5 resultados para Algazi, Israel Jacob ben Yom Tov, 1680-1756.
em Digital Peer Publishing
The present study examines linguistic and sociolinguistic factors in a Web-enhanced
The paper deals with poverty within Israel. Against the background of the history of pre-state Israel and the developments after the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 the historical roots of Israeli poverty are analyzed. Thus the ‘socialist’-Zionist project, ethnic exclusion, religious and intra-Jewish ethnic lines of conflict as well as the Bedouins, Druzes and Israeli Arabs as ‘specific’ Israeli citizen are discussed. Despite the economic growth in Israel since 2003 ‘the majority of Israeli wage earners (over 60percent) earned less than $1,450 a month last year’ (Goldstein 2007, p. 1). In 2004 1.3 million Israelis lived below the poverty line, a number which in 2005 increased to more than 1.5 million Israelis. In spite of growing economic prosperity the proportion of families belonging to the working-poor, i.e. families with at least one family member in paid employment, increased from 11.4 percent in 2004 to 12.2 percent in 2005. The percentage of poor families in the working population increased from 40.6 percent to 43.1 percent. Nearly 60 percent of the ‘working-poor’ were working fulltime (Sinai 2006a, Shaoul 2006). 42 percent of Israeli Arab families are living below the poverty line. The average wages are less than half the wages of Ashkenazi Jews. Every second Israeli Arab child lives in poverty. When in 1996 to 2001 the unemployment rate of the Jewish Israelis increased by about 53 percent, the unemployment rate of the Arab Israelis increased by 126 percent (cf. Shaoul 2006). 80 percent of Israelis regard themselves as poor. 23 percent of the pensioners are living below the poverty line. Poverty among children increased in 1988 to 2005 by about 50 percent. Approximately one fifth of all under-age children (714.000) in Israel are suffering from hunger (cf. Shaoul 2006). 75 percent of the poor families cannot afford medicine and 70 percent are dependant on food donations (cf. Sinai 2005b). Nearly one third of the Holocaust survivors are living in poverty. Some of the Holocaust survivors get $ 600,- per month from the German government, whilst other Holocaust survivors receive only $ 350,- per month from the Israeli Ministry of Finance and the Holocaust survivors that immigrated to Israel after 1953 (who amount to 70 percent of the Holocaust survivors in Israel) only receive the general national pension. Nearly 20 percent of the Holocaust survivors are at the present time 86 years and older, 70 percent are older than 76 years. (cf. Medina 2007, p. 1) They are not entitled to a supplementary payment or to compensation. But the problematic economic situation of the Holocaust survivors is neither new information nor an unknown fact. As a result of the precarious situation several are in need of the help of welfare organizations, because they cannot afford to some degree their necessary medicine.
This paper examines the characteristics of suicide bombers as reflected in the Israeli press during the Second Intifada in Israel. The analysis aims to determine whether there were significant differences in the characteristics of suicide bombers with religious motives versus those with nationalist motives. The findings reveal that gender, education level, and organizational affiliation correlated significantly with motives for carrying out suicide attacks. Most of the suicide bombers with religious motives were men with elementary education. In addition, the results show that most of the suicide bombers who were affiliated with the Hamas organization acted out of religious motives. No significant differences were found between suicide bombers with religious and those with nationalist motives with regard to age, marital status, and prior activity in terrorist organizations.
Fehlende Grundkenntnisse in der Mathematik zählen zu den größten Hindernissen für einen erfolgreichen Start in ein Hochschulstudium. Studienanfänger in einem MINT-Studium bringen inzwischen deutlich unterschiedliche Vorrausetzungen mit: „Mathe-Angst“ gilt als typisches Phänomen und der Übergang in ein selbstbestimmtes Lernverhalten stellt eine große Herausforderung dar. Diese Fall-Studie beschreibt, wie mit Hilfe einer Mathe-App bereits zu Beginn des Studiums aktives Lernen unterstützt und selbstbestimmtes Lernen eingeübt werden kann. Das neue Kurskonzept mit App-Unterstützung stößt an der Hochschule Offenburg auf breite Akzeptanz. Der mobile BYOD-Ansatz ermöglicht Lern-Szenarien, die über PC- bzw.- Laptop-gebundene eLearning-Lösungen nicht realisierbar sind. Der Inhalt des MassMatics-Vorbereitungskurs orientiert sich am Mindestanforderungskatalog des cosh-Arbeitskreises für den Übergang Schule-Hochschule. In der Zwischenzeit wurde der App-gestützte Kurs mit seinen über 500 Aufgaben von mehr als 1000 Studierenden besucht.
In den Buiten-Ansichten Jacob van Ruisdaels zeigt sich eine einmalige Verbindung von Architektur und Naturkonzept in der niederländischen Malerei des 17. Jahrhunderts. Die Darstellung von luxuriösen Landvillen wird in eine illusionistische Landschaft gesetzt, die in ihrem Wildnischarakter den realen barocken Garten negiert. Ruisdael spielt bewusst mit der assoziativen Wirkung von Buiten- und Garten-Architektur, die durch ihre Übertragung in die Wildnis ihrer Funktion enthoben werden. Gleichzeitig erhält die Landschaft durch ihre Gruppierung um die Architektur eine Aufwertung zum Garten. Die dabei entstehenden Parallelen zur Gartenkunst des 18. Jahrhunderts, machen Ruisdael zu einem visionären Künstler seiner Zeit.