentrations of neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, and acid detergent insoluble nitrogen than steers fed hay. The acid detergent fiber concentration of forage selected by steers grazing the 3489 and N64-Z4 hybrids was lower (P < .05) than concentrations from the 34RO7 and NX6236 hybrids. In order to maintain similar body condition score changes, cows grazing crop residues from the 3489, 34RO7, NX6236, and N64-Z4 hybrids required 650, 628, 625, and 541 kg hay DM/cow compared with a hay requirement of 1447 kg hay DM/cow for cows maintained in a drylot.


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An in situ study was conducted to evaluate the effects of heat treatments on the degradation kinetics and escape protein concentrations of forages (alfalfa and berseem clover). Alfalfa collected at 4 and 7 weeks post-harvest and berseem clover collected at 5 and 7 weeks postharvest were freeze-dried and then heated to 100, 125, and 150o C for 2 hours. Heat treatment effects were determined by placing two bags of sample (for each treatment, maturity, and forage species for a given incubation times) into the rumen of one fistulated steer fed alfalfa hay. Bags were incubated for periods of 0 to 48 hours. Increasing levels of heat treatments of forages increased concentrations of neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), and acid detergent insoluble nitrogen (ADIN) and non-degradable protein (NDP), potentially degradable protein proportion (PDP), and protein escaping rumen degradation (PEP) while decreasing water soluble protein (WSP) and the rates of crude protein (CP), except immature berseem clover and cell wall (CW) degradation. PEP was greater and rate of CP degradation was lower at 100 and 150o C compared to 125o C in immature berseem clover.


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Two consecutive in situ studies were conducted to determine the effects of maturity and frost killing of forages (alfalfa and berseem clover) on degradation kinetics and escape protein concentrations. Four maturities (3, 5, 7, and 9 weeks after second harvest) of forages collected from three locations were used to determine the effects of maturity. Four weeks after a killing frost (-2o C), berseem clover was harvested from the same locations previously sampled. To evaluate maturity, 336 DacronÒ bags containing all maturities of either alfalfa or berseem clover were placed into the rumen of two fistulated steers fed alfalfa-grass hay. Frost killing effects of berseem clover were compared with maturecut berseem clover by placing DacronÒ bags into the rumen of one fistulated steer fed alfalfa hay. Bags were incubated for periods of 0 to 48 hours. With increasing maturity, the proportion of non-degradable protein (NDP) and the rate of crude protein (CP) degradation increased in both forages. While the rate of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) degradation and potentially degradable protein proportion (PDP) increased with increasing maturity in alfalfa, the rate of NDF degradation and PDP proportion decreased and proportion of water soluble protein (WSP) increased in berseem clover. The proportion of protein escaping rumen degradation (PEP) was greater in berseem clover than alfalfa, but was not affected by maturity. Frost killing of mature berseem clover decreased WSP proportion and increased PDP proportion compared to mature berseem clover harvested live. Even though ADIN concentration was higher for frost-killed berseem clover, PEP and total escape protein concentration (CEP) was also higher for frostkilled berseem clover than mature berseem clover harvested live, due to decreases in the rate of ruminal N degradation with frost-killing.