654 resultados para Zeyheria Montana
Abstract to be posted.
In January, 2010, the Petroleum Engineering department at Montana Tech moved into a new building, the Natural Resources Building, to start a new chapter in the history of the program on campus. Occupying a new building is a positive event, and it coincides with a surge of student enrollment which is prompted by industry needs and world energy demand. This time of new facilities and growing student numbers leads to the question of what the future has in store for the department. It also leads to reflection about where the department has been in the past. This history is a record and a story of that past.
Abstract to be posted.
A Montana Public Radio Commentary by Evan Barrett. Published newspaper columns written by Evan Barrett on this topic, which vary somewhat in content from this commentary, appeared in the following publications: Montana Standard, January 21, 2015 Missoulian, January 23, 2015 Independent Record, January 23, 2015 Billings Gazette, January 26, 2015
Oscillating electroosmotic flows in microchannels can be used as a separating mechanism for biological species. This MEMS related work specifically studies the separation of different sized DNA on the microscale as a pre-cursor to lab on a chip systems. In addition to this research, Dr. Thomas will present programs and activities that enable Native American students to obtain their STEM degrees. This involves working with middle school through graduate students at the 4 year institutions, Tribal colleges, and K-12 schools in Montana.
A Montana Public Radio Commentary by Evan Barrett. Published newspaper columns written by Evan Barrett on this topic, which vary somewhat in content from this commentary, appeared in the following publications: Montana Standard, June 2, 2015 Ravalli Republic, June 4, 2015 Missoulian, June 5, 2015 Montana Public Radio, June 8, 2015
The Upper Jefferson River is one of the most dewatered rivers in Montana. The river exists in an intermontane basin filled with sediment transported from the Highland Mountains to the west, the Tobacco Root Mountains to the east, and the Jefferson River from the south. The Upper Jefferson River Valley is highly dependent on the Jefferson River as the main industry in the valley is agriculture. A majority of the valley is irrigated and used to grow crops, and a good portion is also used for cattle grazing. The residents of the Upper Jefferson River Valley use the aquifer as the main source of potable water. The Jefferson River is also widely used for recreation. This study took place in the Waterloo area of the Upper Jefferson River Valley, approximately 20 miles south of Whitehall, Montana. The Waterloo area provides significant groundwater base flow to the Jefferson River, which is particularly important during the late irrigation season when the river is severely dewatered, and elevated surface-water temperatures occur, creating irrigation water shortages and poor trout habitat. This area contains two springfed streams, Willow Springs and Parson’s Slough, which discharge to the Jefferson River providing cool water in the late season as well as providing the most important trout spawning habitat in the valley. The area is bordered on both the east and west by irrigation ditches, and about 60% of the study area is irrigated. Tile drains were installed in the study area in close proximity to Parsons Slough causing some concern by neighboring residents. This study evaluated relationships between surface water, groundwater, and irrigation practices so that water managers and others can make informed management decisions about the Upper Jefferson River. Data was collected via a network of groundwater wells and surface-water sites. Additionally, water-quality samples were taken and an aquifer test was conducted to determine aquifer properties. The field data were analyzed and a groundwater budget was created in order to evaluate the aquifer. Results of the groundwater budget show that seepage from the irrigation canals and irrigation recharge have the biggest influence on recharge of the aquifer. There is significant groundwater outflow from the aquifer in the spring-fed streams as well as discharge to the Jefferson River. In comparing previous study results to this study’s results, there is no evidence of the water table decreasing due to irrigation practice changes or tile drain installation. However, given the amount of recharge irrigation practices contribute to the aquifer, if significant changes were made, they may affect groundwater elevations. Also lining the irrigation ditches would have a significant impact on the aquifer, as the amount of seepage would be greatly reduced.
