11 resultados para tin organometallics
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The tin alloys of tellurium are extremely hard and have very great tensile strength. It was thought that the reduction of the rate of grain growth of tin with the addition of tellurium accompanied this hardening and strengthening and such way found to be true.
Powder metallurgy, the most recent innovation in metallurgical process, is not a new art; although not until recently did it become a matter of general interest, this being due not only to the products formed but also to the possibilities of future developments. The manufacture and application of metal powders is now beginning to take a position as a recognized part of the science of metallurgy.
This thesis is concerned primarily with the production of metal powder compacts of iron and tin. In producing these compacts, the effects of processing variables on some of the essential properties of the pellets made were investigated.
The art of Powder Metallurgy deals with the preparation of metal powders and their utilization. As a more pertinent definition, the following has been suggested: "Powder Metallurgy is the art of producing metal powders and shaped objects from individual, mixed, or alloyed metal powders, with or without the inclusion of non-metallic constituents".
The purpose of this study was to determine the relative rate of corrosion of iron-tin alloys containing low percentages of tin. Since in the world today, a great deal of work is being done to develop large tin deposits and new methods devised to treat these ores, it is possible that the metal will become abundant and will obtain a more important position in the metal industry.
In 1947, out of the 100,000 long tons of tin consumed in the United States, 25,000 tons went into solder. Tin plate took 39,000 tons while babbit, bronze and collapsible tubes accounted for approximately 17,000 tons. Solder ranked second to tin plate and required more than the next three major uses combined.
In this investigation, attention is directed to the phases covered by a 28 per cent tin alloy. When the investigation was started, consideration was given to the possibility of making a Time - Temperature - Transformation curve for this particular alloy. As the work progressed and further research was carried on, this phase of the work was abandoned.
The purpose of this paper is to furnish a qualitative method of comparing the degree of wetting of various solders upon different plate metals when several fluxes are used.
In metallurgical practice today some of the relatively rare metal Indium is recovered as a by-product from the ores of other metals. Indium is a soft, silvery—white metal belonging to the third group of the periodic classification. It is situated just above tin in the electrochemical series.
Solders are not new alloys, since they were known in late Roman times when they were mentioned by Pliny. These solders differed very little from our modern ones. Tertiarium, consisting of one part of tin to two parts of lead, is known today as plumbers solder; and argentarium, consisting of equal parts of lend and tin, is still extensively used for many purposes.
Powder metallurgy is a branch of metallurgy which produces metallic compacts in their final forms by means of pressure and heat-treatment from the powders. The products of powder metallurgy are being used in our daily lives quite often. For example, the tungsten wires in the electric bulbs to the silver-tin fillings of our teeth.