10 resultados para Adaptive system theory
em Digital Peer Publishing
tkCybernetics is a simulation software that can be used to create and evaluate simple cybernetic circuits as a combination of lowpass and highpass filters and several nonlinear elements. tkCybernetics has been developed for and successfully applied to introductory courses on biological cybernetics at Bielefeld University. Therefore, it is recommended for students who start learning about cybernetics. Students can quickly grasp the concepts used in the graphical user interface and are able to create their own circuits after a short introduction to the program. Its usefulness for advanced students and researchers is limited to quickly testing circuits. This article provides detailed tutorial information on how to install and work with tkCybernetics for self-learning and for higher education.
This book on biological cybernetics combines system theory and artificial neural networks. Following a 'holistic' approach, the book examines the role of simulation in biology. Mainly addressed to students of Biology, the book tries to avoid the use of mathematical formula as far as possible. Exercises can be performed with a related software tool (tkCybernetics) for part 1 as well as with educational simulation on neural networks for part two (in prepration.)
This voluminous book which draws on almost 1000 references provides an important theoretical base for practice. After an informative introduction about models, maps and metaphors, Forte provides an impressive presentation of several perspectives for use in practice; applied ecological theory, applied system theory, applied biology, applied cognitive science, applied psychodynamic theory, applied behaviourism, applied symbolic interactionism, applied social role theory, applied economic theory, and applied critical theory. Finally he completes his book with a chapter on “Multi theory practice and routes to integration.”
This third edition essentially compares with the 2nd one, but has been improved by correction of errors and by a rearrangement and minor expansion of the sections referring to recurrent networks. These changes hopefully allow for an easier comprehension of the essential aspects of this important domain that has received growing attention during the last years.
The IDA model of cognition is a fully integrated artificial cognitive system reaching across the full spectrum of cognition, from low-level perception/action to high-level reasoning. Extensively based on empirical data, it accurately reflects the full range of cognitive processes found in natural cognitive systems. As a source of plausible explanations for very many cognitive processes, the IDA model provides an ideal tool to think with about how minds work. This online tutorial offers a reasonably full account of the IDA conceptual model, including background material. It also provides a high-level account of the underlying computational “mechanisms of mind” that constitute the IDA computational model.
Das intelligente Tutorensystem LARGO für die Rechtswissenschaften soll Jurastudenten helfen, Argumentationsstrategien zu lernen. Im verwendeten Ansatz werden Gerichtsprotokolle als Lernmaterialien verwendet: Studenten annotieren diese und erstellen graphische Repräsentationen des Argumentationsverlaufs. Das System kann dabei zur Reflexion über die von Anwälten vorgebrachten Argumente anregen und Lernende auf mögliche Schwächen in ihrer Analyse des Disputs hinweisen. Zur Erkennung von Schwächen verwendet das System Graphgrammatiken und kollaborative Filtermechanismen. Dieser Artikel stellt dar, wie in LARGO auf Basis der Bestimmung eines „Benutzungskontextes“ die Rückmeldungen im System benutzungsadaptiv gestaltet werden. Weiterhin diskutieren wir auf Basis der Ergebnisse einer kontrollierten Studie mit dem System, welche mit Jurastudierenden an der University of Pittsburgh stattfand, in wie weit der automatisch bestimmte Benutzungskontext zur Vorhersage von Lernerfolgen bei Studenten verwendbar ist.
One of the most influential statements in the anomie theory tradition has been Merton’s argument that the volume of instrumental property crime should be higher where there is a greater imbalance between the degree of commitment to monetary success goals and the degree of commitment to legitimate means of pursing such goals. Contemporary anomie theories stimulated by Merton’s perspective, most notably Messner and Rosenfeld’s institutional anomie theory, have expanded the scope conditions by emphasizing lethal criminal violence as an outcome to which anomie theory is highly relevant, and virtually all contemporary empirical studies have focused on applying the perspective to explaining spatial variation in homicide rates. In the present paper, we argue that current explications of Merton’s theory and IAT have not adequately conveyed the relevance of the core features of the anomie perspective to lethal violence. We propose an expanded anomie model in which an unbalanced pecuniary value system – the core causal variable in Merton’s theory and IAT – translates into higher levels of homicide primarily in indirect ways by increasing levels of firearm prevalence, drug market activity, and property crime, and by enhancing the degree to which these factors stimulate lethal outcomes. Using aggregate-level data collected during the mid-to-late 1970s for a sample of relatively large social aggregates within the U.S., we find a significant effect on homicide rates of an interaction term reflecting high levels of commitment to monetary success goals and low levels of commitment to legitimate means. Virtually all of this effect is accounted for by higher levels of property crime and drug market activity that occur in areas with an unbalanced pecuniary value system. Our analysis also reveals that property crime is more apt to lead to homicide under conditions of high levels of structural disadvantage. These and other findings underscore the potential value of elaborating the anomie perspective to explicitly account for lethal violence.
Rather than discarding Clausewitz’s theory of war in response to the revolutionary changes in modern warfare, this article articulates a broader theory of war based on his concept of the “wondrous trinity,” identifying it as his true legacy. The author shows that the concept of trinitarian war attributed to Clausewitz by his critics, which seems to be applicable only to wars between states, is a caricature of Clausewitz’s theory. He goes on to develop Clausewitz’s theory that war is composed of the three tendencies of violence/force, fighting, and the affiliation of the combatants to a warring community. Each war can be analyzed as being composed of these three tendencies and their opposites.
Zur Sicherstellung einer schnellen und flexiblen Anpassung an sich ändernde Anforderungen sind innerbetriebliche Materialbereitstellungskonzepte in immer stärkerem Maße zu flexibilisieren. Hierdurch kann die Erreichung logistischer Ziele in einem dynamischen Produktionsumfeld gesteigert werden. Der Beitrag stellt ein Konzept für eine adaptive Materialbereitstellung in flexiblen Produktionssystemen auf Grundlage einer agentenbasierten Transportplanung und -steuerung vor. Der Fokus liegt hierbei auf der Planung und Steuerung der auf Basis von Materialbedarfsmeldungen ausgelösten innerbetrieblichen Transporte. Neben Pendeltouren zur Versorgung des Produktionssystems findet auch das dynamische Pickup-and-Delivery-Problem Berücksichtigung. Das vorgestellte Konzept ist an den Anforderungen selbstorganisierender Produktionsprozesse ausgerichtet.
The use of lashing means, for example load securing straps or nets, is often time-consuming, especially for courier, express and parcel-services (CEP) using a lot stops. The following article describes the development of an automated load securing system with a three-dimensional-preformed net. Mainly two components interact in this system. On the one hand, an anti-skid system is integrated, which uses the advantages of a low-friction surface for loading and the anti-slip properties of an adhesive coating for the transport. On the other hand, a flexibly adaptive net consisting of high-performance synthetic fibers and integrated shorteners lash different sized transport units. Especially, the automatic lashing should increase the acceptance of the drivers for the new load securing system.