83 resultados para Astronautics in geology.
The problem of separating the copper sulfide minerals from sphalerite, in copper - zinc ores, has been a difficult one. This is largely due to the lack of adequate research and the small amount of data obtainable on the behavior of copper and zinc sulfide minerals in flotation circuits.
The area to be surveyed was divided up into sections add each crew of three or four members was assigned one of these sections. The first two days were spent in studying and mapping the geologic section in the South Boulder Canyon where we obtained practice in alidade surveying, brunton, pacing, and auto traverse.
The Ruby Gulch Mine, owned and operated by the Ruby Gulch Mining Company, Zortman, Montana, is one of the most important low-grade gold producers in the state. Situated in the Little Rocky Mountains, the mine has had an interesting history since its discovery shortly before the turn of the century.
This investigation is concerned with the age-hardening process as exemplified by the aging of a commercial Cu-Be alloy and, in particular, with this process as determined by X-ray methods. The amount of information available on age-hardening of commercial alloys is scanty and what information there is, is inaccurate.
The province of British Columbia, with an area of 359,279 square miles, includes a large part of the Canadian Cordillera that is the western mountains of Canada. It is the leading province of Canada in the production of lead, zinc, and silver, and third among the provinces in the output of gold, copper, and coal.
When aluminum is allowed to stand in air or is heated in air, a thin oxide film is produced on the metal. If aluminum is made the anode in a suitable electrolyte and a current applied, a coating is obtained which is similar to that produced in air, but may be effected much quicker. This film is thicker, harder, more resistant to corrosion and abrasion, and more adhesive than the natural oxide. The film is porous and makes an excellent adsorptive for dyes and pigments.
The accelerated post-war demand for petroleum products with resultant high prices and dwindling reserves has spurred producers to an extensive search for new fields and for additional production in known fields. Exploration and discovery is dependent on the collection and correlation of vast amounts of data both in the field and that found in literature.
The Williston basin has been producing oil and gas since the 1950s, but production has increased recently due to use of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling technologies to extract oil and gas from the Bakken and Three Forks Formations. As concern about effects of energy production on surface-water and groundwater quality increases, the characterization of current water-quality conditions is highly important to the scientific community, resource managers, industry, and general public.
The geosciences are often characterized as a visuospatial field - that is, one in which success depends upon the ability to mentally manipulate, rotate, project, and bend objects. To what extent is the assumption of strong spatial visualization skills among geoscientists correct? This talk will discuss two studies that investigated geoscience expert and novice spatial visualization, both in laboratory experiments and in a novel field study.
The field work was conducted in areas adjacent to Whitehall, Montana, as has been the custom for the past several years. Instruction in the proper use of the telescopic and open sight alidades, and the Brunton compass for surveying geologic features was given. Advantages of pacing and speedometer mapping were pointed out and used.
Alberta, responsible for ninety per cent of Canada's output, had, by 1947 entered into her fifth year of production decline. Only ten per cent of Canada's oil requirements were secured from home fields. Ninety per cent had to be imported, mainly from the United States. How long could imports be maintained on present levels? During the year, the United States had started rationing; in one sector of its domain. Would this become general? If so, what was the answer for Canada?
In 1915 the United States Geological Survey published a folio by Calkins and Emmons on the geology of the Philipsburg Quadrangle, which adjoins the area now under study to the west. Geology of this portion of Montana had not been mapped previously; consequently the purpose of this thesis is to make a geological reconnaissance of the stratigraphy and structure of the area.
A vast amount of information has been published by many workers on particular features of the geology of the state of Montana, as well as on local geology of many smaller divisions. However, a satisfactory summary of the geology in general, which would include all phases of geology as they apply to the greater area of the entire state, has not been published.
The object of casehardening is to produce articles of steel having a tough or ductile interior and a hard surface. Quenching produces a surface somewhat harder than the interior, but in order to obtain a high surface hardness, the percentage of alloying elements in the steel must be raised to such an extent that the core or central portion becomes hard and brittle also.
The term diffusion means an equalization or homogenization of diverse materials. Specifically applied to metals, diffusion is the interchange of atoms. It is, in effect, an invasion of one crystal lattice by the atoms of one or more other crystal lattices. Therefore, the study of diffusion must involve the geometry and physics of crystal lattices as well as their energies.