98 resultados para Nursing homes and assisted living facilities and reports


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As yet the knowledge of Ordovician and Devonian physiography in this vast northwest region remains almost a complete secret. Very little, in any, work has been done along this line with the exception of those areas where the various formations outcrop.


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The problem considered in this report is one of the mineralogy and mode of formation of the extremely pure, large bodies of vermiculite. Mineralogically the ultrabasic intrusive, with which the economic mineral is associated, presents an array of rather unusual minerals. The determination of these minerals, their associations, and the sequence of alteration that lead to the formation of the vermiculite bodies, constitutes the problem.


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The purpose of this paper is to introduce to the reader, an iron deposit in the Princeton district, about 19 miles northeast by highway from Philipsburg, Montana. Heretofore there has been no written literature on this deposit. It is also intended to investigate the economic possibilities of iron ore in general in the State of Montana.


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Elutriation, as a means of sorting mineral particles, has received marked attention during the last fifteen years. Its use in the ceramics industry for the sorting of clays was recognized even before this.


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Powder metallurgy, the most recent innovation in met­allurgical process, is not a new art; although not until recently did it become a matter of general interest, this being due not only to the products formed but also to the possibilities of future developments. The manufacture and application of metal powders is now beginning to take a position as a recognized part of the science of metallurgy.


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Since 1880, when Wolcott Gibbs made the suggestion that mercury could be used as a cathode in gravimetric electroanalysis, many articles have appeared in literature either criticizing the method or citing successful results which have been obtained by it.


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The Red Lodge and Silver Star chromite deposits of Montana have stimulated much interest during periods of war. The Red Lodge deposit is 25 miles southwest of Red Lodge which is also the nearest railroad point. Several workings are scattered throughout the area, exposing lense-like ore bodies averaging 33% chrome oxide. Silver Star is a much smaller deposit 5 miles west of Silver Star, Montana, which is its nearest rail­road point. Lenses of chromite are exposed by pits and trench­es, which average approximately 36% chromic oxide.


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The purpose of this thesis was to investigate and attempt to concentrate low grade cyanided tailings rejected from the old Montana Mining and milling Company's mill situated 4 miles below the town of Marysville, Montana.


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In studying the Cut Bank field and its numerous wells, it is found that dry holes are surrounded by producing wells, and also that the field as a whole is very irregular; water, oil, and gas zones in many cases following no definite pattern. In some instances, this phenomenon may be due to the lensing and thinning of the producing sands, but it is evident that this is not the only factor. There­fore, the controlling factors must be porosity and permeability.


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The purpose of this investigation was to attempt to find some means of increasing the effective porosity and permeabil­ity of the producing sands of the Cut Bank Oil Field, with the hope that thereby the ultimate recovery of petroleum from this field may be increased. Although the percentage increase in production thus effected would undoubtedly be small, it would represent a substantial volume of petroleum in view of the great quantity of oil and gas present in this field.


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Recent demands for petroleum to carry on the war effort have resulted in widespread prospecting in the northern Great Plains. Nearly all oil wells now drilled are of a depth to penetrate the marine Jurassic formations. It is known that these strata differ in thickness from place to place, but information of distribution, thickness, and lithology has not yet been compiled.


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This thesis is concerned primarily with the production of metal powder compacts of iron and tin. In producing these compacts, the effects of process­ing variables on some of the essential properties of the pellets made were investigated.


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Although powder metallurgical methods have been used for years to fabricate tungsten and platinum, very little scientific data have been recorded until the beginning of this century. A large percentage of all commercial production at present is based upon past practice rather than upon scientific knowledge.


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The original objective of this project was to determine the effect of varying current intensity and electrode coating composition upon the spatter losses and porosity of arc welds made by alternating current. This subject was suggested by the Welding Research Council of the Engineering Foundation, which is a clearing house for welding research in order to avoid du­plication of work.


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The purpose of this thesis is to elucidate this phenomena of frother incompatibility, and to offer an explanation based upon several divergent lines of investigation. The research was limited to four common frothing agents, namely, pine oil, n-amyl alcohol, sodium oleate, and sodium lauryl sulphate (Dreft).