33 resultados para calcitic limestone


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The laboratory model is considered in this thesis. Information gained from this investigation has not been trans­ferred to the larger industrial machines. Some of the factors noted concerning the efficiency of the laboratory shaking table are inherent in this small scale model only.


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The general features of the sedimentary rocks in a region, their distribution, and the relationships of these rocks to other rocks of the area and of adjacent areas, are some of the things in which most geologists are interested, for reasons of general curiosity or for obtaining a better understanding of their specific prob­lems


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The great diversity on mineral wealth in Idaho establishes it as one of the principle mining states in the union. Mining first began in the state with the discovery of placer gold in the Pierce City district in 1861, and since that date has become one of the leading industries of the state.


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This report has been compiled from the data collected during the September, 1947, geologic field trip of the Montana School of Mines. The trip, under the direction of Dr. E. S. Perry, consisted of two weeks of field mapping and observation near Whitehall, Montana, and one week at the Montana School of Mines preparing this report.


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One of the best types of index fossils, and one which occurs most plentifully in the Madison group of formations in Montana, and yet, one which has been little studied, is the group of rugose, or cup, corals. Perhaps this group of fossils has not been studied in detail because their distinguishing characteristics are mainly internal, and labo­ratory preparation in the form of thin section or polished surfaces is necessary to bring out these characteristics.


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A deposit of kyanite, an aluminum silicate mineral used in the ceramic industry, occurs in the low foothills of the Gravelly range about 10 miles south of Ennis, Montana. This study deals primarily with the character and origin of the deposit, and its relationship to the surrounding rocks.


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Pennsylvanian strata in Wyoming and adjacent areas have been the subject of much work and discussion. Most of the work has been due to the economic importance of the system as an oil producer in this region. Oil production from strata of Pennsylvanian age is rather recent history; and therefore, much of the available information is local­ized and incomplete.


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The accelerated post-war demand for petroleum products with resultant high prices and dwindling reserves has spurred producers to an extensive search for new fields and for ad­ditional production in known fields. Exploration and discov­ery is dependent on the collection and correlation of vast amounts of data both in the field and that found in liter­ature.


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At present copper sulfide ores are recovered by pyrometallurgical processes. While the recovery of cop­per from sulfide ores by hydrometallurgical means has long been considered attractive, the impurities, low re­covery and mechanical difficulties have kept this process from becoming commercial.


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Alberta, responsible for ninety per cent of Canada's output, had, by 1947 entered into her fifth year of production decline. Only ten per cent of Canada's oil requirements were secured from home fields. Ninety per cent had to be imported, mainly from the United States. How long could imports be maintained on present levels? During the year, the United States had started rationing; in one sector of its domain. Would this become general? If so, what was the answer for Canada?


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In 1915 the United States Geological Survey published a folio by Calkins and Emmons on the geology of the Philipsburg Quadrangle, which ad­joins the area now under study to the west. Geology of this portion of Montana had not been mapped previously; consequently the purpose of this thesis is to make a geological reconnais­sance of the stratigraphy and structure of the area.


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The Ermont Mines are located sixteen miles northwest of Dillon, Montana, in section 35 of T.6S., R.11W. This is in the central part of Beaverhead County. They are considered to be in the Argenta min­ing district, the town of Argenta lying three miles to the northeast.


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The minerals sillimanite, kyanite, andalusite, dumortierite, and topaz comprise a group of minerals whose high alumina content and physical properties are particularly desirable in the manufacture of refractory products. Sillimanite is the least plentiful of the minerals of this group, and for this reason it is not used extensively at the present time. However, it would be very desirable to the refractory industry if a suitable domestic source of supply could be established.


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The mechanics of intrusion and the processes involved are becoming of more and more interest to con­temporary geologists, because most of our mineral deposits are associated with igneous intrusions, and unknown-outcropping deposits are thought to be a thing of the past. If, by studying these pro­cesses, we could understand why some igneous masses are barren, while others of similar composition carry economic mineral deposits, geological prospecting for hidden mineral concentration would see a new era.


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To better acquaint seniors in Geology and mining with actual field practice, the Montana School of Mines offer a course in Geologic Field Mapping, during the three weeks preceding the opening of the fall semester. The first two weeks are spent in actual field mapping of the geologic formations near Whitehall, Montana, while the third week is spent back on the campus compiling data and finishing maps started in the field.