649 resultados para Anonna montana
Magnesium and magnesium alloys are becoming more and more important in modern industry. Their use in the aviation industry has been greatly curtailed because of their comparatively poor resistance to corrosion especially in moist atmospheres. Many methods have been adopted to improve their resistance to corrosion.
In studying the Cut Bank field and its numerous wells, it is found that dry holes are surrounded by producing wells, and also that the field as a whole is very irregular; water, oil, and gas zones in many cases following no definite pattern. In some instances, this phenomenon may be due to the lensing and thinning of the producing sands, but it is evident that this is not the only factor. Therefore, the controlling factors must be porosity and permeability.
Many attempts have been made to improve iron and steel and their alloys by the addition of boron. The results obtained were not encouraging for the reason that the amount of boron used, generally from 0.2 to 2.0 per cent is altogether too high. This percentage of boron renders the product hard and brittle and of late the experiments with boron in this connection have been practically abandoned.
The purpose of this investigation was to attempt to find some means of increasing the effective porosity and permeability of the producing sands of the Cut Bank Oil Field, with the hope that thereby the ultimate recovery of petroleum from this field may be increased. Although the percentage increase in production thus effected would undoubtedly be small, it would represent a substantial volume of petroleum in view of the great quantity of oil and gas present in this field.
The enormous number of previous experiments and researches for the improvement of the commercial chromic acid bath, did not succeed even in the partial elimination of any one of the disadvantages of chromic acid bath. This led the author to believe that the poor performance is an inherent quality of the chromic acid bath, and is due to the fact that the deposition occurs from the higher state of oxidation.
Plating of various objects with mirror-like surfaces of chromium, nickel, and other metals has expanded considerably during the past decade, and now ranks as an important enterprise, particularly with respect to the automotive industry.
In this issue...John Stansfield, geologist, Mines Debate team, Pi Kappa Delta, Mines Orchestra, Chancellor Brannon, Clark Park, Butte, Montana, Hotel Finlen
In this issue...Glee Club, Carroll College, Ore Diggers, Dancing Club, Thanksgiving, Co-Ed Club, Butte, Bozeman, Montana
In this issue...Mines Basketball, Professor Scott, Glee Club, Wein's, Hotel Finlen, Anderson Carlisle meeting, Metallurgy Laboratory, Oratorical Contest
In this issue...School of Mines Year Book, Junior Promenade, Clark Park, Archie McPhail, Anderson Carlisle Banquet, Butte, Montana, East Butte Copper Mining Company
In this issue...General Electric Company, Butte, Montana, Belmont Mine, Mountain Con Mine, Mines Debate Team," M" Annual, Montana Power Company
In this issue...Silver Crisis, Thanksgiving, Christmas, fraternity, Coach McAuliffe, Butte Electric Railway, North Butte Mining Company, Clark Park
In this issue...Executive Committee Elections, Dancing Club, Maiden Rock Surveying Field Trip, Mines Mixer, Badger Mine, geology, Butte, Montana
In this issue...Mrs. Horace Vaughn Winchell, Anaconda Copper Mining Company, United Engineering Societies library, Geological Engineering, Columbia Gardens
In this issue...Butte Chamber of Commerce, Chess Tournament, Mines League Baseball, Sigma Rho, Handball Tournament, Silver Bow Refining Company