Water samples were collected from 33 domestic wells, 2 springs, and 3 streams in the Shields River Basin (Basin) in southwest Montana. Samples were collected in 2013 to describe the chemical quality of groundwater in the Basin. Sampling was done to assess potential impacts to water quality from recent exploratory oil and gas drilling and to establish baseline water quality conditions. Wells were selected in areas near and away from oil and gas drilling and in areas susceptible to contamination. Water samples from surface water sites were collected in October to characterize base flow conditions. Physical characteristics of the land surface, soils, and shallow aquifers were used to assess groundwater susceptibility to contamination from the land surface. This analysis was completed using GIS. Samples were analyzed for major ions, trace metals, water isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen. A subset (24) of samples were analyzed for tritium and organic constituents (GRO, DRO, BTEX, methane, ethylene, and ethane). One sample exceeded the human health drinking water standard for selenium. Dissolved methane and ethylene gas were detected in six samples at concentrations less than 0.184 milligrams per liter. Three locations were resampled in 2014, and no methane or ethylene was detected. Shallow groundwater and streams are generally calcium- or sodium-bicarbonate type water with total dissolved solids concentration less than 300 milligrams per liter. Some wells produce either sodium-chloride or sodium-sulfate type water suggesting slower flow paths and more rock-water interaction. Tritium concentrations suggest that older water (TU< 0.8), recharged prior to the mid-1950’s, is generally sodium type, whereas younger water (TU > 4) is generally a calcium type. Water-quality data from this study were compared to available historic data in the Basin. Additionally, the USGS Produced Waters Geochemical database was queried for chemical data of produced waters from reservoir rocks throughout Montana and the surrounding states. Comparisons to historic and produced water chemical data suggest no impact to shallow groundwater quality from exploratory oil and gas drilling.
Index for volume 1 (Aug. 1942-Aug. 1945) lists personal names, places, subjects; page and issue numbers.
Index for volume 2 (Aug. 1942-Aug. 1945) lists personal names, places, subjects; page and issue numbers.
The object of this trip and report was to familiarize the students of the Montana State School of Mines with methods of taking and mapping surface and undergound geology. All surface geology was mapped by means of plane table and alidade, and undergound work by means of Brunton compass and taps. The senior class of the Montana State School of MInes under the supervision of Dr. E.S. Perry performed the work, which covered an area in Madison County including South Boulder Creek, near Jefferson Island, the Silver Star Mining District, and the Alameda Mine, near Virginia City.
It is a well-known fact that, in the electrolysis of a CuSO4 solution containing iron sulfate, using insoluble anodes, with the depletion of copper, the point is finally reached where the current efficiency becomes zero. This decrease in current efficiency is due to the oxidation of the ferrous sulfate to the ferric condition at the anode, by the oxygen liberated. The resulting ferric sulfate diffuses over to the cathode and there dissolves copper from the cathode according to the chemical equation Cu + Fe2 (SO4)3 = CuSO4 + 2FeSO4. This copper, which has been deposited at the cathode by the electric current, is thus redissolved by the Fe2(SO4)3. The solution of the copper causes at the same time a formation of FeSO4 which in turn diffuses over to the anode and is there oxidized to Fe2(SO4)3; and so the cycle continues, using electric current without rendering useful work. E. H. Larison has noted that a definite amount of ferric salts must be reduced to the ferrous condition before all the copper will remain on the cathode; he does not state, however, just what this point is. L. Addicks has plotted the relation between current efficiency and ferric sulphate content. The existence of the results scattered the points more or less, although the decrease in current efficiency with increased ferric sulphate content is clearly indicated. E. T.Kern has likewise noted that the smaller the amount of copper in the solution, the greater is the reduction of current efficiency. In this work, therefore, it was desired to determine what amount of ferric iron was permissible in a copper sulfate solution of definite concentration before the current efficiency would drop to zero, and what, if any, was the effect of definite Cu:Fe’’’ratio upon the current efficiency of the electrolysis.
It is known that the electrical resistance of annealed metals is usually smaller than that of metals in their cold worked state. The curve showing the relation between electrical resistance and annealing temperature reaches a minimum; continued annealing at higher temperature produces an increase in the electrical resistance. In the case of alloys it has been noted that a second decrease occurs at higher annealing temperature. The following work corroborates the observance of previous investigations. The electrical resistance of cold worked copper, gold, nickel, and iron decreased with annealing and then increased, the minimum being around 300° C. or 400° C. Monel metal showed a minimum resistance followed by an increase which in turn was followed by a second decrease.
Moe's scale of hardness as used in mineralogy is admittedly rather indefinite, and no exact hardnesses are measured. The Rockwell, Brinell, and Scaleroscope machines give quite definite results which may be easily reproduced at any time. The purpose of this investigation is to determine whether any definite relation exists between Moe's hardness and the hardness as measured by those machines commonly used for the determination of hardness of metals. If such a relation were found it would provide a more definite and accurate measure of the hardness of minerals.
This paper presents some experimental data on the size and position of pipes steel ingots as exemp1ified by casting wax under various conditions and noting the size and location of the pipes formed. The results tend to show that the length of the pipe is decreased by: 1. Slow casting 2. By casting large end up instead of down 3. By retarding the cooling of the top