7 resultados para Symbol Grounding

em Digital Peer Publishing


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Although – or because – social work education in Italy has for some 15 years now been exclusively in the domain of the university the relationship between the academic world and that of practice has been highly tenuous. Research is indeed being conducted by universities, but rarely on issues that are of immediate practice relevance. This means that forms of practice develop and become established habitually which are not checked against rigorous standards of research and that the creation of knowledge at academic level pays scant attention to the practice implications of social changes. This situation has been made even worse by the dwindling resources both in social services and at the level of the universities which means that bureaucratic procedures or imports of specialisations from other disciplines frequently dominate the development of practice instead of a theory-based approach to methodology. This development does not do justice to the actual requirements of Italian society faced with ever increasing post-modern complexity which is reflected also in the nature of social problems because it implies a continuation of a faith in modernity with its idea of technical, clear-cut solutions while social relations have decidedly moved beyond that belief. This discrepancy puts even greater strain on the personnel of welfare agencies and does ultimately not satisfy the ever increasing demands for quality and accountability of services on the part of users and the general public. Social workers badly lack fundamental theoretical reference points which could guide them in their difficult work to arrive at autonomous, situation-specific methodological answers not based on procedures but on analytical knowledge. Thirty years ago, in 1977, a Presidential Decree created the legal basis for the establishment of social service departments at the level of municipalities which created opportunities for the direct involvement of the community in the fight against exclusion. For this potential to be fully utilized it would have required the bringing together of three dimensions, the organizational structure, the opportunities for learning and research in the territory and the contribution by the professional community. As this did not occur social services in Italy still often retain the character of charity which does not concern itself with the actual causes of poverty and exclusion. This in turn affects the relationship with citizens in general who cannot develop trust in those services. Through uncritical processes of interaction Edgar Morin’s dictum manifests itself which is that without resorting to critical reflection on complexity interventions can often have an effect that totally the opposite to the original intention. An important element in setting up a dynamic interchange between academia and practice is the placement on professional social work courses. Here the looping of theory to practice and back to theory etc. can actually take place under the right organizational and conceptual conditions, more so than in abstract, and for practitioners often useless debates about the theory-practice connection. Furthermore, research projects at the University of Florence Social Work Department for instance aim at fostering theoretical reflection at the level of and with the involvement of municipal social service agencies. With a general constructive disposition towards research and some financial investment students were facilitated to undertake social service practice related research for their degree theses for instance in the city of Pistoia. In this way it was also possible to strengthen the confidence and professional identity of social workers as they became aware of the contribution their own discipline can make to practice-relevant research instead of having to move over to disciplines like psychology for those purposes. Examples of this fruitful collaboration were presented at a conference in Pistoia on 25 June 2007. One example is a thesis entitled ‘The object of social work’ and examines the difficult development of definitions of social work and comes to the conclusion that ‘nothing is more practical than a theory’. Another is on coping abilities as a necessary precondition for the utilization of resources supplied by social services in exceptional circumstances. Others deal with the actual sequence of interventions in crisis situations, and one very interestingly looks at time and how it is being constructed often differently by professionals and clients. At the same time as this collaboration on research gathers momentum in the Toscana, supervision is also being demanded more forcefully as complementary to research and with the same aim of profiling more strongly the professional identity of social work. Collaboration between university and social service filed is for mutual benefit. At a time when professional practice is under threat of being defined from the outside through bureaucratic prescriptions a sound grounding in theory is a necessary precondition for competent practice.


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Mit der Anbringung einer Marmorplakette am Mur des Fédérés auf dem Pariser Friedhof Père Lachaise 1908 zum Gedenken an die Ermordeten des Communeaufstandes von 1871 endete eine seit den frühen 1880er Jah­ren konfliktbeladene Initiative zum öffentlichen Totenkult. Seine linken Verfechter stilisierten die Kommune zum Referenzpunkt für die emanzipatorisch-egalitäre Nation. Von diesem Deutungsmuster distanzierte sich der regierende 'opportunisme' allerdings energisch. Konfliktträchtig blieb auch die rituelle Praxis des Totengedenkens auf dem Père Lachaise in Form politischer Demonstrationen linker Gruppierungen, die jedoch ihrer heterogenen Struktur wegen über einen punktuellen Protest kaum hinausgelangten. So blieb der Mur des Fédérés ein umstrittener Ort des Totenkults, für seine Verteidiger Symbol einer radikal-sozialistischen Zielutopie, für seine Gegner gleichsam memoriale Bürde bei dem Versuch, die Commune aus dem Gedächtnisvorrat der französischen Nation zu verbannen. Im Vergleich mit den erfolglosen Kultversuchen um die Märztoten in Berlin seit den 1880er Jahren tritt einmal mehr zutage, dass der politisierte Totenkult programmatisch wie rituell-symbolisch als Vehikel für den Entwurf nationaler Geschichtsbilder dienen konnte.


