9 resultados para Wearable cameras
em Digital Peer Publishing
Die voranschreitende Entwicklung von Konzepten und Systemen zur Nutzung digitaler Informationen im industriellen Umfeld eröffnet verschiedenste Möglichkeiten zur Optimierung der Informationsverarbeitung und damit der Prozesseffektivität und -effizienz. Werden die relevanten Daten zu Produkten oder Prozessen jedoch lediglich in digitaler Form zur Verfügung gestellt, fällt ein Eingriff des Menschen in die virtuelle Welt immer schwerer. Auf Grundlage dessen wird am Beispiel der RFIDTechnologie dargestellt, inwiefern digitale Informationen durch die Verwendung von in den Arbeitsablauf integrierten Systemen für den Menschen nutzbar werden. Durch die Entwicklung eines Systems zur papierlosen Produktion und Logistik werden exemplarisch Einsatzszenarien zur Unterstützung des Mitarbeiters in Montageprozessen sowie zur Vermeidung von Fehlern in der Kommissionierung aufgezeigt. Dazu findet neben einer am Kopf getragenen Datenbrille zur Visualisierung der Informationen ein mobiles RFID-Lesegerät Anwendung, mit Hilfe dessen die digitalen Transponderdaten ohne zusätzlichen Aufwand für den Anwender genutzt werden können.
Many applications, such as telepresence, virtual reality, and interactive walkthroughs, require a three-dimensional(3D)model of real-world environments. Methods, such as lightfields, geometric reconstruction and computer vision use cameras to acquire visual samples of the environment and construct a model. Unfortunately, obtaining models of real-world locations is a challenging task. In particular, important environments are often actively in use, containing moving objects, such as people entering and leaving the scene. The methods previously listed have difficulty in capturing the color and structure of the environment while in the presence of moving and temporary occluders. We describe a class of cameras called lag cameras. The main concept is to generalize a camera to take samples over space and time. Such a camera, can easily and interactively detect moving objects while continuously moving through the environment. Moreover, since both the lag camera and occluder are moving, the scene behind the occluder is captured by the lag camera even from viewpoints where the occluder lies in between the lag camera and the hidden scene. We demonstrate an implementation of a lag camera, complete with analysis and captured environments.
Adding virtual objects to real environments plays an important role in todays computer graphics: Typical examples are virtual furniture in a real room and virtual characters in real movies. For a believable appearance, consistent lighting of the virtual objects is required. We present an augmented reality system that displays virtual objects with consistent illumination and shadows in the image of a simple webcam. We use two high dynamic range video cameras with fisheye lenses permanently recording the environment illumination. A sampling algorithm selects a few bright parts in one of the wide angle images and the corresponding points in the second camera image. The 3D position can then be calculated using epipolar geometry. Finally, the selected point lights are used in a multi pass algorithm to draw the virtual object with shadows. To validate our approach, we compare the appearance and shadows of the synthetic objects with real objects.
Having to carry input devices can be inconvenient when interacting with wall-sized, high-resolution tiled displays. Such displays are typically driven by a cluster of computers. Running existing games on a cluster is non-trivial, and the performance attained using software solutions like Chromium is not good enough. This paper presents a touch-free, multi-user, humancomputer interface for wall-sized displays that enables completely device-free interaction. The interface is built using 16 cameras and a cluster of computers, and is integrated with the games Quake 3 Arena (Q3A) and Homeworld. The two games were parallelized using two different approaches in order to run on a 7x4 tile, 21 megapixel display wall with good performance. The touch-free interface enables interaction with a latency of 116 ms, where 81 ms are due to the camera hardware. The rendering performance of the games is compared to their sequential counterparts running on the display wall using Chromium. Parallel Q3A’s framerate is an order of magnitude higher compared to using Chromium. The parallel version of Homeworld performed on par with the sequential, which did not run at all using Chromium. Informal use of the touch-free interface indicates that it works better for controlling Q3A than Homeworld.
Electronic apppliances are increasingly a part of our everyday lives. In particular, mobile devices, with their reduced dimensions with power rivaling desktop computers, have substantially augmented our communication abilities offering instant availability, anywhere, to everyone. These devices have become essential for human communication but also include a more comprehensive tool set to support productivity and leisure applications. However, the many applications commonly available are not adapted to people with special needs. Rather, most popular devices are targeted at teenagers or young adults with excellent eyesight and coordination. What is worse, most of the commonly used assistive control interfaces are not available in a mobile environment where user's position, accommodation and capacities can vary even widely. To try and address people with special needs new approaches and techniques are sorely needed. This paper presents a control interface to allow tetraplegic users to interact with electronic devices. Our method uses myographic information (Electromyography or EMG) collected from residually controlled body areas. User evaluations validate electromyography as a daily wearable interface. In particular our results show that EMG can be used even in mobility contexts.
