372 resultados para Montana Scool of Mines
In this issue...World War I, book drive, Pete Gross, Columbia Gardens, Marcus Daly, greyhound racing, Governor Donald Nutter, Santa Claus, Sid Brown, Metals Bank
In this issue...Len Waters, Circle K Club, Max Kert, Air Force, Stanley Eugene Bosch, Wesley Club, Engineer's week, toboggan party, Butte Central, Anaconda High School
in this issue...Sweetheart Swirl Dance, R J Trio, Air Force Base, Civil Rights, Bill Barry's Boxing Club, International Club, Donald E. Mahagin, Main Hall
In this issue...Newman Club, Conoco, Petroleum Engineering, Marriage Lectures, Magma, Manuel Galup, Butte Mines, Glen Welch, Mountain View Church
In this issue...Mineral Club, Barite, Engineer Exam, Montana State Highway Commission, Career Day, lung cancer, Selective Service, Civil War, Brown's Gulch
In this issue...Coed Club, Coach Simonich, Georgetown Lake, Saint Patrick's Day, thermoelectricity, Peace Corps, Anaconda, Montana, Dan Rovig
In this issue...National Audubon Society, Newman Club, Mineral Club, Paul Harvey, Glee Club, Marcus Daly, American Legion, Montana Standard, National Science Foundation
In this issue...Leonard Field, Copper Guards, M-Days, Geology Field Trip, Columbia Riding Club, U.S. Army, International Club, Bob Johnson, Carroll College
In this issue...Paul Harvey, Student Wives Club, Magma, Anaconda, Dick Crnich, John Birch Society, Coed Club, Yellowstone Park, Montana Power, Ed Speelman
In this issue...Camera Club, Magma, Hauser Lake, Newman Club, Montana Central Railway, Cal Strobel, blood donations, Peace Corps, Paul Harvey, Pan American Oil Company
To better acquaint seniors in Geology and mining with actual field practice, the Montana School of Mines offer a course in Geologic Field Mapping, during the three weeks preceding the opening of the fall semester. The first two weeks are spent in actual field mapping of the geologic formations near Whitehall, Montana, while the third week is spent back on the campus compiling data and finishing maps started in the field.
In this issue...Copper Guard, Homecoming, Sigma Rho, Mountain View Methodist Church, Faculty Wives, Phil Judd, Glee Club, Mineral Club, Great Northern Railway
In this issue...United Nations meeting, Newman Club, Sylvia White, Veteran's Day, Glee Club, Montana Power Company, Harvest Festival Dance, Joe Knuckey's Melody Makers
In this issue...Thanksgiving, Fallout Shelters, Petroleum Engineering, Alumni News, Columbia Riding Club, Debate Team, The March of Dimes, National College Queen
In this issue...Anaconda Railroad, Professor Stout, International Club, Hord's Jewelry, KXLF Television station, Coed Club, cyclone fence, Ray Kotow