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Die nationale Gedächtnispolitik, die nach dem Tod Königin Luises 1810 in Preußen einsetzte, weist einige Besonderheiten auf. Die tote Königin wurde nicht mehr in Formen des monarchischen Totenkultes verehrt. Sie wurde zur Heldin in der Erzählung von der nationalen Befreiung. Die intellektuellen Verfechter des Konzeptes der Volkserhebung sahen im frühen Tod der Königin ein brauchbares Symbol für die Mobilisierung des Volkes. Der Luisenkult und die Opferrhetorik erreichten aber erst im Kaiserreich ihren Höhepunkt. Erst dort wurde der Luisenkult zum festen Bestandteil des kulturellen Gedächtnisses. Luise wurde auch zur weiblichen Ikone der nationalen Bewegung. Die Stiftung des Luisenordens, das Luisenkreuz und die Popularisierung der Luisengeschichte in Volksbüchern trugen dazu bei, die Frauen in die Nation zu inkludieren. Der Luisenkult ist Teil eines politischen Mythos. Politische Mythen sind Narrationen und dienen der Identitätsstiftung und der Mobilisierung des politischen Verbandes. Ihre Wirkung entfalten sie durch Rituale und Reduktion der komplexen Wirklichkeit auf einfache Deutungs- und Handlungsmuster.


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Seien es die großen Rekonstruktionen oder zahlreiche historisierende Neubauprojekte, historische Architektur ist in. Bei dieser Suche nach Nähe zur Geschichte handelt es sich jedoch zumeist um reine Liebhaberei, da allein die Formensprache der kopierten Architektur Beachtung findet. Die Baugeschichte muss sich von diesen Liebhabern befreien, um ihrer Aufgabe im aktuellen Architekturdiskurs gerecht zu werden. Hierzu gilt es, die Authentizität historischer Gebäude zu erläutern und die Bedeutung architektonischer Originale für die Identität der Gesellschaft zu verdeutlichen.


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The welfare sector has seen considerable changes in its operational context. Welfare services respond to an increasing number of challenges as citizens are confronted with life’s uncertainties and a variety of complex situations. At the same time the service-delivery system is facing problems of co-operation and the development of staff competence, as well as demands to improve service effectiveness and outcomes. In order to ensure optimal user outcomes in this complex, evolving environment it is necessary to enhance professional knowledge and skills, and to increase efforts to develop the services. Changes are also evident in the new emergent knowledge-production models. There has been a shift from knowledge acquisition and transmission to its construction and production. New actors have stepped in and the roles of researchers are subject to critical discussion. Research outcomes, in other words the usefulness of research with respect to practice development, is a topical agenda item. Research is needed, but if it is to be useful it needs to be not only credible but also useful in action. What do we know about different research processes in practice? What conceptions, approaches, methods and actor roles are embedded? What is the effect on practice? How does ‘here and now’ practice challenge research methods? This article is based on the research processes conducted in the institutes of practice research in social work in Finland. It analyses the different approaches applied by elucidating the theoretical standpoints and the critical elements embedded in them, and reflects on the outcomes in and for practice. It highlights the level of change and progression in practice research, arguing for diverse practice research models with a solid theoretical grounding, rigorous research processes, and a supportive infrastructure.


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This article reports on a study of coherence in text-based log files from 120 two-party Instant Messaging (IM) conversations among a group of international students at a design school. The goals of the study were to investigate whether disrupted turn adjacency was an obstacle to coherence and to identify the linguistic strategies employed to maintain coherence. Additional signs of problematic coherence creation were also investigated, focusing on explicit signs of miscommunication. In this particular context, disrupted turn adjacency was not found to be a problem. Whereas devices for textual cohesion can be important, links between utterances can also be identified based on timing and distinctions between different types of feedback, as well as sequencing. The additional signs of miscommunication were all related to different aspects of problematic grounding. The article concludes with suggestions for design improvements to the IM tool.


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Bauen und Sprechen sind der Zeit unterworfen. Wenn Zeit über sie hinweggegangen ist, werden sie zu Zeichen. Und die Gegenwart muss sich fragen, wie sie mit diesen Zeichen umgehen will: als Vorboten ihres eigenen Vergehens oder als Feinden ihrer momentanen Befindlichkeit. Bauten, die vorgeben, die Zeiten überdauern und der Ewigkeit nahe sein zu können, sind Verwirklichungen eines utopisch-neuzeitlichen Traumes. Alterslose Perfektion fasziniert, aber sie ist nicht der Inbegriff des Menschlichen. Menschen sind auf das Unfertige ausgelegt, es steht für Vergänglichkeit, aber auch für Heimat und Nähe. Das Vergängliche bewegt mehr als das immer-Gleiche; es kann im Geist neue Projekte erzeugen, neue und andere Bauten, keine Kopien der alten. Doch es muss nicht immer so kommen.