649 resultados para Anonna montana
In this issue...Butte, Anaconda, Silver Lake, Montana, Wilson Chemical Company, Seattle, Washington, Co-Ed Club, Professor Koenig, First-Year student course
In this issue... "M" Club, Mining District Basketball Tournament, Butte High School, Butte Central High School, Butte, Montana, Bob Nesbitt, Northern Pacific Railway, Co-ed Dance
In this issue...School of Mines Smoker, Handball Tournament, Anaconda Copper Mining Company, Thornton Hotel, President Coolidge, Clark Park, Butte, Montana, Professor Simons
In this issue...Debate Team, Chancellor M. A. Brannon, Hotel Finlen, Butte, Montana, Ore Diggers, Pathe News Pictorial Service, Coach McAuliffe
In this issue...Big Butte, "M" Days, Hotel Finlen, Congo region, Butte Business College, Miles City, Butte, Montana, Dr. Hult, commencement, Oratorical Contest
Presentation by Dr. Stephen Ditchkoff.
Dr. Richard J. Douglass has been conducting small mammal field studies since 1968. For the past 19 years he has been conducting field studies on the ecology of deer mice and hantavirus in Montana, Panama, and Argentina. He has published papers on mammals from rodents to large ungulates. He has been conducting student field trips at Montana Tech since 1983.
Elevated nitrate in groundwater is common is agricultural areas where fertilizer has been added at high rates for decades. Within the Judith River Wastershed, high native soil fertility allowed for dryland wheat production without N fertilization until the 1980s, yet elevated nitrate levels were frequently observed in shallow aquifers. Dr. Stephanie Ewing presents results for soil, groundwater and surface water analyses from a hydrologically isolated strath terrace near Moccasin, MT. In context of this uniquely well constrained field setting, these observed data, along with land use history and a simple mass balance model, revel the long term development and perturbation of native soil fertility with cultivation.
Dr. Charles Peterson, Herpetologist and Professor of Biological Sciences at Idaho State University. Curator of Ichthyology and Herpetology at the Idaho Museum of Natural History.
An overview of geologic constraints on the age and extent of the Great Falls tectonic zone, a northeast-trending set of faults identified in west-central Montana.
Connections between earth science and communities are not clear to many communities. This talk explores the geologic setting, the infrastructural damage, and the impact on communities of recent large earthquakes in Taiwan, Turkey, Haiti and Japan. Decisions made about geologic hazards had a profound impact on human life and the built environment. Ridgway shares how Purdue is building connections between the scientific community and Native American communities—especially by engaging Native American students in research on tribal lands.
Silver Bow Creek runs approximately 25 miles from Butte to Warm Springs, where it joins Warm Springs Creek to form the Clark Fork River. This historic creek was terribly contaminated with mine wastes around the turn of the 20th century, leaving many "slickens" that persisted into the 21st century, when it became a Superfund remediation project. More than 5.5 million cubic yards of stream-deposited mine waste have been removed and 1,650 acres revegetated. Chief contaminants are copper, zinc, and arsenic, but acidic soils are often equally or more limiting to plants. The stream was relocated, and mine wastes were replaced with biologically inert cover soil. Richard A. Prodgers is currently a plant ecologist with Bighorn Environmental Sciences in Dillon, Montana.
Are Feminism and Monotheistic Religions Compatible? Dr. Roberta K. Ray How compatible are the three major monotheistic religions (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism) with feminism and the goal of equal rights for women in Western democracies? A special focus is on how Christian religions have functioned as a barrier to equal rights for women in the United States from Colonial period through the 21st century. Religion and Liberal Democracy: Are They Philosophically Compatible? Dr. John W. Ray American government is based on liberal democratic political theory. Based on an examination of the political philosophies of Locke, Mill, Rousseau, Hegel, Emerson and Rawls, Ray concludes that adherence to a liberal democratic political ideology is fundamentally incompatible with a religious grounding of political reality.
A century after the discovery of superconductivity, the design of new and more useful superconductors remains enigmatic. High-temperature super-conductors offer unique solutions to fundamental grid challenges of the 21st century and hold great promise in addressing global energy challenges in energy production, storage, and distribution. Traditionally guided by serendipity, researchers now endeavor to design new superconductors predictively. Advanced experimental techniques, such as point contact spectroscopy measurements, aid in identifying promising candidates.
Discussion of subduction zones that are associated with volcanic arcs and major chemical exchanges between the Earth's surface and underlying mantle.