372 resultados para Montana Scool of Mines
In this issue...Marcus Daly, Life Insurance, Butte Walk for Mankind, library Building, peace Corps, VISTA, Egg Drop, College Days, Student Council, Mountaineer Club
In this issue...M Club Smoker, Coach Beers, GED Exam, Hawaii, Debate Team, 328 Radio Programming, Young Republicans, Hershey Chocolate Company
In this issue...Peace Corps, National Wildlife Federation, Powder Puff Football, Geological Map, Arnold Olsen, Seventeen Magazine, Frozen Daiquiri
In this issue...Theta Tau, Junior Prom, Larry Harkins, Montana Tech History Club, Big Horn Sheep, Coach Riley, Mineral Engineering, Moon Talk, Golf Team
In this issue...Greenhouse, Bob Dylan, Student Council, M-Day, Speech Scholarship, Honorary Degrees, Chess Tournament, Petroleum Engineers, History Club, SUB
This report includes the results of geological investigation of a small area in the northern part of the Argenta mining district. Approximately two square miles were mapped. The underground working of the three mines only were accessible: the Goldfinch. Golden Era, and Mayday mines.
The purchase and continued operation of the Mike Horse mine in the Heddleston district, by the American Smelting and Refining Company, gives the Blackfoot Valley a renewed promise of a prosperous future in its role as a mining district. In the past, large amounts of placer gold were recovered from the gulches of the area, however, because of the transportation facilities, only the upper portions of a few lodes were exploited by the early miners.
The five counties discussed in this paper compose the northernmost and westernmost counties in Montana. On the eastern boundary are Glacier National Park and the Continental Divide; on the southern boundary are Missoula and Powell counties; Idaho lies on the southwestern and western side; and the Canadian border lies along the northern edge. The region is on the Pacific Ocean side of the Rocky Mountains. Three major rivers, the Clark Fork, the Flathead, and the Kootenai drain this area into the Columbia River.
Potential gold mines lie high among the rugged peaks of the Tobacco Root Mountains of southwestern Montana. This is a region where little geologic work has been done, though extensive mine operations have been carried on, and valuable ore has been shipped.
The Ermont Mines are located sixteen miles northwest of Dillon, Montana, in section 35 of T.6S., R.11W. This is in the central part of Beaverhead County. They are considered to be in the Argenta mining district, the town of Argenta lying three miles to the northeast.
The primary goal of this project was to launch a pilot population study in the spring-fed wetland area southwest of Montana Tech to establish baseline data on density, distribution, abundance, and diversity of amphibians in the area. The current confirmed species at the select site is the Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris). Based on preliminary habitat assessment and existing literature, other species possibilities included the long-toed salamander (Ambrystoma macrodactylum) boreal chorus frog (Pseudacris maculata), the Rocky Mountain tailed frog (Ascaphus montanus), and the leopard frog (Rana pipiens), (Werner et al. 2004) though the latter species is considered unlikely based on the specie’s declining status (Werner 2003; Werner et al. 2004). The project’s secondary goal was to collect basic habitat and environmental data: vegetation, precipitation, temperature. The third goal was to explore correlations between species prevalence and environmental data to expand the scientific understanding of population dynamics in the field of amphibian studies (see: Ferner, 2007; Dodd, 2010).
The area studied consists of a large body of aplite situated 12 miles south of Butte. It extends eastward almost to the Butte-Pipestone road, southward to Lime Kiln Hill and westward a distance of 3000 feet. The petrographic work was supplemented by a map of the area. Special attention was given to those frequent "Limonite Specks" found in the aplite.
The problem herein discussed deals with the pointing planes found in the area of rhyolite located in the northwestern portion of the Butte District. The question to be determined was whether or not the pointing planes in the rhyolites could be classified with the Butte Ore fissure systems.
Research has been undertaken both under Government and private auspices in an endeavor to develop uses for bentonite. Perhaps, the work done to date has had only in consideration the possible industrial importance of bentonite. No simple, quick methods for the determination of the properties or qualities of any particular bentonite have been developed. In an attempt to establish whether or not there is a means of making rapid simple determinations of the quality of Montana bentonitic clays, and in particular, with regard to the uses to which the clays may be suited. The problem also involves a study of Montana bentonite, and a comparison of it with the standard accepted bentonites and fullers earth on the market today.
Conodonts have not been known to exist in Montana prior to the discovery of the specimens discussed and described in this paper. With this fact in mind, the author has endeavored to correlate the species of seven genera found in the Quadrant formation of Montana with similar micro-organisms from other North American areas.