6 resultados para Christian poetry, Italian.

em Digital Peer Publishing


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The article shows the process of Europeanization of the Italian social work education. After a brief excursus of the development of social work education in Italy, the paper presents the experiences made in the context of Socrates Erasmus project. Considering the results of the Thematic Network in Social Work organised by Parma University, some reflections are presented on the effects of Europeanization both respect the teachers and the students.


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Vom 13. Mai 1738 bis zum 7. September 1740 befindet sich der sächsische Kurprinz Friedrich Christian (1722-1764) auf seiner Italienreise. Sein eigenhändig geschriebenes Reisejournal, sowie die Berichte seines Tutors geben einen tiefen Einblick über das aktuelle Kunstgeschehen in Rom. Friedrich Christian wird durch die Fürsorge der Kardinäle Alessandro und Annibale Albani mit der intellektuellen Elite und mit den namhaftesten in Rom wirkenden Künstlern sowie mit der Kunst Raphaels und der bolognesisch-römischen Barock-Klassizisten bekannt beziehungsweise vertraut gemacht. In der römischen Akademie der Arkadier und in der Académie de France kommt er mit dem Ideal der Simplizität und der 'Nachahmung' der Antike in Berührung. Auf seinem Rückweg von Rom nach Venedig ist hierfür der Aufenthalt bei Scipione Maffei in Verona bezeichnend. In Venedig schließlich kann im besonderen Friedrich Christians Kenntnis von der Inventarisation des dortigen 'Statuario Pubblico', der ehemaligen Antikensammlung in der Antisala der Bibliothek von San Marco verzeichnet werden. Friedrich Christian kehrte mit diesen neuen Eindrücken nach Dresden zurück, wo Anton Raphael Mengs seine Karriere als Künstler begann und ein paar Jahre später sich Johann Joachim Winckelmann aufhielt. Unter der Obhut des Kardinals Alessandro Albani sollten Mengs und Winckelmann dann in Rom die malerische und theoretische Grundlage für den Klassizismus schaffen.


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In contemporary societies there are different ways to perceive the relation between identity and alterity and to describe the difference between “us” and “them”, residents and foreigners. Anthropologist Sandra Wallman sustains that in multi-cultural urban spaces the frontiers of diversity are not only burdensome markers of identity, but rather they could also represent new chances to define “identity” and “alterity”. These frontiers, in fact, can work like interfaces through which to build time after time, in a creative way, a relationship with the other. From this point of view, the concept of boundary can offer many opportunities to creatively define the relation with the other and to sign new options for cognitive and physical movement. On the other side, in many cases we have a plenty of mechanisms of exclusion that transforms a purely empirical distinction between “us” and “them” in an ontological contrast, as in the case when the immigrant undergoes hostilities through discriminatory language. Even though these forms of racism are undoubtedly objectionable from a theoretical point of view, they are anyway socially “real”, in the sense that they are perpetually reaffirmed and strengthened in public opinion. They are in fact implicit “truths”, realities that are considered objective, common opinions that are part of day-to-day existence. That is the reason why an anthropological prospective including the study of “common sense” should be adopted in our present day studies on migration, as pointed out by American anthropologist Michael Herzfeld. My primary goal is to analyze with such a critical approach same pre-conditions of racism and exclusion in contemporary multi-cultural urban spaces. On the other hand, this essay would also investigate positive strategies of comparing, interchanging, and negotiating alterity in social work. I suggest that this approach can offer positive solutions in coping with “diversity” and in working out policies for recognizing a common identity which, at the same time, do not throw away the relevance of political and economic power.