26 resultados para protamine zinc
The ore under investigation in this thesis is a copper-zinc ore which came from the state of New Mexico. The exact location is unobtainable. The purpose of the investigation was to determine the most effective means of concentration of the valuable minerals present in the ore.
Several methods have been investigated, with some success, for treating scrap brass to recover copper and zinc, either as pure metals or as salts of the metals. One of the more promising of these methods is electrolysis in sulfate solution for the recovery of pure copper and zinc.
The measurement of current efficiency by hydrogen evolution is based on the assumption that the portion of the current which deposits no zinc will release hydrogen. This assumption is correct for solutions containing no impurities electropositive to zinc.
Magnesium is one of the most active elements and forms oxides, nitrides, and carbides, but not hydrides. Due to its activity, low melting point, low strength when unalloyed, and the difficulty with which it is worked, magnesium has not been and is not at present well developed.
Very little work has been done towards the recovery of zinc from mine water because the zinc content of the water is generally low. As different from copper, which can very easily be replaced by iron in any of its solutions, zinc is very high up in the electro-chemical series and so the few metals above zinc, most of which are rare and hence expensive, cannot be used to replace zinc from its solution.
The purpose of this investigation was to ascertain if advantage could be taken of the copper in the precipitates as a collecting agent of the precious metals in the direct smelting furnace.The products produced to be low grade anode bullion and a slag low in precious metals, high in zinc and lead.
Magnesium and magnesium alloys are becoming more and more important in modern industry. Their use in the aviation industry has been greatly curtailed because of their comparatively poor resistance to corrosion especially in moist atmospheres. Many methods have been adopted to improve their resistance to corrosion.
A determination of the solubility of zinc ethyl xanthate was attempted by measuring the refractive index of a saturated solution of that salt. The small increment in refractive index effected by adding zinc ethyl xanthate to water in saturation quantities rendered measurements difficult and of dubious accuracy.
The Mike Horse mine, in the Huddelston mining district, is fifty-two miles northwest of Helena, Montana. The mine was discovered in 1898 by Joseph Heitmiller. There was only minor production from the date of discovery until 1915; the main drawback being lack of good road.
Cobalt, as well as copper, cadmium, and other impurities, is removed by selective precipitation with zinc during the zinc electrolyte purification cycle, and the purification residue may be treated by a Cadmium Plant for the recovery of cadmium.
The purpose of this investigation is to determine the effect of the factors listed previously by conducting a series of tests that will indicate the extent to which the purification is influenced by time, temperature, zinc oust size, zinc dust quantity, iron concentration, two stage precipitation, and aeration.