290 resultados para materials science and engineering


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Thermal analysis VIPS used to construct cooling and heating curves from which the phase diagram was determined. The data for the entire set of cooling curves were obtained by the use of mercury thermo­meters.


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Three cycles of erosion have modified the Boulder batholith. The earliest cycle produced a peneplaination that has been largely obliterated by a partially completed intermediate cycle, and the recent cycle now in progress.


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The separation of the valuable portion from the waste portion of an ore is an individual problem for every ore. However, the various methods for accomplishing this end, more or less classify themselves by the physical properties of the constituents of the ore. Most of the properties of minerals have been utilized in some way or other to affect the separation of the valuable from the invaluable parts. Practically nothing has been done so far with color and luster to attain this purpose. It is believed that the photo—electric cell could also be used in concentrating a certain class of ores which are not well suited to other methods.


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The area studied consists of a large body of aplite situated 12 miles south of Butte. It extends eastward almost to the Butte-Pipestone road, southward to Lime Kiln Hill and westward a distance of 3000 feet. The petrographic work was supplemented by a map of the area. Special attention was given to those frequent "Limonite Specks" found in the aplite.


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The purpose or this investigation is primarily to determine the best conditions for plating chromium on aluminum. The work was carried out with the hope of obtaining coherent deposits, and of determin­ing the conditions under which such deposits may be duplicated.


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In the deposition of metallic zinc by electro­lysis from neutral or acid solution, little difficulty is experienced provided certain impurities are absent from the electrolyte. The use of the process has long been considered as a potential source, patents on the process having been issued as early as 1880. However, the early experimenters failed to realize the importance of impurities in the electrolyte, and for this reason, the process suffered several severe setbacks when commercial plants were built.


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In order to determine the best annealing temperature at which to age-harden the alloys, hardness tests on speci­men annealed for different lengths of time at different temperatures were made.


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In the treatment of copper ores by hydro-electro-metallurgical methods, not only is copper deposited, but other metals are also dissolved. In practice it has been found* that iron, under certain conditions, causes the copper to deposit on the cathode as a nonadherent precipitate and also that the iron in solution causes a great decrease in current efficiency, es­pecially when the electrolysis is conducted by operating with a higher current density at the cathode than at the anode. The present investigation deals with the effects of the two valences of iron on the current efficiency and endeavors to determine whether or not there is a ratio of the two at which point the efficiency becomes zero or approaches it.


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A supply of so-called "copper pitch" ore was received by the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology in response to a request by them from a resident of Kalispell, who had previously sent a specimen to the Bureau for a mineralogical analysis. Since this material was little known and had apparently received but little study under a reflec­ting microscope, it was thought that such a study might throw some light on the mineralogical and chemical composition of the material.


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There are many elements which are detrimental to the current efficiency in the electrolysis of zinc sulphate solution. Fortunately the majority of these elements are easily removed in the purification process and cause no further trouble. The elements that are likely to cause trouble in ordinary plant operations are antimony, arsenic, cobalt, nickel, manganese and germanium. The following tests were made to determine the mutual effect on the current efficiency when several of the impurities were present in the electrolyte.


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Electrolytic iron as deposited is brittle and therefore must be annealed. After annealing, the material is ductile and closely resembles copper in its behavior under work. It is claimed to be more resistant to corrosion than dead soft iron. It also has the advantage of corroding uniformly ( or­dinary soft iron develops pin holes which shorten its life considerably). The extreme purity of electrolytic iron namely makes it very suitable as a base metal for alloys. Its ductility opens up a field for use in the manufacture of cold rolled strip, seamless tubes, and wire.


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As the method or analysis used up to the present time has failed to give quantitative results in determining the composition of zinc cyanide baths, conductometric methods were adopted in this study. Supplementary tests were also carried out in this investigation.


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An interesting group of calcite veins occur near Livingston Montana in a zone about eight miles wide and forty miles long in the edge of the Plains region of Montana in front of the Main ranges. The zone extends from the Boulder River south of Big Timber, through Springdale and Hunters Hot Springs, to Potter's Basin just north of Wilsall in Park County. The group of veins is particularly interesting because they cut relatively flat lying strata, suggest a structural relation­ship to one another, and they are nearly pure calcite. The present investigation was to determine the position of the calcite veins by plotting them on a base map of the district. In addition, it was planned to determine the mineralogy end origin of the veins and their structural and stratigraphical relationship to the rocks of the Livingston formation which they cut.


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The rhyolite rocks in the vicinity of Big Butte present a very interesting, though complicated study. It seems that no extensive or conclusive work has ever been done upon these extrusives. I have found that the rhyolites present a very interesting problem, especially microscopically, and that no doubt an intensive study along these lines will solve the problems concerning age relations of different flows and origin of the magma that produced the material for emanations.


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The history of mining in Butte is woven about three of our principal metals. The gold placers first attracted the attention of miners in 1863, and reached their peak production in 1867. Silver was the second metal mined, and this operation required the erection of large mills with a consequent increase in mining activity that made the district a prominent producer. Although the presence of copper in the silver ore had been known, the credit for the first development of the copper veins is due Senator W. A. Clark. The original Colusa, Mining Chief, and Gambetta claims were developed to 1872. The ore was freighted by wagon trains 400 miles to Corrine, Utah, thence by rail eastward, some of it going to Swansea, Wales. The cooper production of the "richest hill on earth" has mounted to ten billion pounds.