11 resultados para Feet

em Digital Commons - Montana Tech


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The area studied consists of a large body of aplite situated 12 miles south of Butte. It extends eastward almost to the Butte-Pipestone road, southward to Lime Kiln Hill and westward a distance of 3000 feet. The petrographic work was supplemented by a map of the area. Special attention was given to those frequent "Limonite Specks" found in the aplite.


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This report deals with a bentonite deposit recently developed, approximately seven miles northeast of Warm Springs, Montana. A group of claims have been staked on the deposit and are owned by the Lincoln Mining Company of Anaconda, Montana. The company also has several claims prospected for silver one mile from its present site of operations, but the silver prospects have failed to produce. The bentonite deposit was discovered incidentally during the course of other development work, and at present two adits have been driven into the side of a mountain, each crosscutting a vein-like mass of bentonite varying from two to three feet in width.


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The Butte-Highland mine is situated at the head of Basin Creek, in the Highland mining district, Silver Bow County, about 14 miles south of Butte. The tunnel portal and present surface plant are at an elevation of about 7350 feet above sea level, facing westward across the head of Basin Creek valley. The "ghost" mining town of Highland lies a mile to the east, near the forks of Fish Creek. Access to the mine is obtained at present from Beaudine's siding, 12 miles west. The property may also be reached, with difficulty, over poor roads from Limekiln hill, or from Moose Creek.


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Coal is an aggregation of vegetal matter with varying small amounts of mineral and animal matter which have been so changed by the processes of sedimentation, decay and metamorphism that it has become a dense, dark, combustible substance. It occurs in beds varying in thickness from one foot or less to over 300 feet. The horizontal extent of a bed is sometimes continuous over an area as large as the State of Montana.


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In the field, samples were taken vertically and horizon­tally along the various outcrops in different sections of central and south-central Montana. At important localities the samples were taken about every half-foot verti­cally; in other sections they were taken every few feet.


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In many deposits of silver ores the grade of the ore de­creases considerably a few hundred feet below the surface. It is believed that in many cases the better ores owe their richness in part to the process of sulphide enrichment. It is recognized, however, that many rich silver ores are hypogene deposits that have been affected very little, if any, by processes of enrichment.


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A conspicuous two hundred and fifty foot sandstone of central Montana, known as the Eagle Formation, constitutes part of the some five thousand feet of Cretaceous sediments in the state. It stands out in steep cliffs which stretch for many miles in the outcrop area from Wyoming to Canada.


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Karst Kamp, a southwestern Montana recreation re­sort, is 32 road miles south of Bozeman on the east bank of the Gallatin River in a narrow V-shaped valley flanked on the west by the rugged Madison mountain range and on the east by the equally rough Gallatin range. The asbestos deposit itself lies approximate­ly one-half mile northwest of the ranch on a heavily timbered "Al­pine-like" slope nearly 1200 feet above the floor of the valley.


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The Salt Chuck, Rush and Brown, and adjacent mines and claims form an area of approximately 15 square miles near the head of Kasaan Bay about 10 miles northwest of the village of Kasaan on Prince of Wales Island in southeastern Alaska. It is an area of moderate relief in which the hills rise from the water’s edge to heights of some 500 feet. Most of the area is covered with dense vegetation and muskeg.


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The use of foraminifera in the determination of geologic age, and in the correlation of strata, is one of the most important techniques in oil field stratigraphic studies. The petroleum industry in many regions relies on these microscopic life forms to determine the positions of oil-bearing horizons and to determine the tops of beds. In northern Montana the Colorado group of strata, a series of about 2,000 feet of dense, dark similar shales, is known to contain foraminifers.


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The Bonanza mine of the Emery mining district in Powell County is on the largest veins in the area, and is developed to a depth of 680 feet by an incline shaft following the dip of the structure. Sulfide ores carrying gold and silver values are mined throughout the area which is easily accessible by road from Deerlodge, Montana, ten miles west of the district.