372 resultados para Montana Scool of Mines


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The purpose of this experimental work was to determine with the utilization of a laboratory sized induction furnace a method whereby a high-iron Montana chromite concentrate could be successfully smelted to yield a product suitable for the subsequent production of standard ferrochrome.


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In 1939 the total world production of crude chromite was approximately 1,167,000 metric tons; of which the United States produced only 3,672 metric tons and imported over 317,500 metric tons. Imports came mostly from the Philippine Islands, Cuba, South Africa, and Rhodesia.


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During the course of this investigation of the ores of the Big Seven mine, Neihart, Montana, the writer has attempted, through a mi­croscopic study of polished sections, to ascertain the hypogene or supergene character of the ore minerals present in the ore suite.


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The purpose of this thesis was to investigate and attempt to concentrate low grade cyanided tailings rejected from the old Montana Mining and milling Company's mill situated 4 miles below the town of Marysville, Montana.


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At the present time ore bodies being mined are becoming more and more complex in mineral association, thus presenting a more difficult problem in their concentration. Lead-zinc sulphide ores are among the more common ores which present such difficulties.


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The purpose of this project is to take preliminary steps towards the development of a QUAL2Kw model for Silver Bow Creek, MT. These preliminary steps include initial research and familiarization with QUAL2Kw, use of ArcGIS to fill in geospatial data gaps, and integration of QUAL2Kw and ArcGIS. The integration involves improvement of the QUAL2Kw model output through adding functionality to the model itself, and development of a QUAL2Kw specific tool in ArcGIS. These improvements are designed to help expedite and simplify the viewing of QUAL2Kw output data spatially in ArcGIS as opposed to graphically within QUAL2Kw. These improvements will allow users to quickly and easily view the many output parameters of each model run geographically within ArcGIS. This will make locating potential problem areas or “hot spots” much quicker and easier than interpreting the QUAL2Kw output data from a graph alone. The added functionality of QUAL2KW was achieved through the development of an excel Macro, and the tool in ArcGIS was developed using python scripting and the model builder feature in ArcGIS.


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The Pennsylvanian Tensleep Sandstone is an eolian and nearshore marine/sabka quartz arenite unit with prominent outcrops along the western Pryor/Bighorn Mountain front east of Red Lodge, MT. Regionally, the formation represents one of the largest ergs in the global geologic record. High permeability makes it an important oil and gas reservoir and aquifer in south central Montana and throughout much of Wyoming. The Tensleep Sandstone’s high percentage of quartz content and grain roundness, due to its eolian origin, makes it a prospective source for natural proppant sand. Three continuous 4-inch cores were obtained during a cooperative project between Montana Tech and industry partners. Using stratigraphic sections, cores, thin sections, and x-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis, the usefulness and economic feasibility of the Tensleep Sandstone as a minable hydraulic fracture proppant was explored. Usefulness depends on cementation, grain shape, grain size, and depth from surface of the prospective zone. Grain shape and size were determined by thin sections, sieving, and stereomicroscope analysis. Analysis of 20 disaggregated sand samples has shown that as much as 30 percent of the grain sizes fall between 30-50 mesh (medium- to finegrained sand size) and about 45 percent of the grain sizes fall between 70–140 mesh (very fine-grained sand to coarse silt), grain sizes appropriate for some hydraulic fracture operations. Core descriptions and XRF data display the distribution of lithology and cementation. Core descriptions and XRF data display the distribution of lithology and cementation. Elemental (XRF) analyses help to delineate more pure quartz sands from those with grain fractions reflecting fine-grained clastic and evaporitic inputs. The core and nearby stratigraphic sections are used to quantify the amount of overburden and the 3 amount of resource in the area. Initial results show favorable crush strength and useable grain size and shape.


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The purpose of this investigation is to record data per­taining to porosity and permeability derived from physical tests performed on Devonian dolomites occurring in northwestern Montana, and to subsequently summarize the results obtained as an aid in determining the possibility of those dolomites being suitable reservoir rocks for oil and gas accumulation.


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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the occurrence and character of the vermiculite deposits approximately four miles northwest of Pony; Madison County, Montana. The deposits are situated in rolling foothills at the northern end of the Tobacco Root Mountains.


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This thesis has to do with a study of the produc­tion of talc in Montana, describing the local geology of each deposit, and a description of the laboratory tests that were made on various grades of Montana talc in an attempt to determine why some grades of talc can be burned in solid forms while others must be ground, mixed with a binder and molded.


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The general features of the sedimentary rocks in a region, their distribution, and the relationships of these rocks to other rocks of the area and of adjacent areas, are some of the things in which most geologists are interested, for reasons of general curiosity or for obtaining a better understanding of their specific prob­lems


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The intensive postwar search for new petroleum horizons has resulted in widespread prospecting in the northern Great Plains. No commercial production has as yet been derived from Ordovician or Devonian rocks in Montana, but the relat­ively few tests that have penetrated to critical depths have disclosed encouraging conditions which merit further consider­ation, especially in Devonian strata.


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A deposit of kyanite, an aluminum silicate mineral used in the ceramic industry, occurs in the low foothills of the Gravelly range about 10 miles south of Ennis, Montana. This study deals primarily with the character and origin of the deposit, and its relationship to the surrounding rocks.


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The Mike Horse mine, in the Huddelston mining district, is fifty-two miles northwest of Helena, Montana. The mine was discovered in 1898 by Joseph Heitmiller. There was only minor production from the date of discovery until 1915; the main drawback being lack of good road.


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This investigation is a preliminary study of the beneficiation of Montana kyanite, and while preliminary in degree the information gained may serve as a guide for the eventual exploitation of this Montana resource.