Rapid Manufacturing (RM) umfasst den Begriff der direkten und wirtschaftlichen Bauteilherstellung des Serienprodukts aus 3D-Daten. Die Hauptvorteile sind u.a. das Wegfallen von Werkzeugen und eine Designfreiheit in der Produktentwicklung, die noch vor wenigen Jahren undenkbar war. Wenngleich heute eine Vielzahl von Werkstoffen im Kunststoff- und Metallbereich einsetzbar sind, konzentriert sich die Verbreitung des RM allerdings auf besondere Technologie- und Wirtschaftszweige, aufgrund mangelnder Erfahrungswerte, teilweise abweichender Werkstoffeigenschaften, fehlender Standards und ungeeigneter Testmethoden. In der Praxis sind Ingenieure und Techniker stark darauf bedacht, auf etablierte Abläufe und Standards zurückzugreifen. Es ist daher schwer einen geeigneten RM-Prozess aufzubauen, wo wichtige Eingangsgrößen meist unbekannt sind. In diesem Bericht wird beschrieben, welche Informationskanäle es innerhalb Europas zum Thema RM gibt und welche Hochschulen und Forschungszentren Aktivitäten aufweisen. Darüber hinaus werden Anwendungsfelder des RM aufgeführt, die über die bekannten Anwendungsfelder hinaus gehen. Dazu gehören Anwendungen im Bereich der Elektrotechnik, Raumfahrtinstrumentation und der Mode. Obwohl nicht alle Anwendungen des RM in diesem Bericht aufgeführt werden, sind einige Schlüsselinformationen im Bereich innovativer Anwendungen von RM enthalten.
This paper presents different application scenarios for which the registration of sub-sequence reconstructions or multi-camera reconstructions is essential for successful camera motion estimation and 3D reconstruction from video. The registration is achieved by merging unconnected feature point tracks between the reconstructions. One application is drift removal for sequential camera motion estimation of long sequences. The state-of-the-art in drift removal is to apply a RANSAC approach to find unconnected feature point tracks. In this paper an alternative spectral algorithm for pairwise matching of unconnected feature point tracks is used. It is then shown that the algorithms can be combined and applied to novel scenarios where independent camera motion estimations must be registered into a common global coordinate system. In the first scenario multiple moving cameras, which capture the same scene simultaneously, are registered. A second new scenario occurs in situations where the tracking of feature points during sequential camera motion estimation fails completely, e.g., due to large occluding objects in the foreground, and the unconnected tracks of the independent reconstructions must be merged. In the third scenario image sequences of the same scene, which are captured under different illuminations, are registered. Several experiments with challenging real video sequences demonstrate that the presented techniques work in practice.
Dieser Beitrag beschreibt die Integration von laufzeitmessenden 3D Kamerasystemen in die Gabelzinkenspitzen eines Flurförderzeugs. Mit Hilfe der integrierten Kameras und deren ausgewerteter Aufnahmen wurde ein Assistenzsystem für die Handhabung von Ladungsträgern realisiert, das dem Fahrer des Flurförderzeugs Verfahrempfehlungen für die Optimierung der Relativposition zwischen Gabelzinken und Ladungsträger bzw. Lagerplatz ausgibt. Neben der Vorstellung der verwendeten Kamera-Hardware und der Integration am Fahrzeug wird auch der Ablauf der Bildverarbeitung beschrieben.
When depicting both virtual and physical worlds, the viewer's impression of presence in these worlds is strongly linked to camera motion. Plausible and artist-controlled camera movement can substantially increase scene immersion. While physical camera motion exhibits subtle details of position, rotation, and acceleration, these details are often missing for virtual camera motion. In this work, we analyze camera movement using signal theory. Our system allows us to stylize a smooth user-defined virtual base camera motion by enriching it with plausible details. A key component of our system is a database of videos filmed by physical cameras. These videos are analyzed with a camera-motion estimation algorithm (structure-from-motion) and labeled manually with a specific style. By considering spectral properties of location, orientation and acceleration, our solution learns camera motion details. Consequently, an arbitrary virtual base motion, defined in any conventional animation package, can be automatically modified according to a user-selected style. In an animation package the camera motion base path is typically defined by the user via function curves. Another possibility is to obtain the camera path by using a mixed reality camera in motion capturing studio. As shown in our experiments, the resulting shots are still fully artist-controlled, but appear richer and more physically plausible.