17 resultados para Komplexität


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Person-to-stock order picking is highly flexible and requires minimal investment costs in comparison to automated picking solutions. For these reasons, tradi-tional picking is widespread in distribution and production logistics. Due to its typically large proportion of manual activities, picking causes the highest operative personnel costs of all intralogistics process. The required personnel capacity in picking varies short- and mid-term due to capacity requirement fluctuations. These dynamics are often balanced by employing minimal permanent staff and using seasonal help when needed. The resulting high personnel fluctuation necessitates the frequent training of new pickers, which, in combination with in-creasingly complex work contents, highlights the im-portance of learning processes in picking. In industrial settings, learning is often quantified based on diminishing processing time and cost requirements with increasing experience. The best-known industrial learning curve models include those from Wright, de Jong, Baloff and Crossman, which are typically applied to the learning effects of an entire work crew rather than of individuals. These models have been validated in largely static work environments with homogeneous work contents. Little is known of learning effects in picking systems. Here, work contents are heterogeneous and individual work strategies vary among employees. A mix of temporary and steady employees with varying degrees of experience necessitates the observation of individual learning curves. In this paper, the individual picking performance development of temporary employees is analyzed and compared to that of steady employees in the same working environment.


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Die Montage von Produkten in getakteten Fließstraßen als Alternative zu ortsfesten Varianten führt in der Regel zur Verbesserung der logistischen Zielerfüllung. Das volle Potential dieser Organisationsart wird jedoch weitgehend nur für standardisierte Produkte mit hohen Stückzahlen erschlossen. Hindernisse zur Produktion variantenreicher Großerzeugnisse mit volatilen Arbeitsinhalten in einer Fließstraße bestehen vor allem in der Beherrschung der Komplexität in Bezug auf dazu erforderliche flexible Arbeitszeitmodelle, optimierte Produktreihenfolgen sowie operative Taktzeitvariationen. Sollen mehrere Fließstraßen mit differenzierten Produktionsparametern gekoppelt werden, steigt der Anspruch noch einmal erheblich. Bei der Konzipierung und Erprobung geeigneter Organisationsmodelle auf Basis diverser Produktionsszenarien kann auf den Einsatz der Simulationstechnik nicht verzichtet werden.