287 resultados para Geophysics.


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Several methods have been investigated, with some success, for treating scrap brass to recover copper and zinc, either as pure metals or as salts of the metals. One of the more promising of these methods is electrolysis in sulfate solution for the recovery of pure copper and zinc.


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From 1888 until 1893 the district was a booming mining camp. Seven stamp mills were running and ore was be­ing mined from the Independence, King Solomon, Poorman, Golden, Hidden Treasure and Crown claims. The town of Independence, which was on the Boulder River at the fork of Basin Creek, boasted a population of 400 people.


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Solders are not new alloys, since they were known in late Roman times when they were mentioned by Pliny. These solders differed very little from our modern ones. Tertiarium, consisting of one part of tin to two parts of lead, is known today as plumbers solder; and argentarium, consisting of equal parts of lend and tin, is still extensively used for many purposes.


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This report includes the results of geological investigation of the Clinton Mining District and the Hidden Treasure Mine.The Clinton Mining District is an unorganized mining dis­trict situated in the Garnet Range two and one-half miles northeast of the town of Clinton, Montana, which is on the Northern Pacific Railway and the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad seventeen miles east of the city of Missoula. The district is in the same range of mountains as the Gar­net Mining District and the drainage from the district covered is to the south into the Hell Gate or Clarks Fork of the Colum­bia River. The main stream is known as Trail creek, which runs in a southerly direction from the area studied.


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At the present time the principal uses for tungsten lie in the manufacture of ferro-alloys and tungsten steels. Due to it’s hardening and strengthening characteristics it holds an important position among steel hardening metals. The great rush for it’s production during the World War years clearly points to it’s importance in the manufacture of armament.


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An examination of the Ermont Mine was requested by the owners, Messrs. J. R. Bowles and R. B. Caswell, to determine the amount and grade of ore developed, the advisability of constructing a mill at the present time, and to recommend future development work.


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The measurement of current efficiency by hydrogen evolution is based on the assumption that the portion of the current which deposits no zinc will release hydrogen. This assumption is correct for solutions containing no impurities electropositive to zinc.


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Probably most of the area included in this report has been ex­amined to some extent by oil geologists, and most, if not all, of the important domes have been discovered and surveyed thoroughly. In parts of the area, the bedrock is covered by glacial drift or alluvium materi­al, but it is reasonable to believe that no new domal structure will be found. This means that surface examination alone will be insufficient in locating new oil fields, so future prospecting will be dependent, to a great extent, on studies of sub-surface stratigraphy.


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Magnesium is one of the most active elements and forms oxides, nitrides, and carbides, but not hydrides. Due to its activity, low melting point, low strength when unalloyed, and the difficulty with which it is worked, magnesium has not been and is not at present well developed.


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The assaying of gold and silver cyanide solutions is by no means new. The first method of analysis which is given in the literature is an evaporation method by S. B. Christy in 1896. However, the fire assaying of gold and silver dates further back than this. There is a method of fire assaying for gold and silver given in literature as early as 1556 in Georgius, Agricola’s De Re Metallica book.


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Mercury has been known since ancient times. In fact, one mine, the "Almaden" in Spain, has been worked continuously since Roman times. It has been used during all this time for the recovery of free gold from gold concentrates, and from black sand and galena in concentrates from placer work.


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Considerable work has been done investigating the freezing point curves of fused salts, but little has been written describing the appearance of their eutectic structures when observed under the microscope.


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The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the age-hardening of aluminum with magnesium and zinc in such proportions as to conform to the compound MgZn2. Because of a lack of time and proper equipment, the only property investigated was the hardness as indicated by the Rockwell Superficial Hardness Tester.


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The purpose of this paper is to identify and describe the fauna, correlate it with that of the Upper Devonian of other states, to note the geographic distribution, lithologic variations of outcrops, and to compare measured cross sections.


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The Purpose of this thesis was to investigate the possibility of concentrating scheelite from Wilfley table gold concentrates from the mill of the Jardine Mining Company; and to determine whether such concentration is economically feasible and the product of sufficiently high grade to meet commercial specifications for such a product.